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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. The fractal needs further polishing imo.


    1) The interaction between the cannon shots with the mines during the Skeleton boss. There are time the mines doesn't get destroyed (while being armed/visual clutter?) :anguished:.


    2) The 2 Eye's spawn point at the last intersection/ junction of the maze for the puzzle needs to be changed; or limit the number of enemies spawned. Players tend to bottleneck at the end triggering an endless stream of mobs. To add, players with the curse debuff holding the coin bag usually gets rooted near the end. Which leads to one of the two; tossing the coin bag to the ground, risk having 2 Eyes spawning reseting it, or have a player to catch it risk spawning mobs :frown:.


    3) For the final Bosses encounter, the pirate mobs are not getting cleared properly. Mobs from the pre-bosses events dissapear when the next boss appears, which works fine for the first two bosses. But not the same for Captain Crowe. Mobs spawned during the 2nd boss gets carried into Crowe's pre-event (usually /gg here for a reset)


    4) Needs a higher angle or free the camera while using the ship's cannon.


    5) Need different and brighter shade colours :smiley: for warning indicators. The warning indicator for the incoming Wind, Cone Attack and Puddle is identical to each other atm. The colour of the ship's deck blending in ain't helping either :tongue:. Will easily miss the details for players not knowing the pattern/ what to watch out for.


  2. There's what Asum.4960 said, but imo it's some of the instabilities require lots of fine tuning itself or for certain specific fractals.


    **Birds** - The damage is manageable and only punishing if the player(s) fail to notice and dodge to remove it. The problem is the players can be "reinfected" by the instability due to the duration and the juvenile birds keeping players in combat, at times preventing the use of mistlocks :frown: . Giving the instability better visual signs indicators eg. Yellow border like raids or claw marking helps.


    **We Bleed Fire** - This instability is a mess. The damage source from bosses and certain champs is too punishing for class with low health pool. Hits harder than the the boss itself, usually :lol:. Its triggered by attacks regardless of the target is invul or blocking (bummer). Duo encounters eg. Molten Bosses, Mai Tirin + Horrik have 2 source triggering giant fireballs in a single fight (that's 6k + 6k).


    **Outflanked** - 300% is overtuned. Firstly, the angle of "flanking" is questionable especially while "strafing"/ moving. Complimented by instabilities like W.B.F , minnions, vindicator's charging etc from bad angles. The perk taking 75% damage from head on attacks is not that helpful, since players will have no problem most of the time while big/notable attacks should be dodged or prevented regardless. Would be better if it's players deal more damage flanking the enemies in return but not sure how it works for condi users, since such change will tip heavily to power builds.




  3. @"Sareth Nagata.4809"

    Like everyone above said, comes down to experience. It can be a rough experience climbing through T3. It's the intersection where mechanics starts to come in :smile: given attention to, damage and such. T.O as example, some aoe circles will be bigger, Melandru applies some minor cc/knockbacks and Balthazar will create shockwave after leaping and meteor which you can jump across to save endurance/dodges (which are not present in T1/T2). T3 is similar to T4 in many ways (just like T1 and T2). But less rewarding hence it's sparse to find veteran players actively going for it while having a better alternative.

    - What was the 2 instabilities at play?

    - What's causing the wipe? If you can provide more info on which phase etc, we can help picture and figure something out.




  4. Breakdown rune + sigil:


    Renegade + Malice - 5% condi dmg + 10% duration.

    Nightmare + Bursting - 6% condi dmg + 20% duration.


    > @"Toku.5972" said:

    > Why wouldn't you use Malice over Bursting? With full ascended gear and expertise infusions using Malice still wouldn't have me at 100% duration.


    > I'm sure the answer is simple, I'm just not knowledgeable enough.


    Need more clarification here, Nightmare + Malice - 30% condi duration?

    But as for why not malice over bursting, it depends on does extending 10% of the base condi duration(usually by mili seconds) over increasing 6% condi dmg flat worth it.


  5. > @"Arryn.9346" said:

    > So question regarding FB. I have one for some time, played a little with it for now so I don't know rotation very well yet. Most if not all build for support FB (healing+boon) that I saw are with harrier stats, I undestadne it's all about boon durration and healing. But for my taste that kind of FB has to small HP (it's around 12K). So now, can full minstrel or minstrel/harrier be playable? I have in mind only dungeons and fractal, most of the time with PUG (and we all know how they play sometimes).

    > I know that there won't be any damage from my side but I want to play safe until I will learn rottation and things like that. According to build editor I will have ~17k hp and with 150ar and fractal potions ~95% boon durration. For safe play it should be ok I think. What do you thing about something like that?


