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Posts posted by OutOfOrder.3719

  1. Please don’t play Renegade in Ranked PvP. Unless you really don’t care about winning. And if you don’t care about winning, you should really stay in Unranked PvP then.


    You will get a lot of Salt and angry whispers. From me and most players all season long.

  2. You can purchase the expansion with gems. It will take you a long time, but it is possible. I would not recommend trying to do this playing WvW exclusively as it will take years. But this is perfectly possible with most PvE content.


    But in all seriousness, free to play players in other game modes like PvP, are idiots to play core classes in Ranked matches.


    It's extremely hard to carry any core classes besides thieves and guardians. I would argue that these free to play players ruin Ranked PvP matches in general.


    Simply, these players ruin the PvP gaming experience for players that want to win.


    In WvW, these free to play players drag their server down and prevent other players from moving up WvW tiers. You should be really happy that you can play WvW and PvP at all with free to play accounts.


    If it were up to me, free to play players would only play Unranked PvP and would be isolated on a newbie WvW server by themselves where mounts are excluded for everyone. This would make the most sense honestly.

  3. 1) Players should be given dishonor when they go idle during a match for 20-30 seconds or more (and have a repeat pattern of doing this in Ranked matches). Now there is already dishonor awarded when players disconnect from a PvP match, but players that tend to either rage or AFK should not benefit from other players that are actively trying to win a match.


    There is nothing more discouraging to have teammates be assigned to your team by the match making system that repeatedly AFK and there is no penalty to those players that have a repeated pattern across multiple games for doing this.


    I encountered too many players that literally gave up after losing the first fight in a match. Although it is extremely hard to come back from a win when the team is down 150 points, it is possible. Playing a match until it is over should be encouraged and perhaps more Pips should be awarded to the losing team when they come back to within 100 points.


    2) Please update the match making system or how players gain rating experience when climbing the ladder. Once a player reaches platinium, a player is faced with the following choices : to either start playing minimal games to maintain their current ladder ranking or continue to play despite the risk of receiving a loss being greater than the reward for winning a game.


    The current ladder system discourages high rated players to keep playing all season long and forces them to play on alternate accounts to continue playing PvP without putting their top 100 rank at risk.


    Perhaps the ladder decay rate should occur more frequently for high level players or the minimal games a player is required to play a season should be raised from 120 to 200 matches.


    3). All alternate accounts should be linked together so that players cannot smurph the system as easily.


    What is happening now on North America's server, is that once the top 5 players reach their desired level, they jump on alternate accounts for the remainder of the season to prevent other players from obtaining a top 20 spot. Not only do these players have an artificial rating much lower due to playing fewer games, the players they beat will receive a greater rating loss when facing other higher rated players.


    If all alternate accounts were linked under 1 commonly used IP address, it would be harder for those top players to stop other players from climbing the ladder.


    4) Botting used to be a big problem in season 15 and previous seasons. Interesting enough, I did not encounter any obvious botting during season 16. I wish ANET made it more public about the number of accounts that are either temporarily or permanently banned from playing Ranked matches and the reasons for why those accounts were banned. Of course, don't make the actual names of which accounts were banned public, only the number of accounts temporarily or permanently banned.


    With the new titles that are supposed to be coming in Season 17, I fear that match manipulating will occur more frequently as players try to intentionally cheat players for a higher rating. I believe if ANET marketing was more vocal about how they monitor accounts and repeat offenders the gaming community will improve over time.


    I hope the next expansion will have more PvP content and WorldvsWorld content. I know the alliances system is coming for World vs World, but perhaps some of the PvP problems that I have mentioned could be addressed when the next Guild Wars 2 expansion is released.


    5) At a bare minimum, we desperately need Guild vs Guild 5vs5 Ranked matches that utilize the same amulet/rune system that is used in PvP, but would be completely separate from the current solo/duo Ranked system.


    I remember the original Guild Wars 1 Ranked ladder for GvsG and really hope that we will eventually have something similar that we can call Guild vs Guild PvP in Guild Wars 2 :)

  4. After some testing, this branded teal mist black lion item is probably one of the best new black lion chest items added in awhile. It can yield approximately 1 gold when used in Roaming WvW and 2 gold when used in fractals.


    There are a few fractals that it won't be very productive, but the majority of them works extremely well.


    So it usually yields 1 gold at a minimum, but potentially more than 2 gold when used optimally in PvE content.

  5. This was a good event, but not great for rewards. But it was a good time to complete Boss achievements points and a good chance to receive ectoplasm.


    PvP games were 10x more fun without all the PvE scrubs ruining it. I don't think anyone AFKed in those matches I played this entire week. Could have been more free to play PvPers didn't show up playing core classes only and tanking matches.


    I think a simple way to improve the reward system for this event would be to give 1 free ectoplasm for each boss completion instead of 1 free rare unidentifed item.


    Even though most rare items are salvaged into ectoplasm anyway, it would cause people to feel more rewarded for the time invested.


    As far as the super rare category, after seeing a similar box for the fortune new year 2019 black lion chest, opened 60 chests with keys and only receiving the air breather rare item, I knew to not invest a whole lot of time into this boss event.


    For me personally, I had fun, but only completed 20 bosses across the entire week. So I don't have that feeling of regret that most players may be feeling. Just be happy it was time invested instead of time and money in those super rare Fortune black lion chests/keys.

  6. Are there any achievement points for killing these bosses the first time. I know tequatal and triple wyrm do. How about the other bosses?


    If so, where can I look at which bosses I have not completed yet in the achievement tab?


    For tequatal and triple wyrm, I'm well aware of the core mastery points and achievement points awarded as I completed them.

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