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mercury ranique.2170

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Posts posted by mercury ranique.2170

  1. > @"Lucio.4190" said:

    > @"kharmin.7683" Thank you! Those two links pretty much explains everything.

    > If we can guarantee that a new language will give Guild Wars 2 at least 1 million (or some other high number) new active players, that would probably be a reason for implementing the new language. With that said, I don't believe anyone can guarantee that and we will have to do with what we have.



    It is not that simple.

    There is a huge different between the original implementation of the four languages and implementing additional ones at this point. This is 2 expansions, 4 seasons of living world AND tracking and tracing all fixes to the original game and the addtional content released.


    I doubt they even have a full script of the current game to translate. They made scripts for each release and for each change, but not what is currently in game, This isn't only about story, but also ingame text like battle cries and changes to this.


    A long story short. I think you need a gaming community atleast 3 times as large as the smallest community of the four languages (I would guess this is french, based on the size of the native speakers in this tongue).


    Last of all, I do think there is more to it then just the size of the language, but also how many people do not speak any of the other languages. I'm native dutch and I know there is a very big community of dutch speaking players, but most of us speak english and the lack of a dutch language is no limitation for most gamers in my country. The four languages are the most popular ones for most games and those speaking other languages are more used to playing in e.g. english.


  2. Many good advice. As for the price of the living world chapters. Buying them in bundles is cheaper. But also keep in mind that buying the gems with real money supports the game. As you came from WoW, you are used to pay for a game you play. As with GW2 this is not mandatory, but it still makes sense as it helps them in gaining a bit of money. But then again, I can not see inside your wallet and it is still only optional.

  3. > @"Wolf.2596" said: can't be the only person in this situation



    You are not the only one in this situation. I have played since launch and every year I try this puzzle and I fail. I'm pretty ok with most jumping puzzles, but not those on a timer. I would rate this as one of the more difficult JP's in the game


    > @"Wolf.2596" said: and I wish there was some sort of alternative.



    Here I think you are wrong. There is no shame in not being able to do it and there is nothing wrong with you. I can't do it either. But that does not mean I think it should not be in the game and should not be attached to a reward. There are a lot of people who like it and enjoy it and it should also be rewarded for them who can do it.


    I'll compare it to real life. I would really like to be able to run the marathon of New York, but it won't happen. Even if I fix a lot of things like overweight and stuff, I have some disabillities that would not allow it. It does not mean I have respect for those who can. I also do not want to have the medal attached to it, or any rewards that are part of it (like running 5 marathons).


    Yes this means some rewards are not available for you, but you are not alone and there are many other things to go for that do not require finishing this puzzle.


  4. I would be dissapointed if we got new mounts in EoD. It should be something new and unique. So far we had movement skills and gliding in E1 and mounts in E2. I'd rather see something else in E3.

    As mounts are also some kind of movement skill, I'd rather see them implement something that enriches fighting AND also adds to the skin war.


    My personal idea would be a hero-system, but not like GW1. Itt encourages solo play and makes the game too easy.

    I am more thinking about a system where you summon a hero to take your place in combat and which you can switch galfway fights (with a decent cooldown). there are different heroes with each class and you can customise their look and outfit just like your regular character.

  5. First off, saying the term guild wars has anything to do with player guilds is an argument often used, but is not very accurate. The Guild Wars is an historic event in the history of Tyria that predates GW1. It has nothing to do with content specific for Player Guilds and is to me a weak argument.


    So I just treat this as an idea for immproving things to do as a guild. Wich would be very welcome.


    I dislike the idea of locking content behind a guild. All content should be able to all players and nobody should feel forced to join a guild.

    I also fear this idea would result in the same as the guild world events if it is not made exclusive for guilds.


    Instead of this I would like to see improved options for doing existing and future things as a guild. Make it rewarding for the guild. So maybe a continues guild currency that can be spent at upgrades and bonusses for members. To do so you need to do content as a guild and get the guildcurrency as a bonus.

  6. Hi and welcome back.


    An important new element for WvW is world linking. This is a type of matchmaking where several worlds are linked together for a period to fight as one. The result is less worlds that are hardly competitive and a more competitive setup.


    There are new area's added in open world PvE. This is part of living world season 4 and 5. These also come with 2 extra mounts. WvW also got a mount released specially for that format. You need to buy these living world seasons with gems (which you can farm of buy with money). The exception is the current release, but that one does not include a new map.


    There are no new skills and professions added since the launch of PoF. There have been some skill balance updates released, but nothing major.


