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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. Just examples of extremes. On one side, players had bad experienced joining and not try again. On the other, players had a fair share experiences being dragged down by inexperienced players. Both side have their own justification. While there are which compromised or found another way to work towards their mutual goal.


    > ''selling guilds''

    > Yes there are people that benefit from that , collecting 1000 gold per run

    > Hm , maybe i start such a service :P


    Lots can be said about it, reason why and even more curious why players are paying for it (Do get it, more of is it necessary?). Everyone and anyone can start this service, as long as no conflict and what's paid is delivered. Like many others, for starters requires familiarity and practice. If everyone can do it, will the service still be necessary?


    What are the odds for a buyer to learn raid experience(?) Eg. mechanics, bosses, teamwork, achievement etc. The difference between buying and earning a cert.

  2. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > Yes. Make meme builds stronger again. Signet Grieving Burn Staff Ele is a good start. Please increase Fire Signet's 4 stacks of burning to 8. QQ is not high enough yet.


    > D:


    Signet of Fire? Stack might and instant apply Burn with no trajectory/warning. Usually works, they won't know what hit'em :sweat_smile:, won't cleanse it in time.


    Burn condi deal tones of damage, in a short time too. Will wait and see if there's balancing for condi later, after power. Fine with most condi types; cept Burn atm. Eg. If possible, make it starts of low and ticks higher over time, more time to cleanse Burn when hit with multiple stacks.

  3. > @"tippolit.3591" said:

    > > @"Tungsten Monarch.6058" said:

    > > The WarClaw speed nerf makes no sense, please revert the speed, for faster paced action. This slow nonsense is not fun or enjoyable.


    > Couldn't agree more. If they are going to move approximately the same speed as unmounted players what the hell is the point?


    I think unmounted players get some sort of run speed around mounted allies nowadays.

  4. > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

    >> Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case. Letting blocks make characters and their animations invisible in PvE areas would fix ALL of our problems with the few toxic members that consistently harass the RP community. Just blocking out the person 100% would make us so happy. Until then, there's a small group of scummy humans that get off to spamming skills in the middle of a bunch of people just being nerds. Would be nice to be able to enjoy my night off work doing what I love.


    >> I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

    What happened exactly? Or detailed example.

  5. > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

    > So im not sure how much you are aware but after killing most of roaming builds (especially for war mains) anet didnt do much to do same for already broken DE. Class that daze and hit for 10k from hide, and able to go hide insta after is still promoting bad unfun play. Rise of de is showing that clearly. Any chance that anyone is looking into this ?


    Stealthed, what's there to look at? :tongue:

  6. > @"Blur.3465" said:

    > I'm still waiting for a male hairstyle where you can change color of the sides of hair (aka Mad Max and Doctor Strange)...and a bunch of other options of course.

    > Please make it happen ANet!


    Ikr....asked for this ages ago. Asuran and Charr have one or two now. Wish there were more hairstyles like that and made available for all races.


    Meanwhile, at Character Creation...


    Customizing Human Male; :smile:

    Flipping through face features & hairstyles options.


    Customizing Human Female META;

    Flips, Flips, Flips. Let's come back for face feature after hairstyles it is. Flips (x3)... This, gonna take long :sweat_smile:. Clearly more options compared to Human male.


    Customizing Asura;

    Now....where's the next button(?).

  7. > @"Melech.4308" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > 5. The juice isn't worth the squeeze-----Really the only reason to raid is: rewards. Social experience, enjoyment? I doubt it. I truly doubt that most people enjoy it enough to do it constantly, even with friends. The fact of the matter is: you need 10 friends! Also, there is a such a thing as "burnout" after all.


    > I don't know where you got that 5th reason but I started doing raids to do one thing and one thing only: Legendary Armour. Eventually I began to enjoy it, even when I go on PUGS. When I got my first leggy armour, I decided I wanted to get another set after that.

    You had an interest, and found players to align with or have the same interest to work together.


    JTGuevara.9018 had an interest, but not what's expected and lost interest(due to various reasons, and it's normal).


