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Posts posted by trixantea.1230

  1. IMO there is no reason to pass on byuing HoT. The elite specs are still viable in both PvP and PvE and some masteries like Gliding and Spectral Aid are worth getting.

    The expansion and LWS3 also have a decent amount of story content, some unique skins, fun open world events and adventures, more AP and some profitable ways to get gold.

  2. Here is what I find positive in GW2:


    - It isn't P2W

    - World exploration and Jumping puzzles are one of the best in an MMO

    - Unique underwater combat

    - Mounts aren't just : "increases your running speed by x %".

    - Armor dyes.


  3. Personnaly, I'd like to see a capture the flag mode added to GW2 PvP.

    From my experience with gaming, I've noticed that CTF has a very different gameplay than capture and hold (a.k.a conquest) which makes PvP experience feel new and fresh.

    This mode will allow players to develop new builds around mobility, defence, croud control or buffs in order to become an effective flag defender, flag carrier or a support... CTF will also allow some weak classes in conquest to shine in CTF.

  4. For the pips afk farming I think the tickets should be given according to the amount of objectives captured and players killed during a certain period of time.


    I also hope that Anet will do something to change the purpse of Veteran creatures, remove them of make them a harder group content which gives a small buff to the server in that map instead of being just a boring meaningless PvE daily filler which does not fit into the game mode.

  5. Hi everyone, I have two small questions:

    1- Does magic find affect the quality of salvaged materials?

    2- I'm now at 200% MF. Is it worth it to spend gold to level it til 300%?


    Edit: another thing's bugging me: how much percentage does the trading post take from selling instantly and listing the item for sale? Which one is the most profitable?

  6. > @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

    > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > > Let's make signets work in shroud. That a good start right?


    > The passive effects already do when traited. If you meant using the active effects while in shroud... well I don't know if we'll have that sort of thing.


    I just meant that the passive signet while in shroud should be baseline without the need for the trait.

    Unlike Scourge, reaper and base necro have too many restrictions while using shroud (no heal, no utility, no elite, no weapon swap..)

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