    The most important development is the announcement of End of Dragons. This release will follow somewhere after the end of the current living world season that should finish in a few months. It is a an expansion like PoF and HoT and should have simular content like new elite specialisations. Nothing has been confirmed except the name and the setting (Cantha)

  7. I think Arenanet does a great job in defining the game AND you also named why.

    The two games you mention that are outstanding in PvE (I disagree by the way!) are games with a monthly fee.

    Arenanet defines the game in actually not doing that. They do not charge you monthly fees and they do not depend on you paying them. The result is that they do not give you so many incentives to keep playing as those games do. But they still deliver a good amount of PvE content. GW2 is most of all a pve orientated game. But PvE is more then raids and releasing new content each few weeks. GW2 is much more designed as a sandbox game where you can spend your time in any way you like and how often you would like. That it might not keep you entertained 24/7 is something that to me is much healthier.

    The same goes with other game modes. They offer variety. I know a lot of people who enjou PvE and PvP and WvW. To be honest, there is nothing wrong with that. It contributes to a sandbox where you decide what you should do.

  8. There is no third party tool that could get you bannend.

    It is not third party tools that are not allowed.

    When playing you agree with the user agreement and underlaying documents like the rules of conduct. It determines that specific actions are not allowed. Wether or not you use a tool like a third party program is irrelevant.


    So let's look at the rules and see what is relevant.

    You are not allowed to automate gameplay. So one key pressed must result in one action as programmed by the developpers, and not 5 actions in a row. This is a functionality offered by auto hotkey. So using this tool to perform this illegal action can get your account suspended.


    The main question is wether or not you use auto hotkey for an illegal action. I am honest that I do not think you can know for certain. To me it seems that you use auto hotkey to automate the camera control and in essence this can be explained as automation of the gameplay.

    Having said that, the way you do it seems harmless, but I do not know for certain, specially in PvP formats. In this specific case I would open a support ticket and ask them. Do not ask them if auto-hotkey is allowed. There isn't a generic answer, but ask if what you want to do is allowed.

  9. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > > > @"Onlyflameone.2136" said:

    > > > So I can use ArcDPS, and this isn't against the policy of ArenaNet statements? I must know, because I don't want to do things against rules. Any ArenaNet dev could confirm this? Or any post that tells me I can use? And how do I install it?

    > > >

    > > > Thank you (:

    > >

    > > It is never against the policy of Arenanet to use any third party tool, but you always do this at your own risk.

    > > The policy Arenanet has is very simpel and strait forward. They do not aprove any tool at all. They just point to the user agreement and other underlaying legal stuff like rules of conduct. This says what is allowed to do in the game and what is not. It does not matter if you do unacceptable behaviour with or without the use of a third party tool. It is your actions that count and to what you are kept accountable, not the tools you use.

    > >

    > > Having said that. By using ArcDPS you do not break any rule and with the functionalities it has today it is perfectly ok to use.

    > >

    > > For reasons explained above, a dev will not come and tell you this as they just point to the user agreement


    > The key point is that the ArcDPS folks have worked with ArenaNet so that ArcDPS is *tolerated* (but not supported), but in return ArcDPS may not add ===> this list of features. You won't get sanctioned for using ArcDPS for the information it gives you, but if you then use that information to berate people in deeply toxic language, you'll get sanctioned for the deeply toxic language and the berating. (But it would be the same if you did it without ArcDPS.)


    I do not see how helping with certain aspects of the development would mean future functions would be tolerated. Just use your common sense and do not break the rules. The tools used do not matter at all. ArcDPS as it is today does not break any rules.

  10. > @"Onlyflameone.2136" said:

    > So I can use ArcDPS, and this isn't against the policy of ArenaNet statements? I must know, because I don't want to do things against rules. Any ArenaNet dev could confirm this? Or any post that tells me I can use? And how do I install it?


    > Thank you (:


    It is never against the policy of Arenanet to use any third party tool, but you always do this at your own risk.

    The policy Arenanet has is very simpel and strait forward. They do not aprove any tool at all. They just point to the user agreement and other underlaying legal stuff like rules of conduct. This says what is allowed to do in the game and what is not. It does not matter if you do unacceptable behaviour with or without the use of a third party tool. It is your actions that count and to what you are kept accountable, not the tools you use.


    Having said that. By using ArcDPS you do not break any rule and with the functionalities it has today it is perfectly ok to use.


    For reasons explained above, a dev will not come and tell you this as they just point to the user agreement

  11. another effect is rubberbanding. Your client comminucates to the game client about your location in the game. This also happens with any other player. When this signal is disrupted, the game replaces you once it is restored. This can be seen as glitching/teleporting/vanishing/appearing.