    There is social enjoyment, playing with friends etc (in PvP sense, the feeling climbing 2v2 with a partner, compared to strangers randomly each match gives a different vibes). It's a group content and it might not be for everyone. Eg. Not everyone is interested in the story content, open world bosses,PvP, fractals, raids etc which is part of the game(will have or find justifications for it). It all requires updates over time. _or end up like Dungeons, pass open world maps and contents_ :anguished:

  8. More actually, how the content is delivered etc. When someone new ask what's there to do in GW2? What's there to keep them playing/end game? Open world and WvW will be on the table, since its a mmo group contents will first be mentioned (unlikely will mention achievement grinding or any solo self-interest as first choice). Fractals might or might not be mentioned, but inevitable be introduced as a PvE content. Other contents might be mentioned or omitted.


    Dungeons might be omitted or mentioned with a hint its abandoned and Fractals will be introduced as alternative. Thus, new players will either know about dungeon existence or not at all. Eitherway, access will prove to be difficult. The same rule applies for all contents, for Raid and all.


    Eg. If a player was introduced Raid or let known as part of the end content, imo it's not hard to get the player into raid with proper guidance or an existing raid squad ready to accept. Here, players won't get map advertising LFG for raids/dungeons etc.

  9. Condi scourge seems to work, need a few to make a difference.


    Don't see any roaming scourge/necros, so no comments on that. Hardly see any or notable Mirage roaming after the patch. Few roaming bunker condi rev (battle of endurance), same feeling fighting againsts the old gyro scrapper.

  10. Emphasizing the word solo there :smile:.Patch just hit few days ago, will need more time to tell. Its still possoble to deal high damage burst with power builds, but it will be challenging to burst down one immediately. Possible, but more room for opponent to survive through it.


    Still testing condi or semi for viability, time will tell.

  11. Damage was nerfed for sure, but it wasn't that bad. A little exaggeration with some player's feedback (difficult to solo camp NPCs etc.). Some skills coefficient did take a big hit (eg. utility skills CC etc.), but most of the damage nerf is still reasonable. No problem taking objectives and all in WvW, tad slower that.

  12. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > From the short time I was trying some 1v1s:

    > In my opinion reaper got hit harder by the patch than it first looks.


    > So from my 30 minutes of roaming a bit and 1v1s and clouding fights:

    > Roaming/1v1s:

    > Felt like Condi mirage is now impossible to beat. You don't have enough burst to attack them in the small windows you have.

    > Same goes for Condi rev. The enemy ate my whole soul spiral and it was doing 4k damage, which is a joke if you consider, that it dealt 14-20k before the patch.


    > Clouding:

    > Power mesmer/ mirage still has an insane Spike, hitting for over 6k with f1.

    > Thiefs vault still easily hits for 14k on a very low armor build.


    > Don't think that I can really judge it by now, if reaper got weaker, stronger, or stayed the same.

    > Especially because I first need to change my play style.

    > Reaper 5 and elite shout not doing any damage has an high impact on my old play style.



    > Scourge:

    > Feels like power scourge is completely useless now. Time for Condi/hybrid scourge, that felt much better And did more damage in zergfights


    Using what Gear stats, Sigil and Rune?

  13. I believe many foresee condi will be indirectly buffed by this patch. Will it be too powerful, we shall see. The nerf in power is huge this time, enough to shift classes and builds in PvP/WvW. Will wait till its stabilized.


    With one answered, the next question is will condi be adjusted as well(?) After monitoring and fine-tuning the recent changes. As second half of the patch. *Question everything* :wink:.

  14. "No please. The Classic experience required community building that LFR sidesteps. Things like LFR helped kill the social engineering that was part of playing in the Classic era."


    Text is from elsewhere, but the "community building" rings. *Is LFR implemented WoW classic?*


    The need for "guild/community" is weak in GW2 (Rp, Raids, WvW etc). There's just this feeling fighting alongside a guild/community, eg. in WVW, even if you're not part of their guild members.



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