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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. It will probably continue to go smaller, following the path of dungeon if continue to be left alone.

    *PS: A friend(return player from core) came back recently, to checkout the changes in game. I hit a paused, when he asked me how to obtain Arah's dungeon skins.*


    Players have difficulties entering the content, newer players doesn't even know about raids or how to start, without proper guidance. No groups running in LFG, similar to dungeons. With no group, insufficient numbers for a "group content" its difficult to fly. Can't or won't lead as first timer/inexperienced or to not deal with the pressure of leading.

  2. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > LFR is the only thing that saved raiding for WoW, without them they wouldn't be able to develop mythic difficulty ones.

    LFR is the problem, Mythic was introduced later to try to save the game by offering the "challenge", what the dev assumed they took away; an attempt to save their game. It didn't, was more than that (community etc) it created a rift and made mythic harder to access and thrive. Damage was done to the game's focus; Raids and irreversible. Both, devs (admitted) and players regretted over LFR's implementation.


    That's in another game where Raid is their focus. How will easy mode work for Gw2 raids? Personally, I don't know.

    I do know however it will create a rift between the 2 modes as its not the same. Fractals 99 & 100 and CM. Strikes and Raids. Same, yet splitted.


  3. Do require a few achievement involving Strike in order to get the emote(not sure of the exact number, sorry). Kinda remembered this because I found out about it later, was focusing on map event achievements. Thus, had to put everything else aside, missed a strike rotation and that delayed my completion by a week. (Still have 10-11 incomplete Strike achievement after getting the emote.) Did it by joining players asking/advertising in map chat, LFG and even solo'd some (doesn't require kill).


    From my perspective, no issues with the achievement. PvE players do need to go into WvW to obtain the Warclaw. Players stayed or learned something about it after, while those who doesn't like it; didn't.

  4. > Financially, only one thing makes sense: focus the resources where they will lead to an optimized revenue stream.


    > We can't see that data. And, neither ANet nor NCSoft is likely to tell us (although they should -- the game's life is at stake).


    > IF they are managing things correctly, they are finding which players spend the most money on the game. Then, how MUCH money do they spend vs. the rest of the population? Once they know those, it is trivial to place resources into the right areas. It's simple math.

    The game needs content. PvE Fractals and raids is slow. Months; close to year(s) for one fractal stage or one raid (goes in kill 2-3 bosses). Any addition of such content usually sustained the rev for a period.


    PvP/WvW game mode has remained the same for a very long time, there's 2v2 but it never stayed. There's balancing patch once in a while targeting PvP/WvW occasionally, little attention I suppose, but the game mode (capture points) remained the same since day one. Everytime a new competitive game mode is introduced, there's numbers.


    Open world has story, but there's only so much it could do to retain after the players are done with the map/achievements. Replayability, not many will replay the story over and over and over.


    There's a̶n̶n̶o̶u̶n̶c̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ hints* for Fractals, no details; yet. Rehiring and hiring new staffs :smile:, not sure if it's a team for specific content or general.

  5. Minnion Build - fun in its own way, but there are too many downsides for it to be viable imo. Although it does work occasionally, there's too many situation minnions are not feasible to justify for it to be used.


    Minnions either gets ignored or obliterated at higher level contents by stronger foes (eg.elite/champion). Unable to fully control the minnions is the major downside. From not optimal attack skill, pathing, staying/walking into AoE, insufficient damage and keeping player(s) in combat while its not the player's intention etc.


    The later builds are more viable, maybe alittle touch up, Min-max and adjustment depending on situation (theory crafting).

  6. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    >> Do we actually need to be told about these "reasons"? Niche content attracts a niche crowd. Introducing multiple difficulty tiers might slightly increase the size of said crowd but raids would continue to be niche content no matter what.

    >> You either decide to have niche content in your game for very specific crowds or you do not. Trying to make all content appeal to most players is never going to work. Some people simply do not enjoy PvP. No amount of carebearing will ever change that. Many players are never going to enjoy competitive PvE. And again, no amount of babysteps to introduce them to raiding will change that fact.


