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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

    > Did anyone test Sigil of Bursting? The new descrition indicates that incrases the damage dealt like force, not the stat. That would make it 100% required for all condition builds.


    Atm I'm getting Bursting > Geomancy for my soulbeast. The nerf on geomancy played a part aside from Bursting's change.

  2. Swapping my runes and sigils for another alternative, not tempest/nightmare.


    From - Trapper+Nightmare / Geomancy+Agony setup :

    +100 condi

    +45% bleed

    +25% poison

    +25% burn

    + Inflict (3) bleeding on nearby foes for 8 seconds when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)


    To - Afflicted / Bursting+Malice :

    +175 condi

    +40% bleed

    +30% poison

    +20% burn

    + 5% condi dmg (Bursting)

    + When you kill a foe, you create a death nova at their location. (Cooldown: 15s)


    Having a slight increase in dps over some small sample of pve contents. Not sure if the overall dmg increased is from replacing Sigil of Geomancy with Sigil of Bursting though, will need more test. Haven't tested it in raids.


    Anyone here with the same setup?

  3. > @"Despond.2174" said:

    > Sigh... why? My usual main for fractals Condi SB is now 15% less duration. Mixing runes was cool, it should be encouraged to come up with combos and not just have to have every rune of the set. What are people using now? If I go 6 nightmare, I am still 5% less duration than the old trapper/nightmare set up.


    I'm trying another alternative, not tempest/nightmare instead.


    From - Trapper+Nightmare / Geomancy+Agony setup :

    +100 condi

    +45% bleed

    +25% poison

    +25% burn

    + Inflict (3) bleeding on nearby foes for 8 seconds when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)


    To - Afflicted / Bursting+Malice :

    +175 condi

    +40% bleed

    +30% poison

    +20% burn

    + **5%** condi dmg (Bursting)

    + When you kill a foe, you create a death nova at their location. (Cooldown: 15s)


    Having a slight increase in dps over some small sample of pve contents. Not sure if the overall dmg increased is from replacing Sigil of Geomancy with Sigil of Bursting though, will need more test. Haven't tested it in raids.

  4. Most classes have access to block. Let's not forget ranger, rev etc. There are classes that doesn't have access to block like necro(I think?) not sure if that's the point you're trying to raise.


    Sounds like you're referring to pvp/wvw? for the survival, eg. mes/mirage etc could probably benefit more with other runes. Eg. damage oriented runes (Kinda useless stacking survival which isn't a problem to them imo, unless there's another purpose for it).


    Edit: an interesting thought here. Has anyone tried testing this rune with projectile destroy? If it triggers as "block"? Does projectile destroy counts as block? Eg. Reaper's - Death's charge.

  5. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > Scholar damage boost is on power (condi was never in the equation, unless stated like Sigil of Bursting).

    > >

    > > New scholar rune : **+125 ferocity = 8%** (8.33% to be exact), plus additional 5% while HP above 90%. (Previously 10% dmg while HP above 90%). 13% in total sounds like a buff to me, and more viable too since players still retains 8% while HP below the threshold.


    > It's not that simple. You have to look at the increase you gain over your current critical damage to get damage gained by that ferocity, different for each build.

    > Then you have to multiply the values instead of adding them since the 5% damage increases the critical damage aswell.


    Woops :blush: ! You and reikken.4961 are both right, I totally ommitted it's crit dmg. Result does seems to be lower(nerf), by 1.5%-ish(?). Assuming 100% crit chance and with HP above 90% entire time...

  6. Scholar damage boost is on power (condi was never in the equation, unless stated like Sigil of Bursting).


    New scholar rune : **+125 ferocity = 8%** (8.33% to be exact), plus additional 5% while HP above 90%. (Previously 10% dmg while HP above 90%). 13% in total sounds like a buff to me, and more viable too since players still retains 8% while HP below the threshold.

  7. @"Vallen.9456"

    Try Options > General options (first tab) > Content guide (5th drop list from top); Set it to default.


    • **Default** - Will point only towards the next story objective until all available story is complete.