    11.9k :lol: with full harrier. Thats 200hp above a weaver! Comes down to preference(?). Is it sufficient? Yes, staff have excellent heals, mace procs, regens, aegis etc with proper use of anti projectiles for damage prevention. F2 will top everyone when necessary. Minstrel will work the same, give and take in certain aspects. My reason for using harrier is because (1) it can be used outside of FotM, raids and such. (2) Minstrel is costly :lol:.

  6. Swapping from sigils/runes:

    - 10% duration from Malice to 20% duration from Nightmare.

    - 5% condi dmg from Renegade to 6% from Bursting.


    Losing some in process but capitalizing condi dmg. If its pve, maybe for Confusion (?encounters like Largos etc)

  7. The 1 thing that's constant or meta for most encounters to win or success is the damage mechanic. Everything in between (boons etc) is towards that goal. There's alot of builds, tools, classes etc to achieve that. Lots of combination that can be used which I agree, but there are also underperforming and over performing combinations depending on scenario. As for balancing, there won't be perfect balance. Wanting variety (wanting for difference) but perfect balance (to be the same) contradicts. An encounter that can be done without involving health bar and damage mechanic or everyone is transformed into identical characters for balance?

  8. Although it's not the first time having Slippery Slope for Deepstone (was it recs daily T3? Couldn't recall). Was experiencing something similar as above mentioned, yesterday. Took a considerable amount of time getting through:

    - Wind bridge to spider boss - Everyone was :bleep_bloop: constantly blowned off.

    - Puzzle room - No accidents here, just having casualties towards the end. Wisp dealing extremely high dmg, panels getting destroyed and players slidding off panels.

    - A wipe at last boss (The Voice) - Players sliding off cause panels getting destroyed, potholes and really hope something to be done with the gravity bombs. Usually a death sentence to players downed by it. Damage and knockdown with reoccuring effect to players that got hit. Risky/preventing players trying to help.


    Slippery Slope seems to be effected with bad pings/latency (was experiencing bad pings avg 300-400 yesterday). Personally felt I was slidding off further than normally would coupled with a late start up to move with the instability :frown:. But did cracked up knowing there's a safeguard for the instability for the elevator part :lol:.


    PS: Unrelated but encountered a "fun" bug during Volcanic T4 + We Bleed Fire instability. The Grawl champion constantly proc'd WBE for every attacks while being immune :lol:. Played with it for a while, fireballs flying around is spectacular; downing unlucky players :tongue:.

  9. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > I cant finish because the warbeast fight is kitten hard to survive. I dont know how many times i have died now and had to restart the thing all over because my armor was broken. Does this fight feel artificially hard to anyone else? I just wonder how many have done it solo as a new 80 without ascended gear. I am finding a lot of these encounters with one shot mechanics that leave you no time to move seem a bit much. I am getting rather regretful i purchased the games tbh, seems like i cant get anywhere on my own. And honestly i have always been a solo player in most games, only grouping for raids and such, feels sad that i cant do much in this game, disappointing really i really wanted GW2 to be my new go to game.


    Fairly easy if you don't rush it or aftering the achievement. Been quite a while but if I remember it correctly, watch out for those flame aoe dropped by those branded scorpions and those flying forged forerunner disc. If you're planning for a hit and run on those pylons, make sure there's enough room to run around (most of the forged have range attacks).

  10. > @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

    > Question -- what should be the strategy when Siren's Reef has: Birds, No Pain No Gain and Adrenaline Rush?

    > Birds get extra bonus set of boons automatically from the start. And they don't seem to transfer to enemies (plus endurance doesn't regenerate fast enough before you get a new set of birds). Does this have anything to do with fact that you can't rally from any adds that are not "primary" bosses? When you're on the boat, I guess birds can't be transferred to other enemies as they are too far so you're out of luck -- you have to deal with birds, but dealing with birds means you can't shoot cannons, which means you get swamped with ghosts too soon (which you can't rally off off).


    > What's the proper way to deal with this with pugs? My initial group wiped around 7 times before disbanding. I really don't want to add yet another "just don't do this combo of newer fractal with these instabilities with pugs" to my list.

    How we did it yesterday.

    - Had 2-3 players going for the treasure during ship control. Toss and catch is better than escort/running the treasure back to the ship.

    - Man the cannons, **dodge to get *Birds* off and get back on cannon. Ignore the juvenile birds spawned, they don't do much and dies quickly; healer's duty.**

    - Boss fights, prioritize on not getting blowned off the ship. /gg after every boss(optional).


