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mercury ranique.2170

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Posts posted by mercury ranique.2170

  1. Copper fed salvage kit is best used on white, green and blue materials (basic, fine and masterwork). Silver fed is best used on Yellow (rare)

    I personally salvage almost everything like this

    All white green and blue using my copper fed salvage kit

    I got plenty of mystic forge stones, with no other use. So for Yellow salvaging I use mystic salvage kit (buy a master salvage kit, journeyman salvage kit and a fine salvage kit and use it with 3 mystic forge stones in the mystic forge to get a mystic salvage kit with 250 uses (for about 27 silver). This is a lotcheaper then the silver fed salvage kit and due to the 250 uses almost as efficient in it's use. I use it on rares. I never buy black lion salvage kits, but I got plenty in the bank from daily rewards and stuff, so I use those for exotic salvaging. the few times I ran out of BL kits I used the same mystic salvage kit.



  2. > @"radda.8920" said:

    > To find competent people who have mastered the basics of the game

    > It allows you to go faster to avoid spending 2 hours in these boring missions


    To be honest, Li does not proof that someone is competent nor does or proof someone Mastered the basics of the game. It only proofs someone has done a bunch of raids. For raids it might help to get people who atleast have some experience, but it means nothing for the rest of the game.

  3. I think it is too early to come to any conclusion as the story has yet to continue. They released part1 of part 1. The focus seems to be to add a new narritive and mechanic to tell the story. As this technique is pretty new I understand the focus on the technique. I have no doubt they will add more variation in the next releases or even in part 2 when this chapter continues.

  4. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > The scope has been a mess and thats because you havent set a clear plan for how Gw2 is going to stay relevant and evolve and grow for years to come.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Arenanet isn't a company that does it like it is supposed to be done. They have never been that way. If you've been with us for longer you should have known that. It started a long time ago with the gw1 campaigns that went to an expansion and gw2 and the ongoing changes to the living world.

    > > Arenanet isn't using proofed business models like other bigger companies. They do it their own way. The result is a game that has been refreshing and renewing the genre. It was Arenanet that started the titles and achievement system. The first without monthly fees and still presented a big game where you can spent a lifetime online. The first to say goodbye to the trinity. Etc.

    > > To be innovative you need trial and error. It means they constantly try to improve the release schedule.

    > >


    > I feel like there needs to be some correction here.


    > "It was Arenanet that started the titles and achievement system."


    > WoW literally did both of those things before GW2 did. WoW released their Achievements system in 2008, which also enabled more and more titles to be earned. There were also several MMOs, still with fairly large worlds to spend a lot of time in, that were F2P (Maplestory, Ragnarok Online, Perfect World) or that didn't require a Subscription. They weren't *massively* popular, but they still existed and some were very P2W, but then there were others that just didn't have the pull other brands had.


    > But guess what? ANet might have been "innovative" to some extent and challenged the status quo with GW2, but 8 years later two of the most successful MMOs still use subscriptions and they both maintain better player retention and a larger active playerbase than GW2 does.


    > You can like GW2, that is entirely fine and I won't challenge you on that because it suits your tastes, but I feel there needs to be at least *some* recognition that their "approach" has flaws. Flaws, mind you, that resulted in 143 employees being let go all at once, the game director Mike Z leaving and there still being no acknowledgement of it, and Mike O having completely left with other veteran ANet devs to form another company. Granted devs moving on or leaving to other companies are a norm in the industry, but *these things* are something else.


    Ok, you have just proven my point and want GW2 to be just like WoW. Make sure to get your facts right. Arenanet released a title system in gw1 factions in 2006. As it offered a way to fill the gap between releases it attacked players from other games in such a way that blizzard hasted to add a similar system to WoW.

    It is ok to like WoW and I understand it suits your tasting..... wait, just read your own post again with the knowledge that you did not successfully corrected me, but made a fool of yourself by proving the exact point why it is good arenanet does not follow in blizzards footsteps. More likely the other way around.

  5. > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > And when the new raid doesn't hit in March, then what?

    > >

    > > Sorry. Rhetorical question.


    > I don't know if you realize but it's not just GW2 community that has a bunch of crybabies so I doubt devs get affected by their flaming etc. when they don't get what they want on a certain date. You kinda make it look like it's only GW2 problem while it's pretty much everywhere.


