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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > Is it really neccesery to exist. Alot pugs i played seems to be unable to sync it. Wouldnt it be easier to remove it and make a path to tread through to the secondery boss


    > @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

    > The wisp puzzle is super simple and yet I constantly run into T3 groups that still don't get it. I don't think I have ever found it fun when my team does know what to do. And for that reason alone, I would vote in favor of removing it (and replacing it with something that IS fun).


    i.m.o “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

    Try to imagine whereby a Junior is having difficulties with a subject in studies. Imo removing the subject from the exams is not the appropriate approach since they will lose the chance to gain knowledge.


    By removing it; Yes, will make it easier but it will also removed a learning experience to players. Experienced players might find it unnecessary since they've already perfected/memorized it but new players will not and might find difficulties later on when situation occurs.

    Instead of removing, maybe suggest to make the traps more visible for struggling players etc. or other better suggestions for improvement and quality.



  2. Second Zaxares.5419 as well. Haven't encounter any bugs in CM, so far. Aside from the need to adjust the minimap for marking(personal waypoint) at start before starting the final boss occasionally, but the minimap will auto re-adjust when the encounter starts.


    Had some bug with Sunqua normal or T3 recs yesterday, couldn't remember which. Had some aoe effects persisting after everyone /gg. Got it fixed by having everyone /gg again and make sure the skills ended and boss reseted before everyone resurrects.

  3. > @"Cameron Rich.3905" said:

    > Hey everyone. I wanted to let you know we're still looking into this issue. Your continued reports are appreciated and encouraged.


    The minimap for the final boss area isn't synchronized correctly as well. Its fine until around the part where players go pass the floating rocks/pass the portal Rp for the convo to end, nearby the graves. Edge of the map(?).


  4. - **Negative Burst** now floats the target for 1 second.

    - **Overwhelming Sorrow** now dazes for 1 second. It also now deals increased damage.

    - The damage inflicted by **Crushing Guilt** has been increased. The damage is now tracked in the combat log.

    - **Focused Wrath** can no longer be avoided by jumping.

    - **Empathic Manipulation**'s pulsing damage has been increased.


    Part of 29th Sept 2020's patch note for Sunqua. Need help identifying what are those abilities written in **bold** (can't find any info using wiki).

  5. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > The water tornadoes projectile hits harder than the other elements.


    > That's because that phase doesn't have projectiles, but is actually reflecting your projectiles back at you - if you are talking about the phase where the boss is in the center surrounded by a water tornado.


    > In retrospective I think you just mean the (technically not) projectiles moving around the arena, but for those I think it's intended that each phase hits increasingly harder.


    Some projectiles/range attack works during that Tornado phase.

    But it wasn't that was I referring to, its those telegraph attacks (forgot what its called, similar to those purple lights in CM but before that its in the form of elements). Water seems to hit harder than the rest (6.8k ish).

    Can't wait for Sugar Rush instability for Sunqua :lol:.

  6. 50-50 with the scenery. It can be beautiful, but personally felt the concept/theme is somewhat different. Floating terrain, gloomy, shadings, cramped pathing and surroundings makes it feel edgy/uncomfortable.


    The gaunlet and mini bosses are pretty straight forward. Never liked the idea of recycling mob's model design (same for LS4 recycling mob's model, not expansion level content imo if its recolored/recycled models).


    Final boss is fun and appropriate for a boss with the mechanics. To nitpick or things to brush up, the Rp is tad too long. Players should be allowed to continue progress forward while the dialogues are going instead of waiting for it to end before the final boss. The final boss meteors set takes too long to land and Water channeling phase has too much idle time/for it to end.


    The water tornadoes projectile hits harder than the other elements. Overall an easy boss but can be heal intensive for inexperience group. With no time limit/dps check, its possible to use 2 healer even for CM. Which will make it much more forgiving and easier compared to other CMs.


    The hotfix seems to have balance out the mobs Hp (things just melt in seconds on the first day, could be a bug as the last boss disconnects us during phase).

  7. Recoloured recycled skins. (Ree : Ree : is getting too common)


    Tried the new fractals as well. As of now, the balance seems to be off as most of the NPC attacks does low damage/misses. Power is highly favourable as stuff dies within seconds, including mini-bosses.

