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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. @"Rico.6873" Depending on class, traits and group composition.


    >Should the spirits be killed as quickly as possible or just pulled and cleaved if you can manage them?

    >Or should they all be killed whenever you can? (they wont respawn endlessly?)

    Ideally you want them off the board, kill any melee mobs that enters range by cleaving them (stacking helps). Pull the range mobs if possible or have reflects/ anti projectiles up. The mobs come in waves and there is a limit.


    >As the boss keeps on teleporting around and your allies keep jumping all over the place (the winds of torment and the dropping of acid)

    Crowe's teleportation and wind pattern is fixed. Starts in the middle, first teleports towards the quarterdeck (tail/West), then to the front of the ship (East) and finally back to middle.

    - Wind starts after the first teleport(75%) with 1 bar from left to right.

    - 2nd teleport(50%), 2 pattern in rotation. 1 bar from left to right/right to left and then it switches to 1 bar from both side (2 in total) moving towards their opposite side respectively.

    - 3rd and final teleport, Crowe back to the middle of the ship. 1 bar from both side (2 in total) moving towards their opposite side respectively continuously. Stay with the boss(middle of the ship), move out when both wind meet in the middle and quickly move back in after the middle section reopens.


    Rule of the thumb, the wind is unidirectional/ never backtracks so its safe to stand on its last known position. (take note of Social Awkwardness instability :tongue:)


    > ...how do you use reflect on the last boss? And where/when do you use/put it?

    On the boss (where your party should be; stacked together or because of We Bleed Fire instability), or in front of the planks (where the range mobs are gathered).


    >So far I have been ignoring all adds and if I play a class that can pull the adds reliably (not many classes can pull adds reliably) I try to pull them as much as I can because the fractal gives you the feeling the adds not worth the trouble to kill because its too much trouble and they might respawn back instantly if you do kill them

    >In Mai trin, when the trash appears you will start feeling it if you dont clear them and the adds are easy to pull and to reach with a group together (you dont get blown away from your team like in Sirens)

    >In Deepstone the boss also has some deadly adds and if you don't kill them, a army of spirit clones will bind you and destroy you if you don't watch out.

    Focus on not getting hit by Mai Trin's bombardment. Focus on not falling off the platform in Deepstone.

    For Siren, **focus on not getting blown off by the Wind.**

  2. > Confounding Suggestions: This trait no longer increases daze and stun durations. Instead, Diversion stuns foes for 1.5 seconds and no longer dazes foes.

    Wonder if this means 1.5 second stun per clone or as whole?


  3. > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > > ah so those who spend thousands of gold on infusion should just get the middlefinger, because a few are not able to get +5stat +9ar infusions

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > that attitude following, why not add everything to the gemstore?

    > > > > i want my gifts of exploration for 200 gems it's not fun to do map completion for the 10'th time anymore

    > > > >

    > > > > and is my fun not the most important thing in the game? /s

    > > >

    > > > i spend houndreds of gold on AR as well and i dont care. Just make it.

    > >

    > > For you who don't care there will be another one individual (or more) who cares a lot and they will get angry if things change.

    > > So why should Anet make you happy instead of them.


    > why u get unhappy when u suddenly have all ur chars max AR capped and the unused AR u can sell or use to buy shiny Auras ? what did u lost ?

    Lost buyers cause like everyone; dont need the AR.

    Need a good reason and a better alternative to support the idea.

  4. Most players on warclaw will immediately use triple leap(dodge) the moment they're being attacked. Yes, they have a high chance of escaping after that, but imagine **a player burning all their dodges** at the first sign of an attack :sweat_smile:.


    Using the terrain, imagine Alpine's SW camp. There's a wall and your opponent is on the opposite side. He/she needs to circle clockwise/anti-clockwise but you can **move accordingly to keep the opponent from reaching you while contesting.**


    **CC immunity & movement speed is essential for combat. Keep in mind being in combat doesn't effect mount speed**, they will out run you the moment if not already in combat(eg. By attacking it).