    The point here is that one should not look at other games. But just to comment on the GW2 community. Yes, my experience is that there is a lot of commotion once such a date is not reached while it was promised. Even when it isn't promised at all, but doesn't arrive when one expects it, the reaction can be very flammatory. Just look at the most recent release. It was expected earlier in november. The lack of it resulted in very pitty comments

  6. > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

    > I mean, a clear roadmap wouldn't hurt, like they did some time ago but maybe a little bit wider this time so we know what we're facing.


    > As for the quality matter, for some it might be not enough, for some it might be enough. Overall, I'd say I expected more but that's the only reason I am slightly disappointed. We can't expect "expansion level content" with LW anymore since expansion is announced though. So yeah, it's ok I guess.


    I remmeber them giving "roadmaps". Like how soon GW2 would be released. It was later and the outcry was huge. When they left the 4 weekly schedule in season 1. The outcry was huge. The reason they do not give us this kind of info is that too many think it means they are entitled to it and things explode very nasty if it isn't met

  7. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > The scope has been a mess and thats because you havent set a clear plan for how Gw2 is going to stay relevant and evolve and grow for years to come.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Arenanet isn't a company that does it like it is supposed to be done. They have never been that way. If you've been with us for longer you should have known that. It started a long time ago with the gw1 campaigns that went to an expansion and gw2 and the ongoing changes to the living world.

    > > Arenanet isn't using proofed business models like other bigger companies. They do it their own way. The result is a game that has been refreshing and renewing the genre. It was Arenanet that started the titles and achievement system. The first without monthly fees and still presented a big game where you can spent a lifetime online. The first to say goodbye to the trinity. Etc.

    > > To be innovative you need trial and error. It means they constantly try to improve the release schedule.

    > >


    > All this would be true if A-Net would ba a charity or something.

    > In reality they are a very professional entertainment corporation and people who spend money on them have a right to expect that.


    > If we apply word by word what you wrote to a dentist or car mechanic, people would laugh at us.


    No, I would not mind applying this to a car mechanic or a dentist, if it means you get more then what you could get on any streetcorner, but more experimental. It is a choice you make to not go to the average joe, but to a game that operates with a more of a sandbox type of release system.


  8. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > The scope has been a mess and thats because you havent set a clear plan for how Gw2 is going to stay relevant and evolve and grow for years to come.



    Arenanet isn't a company that does it like it is supposed to be done. They have never been that way. If you've been with us for longer you should have known that. It started a long time ago with the gw1 campaigns that went to an expansion and gw2 and the ongoing changes to the living world.

    Arenanet isn't using proofed business models like other bigger companies. They do it their own way. The result is a game that has been refreshing and renewing the genre. It was Arenanet that started the titles and achievement system. The first without monthly fees and still presented a big game where you can spent a lifetime online. The first to say goodbye to the trinity. Etc.

    To be innovative you need trial and error. It means they constantly try to improve the release schedule.


  9. another thing with the lb-ranger is the turret effect. In traditional games you have a trinity with tank/dps/healer. The LB is most succefull in mimicking the dps in the trinity (stand in the back and deal dps while standing still). While this is longer viable in the earlier content, it gets lesser viable in later content. You do not learn basic mechanics like self healing, CC, damage control, dodging, etc. This makes the player in what I call a turret. A stationary vulnerable object that deals DPS, that could just as well be a npc. It does not mean that all LB-rangers are like this and are bad, it just gives them a bad name. This is something simular to the wammo in GW1. There where very viable builds for warrior/monk. But also very rookie mistakes where made, giving this combination (warrior/monk, nicknamed wammo a very bad name).


    My personal advice: Play like you like to play. This should always come first. Be constructive and adaptive. Recognise your own mistakes and learn from them. Do not let anyone tell you how to play your character or class., but do accept tips as they can be very viable.


    My current build (holosmith) is a very glasscannon type of build. It is very strong, but it also has it's flaws. In a good strong group it works like a charm, but when things go wrong, I'm often the first on the ground. I rarely get comment about my build (and it is an adaptation of a meta build), but I do know it's pro's and cons.

  10. Cause build diversity is a potential balance issue. To prevent this the skills are grouped together. altough an eliteskill is more powerfull, the effect can be less. for example a build using mesmerclones. Having the option to add another mesmerclone would cause additional issue with balancing such a build.

  11. You could make a support request about it.... ;)


    But I did some research. I see an picture I used on certain websites. On inspection it has the source ID for the gravatar website. This is a system that ties your mailadress to different websites where you can login. So please try going to gravatar.com and logging in and changing the picture there (not sure if it works as I seem to have trouble logging in and got stuck from that point.)