    There seems to be a bug : Firebrands with active Tome skills will not be able to pickup "wind charges", not sure if its the same for other classes. (Eg. Engi with Bundle weapon skills, Ele with conjures).

  8. > @"Gaalim Cauchemar de Dragon.1498" said:

    > I was looking around searching for a potential repeated behaviour. Couldn't find other cases on reddit or forum but here is what happened to some players including me. We (not premade) joined an LFG group for "Forging steel". Commander and an other person (lets call him X) stay alone in subgroup 2, all those who joined in sub1. No talks, rather fast clear for a random group, we're at the boss in 20 mins. Now, right before the boss fight, X kicks everybody out of the strike mission. No talk was done through the whole length of the mission, and the only person slacking was the commander who did not exit the tank once during the strike, i was just thinking it was maybe his first time doing it or that he was lazy; I didn't really care as we progressed anyway. So the 8 people who carried this mission got kicked without any reason, and wasted 20 minutes because of this premade toxic behaviour. It could be that they wanted to spend more time on the boss achievement, or just that it was fun for them to grief, maybe even to make room for possible friends/other accounts (the premades could just aswell have been a single player).


    > Now, i blocked the 2 accounts behind this deed, and so did the other players who got kicked and that i could reach. We all reported them, and I fancied writting a ticket with screens to A.Net support thinking i could prevent those people from ruining game experience for other people. Their answer was: "join a party you trust, squad leaders can kick if they want it's their decision". First, i wonder how I can join only a party I trust when the "lfg tool" is basically made to setup groups between people who don't know each others. And second, I was expecting a little bit more than "your loss, we support this kind of behaviour". I don't think it would take too much effort to track repeated toxic behaviour of this kind and prevent people who abuse from LFG to use the tool for a certain amount of time? I'm not asking for a ban, but how many people will he/they fool without any consequences because reports won't be taken into account and everybody seem to believe it is a normal way of behaving? I understand that commanders must be free to kick people who abuse/are unwanted in the group compo/etc without the fear of getting punished for it.. but this was none of the above, and because it is an exceptional event does not mean it shouldn't be monitored.


    > I hope this post wasn't too long/heated to read and that my broken english did not butcher it. I wanted to write this so that if other people got wronged in the same way there is a proof something is going on and that it's not just a "one timer", even though I would prefer for it to be this way.


    Sounds like the commander is exploiting/taking advantage of others. The conduct is close to a "scam" and spreads negativity. No way to identify such behavior/players behaviour before hand. Its a risk to take with PUG & LFG. Only can block/ban the offender to prevent rejoining the same group/minimize such scenario from repeating. The response you got from Anet support was... inappropriate (imo). Should be a punishable offence, if investigated and proven true.



  9. The boss just continuously spam all its skill non stop after 25% phase.

    Knockdown Swipe, AoE Knockback, Dropping snows, Channeling Orbs etc. to the extend everyone in party literally gave up trying to move under permanent CC (knockdown, knockback, knockdown… until we wipe). Happened repeatedly 2 attempts in a row, we then quit the instance and re-entered Strike Mission again with the same players only to encounter the same bug the 3rd time.


    Didn't manage to catch the first instance IP, but the 2nd instance IP was : **Ip address(es):**

  10. Depending on class and role. Best to go for Boons in mind for PuG. From exp, a "smooth/good" requires both, exp players and good boons uptime. Can't help much with the first, not immediately. But the later(boons and uptime) is something that can be prepared beforehand.


    Using mantra group healer as a mesmer isn't optimal. As a damage dealer, mainly there's Dps and boons/utilities. For optimization, you would want to have BOTH. But don't that limit you, try to get as much as possible from the class.


    > @"Dwarfthrower.4217" said:

    > 1st Idea: Let me compare these two builds - (Build with Boons in mind, but doesnt) VS (Build that doesnt use Boons). Whichever has higher DPS will be the one I lean towards.


    Situational but most of the time; to obtain high dps requires boons. Question is boons from(?) self sufficient or party provides.