    As said by others, when you suspect someone is cheating, please report them. Support is able to check the raw data recieved from the client and check if it makes sense or if it must be something illegal.


    Also make sure you understand it may take some time for them to take action and will not inform you about the outcome.


    Often the people doing illegal things are doing more then just this. A good example are goldsellers. They often use hacked accounts. So when you see such person a month later walking in Lion's arch, do not assume nothing has been done. It might very well be the account has been given back to the rightfull owner.

  12. > @"Murdock.6547" said:

    > ... Have people stopped fighting about entitlement vs elitism in raid?


    On the possitive side...This debate has neem won by elitism. Raiding is now considered a niche for players who think they are much better then others.

    On the negative. The debate has shifted. It is almost as far as asking kill proof for the cave troll in Queensdale. (jokes aside, there has been some stirred up emotions about asking raid killproof for incredible easy dragon respons missions).

  13. Hi!

    First of all thank you for letting this know on the forum!

    I have two tips.


    1: make sure you create a consise title that is to the point. This one is considered clickbait as people are intrigued to find "just" a bug report.

    2: This kind of posts are better posted in the bugs section of the forum. Devs responsible for tracking and solving bugs check there regularly . The devs looking here are more involved in development of new features.


    If you post it there, it really helps in improving the game!

  14. > @"YtseJam.9784" said:


    > 2. The timer at the beginning of each mission, it should not make you wait the remaining time once the 3 tasks are completed.


    To explain this part. There is a public and a private instance of the DRM's. In the public version the starting event is on a timer as a filler while you wait for others to join. Once the timed event at the start is over, the instane is locked for new players. They want the public and private version to be identical, so the private version have the same event and timer, while it serves no purpose.


    As for the rest. I personally only play public versions and your first two points are invalid for them.


  15. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > My hopes rest on the power-creep at the moment. If they continue this madness a little longer, we might be able to run a few raids with the same difficulty as we run dungeons at the moment. Without a dedicated raid-team, it is only a matter of time till the difficulty gets downgraded.


    > A story-mode without rewards would be great. Like the story-mode Dungeons, no badges. But without that above mentioned raid-team, it may not happen at all.


    > DRM look very promising. Content that can be done solo, in groups or in a public anonymous mode. Different rewards depending on the difficulty-selection, but easy story-access. I hope after Raids & Strikemissions, this one will prevail.


    Story mode dungeons are very different as what the OP is aksing for. He wants to experience the story in the current Raids. Story mode dungeons tell a different story then the explorable path story tells.


    I also would like to state that stories locked behind content and content locked behind story is a bad thing in general. So having other ways to experience the story would be very much welcome.

  16. > @"Silvia.9130" said:

    > > @"Kusa.6438" said:

    > > I have been waiting months and months for ANET to put the watchwork wings into the Statuette vender... only for them to put the vermillion wings in, even though they were just released a few months back... do they not go in order? Do they really just toss things in there at random????


    > They definitely not follow the order, I too have been waiting for an item that was released for the first time earlier than these wings but didn't appear yet.

    > I fear all we can do is wait and see ._.


    My speculation about the random order (random from our perspective atleast) would be that they design an item with a specific price in mind and want to have it a certain rarirty. So when you give price X to it, they expect there to be Y amount of them in game. When an item is less popular then this expectation they can level it by putting it in the vendor or on discount sooner. When an item is more popular they might do the opposite just to achieve them same level of rarity and exclusiveness.

  17. > @"Master Childman.2135" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > Players may want to read and understand the official policy on this topic which can be found here: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay#latest)


    > I think your answer can very clearly and simply make it clear to what extent a player who uses autoattack can be considered afk or not. [...] As a general policy, any form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2. This includes: the use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game. [...]


    > [...] Note that this does not mean that you cannot be away from your computer (AFK) while you are online. Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer. [...]


    > So if you want to do laundry or cook or watch Netflix, please avoid farming, even using in-game the autoattack.


    Not really, It is prohibited when you use it while being away from keyboard. This has been stated in your own linked quote as well as many other times by support. Please stop misspreading information.


    To explain why this matters to me.

    There is a lot of confusion in this matter and some people are very fierce against farmers. Everyone is entitled to their opinion in the matter (see mine down below), but it is often based on wrong information. This is leading to frustration to both sides and rather flamatory behaviour by those against this kind of farming in general towards those who do it. Flamatory behaviour towards other players is bad as well and should be avoided.