    I have casual friends in game that doesn't have PoF. Give it a try playing without Warclaw (even being kept in combat unable to mount gets left behind, miss or late for the action). There's a clear advantage being on mount than on ground(be it being kept in combat etc while the opponent is mounted), worse for players that can't have one. I don't think its healthy introducing an advantage for a competative game mode and locking it behind a wall for players(new or old, mastery for an expansion).

  5. It can be used everywhere and by everyone. I'm sure there are reasons for it (eg. From ability to simple stuff like displaying skins or out of whim etc). Then again I'm only interested in statistics. I'm sure there will be players using griffon after skyclaw is made available, but is it necessary? (Faced no problem using raptor for istan etc but that's just me) And will new players still want to obtain a griffon afterwards(which is what I'm interested in :smile:), time will tell.

  6. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > No, let this „mechanic” be, until they make proper dismounting system, it should be abused. Mounts that have around **half** of player hp (~10-12k), with 3 dodges and **immunity** to any CCs in open world PvP...what couldve gone wrong, huh? And if you have so much problems with it, switch to some more mobile classes/ranged classes


    Being range doesn't eliminate the problem, it just makes it 'possible'(not guranteed) to dismount the enemy. Alot of players thinks the warclaw just as a transport, but its far beyond that. Play it with the mindset of a character with 10k+ hp, 3 dodges and immune to all cc. If your mount still gets killed, worry not because you lost nothing while the opponent used something and its now on cd.


  7. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > > I wonder if this will makes griffon invalid(?). Climbing walls, time to break maps :lol:.

    > >

    > > yeah, same question, how much will this mount make griffon, and also springer irrelevant in game :\

    > >

    > > i dont know about anyone else, but i find jackel to be the most unless mount ... and the beetle, is slightly more used than jackel

    > >

    > > most of the time i find myself on the raptor and griffon for travelling across maps

    > >

    > > and i'm running out of hotkeys to quick switch


    > As already said, the griffon will not be invalid. You can be pretty sure the skyscale will not have the superspeed dive. the griffon will be a circumstance mount like the jackal.

    > However, you are undervaluing the jackal. The sand portal jump can be used for breaking falls, making heights completely irelevant. Where the raptor would be smushed upon hitting the ground.

    > All of them have their specific uses.


    The skyscale just needs to be on the same speed(hopefully not better) while flapping and running on ground is more than enough. Lets face it, its rare and troublesome to get high enough for a griffon dive. I'm not sure about others but I practically use beetle boosters more than griffon speed dive on daily basis.


    > the griffon will be a circumstance mount like the jackal.

    :frown: If thats not bad enough, I don't know what is. How often is jackal being used? The only map that jackal mount have value is Desolation. The mount is not any faster aside from comparing it to a skimmer on land. Most of the time you won't know where the portals will bring you, memorized it for all the maps? players rather waypoint. As for fall damage, its not something to worry about; just remount after the mount dies(griffon and skimmer doesn't take fall damage).

  8. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

    > > > @"Cat Warrior.9240" said:

    > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > > > and now i see a weapon not in the game or not displayed in-game correctly.....want it tho....

    > > >

    > > > Are you referring to the golden sword the main character is wielding? If yes, then you get that (sword, greatsword? I can't tell exactly) from having a toon which is 5 years for their birthday gift.

    > >

    > > It's this sword: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Luminous_Saber (for those who don't know what Cat Warrior is talking about).

    > >

    > > however, she is using it two handed, but you can see it stored on her belt where a one handed sword normally would be, which is why it's slightly confusing

    > >


    > oh, i see more than just a sword.

    > ![](https://imgur.com/lnYMQlF.png "")



    I see Yoda :lol:.

  9. Depends, which capture points? Alpine borderland's camps? Best to have numbers to surround the enemy or you're bound to be played around till you get them dismounted. Those camps have invisible walls all over, use the huts(cat and mouse circle around them) and any terrain advantage. Save your dodges especially if you're defending. Remember the enemy can't cc or slow your mount and you're faster. Delay for reinforcements or npc respawns. If the condition allows(eg. the enemy gets impatient using up cds ,enemy numbers accounted), engage to fight.