    Ps : A friend in game uses core mesmer build for fracs and does "good" dps, above all pug dps most of the time. Answer(s) are tied with the question: How? :smile:

  11. What Cyninja.2954 said:

    > "What he meant was, the triumphant hero armor is available as exotic and/or ascended, and since only the skin unlock is required, it is possible to unlock the triumphant hero set via getting it as exotic, which is cheaper than the ascended version...."

    Sorry if it caused a confusion.


    But back to topic, the changes made is not a good one as it is. Points such as "to attract new players" are insufficient, there are better ways to attract players without hurting another. There's one positivity I can see from the change and it's to free up space to put in new rewards for the later ranks; expansion (eg. Room for Rank 500 till 10k "Title" rewards now). But don't get our hopes up until hear it from dev.

    More reason not to based on pass records, lots of the decision made in WvW lacks after thoughts. Nerfing and buffing under "Balancing", giving stealth portal to Thief, Warclaw (gave this addition in hope to bring in new players enough time by now, changes nothing only made things worse) and the fear for compensation to be subpar fillers or new rewards at Rank 2k.

  12. > @"nativity.3057" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > OP had a solid point and remains undisputed. It's about the value and effort for players that have acquired the skin/Legendary.

    > >

    > > To clarify; Using the point about Tickets for example.

    > > Yes, players are still time-gated by it. But so were the players that already acquired the skin/Legendary, they paid the same price, was time-gated by it as well **plus more (WvW rank)** which is; at the moment exempted without compensation. That's what OP pointed out. Hope this example makes it clearer.

    > >

    > >


    > OP's point is "I got the skin when it was at its highest cost. If other players don't pay this same amount, they shouldn't deserve the skin".

    > Issue with this kind of question is that it is always hotly debated.



    > I do have an issue with OP pointing out how the Exotic version of the skin is available at rank 500, and that the skin is all that maters. Exotic to Ascended armor is, like people mentioned before, the least noticeable upgrade compared to weapons and accessories. But it's still an upgrade with 6 infusions slots (and the infusions that make the most difference is vit/toughness/concentration). It's like keep buff but permanent.


    > Having access to Ascended selectable armor is nice. Before, the only option for stat selectable ascended armor was raids and PvP (iirc there is no stat-selectable ascended armor from living world).

    > It's not like the actual cost in terms of tickets and memories changed. It's just the rank required to obtain the two. And honestly, rank was the least important aspect of WvW.


    If I'm not wrong with the process of obtaining Mistforged.


    1st Tier (Triumphant) : from Triumphant Armor Box reward track.


    2nd Tier (Triumphant Hero) : With tickets through NPC in WvW. This armor has 2 version, exotic and ascended (only the Asc version 500 rank, can be upgraded into Legendary). But players only need to obtain either one; exotic or ascended version of the piece to unlock Mistforged.


    3rd Tier (Mistforged skin, 500 rank now) : tickets through NPC in WvW. Asc and can be upgraded to Legendary as well.


    Players were able to obtain Asc/Legendary with rank 500 even before the recent change. The only difference was the skin (without the glowing light tentacles/wings). Hence why OP was right, it only devalued the skin/item.

  13. Gear up a beefy signet warrior with healing stat. Now try killing the warrior without boons in WvW.


    Imagine, hours wasted unable to capture objectives because both side couldn't decisively end the combat (takes forever to capture a keep). Blob unable to repel each other with players respawning to rejoin the battle **with mounts** because of how long it takes to finish off players.


    With high chance of causing certain class profession, gear stats, builds, gameplay blobs coordinated group (guild/friend) and roaming useless. To the extend of desperate need to change class, regear and trait.


    Not sure if WvW will lived through this.

  14. OP had a solid point and remains undisputed. It's about the value and effort for players that have acquired the skin/Legendary.


    To clarify; Using the point about Tickets for example.

    Yes, players are still time-gated by it. But so were the players that already acquired the skin/Legendary, they paid the same price, was time-gated by it as well **plus more (WvW rank)** which is; at the moment exempted without compensation. That's what OP pointed out. Hope this example makes it clearer.



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