    • **Off** - Disables the content guide altogether.

    • **Disable Personal Story** - The content guide ignores story objectives, and prioritizes objectives as follows:

    • Renown hearts based on distance to the character and character level.

    • Nearest event within the currently revealed parts of the map.

    • Other map completion objectives and unexplored areas.

    • **Disable Events and Personal Story** - The content guide will only point towards map completion objectives, prioritizing hearts based on distance and character level.

    • When no more story is available and the content guide is set to default, it will behave the same when as when it's set to "Disable Personal Story".


    Fingers crossed :worried:

  8. > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

    > > @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

    > > I'm assuming the "Heroic Edition codes" were meant to be used as an existing account upgrade only. Not to be used to create another account or used to upgrade a F2P account into a full account. Anyone using the code as anything other than upgrading an existing account is playing with fire. A person should expect to get these accounts banned.


    > This is precisely why I requested for a response; there's no precedent to a promotion like this, and Anet never actually specified what was okay and what wasn't. That's why we need some clarity and official guidelines when something new like this happens; so that no one gets banned for doing the wrong thing because they didn't know.


    > Personally I think you're wrong; promos like this are perfect for luring in new players. "Yo, you can get the base game free now, no f2p restrictions!" It can be a pretty nice incentive to try out the game. This obviously doesn't happen if the codes would be meant for existing accounts only.


    > Also, like Chris Cleary said, we are welcome to give these codes to **anyone**. Not just players with already existing accounts.


    I do agree it's a good chance to promote the game. But at the same time, I do noticed the possible cons it will bring. People selling the DLC freebies and free accounts on ebay, free accounts used for illegal purpose and exploitations etc.

  9. > @"Vallen.9456" said:

    > I was in the midst of trying to complete an area when my content guide(bubble in the top right corner) disappeared... I've done everything I can think of to try and get it back(searching through the settings, restarting the game, restarting my computer etc.), but nothing has worked... Has anyone else experienced this or know how to bring it back?


    Tried clicking on the content/event tab (click on those wordings to expand the event details - top right corner)? Probably minimized it by accident. Helps if you could attach a screenshot with the problem here if that's not it.

  10. Can't comment since I don't know what caused the kick, scenario and other side's story. But if I understand correctly, the kick happens after X fail attempt(probably the main cause of it), ask for their explanation for the kick? Don't think it has anything to do with Dps meter(since you're 2nd? and it's the mechanics panel room). Same guild tags or indication they're friends? There's no gurantee but just create your own group to minimize the risk.


    Again, such issue is up to the players in this case. Not sure how Anet or any 3rd party can help here.

  11. It won't solve anything by reshuffling the current system. As long as the system remains, it will allows us players to choose traitline lines, it's just reshuffling the skills and roles distribution. In short changing the META class compositions.


    Possible by streamlining builds, limiting and making it simple eg. If a player pick the role of a tank, he is limited to certain trait line only. Which will push the game to create a 'trinity' or role specifics limitations.

  12. > @"LadyHawk.5319" said:

    > After a semi-hiatus, I happily returned to GW2 several months ago. As such, I missed the finer points in some of the update notes. One such change was to a couple of the druid's skills increasing their ally target limit from 5 to 10, e.g., Grace of the Land, Frost Spirit. My question is, are there any other classes/builds (especially buff/healing) whose ally target limits got increased from 5 to 10? I have looked but I do not see any changes ... not sure if I am missing something. If no other classes have the ability to effect 10 allies at one time (i.e., 25 might to 10 allies with Grace of the Land whereas a Rene healer can only effect 5 allies), what is the purpose of having any other healing class/build in this game? I am confused by this. But, perhaps I am missing something. Any clarity would be appreciated.


    Imo, it's a respond Anet made to player's post in regards of having 2 druids META. Allowing a druid to cover all boons and spirits for the entire squad, instead of needing 2 druids to do so. So that players can have an alternative class for the 2nd healer aside druid, but doesn't turn out like what's planned. Only made druid overpowering other classes with the coverage.