    First boss (Mad Jack), fairly easy just avoid the red circles especially if they're overlapping.


    - Ship control and Tressure.


    Second boss, ignore the boss(does nothing) and thin down the minnions first. Drop the red daze puddles away from everyone.


    - Man all 4 cannons, #1 push them back, #3 roots them and #2 for aoe kill.


    Capt.Crowe - ignore the boss(does nothing) and thin down the minnions first. Drop the red daze puddles away from everyone. Have at least 1 person stacked for green.


    All 3 Bosses are harmless, focus on not getting blown off the *yacht* :tongue: and thin out the minnions. Having reflects and condi cleanse is a plus.


    Ps: Can only hope PuGs to be cooperative and experienced; trial by fire. One thing I do notice in particular is PuGs tends to rush ahead and start the encounter :lol:.


  11. A solo roamer myself and from the way I see things, there are solo roamers and party/group roamers. Eg. there are players running 5man and call it roaming :smile:. Won't really know if they're *bad* with their classes until we try it out. Encountering another solo roamer doesn't means he is good until the fight starts and sometimes I do acknowledge the opponent's play/skill even though I won or vice versa.


    Imo don't let it get to you(OP).



  12. > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

    > Aetherblade

    > Social Awkwardness + Birds

    > YOU CAN'T DODGE IN THIS FRACT WITHOUT DYING + makes the electric floors nearly impossible.


    Aetherblade + Birds.

    **Can't dodge** while doing trapped puzzle(risk getting electrocuted) and rooted while handling the terminals. On the second trapped puzzle. Players usually will be stationary at 4 different terminals, vulnerable to Birds(kept in combat after being hit by the traps). To make it worse, if a player gets into downed state, he/she will be teleported back to the start of the puzzle to go through the whole ordeal again; after being rallied to half HP by Kiel:anguished:. Gets worse when another player is sent back to the start while waiting for others to get into position. A vicious cycle :astonished:.






  13. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > + Mai Trin

    > + Oasis

    > + Siren's Reef

    > + Swampland

    > + Molten Boss


    > Plus any (1, 2 or 3) of the following:


    > + We Bleed fire

    > + Slippery Slope

    > + Outflanked

    > + Adrenaline Rush

    > + Last Laugh

    > + No pain No gain

    > + Toxic Trail

    > + Boon Overload

    > + Frailty

    > + Birds

    > + Vengeance



    > Slipppery Slope + whatever, wherever

    > Outflanked + whatever, wherever

    > Birds + whatever, wherever


    Most of it can be managed. Just requires a good support healer and decent dps from group.


    Slippery Slope - Getting better or not sure if its the terrain, doesn't seem to slide very far now(still annoying or felt unrewarding).


    We Bleed Fire - Can't think of a word than *instability*. It's random to the core, there are tells but close to impossible or have the time to bother predicting the next (Can't rely on projectile counter because of it). The damage seems to vary as well (most of the time negligible but there are occasions 5-6k)



  14. Knew I read it somewhere before :sweat_smile:

    > Slippery terrain

    >All walkable terrain would work similar to SAB w2z3 ice. This sounds to me like a fun idea, but **most people would probably find it one of the most annoying/hated instabilities**. Im also not sure how it would work with the jumping puzzle parts in Uncategorized and Chaos fractal, would most likely have to be dissabled there, or just in the whole fractal. It could work with time intervals though (10 seconds on, 10 second off).

    and foresaw what's coming :tongue:.


  15. The wiki tells us nothing or severely lacks info. Didn't expect spawned minnions(eg. Birds etc) will trigger "**We Bleed Fire**". Imagine WBF + Mist Convergence; Abomination's weapon minnions cluster spawn :lol:.


    - Is there a damage difference between the AoE triggered? Since the projectile size varied from Veteran, Elite and Boss (legendary).


    - 20% reduction to all condi dmg Sounds extreme to all condi class and with no counterplay(boon strip).

  16. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > At the moment this fractal is a nightmare in usual (non-CM) groups. At first, people are constantly joining with elementalists which will turn enemies invisible. It's funny though because before the patch I haven't had nearly that much weavers in casual T4s.

    > > Additionally it's like during open world game play, almost nobody cares about mechanics, spawning mobs inside the tunnel endlessly and not having any clue about cannons or how to position themselves for cleave damage etc.


    > Gotta love them event like fractals.


    > Btw is it ele whos causing them enemies to not spawn? Was it also the cause of ark going invisible?


    Can someone verify this? Add chrono/mirage to the list as well :angry:.

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