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Posts posted by trixantea.1230

  1. Here are some small suggestions which I will add to the topic:


    - One of the biggest design flaws in reaper is being so vulnerable to CC while being a melee class. I suggest making **Infusing Terror** (shroud 3) a stunbreak in order to conpensate for the lack the CC break. Unlike Guardian's **Stand Your Ground!**, The skill has always felt clunky and poorly designed for being usable while CC'd and giving stability but without breaking stuns.



    - By Removing the 300 ferocity (we already have it in **Death Perception**) and the perma quickness in **Reaper's Onslaught** and turning it into 25-45% attack speed which can stack with quickness buffs, the reaper will be able to keep a descent attack speed when soloing and will also benefit from playing with a quickness support in both PvE and PvP.



    - Unlike scourge (which can play a condi or a support build), Reaper is stuck with only one build because the nerf to **Deathly chill** has killed the entire condi reaper build. 3 bleeding stracks may be a bit too much so I suggest to make the PvP/WvW version the same as the PvE version with 2 bleed stacks and the same amount of damage.


    - I think it wouldn't hurt if we Merge **Reaper's Protection** with **Fear of Death** because both traits are so weak, have long CD and they share almost the same functionality. For the empty slot left in Death Magic, Maybe it's better to change **Reaper's Protection** into something like: cast a 1s fear when you enter shroud.

  2. I think we should wait for Logan to do something super mega cool like saving Kryta from an elder dragon, stopping a civil war or a preventing a serious coup d'état so people will recognize him as a fitting asset for the "Royal-Mating-Ritual".



    If Anet didn't make the effort to develop the procedure of producing a heir, we will see a new king in GW3 sitting on the throne 250 years later and waiting for woowdenpotates to make the DNA test or a 40min video about "Who could be the father?".

  3. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > > Aside from a new map and a story episode, is there anything else we should expect in the upcoming release?


    > Hi. If you view the trailer, at the very end there's an "end slate" that shows what's coming. It's more than you listed, for sure!


    Thank you Gaile. I didn't read everything :P

  4. > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > I don't mind doing the lower tiers for them, because they are faster, easier, and also it's an opportunity to help/teach the lower tier players how to do fractals more efficiently. When I try out a new character/build for fractals, I always do lower tiers to test it out; the groups that do even t3 fractals are still learning the mechanics, so it is good to help them so that they can make a smoother transition to t4 groups. If you've played with any of them, you're welcome.


    There is nothing wrong with doing low tier fractals or helping low tier people. My point here is about adding a new T4 rec with T1, T2 and T3 rewards which will save T4 players the need to grind/rush 3 easy fractals in order to get each reward separately.

  5. > @"segman.3560" said:

    > That way lower tier population gets inflated.


    The low tier population who does T1, T2, T3 fractals won't be affected by this suggestion because the majority of T4 player parties tag in T4 tab and go through the recs without making any sort of contact with low tier population.

  6. This thought always comes when I do fractal recommended dailies: why do T4 level players need to go back through previous tiers, rush into a less challenging/less rewarding content in order to oneshot the boss (three times a day) to get the recommended rewards?


    Wouldn't it be better if we give T4 players a single T4 recommended fractal which gives all the 3 pots and 3 research pages instead of the need to grind easy content?

  7. >**August 28 update notes:**

    >**Terror:** This trait now inflicts the increased condition damage regardless of whether the target has other conditions. The base damage inflicted has been increased 25%, and the effect of condition damage has been increased by 37.5%.

    >**Dread:** The damage received by enemies inflicted with fear has been increased from 20% to 33%.


    I'd like to thank Anet for improving a some of the fear related traits. These improvement are definitively a good decision but despite that, **Dread** and **Terror** still feel unappealing compared to other traits due to the short duration of fear which means that the damage gain will be too small.


    It is still possible to make these traits more effective by picking up **Fear of Death** but obviously no one will chose this trait over **Vital Persistence** and **Spectral Mastery**.


    In order to make **Fear of Death** better, I suggest to merge it with **Reaper's protection** from Death Magic. This will make necros consider picking up the trait because it will give them the ability to counter cc by punishing the opponent with a decent fear and a small amount of damage instead of suffering the constant lockdown due to the lack of stability.


