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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. Standing in Chronomancer Wells now give Healing instead of Alacrity.


    This alone completely destroys the reason for bringing a mesmer to fractals and raids.


    Am I missing something? How useful are Chronomancer's in giving the party Alacrity now for fractals or raids?


    Although I was never against giving other professions access to Alacrity, the Chronomancer's identity was the ability to cast "Haste" on the party.


    Is Chronomancer still the best class to give Alacrity to the entire party?

  2. I remember playing warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2 and playing 3v3 and 4v4 random team, which were insanely fun to play. However, no one ever took those random team games seriously. The teams were extremely unbalanced, which is so common in the tier 2 Gold games that I usually play in 5vs5.


    Typically, players only viewed solo play or 2 vs 2 Arranged teams as skillful gameplay.


    I can't wait for the WvW server Alliances system as in a way, we will finally have Guilds competing vs other Guilds!


    Perhaps this new system may not be the 8vs8 PvP mode that I was proposing, but it is very close to what I have always wanted from this game. So in a way my prayers for this game have been answered. Thank you Anet!


    Guilds vs Guilds is finally on the way. No more server stomping and Alliances here we come!


    Hopefully WvW will change for the better and the majority of fans will embrace this new system.

  3. I can't wait for the 1vs1 and 2vs2 arena maps in PvP. This game will remind me so much about what I used to love in warcraft 3 or Starcraft 2.


    We need to have a replay feature for players to watch themselves play or determine what went wrong or right during a match.


    I used to study those replays of myself or other professional or top players.

  4. We need a GvG game mode with a ranking system.


    It could be a new PvP mode for 8 vs 8 with new maps and everything. This is what we need, and should have already.


    Guilds fighting other guilds is implied in Guild Wars 2 ! It's in the name of the game, why don't we have it?


    WvW is more of a Free For All Game mode with 3 different severs at a time competing for the top spot that week.


    This would be a call out to the original guild wars and bring attention back to the PvP scene for esports and general fun for the average player too.


    This could introduce a new style of PvP gameplay, which is not dependent on controling and defending points.


    Replays of games would be more fun to watch too! This game is so much fun to play and compete, but is extremely boring to watch.


    Think back to playing Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3, which are both extremely interesting to watch as well as play by professional players.

  5. It looks like the black lion exclusive chest is not account bound and can be purchased on the Trading Post.


    But for the same value of 600 gold of buying it directly, I spent 6300 gems in order to receive the griffon backpack. But I also received the svarnir gloves and have enough black statutes to trade for the elementalist sword.


    I definitely got the better deal. That doesn't mean everyone will get it that quickly. I have heard horror stories of one person paying $150 usd to get the griffon backpack. On the opposite side, some people got the griffon backpack with their free key/chest and didn't have to spend anything lol.

  6. At the end of the day, black lion chests is still gambling. Just because it took me 60 keys to obtain the griffon backpack and Svanrir gloves does not mean everyone will get this.


    However, the buyer can receive some historic black lion chest item exclusives along with current items as potential drops.


    I remember people used to spend $100 to open 100 chests just to get the elemental sword. Which was exactly the reason why I stayed away from black lion keys to begin with.


    For the first time, I will be looking to buy another set of keys from black lion chests if something original appears later this year similar to the griffon glider/backpack.


    So for $60 I got both the griffon glider/backpack, Svanrir gloves and the Elementalist sword. I'm pretty sure that 600 gold is closer in value to the 6300 gems that I spent on keys.


    Yes, I recognize my own personal bias to justify future key purchases. But I'm still interested to see how everyone else is liking or not liking the new keys.


    Perhaps there should be a 100 black statute option to purchase the griffon glider/backpack during the same month that it is released?


    That way no one would really lose out if they want the new item, and don't happen to get it after a $100 purchase.


    Would 100 black lion statutes be a reasonable amount for brand new items that are released that month?


    These new chests are a huge step in the right direction by ANET.


    I'm even planning on doing the weekly key farm now, when I normally never bother doing this. This comes from someone that trys to get diamond tier 6 WvW complete every week and Play ranked PvP. So doing 1 key farm won't be that much effort for 1 hour of play :)


  7. I'm now running undead runes, with trailblazer gear.


    But it definitely helps having the viper trinkets.


    I'm currently only doing tier 2 fractals, but the Trail blazer armor has been great overall. However, that doesn't mean this is viable for t4 Fractals.


    I may just switch to renegade runes so that I will not lose out on condition damage when I exchange trailblazer trinkets for Viper trinkets.


    Can't go wrong with some viper's gear as opposed to 100% trailblazer armor and trinkets :)



  8. So I purchased another 25 keys, and got really lucky and obtained the griffon backpack and glider after 8 keys. (I opened a total 60 keys for black lion arrives chests in order to get the one item I really wanted.)


    So I'm saving those remaining 17 keys for next month's black lion chests when an another exclusive item appears.


    I also got the Svanrir gloves and now can afford 1 60 black statute item.


    I have not purchased the elemental sword yet, but have not found it available for purchase on the trading post. Not even for 600 gold as one poster stated.


    But I'm well aware that it could have taken $100 or more to get the uncommon griffon backpack set.


    People are complaining that the market on dyes and weapon sets have crashed due to the Black lion chest drop rates. (For items that suddenly become common dyes or uncommon weapon drops.) But this was probably necessary so more of the gw2 gaming community could be able to afford some or all of these cool skins.


    Dye prices have always been way to expensive for most people to afford them. Now the prices seem more reasonable. Who really wants to get 25 random dyes for 3500 gems?

  9. Because the Underworld Demon skimmer is much larger than the regular skimmer mount, it gives the illusion that I'm moving faster than normal.


    Has anyone conducted a speed test with the mount exclusive skins versus the original mounts.


    I would test it myself, but i didn't buy the Peacock Raptor, or the Warhound or the new Goat Springer.


    I'm sure all that I'm seeing is an optical illusion, similar to how an Asura looks like they run faster than the slow Norns due to only their size. In truth, all gw races run at the same rate.


    Wouldn't it be funny if these 2000 gem mount skins actually moved slightly faster or jumped slightly higher than the original mount?


    In truth, I think this would really upset people if these exclusive mounts moved slightly faster due to being priced so high at 1600 gems or more.


    But it would be a really cool Easter egg from the game designers if this was true :)

  10. I think this is the best black lion chests have ever been.


    Im grabbing the elementalist sword after only a $50 purchase of keys.


    I opened 50 chests and now have 59 black statues. Only 1 key farm away from the elementalist sword!


    At first, I was dissapointed that I didn't get the baby griffon backpack and glider. But then I noticed that I received the Svanirir Gloves and realized that I actually had pretty good luck.


    I'm even tempted to try another $50 worth of keys this week.


    And this is coming from someone who has never spent more than $100 on keys over 2 years of playing.


    Im planning on unlocking with karma as many skins I can, before using the random Wardobe unlocks to guarantee a better chance for rare skins.


    And the best part, even if I don't get the Griffon backpack after another $50 purchase this time, at a later date the griffin backpack should eventually be offered as a black statue reward.


    As long as you value dye and realize that it is a common drop, I think you are really going to like the black lion chests now.

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