  12. To explain a bit. To me there can be many formats to release DLC's. Such formats are different from studio and studio, but it should be the same in a studio. An expansion will have the expectation that there will be new maps. If they do something else, it should be names differently.


    And to answer if it is needed. I see your issue, but I doubt it will be the solution. I think that we need to replace current options with newer ones. Abandan the original games and put it on full maintainance. So add new starter and levelling zones in the expansions to come. keep the current maps in the original game, but remove them from the dailies. remove the incentives to go there and use them as an advertisement to play the newer parts of the game. The main population will move on and the problem will be solved while we still move forward.

  13. I think it happens in any good economy, so it is actually a sign that the artificial economy is doing well.

    It is a speculative bubble that is bound to burst one day and the mechanic where it forms and the mechanic where it burst is good and healthy. If you want it to burst, just delay any crafting that require mystic coins, or atleast only use the ones you acquire on your own. If enough people will do this, those who have been stockpiling them will start selling them, causing prices to drop and freefall down.

  14. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > > > It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: "And this, too, shall pass away." How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!

    > >

    > > GW2 doesnt have the eternal life, but it is far from death. People always have had concerns and it is primarly cause the current course isn't yours. I do think it is why Arenanet is doing a good job here. They do not try to cather everyone at once as it is impossible , but they try to add things for most.

    > >

    > > I also know they take time to adjust any serious issues like old meta's not being done. It takes time to solve it, but I have no doubt it will.


    > Where or when exactly have they *ever* actually remedied issues relating to people not playing older meta events that actually had any impact? Because its still an issue...so one can't really say "they will" when thats something they really haven't done before. A **lot**, **most** even, map metas are not done these days. Only a select *few* are actually done with any level of consistency.


    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > > > @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

    > > > > Forums tend to attract people with complaints so I find that places like these aren't the best place to ask questions like those.

    > > >

    > > > who else would you ask? the people. who have left? those without complaints? no one at all? batman?

    > >

    > > aren't you the perfect example of a disgruntled player who can't let go? You are literally proving his point.

    > >

    > > Just saying, his point is that happy players are actively playing the game, while unhappy players come to vent. This extends so far that even players who are NOT active decide to come vent on the forums or continue to spread their displeasure while having 0 active stake in the game. Which gives a very skewed view of how players in game and on the forums actually experience the game.

    > >

    > > This game could be on an all time high, but having unhappy ex players cloud the forums with their complaints will make it seem as though the game is about to close shop.This is valid for pretty much all MMORPGs and their forum communities because there is always players leaving and players joining (or returning).


    > But does the fact that they don't play actually refute or invalidate the concerns and complaints they have? Arguably I'd say that entirely depends on how they are voicing them and what the complaints actually are. If someone rolls into these forums after having uninstalled the game just groaning and griping and complaining that they got killed by a certain class in PvP or that some certain piece of PvE content killed them one too many times, yes I would say that isn't entirely valid.


    > GW2, as a game is..."okay". Being someone that has recently quit and uninstalled I can at least make that distinction, but that doesn't mean the problems I saw in ANet as a development company (communication policy or otherwise), how the game is handled, the lackluster and shallow PvE content per content release, the neglected PvP modes, and discrepancies between earnable ingame skins compared to buyable skins, all reasons for why I quit, just miraculously disappear or become invalid or irrelevant as criticisms or negatives/cons of the game. I was with this franchise for 15 years, I do still in some ways care where it goes because it was a large part of me growing up, but ultimately I ended up not wanting to mentally torture myself anymore by doing mental gymnastics to try and figure out what ANet is even doing or trying to do, all the while feeling like they couldn't give any amount of care about long time players like myself. Mind you I have no issues with games doing things for casuals, but with the seeming lack of direction, abhorrently obvious lack of communication, depressing lack of attention to many pieces of content and what seems like an honest lack of passion for their own game I lost any kind of faith in them. Remember how passionate we saw Colin be for GW2 when he was still around? Same with Mike O, despite his questionable decisions and ideas relating to the game, that all seems to have gone buh-bye.


    > Defend the game and the company if you want, that is fine, but please acknowledge the reality and the problems that *do* exist with the game. Don't fluff their ego, thats kind of what got things to this point in the first place.


    It is not about fluffing their ego or anything. It is about what is good for the game.

    The essence is the revenue model in GW2. It is different from games with monthly fees. Not only does it mean they have less resources, but also that they depend more on sales from the game and it's expansions. This has always been the case.