    One more thing: I'm not sure if this is a bug but I think that **Terror** still deals the same damage as before. If anyone has tried it please let me know.

  8. > @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

    > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > > I hope we'll see changes to veteran creatures in WvW. These mobs are just an easy PvE content which only serves as a daily filler.


    > While this has nothing to do with the thread, I'd prefer those who are in WvW just for easy dailies be able to get those quickly and leave. The more time-consuming you make those dailies, the longer people will take up a spot that might be better used by someone wanting to do serious wvw.


    Last time I checked, this thread was about a rework to WvW and as far as I know, the veteran creatures are part of this game mode.


    Anyway, while some serious WvWers are waiting in the queue, there are 3-5 PvE players at each veteran waiting 10min for the respawn. These veteran creatures only encourage more casual PvE inside a competitive environment.


    The veteran daily could be easily changed to something easier like "Big spender" or "Master of monuments".

  9. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > Overall, if Necro had even one more skill that proc'd fear directly, Dread might be better. Fear is not like other signature profession skills because it has many dependencies and some RNG.


    While the 20% damage increase looks delicious at first glance, necros can not benefit from Dread's effect in a game where fear lasts 2s max. Even if you fear the target more often, you will only gain that +20% damage with zero, one or two attacks at best, which is way too weak compared to Chill of Death and Awaken the Pain.


    The suggestion I could come with is to buff that +20% to a higher number in order to get a more noticeable effect from Dread. [**Lahmia.2193**'s suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/651272/#Comment_651272 "**Lahmia.2193**'s suggestion") is also good, if it is too overpowered we can have a 5s Fury instead.


    If we give necro (and especially scourge) more ways to fear it will make him op as it was in the expansion's launch. That's why I suggested to put the fear proc in soul reaping where the scourge have to sacrifice Vital Persistence in order to use it.

  10. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > You forgot

    > _Terrifying descent_: Fear apply torment. (curse)


    > ANet trend of traits for the necromancer is really unhealthy both for the necromancer and the game as a whole, It would be better if less effects were related to fear. ANet try to solve the relatively poor efficiency of fear in the game on the necromancer by piling up extra effects on it when the issue is the fear uptime. Classic case of ANet not answering issue but instead creating more issues and traits that seem redundant.


    Thanks for reminding me about Terrifying descent. I don't have much to say about it. I think it's fine as it is and has almost the same level as the other two choices.

  11. Fear is supposed to be one of the defensive mechanics which helps necro compensate for the lack of blocks, evades, vulnerability. It's true that necro he the biggest access to fear but it is still lacking in terms of using it effectively in PvP.


    While trying to create a fear based PvP build (power or condi), I found that Fear related traits are locked behind 4 trait lines:


    **1- Death Magic, Reaper's protection**: Fear nearby enemies when disabled. (2s duration, 60s cd in PvE and 90s cd in both PvP and WvW).

    **2- Soul reaping, Fear of Death**: Your fear effects have increased duration. Inflict fear on foes when you are downed (1s duration, +50% duration, 90s cd).

    **3- Spite, Dread**: Inflicting fear on a foe applies vulnerability. Deal 20% increased damage to foes inflicted with fear.

    **4- Curse, Terror**: Fear deals damage; it deals additional damage if the target is afflicted with another condition.


    In order to make these traits more relevant and give the game more build diversity, I suggest the following:


    - Merge **1** into **2**, give it 1 to 1.5s duration and reduce the cd to 60s. This would make Fear of Death on par with the other 2 traits in soul reaping and leaves an empty slot for a new trait which could help death magic improve.


    - **3** is one of the least relevant traits in Spite because fear effects has a very limited duration . To make it more appealing I suggest to buff the damage increase to 33-66% or maybe overhaul the trait into something different.


    - **4** is a great trait by itself but it could only be on par with the other choices if you chose to use it with another fear related trait (which no one will pick up in their current state).


    Now, with these 3 new traits necro have to possibility to create a power or a condi based build which relies of making a good use of fear effect as a secondary source of damage while the enemy is cc'd.

  12. I've been thinking about some Vampire-like elite for necro with an off-hand axe/sword or a pistol where Health and life force become a single bar and F1 abilities cost health instead of LF.

    The "Vampire" uses melee single target power/condi attacks with a good amount of lifesteal for sustain and Mobility increases for each % of HP you lose.


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