    And now my personal opinion. -Meh. I have no interest in AFK-farming at all (I dislike any kind of numbless farming to be honest), but I do not mind people doing it within the set rules by GW2 as they do not bother me in enjoying my life in GW2. What I am against is the monetisation of RTM and goldsellers who are behind real farmbots. They are harmfull as they use stolen accounts, stolen credit cards and as they are often used by North Korean regime to bypass blockade

  18. I do think we had a missed opportunity in core. The way it was designed was two story lines coming together in the final fight. The personal story line with the formation of the pact and the rise of Trahearne and the commander. And the reforming of DE during the dungeon stories.


    One thing in core was that our choice made an impact. So it should have been easy to replace DE by pact members if you didnt do specific dungeons. So no Eir if you skipped AC. No Zoijja if you skipped CoE. No Caithe if you skipped TA and no Logan and Rytlock if you skipped CoF.

    This could have been extended to HoT with only Rytlocks dissapearance and return being important to his part in the new group and Eir's spoiler in Braham's presence there.

  19. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


    > What's the deal with the timer on the first event? You complete all of the objectives, but for some reason you still have to wait it out. Why? For that matter, why even have this event? As far as I can tell, it's not even possible to fail it! I just ran around killing mobs until the timer ran out and I couldn't discern any sort of consequence to that choice. What even is this?


    I only played public DRM's. The opening event there is a filler to allow more players to enter. Once the timer runs our, the instance is locked (a message shows in game). This might be different for private Arm's, but I understand why the event is needed, is easy and has no significance to the rest of the instance. I also see how it serves no purpose in private, but is needed for consistency. Maybe they should exclude it from stuff like completiontime (time starts at the end of the opening event)


  20. I actually like them as well. I dislike these reacting negative here just cause it does not cater them.


    I have been playing games since the 90's and have been playing GW1 and later GW2 for a total of 13 years. I do not seek challenging content, but it shouldn't be too easy. More important, I like content that I can do after work and is not too intelligent, short and straight forward. It is like the old school dungeons and the low tier fractals. Easy and straight forward entertainment. Not everything has to be sophisticated.

  21. > @"MatyrGustav.6210" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > Pretty sure GW2 won't come to consoles because of the method by which their updates would have to be approved and such. There are several threads on that topic that can be found with the search function.

    > >


    > This article states it will be. Hopefully its real.

    > https://www.justpushstart.com/2012/02/guild-wars-2-announced-for-consoles/#:~:text=Guild%20Wars%202%2C%20a%20sequel,to%20consoles%20in%20the%20future.


    > > Any "future proofing" would probably entail a massive undertaking. We've already been told how convoluted and cumbersome the existing code is. To future proof the game, they might need to start all over rather than try to fix the antiquated code. I wouldn't expect anything to really change in this aspect short of releasing GW3, which I don't see happening. /shrug


    > Thats a bummer.


    The linked article is from 2012, around the release date. I am not sure how serious it is, but later statements on the old forum has been very firm saying no.

  22. First to set some things straight. You call it illegal activities. This is not the case. Based on the User agreement, they made a policy that is pretty straight forward.

    - You have to be present at the keyboard. You are not allowed to use any macro's to automate. One key-click/mouseclick should result in one actin as designed by Arenanet.


    This means that auto farming using a automated attack key (which is a function present in the game) and minions/turrets/clones/pets/etc is perfectly allowed. Even if you do not actively play your character. You are not allowed to automate things beyond what Arenanet has made available. For example. A guildleader of mine who isn't currently playing, used to farm this way while folding laundry, cooking, etc. But she always had the laptop next to her.


    To verify wether or not you are actively present, you need to be able to respond to a PM by a GM. If not you will get booted and recieve a warning.


    The guildleader I was speaking about would get about 2-3 pm's from GM's each week. Afterwards she also saw a lot of fellow-farmers dissappear (meaning these farmers where not present and able to respond to the GM.


    So how to handle this as a player. PM the person. As you are not a GM, they are not obliged to respond, but if they do not respond, just report them and a GM will investigate. Be cafrefull to jump to conclusions. I always ask something like: "Hey, I noticed you are AFK-farming. Are you here?".

  23. It is worth 10000 gold cause that is the maximum something can be worth. You need the actual item to get it listed and you need to pay 500 gold to get it listed for 10000 gold.


    So we can know for sure that someone has the item and has payed 5% fee to get it listed for the price it is on the TP. It might be cause of a hack, but the GM's check the TP as well and have very likely researched it. I have no doubt that here is no foul play.


    As how it is possible that this item exists we can only speculate. It isn't officially in game, but it has an entry in the game database. It does not officiallt exist in the game as it isn't part of any loottable and is not sold or crafted by anyone. My speculation would be that a loottable got corrupt causing this item to drop. Nothing the player could have done against it so it is a legit bug.

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