    It also mean they focus more on what is new and not to polish up what is old. What is old is good enough to be an advertisement for the payed content.


    Another element here is addiction. Why would one care how well things are? unless it is cause you care too much. It is just a game. Arenanet has no financial interest in you to keep playing. I think it is a good thing. Where a monthly fee contributes to addiction, is the GW2 model, based on new sales, better to acknowledge people who are too worn out so the lack of polishing is annoying to them. You said yourself it was a mental torment. Why would you put yourself through that. Arenanet doesnt need to care (and wont) financially.

  15. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > > I've been reading the court ruling. The court is very clear that it is important that the content of the lootboxes have a value not only in the virtual economy but also on the real market. As this is not the case with GW2, I doubt this ruling change anything


    > well, since gold is worth more than gems and gems can be bought with real money it makes gold worth more than money, and since stuff from chests can be sold for gold it becomes a valuable item in the real market.

    > it sounds really silly i agree but that's how they do view it, if they made gold without actual value this problem becomes mute.


    The main difference (and that is also in the court ruling) is that with the EA lootboxes the content can be sold for real life money. When you buy gems, you have no chance at all to convert them back to money. This makes a huge difference and is also something specifically named in the court ruling.

  16. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > > > It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: "And this, too, shall pass away." How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!

    > >

    > > GW2 doesnt have the eternal life, but it is far from death. People always have had concerns and it is primarly cause the current course isn't yours. I do think it is why Arenanet is doing a good job here.


    > The main problem i see with your point is, that there isn't a single person saying "yes, it's my course"

    > Look at what happened to Star Wars, when they tried to fix the problems with the different fan groups by pleasing none of them.


    > In general people play a game because they enjoy it. The groups of people who are not entertained are growing too big.

    > This is why the weekly doom and gloom thread pops up.

    > I came to term, with me not being the chosen target group and i am fine with that. But i also don't know anyone who is.

    > I wish there would be a more obvious path they go so people can make up their mind. Yes, they would lose the one or other group

    > but strengthen the main target group. Until then everyone turns their back on GW2 instead just a couple of people


    The main problem I see with your post is the lack of mandate. It seems often that using a mandate strenghtens an argument you are making. (Saying that no just you, but a lot of others are saying the same thing and claiming that you speak on their behalf).


    So where does your mandate come from? Why would those people not voice themself? Who are the people you claim to speak for?


    Just looking at the forum (which is a bad place to check the state of the game, cause people do not often come her to tell Arenanet is doing a great job, but cause they want something changed), I see people saying they like the icebrood saga releases. An Canthan expansion was the most asked for expansion and there didnt go a week by that a threat was made by people requesting it.


    Looking at the numbers (ncsoft quarterly reports) it is doing pretty well for being in a period between major releases.

    Most of all, the OP pinpointed some issues he/she see (on a personal base, which is fine), but that doesnt mean that people agree. It doesn't even mean it is the wise course to cather everyone.


    In the time I've played this game I've seen people come and go. And there has been times that I also only did the dailies once per week. But I always make new friends and find new ways to enjoy myself.

    Will it last? likely not. I too will quit one day, but it is not a bad thing and there will be new players as well.

  17. I have thought about it a lot and thinking about it I came to the conclusion it might be unwise to pay much attention to the original game. I think the original game is great, but it is getting outdated. Instead of making time to remaster it, maybe it is time to redo it. Not as a replacement, but as something besides it. It would obviously be part of an expansion and to select this option for a new character you'd need this expansion (or call it a campaign).

    I think a new levelling experience in new maps and with a new story would be very much help in refreshing the game as a whole.

    Another thing is that there is a good niche of players who are uninterested in lvl 80 content, but who are in creating and levelling new alts. Giving them something new would also cather their needs.

  18. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > see.. that's the thing. who ever comes up the story doesnt make any sense. aurene is the one could help. she is not doing anyhing + useless 5 gods. should pull down their statues lol


    There once was a God called Abadon. He was removed from power by the other Gods. This was extremely violent and caused major destruction to the world, It created the crystal dessert and the desolation.


    It is not that they do not want to help, it is cause it is extremely dangerous. You just can't simply destroy a dragon. We did it with 2 and Tyria is litterally falling apart. We know now it needs replacement, like with Kralkatorix.


    The entire story of Balthazar in this arc has been created cause the gods posed a problem to the main story. They needed to be out of the picture. This is why it is explained that a God cann't replace a dragon to recreate the balance.

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