    >> The great majority of the players who wanted try raids already did do so. They went through long phases of active raiding and they eventually quit due to a lack of new content. The number of people who have been actively raiding since day is getting closer to zero by the day. Everyone is moving on or at least going on an hiatus for a while.


    >> Feels like we have a said this a thousand times already... The only way to maintain a sizeable raid community is a good rate of new raid content. No amount of new incoming players who might or might not even like raids are going to make up for those who already quit.


    Sums most of it imo. Be it time constrained or etc, it's impossible to get 100% audience participation for it in GW2. It's possible only if the game mainly focus on it, whereby it will only attract players specifically for raids.


    Players are given free will, nothing is forced. As much as I want PvP skins, I just dislike PvP. Not going to find excuses for myself eg. Toxicity, just dislike the whole flipping capture points idea which all PvP is based on. I'm fine with WvW.


    Strike Mission is just a stepping stone to raids; a platform. It won't force players into raids if they're not interested. I do believe there are players trying out raids after doing strike, but couldn't find a "proper" group to fit in (same problem as before, and those who are interested will find a way). Players who are not interested in raids, will still not raid even though they're doing Strikes regularly. *Nor keep in touch with anyone they met in Strike to organize something.*


    >@"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

    >> There is also a 4th reason - Only a small audience asked for them (which is another reason why they shouldn't have come to fruition). With regards to the toxicity, long before the raids even came out hoards of players already foretold what was going to happen. Even those who never said a peep about them knew what was going to happen.. so again, why did they ever even bother coming to fruition.


    >> Raids implementation is one of the biggest reasons why we have such a "balance" problem.


    Enough for it to be considered and implemented and attract a big crowd for HoT. Why the number didn't maintained till today is debateable. Not sure what "balance" is referring and related to raids (condi was nerfed during HoT, Might stats was lower compared to when the game was launched etc(?) Wasn't things more powerful back then?

  7. > With the green circles/dropping orbs, does it make any difference how many people go in the circle or is one enough? I.e. should I go to the circle if there is already at least one player there?

    One player standing on it will be enough to prevent the shockwave. Will need further clarifications regarding the "buff" gained for doing greens though. Log shows no significant increase in damage, but maps that does the mechanic does seems to have better success rates.


    Casual =/= Lazy

  8. Fairly easy boss, untill it hits below 25%(?). **Slithering Rime Explosions orbs** phase, its a total mess from there. The skill is blinding, especially for those in melee range/closer towards the boss. To add, multiple skill/mechanics can happen during the channeling attack. The overlapping effects makes it impossible to see(chain/ice shards/ice aoe/green bomb). Plus the orbs doesn't seem to have a specific pattern (got trapped in a formation with no escape; dodge triggers explosion, few times). Standing at the ledge doesn't help much or at all.

  9. Network error the inability to connect to Guild Wars 2. Maybe caused by internet routing issues or a server network failure.

    If the problem persist, please visit our support website. (code=5:11:3:159:101)


    Been getting the pop-up error above since yesterday. The DC started ever since I purchased the "Recharging Teleport to Friend" (GMT+8, 15th Feb 2020) and I get DC every now and then whenever I try to switch maps. Anyone having the same issue?

  10. One of the original fractals when Fotm was introduced, long before the game updated warning indicators(red outline & bright orange/red for AoE; could use the update). "Desynchronised" could be from lag/delay. The boss attacks are slow hence predictable, simply stand behind or move behind it when its facing your direction.


    Randomly pulled this tutorial from Youtube :

    Watch out for the **V-shaped frontal stomp (8:35)** & **charged-attack AoE on the ground (8:45)** in the vid. Can easily be missed due to visual noise & colour blends with the snow.

  11. > @"BlackBullWings.2734" said:

    > ...

    > - only needs 1 player (i think?) to stop an ice orb

    > - the shockwaves it causes only go so far, making the ones in the back completely ignorable.

    Yes and no. Players standing under the closer ice orbs will risk taking damage from the ones behind.

    > Honestly, if this part required something like 5-10 players per orb, it would make the "tornado phase", ....

    Will indirectly set the requirement X amount of players 'compulsory' for the event to be completed.

    > ...


    > I was wondering if anyone knows, do the adds damage the shield? do drakkar's emergence attacks damage it? would be far more interresting if they did. never seen the shield health drop below 75%.