    Edit: Works most of the time, but also depends on who you're up against, eg. :lol: Can't line of sight a perma stealth Deadeye or opponents that place down traps(rare).

  10. > @"Andromeda.8293" said:

    > Something that needs to be changed is the ability for an enemy to contest a capture on warclaw which has all those dodges and moves faster than you on foot. Where I am the only enemy and someone comes along on their warclaw and keeps kiting me around the edge of the circle while out of range 90% of the time because they are so fast before I can land enough dmg to dismount then kill their sorry kitten - it's not balance or skill.


    > While I can understand the few extra seconds it might give someone to contest vs a zerg, it's just annoying and some changes need to me made to that


    Retire all melee class. Play a Soulbeast, Deadeye or something range. Then yay "adapted".

  11. Heals are mostly from regens, aegis(blocks and procs a heal after) and weapon skills. Traits and builds are pretty much similar especially for meta builds. Most sites sharing their builds (discretize.eu, metabattle, snowcrows etc) will provide overview and answers to why and how.


    **Axe** - Mainly used to provide Fury and a small cc with pull.

    **Mace** - To provide regen and aegis. Spam AA for 3rd hit to heal.

    **Shield** - To provide Aegis and a projectile block dome that also heals.

    **Staff** - For burst healing and might boons.


    **F2** - Pressing 5,4, and spam 1 for MASSIVE healing for emergency or when needed(filler while waiting for cds)

    **F3** - To provide Aegis, protection and stability(should be used frequently). Together with reflect and resistance when needed.

  12. Dash and leap skills(mostly if not all) will continue to slide after the end animation. Melee target assist helps in a way, players will stop when collide with their targetted enemy (but skills that have a chance to overshot won't be).


    Theres's a chance for channeling skills to be cancelled mid-cast(putting it on cd) when S.S is coupled with Social Awkwardness (terrain).

  13. > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > > @"Deaeira.2651" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > [...]

    > > > The dumbest thing that happened out of this though was there was an engagement where a group just chased me on mounts and we ran in circles with no one dismounting at all, sort of felt like a circus show.

    > >

    > > This happens often to me - and it's clear why: whover dismounts first is at a disadvantage. In the long run, people will only engage when they feel confident to kill you despite this - that usually means when they are in superior numbers.

    > >

    > >


    > Zerk/assassins soulbeast with rapidfire gets people off their mounts real fast ?


    Hit leap/dodge if possible and engage immediately while rapid fire is on cd.

  14. @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

    Not sure if this is possible; a "special action key" will appear when we target/click a mounted player.


    - Using the "special action key" will consume a trap charge in inventory. Wouldn't trigger if target is not in range or no trap charges in inventory.

    - Need it to be range, 1200 r sounds fair(avg range for all range classes).

    - Can be used while not mounted(for players without expansion and not mounted players stucked in combat). Dismounts the user on use.

    - Unblockable, guardians have aegis up full time etc.

    - Not sure if the trap should be merged with target painter? The trap is pointless atm and prefer not to have another trap taking a bag slot.


    A big "IF" there's a breakbar :smile:. A new mounted skill "Roar!" ; AoE for breakbar/dismount? Not sure how the breakbar idea will work, will it just stun the mount or dismount the player altogether? If it's just the mount, will the stun be removed if the player chosed to ditch his stunned mount?

  15. Adapted or accepted.

    For the op:

    Bait the enemy's CDs, with 3-4 leaps at disposal you can make the enemy think it's possible to kill your mount :smile:. If got dismounted, proceed with the original plan; engage.


    Sit and wait to ambush at objectives with mount. Make sure the enemy is dismounted and in combat. Might work for the first few times, but the enemy will probably wait for more numbers to take the fight at one point.


    While some rejoice for having mount giving them a safe passage, there are those who don't; sad truth.

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