  13. Revisited PoF maps in the pass few days for collections and stuff. Find it scarce and dry like the desert. Bounties are untouched(makes me wonder why LS still have them) and meta events are ignored (Forge Foundry and Desolation's Maw). Its sad in comparison to HoT map's activity. PoF have some nice places to explore eg. Jackal portals and the small section of dwarven ruins at the snowy mountain but too small to leave an impression(?). PoF maps is beautiful, yes. But please no, it's boring to explore (there's no excitement to explore flat maps, we have mounts now. But PoF is ok overall with quicksand and cliffs).


    HoT is not perfect. The maps is hard to navigate at start, especially for TD being 4 layers. The mini-map is not reliable/user friendly for it (really wish it's 3D and made able to rotate different angles). It will take time to learn the jungle path and prove difficult to do so with the map uncharted.(isn't that part of exploring?) PoF map is very much similar to HoT in some aspects(things hidden behind masteries, Jackal portal etc and the infamous I don't have enough mastery for my Raptor to proceed to Bunny). The difference is PoF is more linient after that, and those hidden zones are "hidden" well until no players try them or ignored/forgotten untill later. Mastery is arranged progressively helps (move to the next in sequence), while for HoT; **all** masteries is given leading to players confused and fustrated being kept in **hunger** for mastery points. The screams :scream: when a player found a mastery node but unable or doesn't know how to obtain it, and fear of wasting it on the wrong mastery line.

  14. > @"Seksiy.3478" said:

    > Hello everyone,

    > I recently started playing elemental on t3 fractals and I'm dying a lot. I was wondering if I can survive fractals better if I get Marauder or other prefix with vitality/thoughness statted items. I'm using full berserker items right now


    Adding survival attributes will help to survive better but it's usually a trade off for damage, and having low damage will extend the combat. Long story short, having survival stats will make it more forgiving to receive damage but not a solution if the player is continuously taking damage(in addition extending the combat).


    However, a member alive helping out with dps is better than having one constantly down :lol:. Ideally, you don't need the stats, ideally. Try to minimize the trade off if it's unavoidable but try to practice along the way what type of attacks should be avoided.

  15. 1) > @"dprijadime.6795" said:

    > 1) with regards to Heroic points , how many HoT HP are soloable (commune HP or soloable HP combat) ? once i trigger a HP in auric basin and got pummeled by a rolling lizard thing champion..

    > 2) people in other thread saying join LFG HP Train but i rarely saw such HP train nowadays , is HoT become sparser in term of players ? if so isn't it due time to change the HoT HP into soloable content like the PoF and move the champions into Bounties like in POF ?


    1) Don't have the exact count but I was able solo most including the conjuring ones, enough to completely fill a specialization. That said having more people does help to make it easier and less tedious.


    2) There are HP trains from time to time or you could always start one. Mounts will trivialize the terrain making it easy for you, but remember to put a note "with mounts". Tangled Depth is tricky and requires a guide if you're not familar or know it's structure of the layering. Unlike other maps, TD have 4 layers (1st layer: above ground, 2nd layer: ground, 3rd layer: underground, and the 4th layer (hidden)underwater pasageway only accessible from certain points which grant access to numerous("hidden") places in map).

  16. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > Scenario


    > For me, we haven't opted to use this for a long time but if an enemy group does it to you, do you do the same?


    Missed the scenario in my replies. Yes you can do the same, but to pull it or not at that moment is up to you. It's a viable tactic(works most of the time) therefore one needs to be aware and vigilant. If the enemy group pulled this and the group goes braindead after the commander dies, before I find a reason to blame, I will first try to find a solution. The group presented a weak point and the opponent targeted it.


    If the group couldn't hold it together after a tag dies for whatever reason(accident, caught by surprise, self mistake, reckless etc) is the commander merely a driver/mobile ground mark/indicator? I only join a commander's rally that I acknowledged. Not one with the pin/tag/title but without the qualities of leading the group. The group just wouldn't last.

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