    No idea what will happen for failing the breakbar phase(was closed to it; once). The shield doesn't seems to have HP mechanics after the breakbar phase and will last indefinitely until the champion is defeated. The adds/minions seems to have a spawn pattern(fallen, aberration, svanir) based on drakkars Hp% or champion phase(?) and seems to have a "time limit". If the champion is taking too long to kill; a set of 2-3 Svanir with swords above their head will appear and start AoE using "flamethrower" staffs killing every player under the shield. Can be interrupted and killed.



  12. > ..., say for example wow how they made different difficulties to engage a larger fraction of the population.

    That was the intention. But the result was beyond their imagination. Speculations and warnings was ignored after announcement, since it was already decided and in motion. LFR was launched Dec/2009 :skull:. Population took a dive shortly after, face first.

  13. Imo its experience, in the end it requires time(how firm is their basic, could be gained from other gaming exp).


    Agree, to improve needs practice. For that, having basic knowledge, what to expect or even better a "good teacher" with insight & patience helps alot. Eg. Mount-glide-drop and estimates/instinct to land, cutting one or two of the action won't help. The depth of the water; shallow or deep, both requires to float, the person holding the hands needs to make sure they keep floating till they're used to it. Even good swimmers can drown.


    How I view it,

    > If there is something there that can be removed without effecting the function, then it is an unnecessary complication and should be removed. If you take away too much then you lose information, utility, or clarity. Thus everything has a minimal form.


    There's a wide range of example to give. But for Grothmar's Boss, it attacks randomly every 4-5 seconds. Requires 3 consecutively attack on the same player(s) to be downed, giving healer(s) a minimum 12-15 seconds(possible more) to heal which is **more than enough**. Further dampening the damage will make the boss attacks meaningless. (Which imo already is; harmless flashy attacks when there's healer(s).

  14. Grothmar? Just afk auto attack with range weapon. Still end up getting Gold, everytime. Even with 1 pug went afk, after collecting all the mini boxes. While the other was still collecting the boxes when we started the encounter (did use the beacon when the boss was at 40% ish but ends up fully dead for using the beacon once its started). The squad leader tried calling, ready check etc. Sometimes do end up dead, "healers must be slacking" while I was alt-tabbed :tongue:.


    The boss doesn't do much with healer(s) around, unless they're afk. What was the situation like? Grothmar Strike is as simple as it can be. Can't say for all Strike/Raid bosses. (Eg. Boneskinner bug/design/balancing). Try to identify what caused the *nearly* wipe situation, then only on how to improve it.


    *“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” -Einstein*

  15. Subjective question and varies depending on individual, similar to "fun". But something to do alone but preferably with friends or other players(its a game after all). Enticing/rewarding to do it repeatedly. With a sense of achievement(could be a challenge etc); something to talk about, share or even boast. Can be something simple, eg. playing a Magic cube.


    One could enjoy something but without the qualities; zero sense of achievement, nothing to talk about or person to share experience with, unrewarding etc...is hollow/boring. Eg. Enjoyed a movie but no one interested or to share topic with. It may have been good, but unlikely going to rewatch it.

  16. > @"Xanthia.7209" said:

    > Anet: Increases damage

    > Players: Stack more Health and Toughness


    > Basically just fill your squad with scourges in full Trailblazers. Even with me playing completely like kitten and in a pug group the encounter is super chill. On the 2nd attempt with the same group I also got the "Hold onto the Light" achievement. Just use spectral grasp instead of blood is power. Once the boneskinner blows out all the torches it a guaranteed achievement because the wisps won't have any torches to put out.


    Exactly the scenario I'm trying to avoid, resorting to stacking scourge barrier/healers (trailblazer requirement). Also, didn't last long enough to see if the torch pedestals can still be permanently destroyed.


    With the current mechanics, players are bound to take damage even if the mechanics are done. Tweaking the damage won't help, either a killzone or survivable with healers. Not sure what can be done about this to make players do torches. (Eg. Maybe make the Aberrations invul and give player(s) who did torches a temporary buff which allows them to kill minnions. Some melee abberations to avoid stacking reflect :wink:)

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