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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > A bit of overreaction there, no?

    > Literally everything on that list is core ranger, so saying it is a soulbeast nerf is a bit strange.

    > Kick (Rock Gazelle) is the pet damage not the merged one. The merged one had a 0.94 coefficient.

    > Charge (Rock gazelle) has a daze on both the merged skill and the pet one, so either one retaining damage is already different than other CCs in the game.


    SB is build on core, core indirectly effects SB.

  2. > @"Blur.3465" said:

    > > @"Woop S.7851" said:

    > > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/step-into-shadow-with-the-abyss-stalker-appearance-package/

    > > Wish answered early? haha =)


    > I'm still annoyed how most of such outfits and even armor sets look horrible on male Humans.

    > Wide hips, long stick legs, lowered shoulders, long neck...I can go on. I don't know why male Humans look bad in most of such armors and outfits... D:

    > I wanted to give my male Human the iconic Mad Max Road Warrior looks, but heck...in normal trousers he gets stick legs...........and I'm using the NORMAL body build.


    > The new Abyss Stalker gives male Humans wide hips again...

    > *Silently cries in the corner*


    I couldn't agree more. Small shoulders and wide hip with all those trenchcoats and dress, fashion disaster. The reason why all my male characters are Norns and Charrs :wink:.

  3. Attack of Opportunity was reduced to 25% long ago in one if the patch. The recent patch just makes GS not a good choice of weapon. With Swoop, Kick and Hilt Bash doing almost no damage, GS is left with auto attacks(slow and can't dodge) and Maul(nerfed).


    (3) is unlikely to happen, each SB pets have different types of pets for each stats types.



  4. > @"Valar Dotalis.6409" said:

    > Screenshot of a damage log I took on March 14.


    > ![Taken March 14](https://i.imgur.com/8qevJHJ.jpg "")


    Survived over 50k damage (including those Rapid Fires, and how is it possible to deal 2.9k Rapid Fires after the balancing patch?) Now that's something. Something isn't right here...

    Edit : and that Charge damage... wasn't it nerfed badly...

  5. There's a tutorial for how to use the tank right at the start. For public que, it will be a hit or miss. A timer will appear, they're usually players calling it out and Ryland(NPC) calling "Recruits! Bring it down with the harpoons!" every time. The fight is well designed, similar to open world; but with players limit. Tutorials and instructions from NPC is provided for the entire process :smile:.


    _PS : The final boss Ancient Forgeman can be done without the harpoon, just takes way longer._

  6. Power is out of season with that -20% crit dmg nerf on SB and the nerf on Maul does seem unnecessary. Without Maul, GS is not a good choice for PvP/WvW. Power is nerfed, the attacks is slow and it locks action. Swoop, Kick and Hilt Bash is unreliable to hit or for damage.


    PS : What's the highest W.I & Maul's damage before the patch? (Not sure about Maul, but with full Zerk + Scholar + Force + Sick'em for max damage; I'm able to do 9.5k at best with 25 mights, am I missing a multiplier? Need a sample build.)

    Tested Condi SB (boonbeast and not), doesn't seems right.... may need more time theory crafting equipments and stats but noticed the damage is mainly from bleed alone, rely heavily on Short Bow which the ramp up time is extremely slow (similar to a necro spamming sceptre 1). :anguished:

  7. Edited dialogue in game at Spirits' Refuge.


    **Vigil Tactician** : I've done some preliminary tests on the... _SARS-CoV-2_

    **Vigil Marksman** : You can just call them "_Covid -19_." That's what everyone else is doing.

    **Vigil Tactician** : That's not very scientific. If you call it a name like that, you give it power.

    **Vigil Marksman** : It is powerful. Powerful and very dangerous. To suggest otherwise is irresponsible.

    **Vigil Tactician** : What's irresponsible is treating this like some kind of curse. It's a quantifiable thing. It has rules.

    **Vigil Marksman** : I don't care if you study it. I honestly don't even care what you call it. Just don't _catch it_.

  8. Not sure about Massively but its late? I don't follow gaming news as closely before. Tbh, learned OP title from a friend, and it was before that article. No idea what happened behind the scenes either.


    As for marketing, it's a different game nowadays. Eg. Found this well written article, short but good point:


    But I know, it reached me only because I play this game, many will not.

  9. > @"seyhzade.3401" said:

    > İ guess its really necessary. After u completed story once or twice conversation skip button should apper when any1 wanna skip whole conversation. Especially if u try to complete whole stories with ur all characters. Sometimes i am goin to Kitchen makin coffee coming back like 3-4 mins later they are still talkin :'(.


    Try 16mins, Living story - World Summit. Those envoys walking in 1 at a time. I still have an achievement left incomplete in there :frown:.

  10. Agree with there's too much visual clutter. The golden rule I follow:


    1) Have everyone stay close to the boss entire time(solving Green), while the person with Red(same for Flux Bomb) run out.

    2) Don't get blown off the ship by the wind gust. Come back asap if did.


    Keep reflect up, condi cleanse and ignore everything else. If the group still fails, there's only 1 reason; lack of BOONS. Group is doing below average DPS. Still can be remedied with (1) & (2):


    3) Thin down the minnions. (Minnions spawn based on Bosses HP%, low dps = slower spawn rate; easier to manage).



  11. Watch some videos or try it out. Think of it as a 10man dungeon.

    There will be a zone/area/ring for the bosses. Depending on group standards and requirements. Knowing what you're getting into helps. _Eg._ A group listed 9/10; It might be looking for a replacement for a member called in sick, thus joining might shoulder some expectations without knowing; or it could just be a group starting out fresh.

    Kicking can happen, might or might not disclose the reason, but there will be a reason and justification(reasonable or not) for the kick. There are guilds and community accepting/teach new raiders.

  12. > Now the key question : is Training Guilds (where most silly casuals resideds) , are they going to do 6+7 ?

    There are static groups formed, but don't expect many (lot of reasons for this, it will derail :smile: ). Most casuals initial goal is the Legendary Armor, which doesn't requires the later Raid Wings. Some stayed, some didn't after obtaining or before obtaining(myriad of reasons here, again :smile:).

    KP is another topic and derailing

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