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Posts posted by trixantea.1230

  1. > @"geist.4126" said:

    > > @"trixantea.1230" said:


    > > This is a biased comment. If GW2 is superior to WoW in every other way, then why does WoW have larger playerbase who are willing to pay 15$ month to play. Not to mention that the game is 14 years old.


    > Pretty easy. It's called "relationship". You had 14 years to make friends in that game, you have one to thirty characters with tons of achievements and maybe a great guild with great people, a commitment to a raid, an arena team or a rbg group. That's why WoW still has players. I played that game very long and always got back for some month because I missed doing stuff with those people I know for about 10 years now.

    > The game is terrible since MoP, but I still returned three times because of "I wonder how my shaman plays these days" or "let's check on the guild".


    > It's not the quality of the game that keeps many people playing it's what they "earned" or "worked for" over 50% of their lives - just think about it. If you were 12 when you started WoW in 2004/2005, you are 26 now.

    > The only game I played longer than WoW is Counter Strike.

    > The good thing is that most of my WoW friends are now in GW2 (took them a while) or playing other stuff on steam with me. So, no reason to go back.



    Given that these are the GW2 forums most people here will say GW2 is better.


    The category of players who play to keep the "relationship" are just a portion of the large playerbase. If there was really an better MMORPG, It will simply take its place just as Path of Exile did to Diablo 3.


    The game is still has 4 to 7M active subs and you can't deny the fact that WoW is far ahead of many MMOs in many aspects.

  2. > @"Emberstone.2904" said:


    > I think it's a matter of WoW being a better MMO for a longer period of time, but I played WoW for eight years and I only play GW2 now.


    It true that WoW has its own issues (powercreep, grind, rng based loot system.. ) but the game still have much higher quality content when it comes to instensed pve, pvp, class balance, lore and the faction war behind it. Overall I WoW still deserves to be called the king of MMORPGs but this doesn't mean that GW2 is an inferior version of it.


    GW2 is a top tier MMO and not just a casual friendly game with better graphics. The game has the best open world content, mount design, world exploration, aquatic combat and jumping puzzles.


    Despite its many issues I like how does this game bring players with different levels of skill and gear to help each others. I find it a very good way to reduce toxicity within the community.


    Choosing between WoW or GW2 is just a matter of personal preference. I had to reply to that comment in such a way because biased opinions only helps evil companies destroy the game industry which we used to love and respect.

  3. Every class have traits which affect weapons cd, damage and utility. The more you level up, the more you aquire new traits which will change the rotaton.


    Unlike WoW where your rotation at max level remains the same (gear and set bonuses are usually limited to extra bonus procs and stat boost), GW2 have a variety of sigils and runes in which you can customize your playstyle much further to give you a whole new different playstyle for the same spec (example: dps scourge and support scourge).


    GW2 design is a bit too different compared to WoW (and other WoW clones). If you want to enjoy this game to the fullest, try to forget what you've learned in other MMOs and explore GW2 as a whole new MMORPG player.



    > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > I think those are pretty minor complaints, considering GW2 is superior in pretty much every other way to WoW.


    This is a biased comment. If GW2 is superior to WoW in every other way, then why does WoW have larger playerbase who are willing to pay 15$ month to play. Not to mention that the game is 14 years old.

  4. > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > > The fact that you didn't like how cc works in WoW doesn't make PvP less enjoyable and balanced in WoW than it is in GW2.

    > > Hard cc spells has long cast time (usually 1.5s) and every class in WoW has a short cd spell to interrupt it. Only a bad warlock will use chain-charm against his opponent because it shares DR with fear and breaks immediately from damage. You also said you let a druid cast root in front of you? which class were you playing, seriously?

    > This is such a strawman. Interrupts were on cooldowns too. Against a class which had no cooldown on its CC, they only needed to wait a few seconds for the interrupt to fade. Also, druids at various points have been able to cast CC in melee without being interrupted through traits or certain abilities; it's not unheard of for what he described to happen. Or it could have been a feral druid using stuns.


    Interrupts have 15 sec cd. and CC has a duration of 6s then 3s then 1.5s, the target becomes immune to that category of CC for 18s.

    The way he died to a druid (who supposedly used his combo points to chain-stun instead of Bite or Rip) without doing a thing is more of a L2P issue than a design flaw. Name one class that doesn't have a single way do some damage or use a CC before dying to a druid like that.


    Back to the main topic: If you think that GW2 PvP is better than WoW's, why ESL GW2 had been shut down?

  5. I understand that OP became a fan of GW2 after trying too many MMOs but his review is a bit too biased towards GW2's PvP especially when he tries to compare it to WoW's.


    The fact that you didn't like how cc works in WoW doesn't make PvP less enjoyable and balanced in WoW than it is in GW2.

    Hard cc spells has long cast time (usually 1.5s) and every class in WoW has a short cd spell to interrupt it. Only a bad warlock will use chain-charm against his opponent because it shares DR with fear and breaks immediately from damage. You also said you let a druid cast root in front of you? which class were you playing, seriously?


    Just because you didn't have enough experience with WoW's pvp doesn't make it bad. The game is still popular more than GW2 and there are people who are willing to pay a monthly fee to play it.

  6. I expect them to give us more details about what happened to Rytlock in the mists one day. Probably they will also tell more about the gods leave Tyria after we defeat one or two more dragons.


    But unlike some other MMOs (Warcraft for example) GW2 doesn't really connect PvP, WvW, fractals and legendaries to them main lore of the game. So you don't have to expect much explanation from that side of content.

  7. > @"Kam.4092" said:

    > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > > I am a bit skeptical about the skills but the theme of the spec and the weapon choice are so good.

    > > I got the feeling that Anet won't give us this elite spec because they do not want players to take credits for giving them new ideas.


    > Not true. The Weaver Elite was proposed years ago. What we got was pretty much exactly the same.




    My judgment was based on seeing many good ideas on the forums that didn't make it to the game for unknown reasons but I hope you're right.


    I think this is the coolest idea about a necro elite spec because a shield with barrier and stability will greatly help necros compensate for the lack of sustain and cc resistance.

  8. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > I think sigmoi tell you that the increase in burst is way more of an issue than the increase in dps is due to the fact that the attack speed increase reduce the possible counterplay and that your idea that lead to even more attack speed is not the proper solution here since it goes down futher the wrong way.


    > It's not that he didn't read what you wrote it's just that he look at it with from a different, and more objective, point of view. Faster attack while in shroud is definitely more of an issue than attack that hit harder but are slower. (Ah and even with 25-45% more attack speed in shroud, I doubt that it would be enough to make the necromancer the unmatchable top dps of the game, maybe top PKer but not top dps)


    > Also a discussion about _reaper onslaught_ hardly fit into this thread which is initially about "necro & fear".


    The main problem with Onslaught is the impossibility to benefit from external sources of quickness which reduces the efficiency of some support builds while playing with reaper.


    Claiming that a flat attack speed reduces the counter-play compared to the quickness buff is not convincing because each time you lose quickness due to boon corruption/removal you will have it again after less than 2-3 seconds. The numbers I suggested (25-45%) is actually less than the 50% from quickness which is a decrease to the "overall" attack speed/burst and not increase it as claimed.


    Reapers are already complaining about the lack of mobility and the vulnerability to cc. What you call reducing the counter-play reduces the chance to get that 2-3 sec of slow debuff from corrupting quickness, a thing that puts the reaper another step behind the other classes in terms of controlling your character and being able to deal damage.

  9. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > > > > - By Removing the 300 ferocity (we already have it in **Death Perception**) and the perma quickness in **Reaper's Onslaught** and turning it into 25-45% attack speed which can stack with quickness buffs, the reaper will be able to keep a descent attack speed when soloing and will also benefit from playing with a quickness support in both PvE and PvP.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > The idea of stackable attack speed buffs has been floating around for a while now. The fact that anet changed RO to give quickness, kind of suggests they aren't going to change it or can't change it. Also removing the ferocity buff is a big no no. Even with all the recent damage buffs, Reaper is still mid to low tier damage (though very bursty). Curbing the damage in pvp is a much more palatable suggestion, but only in pvp. Pve Reaper is in a good spot.

    > >

    > > I suggested the removal of ferocity in Reaper's Onslaught in order to compensate for the huge 80% attack speed while in shroud (30% attack speed + 50% from quickness). Also, the trait doesn't feel unique because we already have a ferocity buff it in Soul Reaping.

    > >

    > > PvP wise I think this will be a perfect change in order to reduce the big burst damage that people are complaining about and to increase the benefit from having a support alongside the Reaper.


    > The ferocity buff in reaper came first.

    > " We have one in Soul Reaping". What about everyone who doesn't want to take that line? There is a reason is local to reaper.

    > Everything is balance around being at max 50% faster with quickness. Anything higher and you would need to balance more thing around it because it then becomes unique.

    > Your idea would do the opposite of reduce burst.

    > Your idea reduces counter-play because its a flat bonus.


    > Its just not a good idea overall.


    If you have already read my earlier post you wouldn't be thinking of this as a nerf.


    With the changes to Onslaught I also suggested to make shroud 3 a stunbreak as a trade for it. It may seem like an insignificant tweak but in PvP situation the stunbreak will not only enhance the gameplay for reaper but it will also make the difference between landing a kill/stomp or not landing it.


    In case of PvE, changing the trait into a 25 to 45% flat attack speed will definitely increase the dps by a significant amount because it will stack with quickess. So in order to keep the reaper dps within an accepetable range, the ferocity in Onslaught has to be removed.

  10. > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > > - By Removing the 300 ferocity (we already have it in **Death Perception**) and the perma quickness in **Reaper's Onslaught** and turning it into 25-45% attack speed which can stack with quickness buffs, the reaper will be able to keep a descent attack speed when soloing and will also benefit from playing with a quickness support in both PvE and PvP.

    > >


    > The idea of stackable attack speed buffs has been floating around for a while now. The fact that anet changed RO to give quickness, kind of suggests they aren't going to change it or can't change it. Also removing the ferocity buff is a big no no. Even with all the recent damage buffs, Reaper is still mid to low tier damage (though very bursty). Curbing the damage in pvp is a much more palatable suggestion, but only in pvp. Pve Reaper is in a good spot.


    I suggested the removal of ferocity in Reaper's Onslaught in order to compensate for the huge 80% attack speed while in shroud (30% attack speed + 50% from quickness). Also, the trait doesn't feel unique because we already have a ferocity buff it in Soul Reaping.


    PvP wise I think this will be a perfect change in order to reduce the big burst damage that people are complaining about and to increase the benefit from having a support alongside the Reaper.

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