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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"NubCakes.7461" said:

    > Well what i was thinking about spying was ur allowed to auto attack enemy siege but offcourse it will give away your secret...and maybe the server your spying on can also hit u randomly with skill 1 as a way of checking for spies and i thought of this because i want people to man some towers and keeps too sometimes ppl just cap them and leave them


    If I could infiltrate into a tower/ objectitve, I would priortize myself to solo the lord instead of sieges when theres a chance. As for the later, no thanks...not many will be interested to spend hours playing lookout waiting for action (that might not even happen, there's also reward issues etc.) Roaming is more engaging and offers more coverage.

  2. > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

    > I Think another hard counter for reaper(core too) Is mirage. He just Vanish your class mechanic(low or none LF Regen(if you have spectral Armor you Are ok). Reaper or core necro Is Forced to be very agressive, because have poor defence (with reaper almost none) so you try to pressure your enemy ,bate dodges And def.abilities out by canceling animations etc. And then strike. You have CD on shroud So cast gravedigger And Force enemy to dodge so you buy 1-2 sec of time, but mirage just Kill you while dodging. Samé goes for condiclanse. We Are Forced to hit enemy to get cleansed. And this Is sometime hardcore, cuz you Can't use IT while you need IT thé most but when you have a Chance land thé hit.


    You know what they say; if you manage to land a hit on a Mirage in a 1v1, it's because they let you :joy: .

  3. The scenario isn't the point :smile: . Just happen to pick fractals instead of raid since there isn't a lower tier raid(easy mode) in game to set as an example.


    Said this before, it's more productive if a specific encounter is mentioned to be worked on. Why do players find it hard? and how to overcome it. Or to make it easy mode? (How?). I believe most players that did raid find the bosses are fine as it is.


    It is always hard fighting blind, not knowing the enemy. Players new to raids in raid training are making kills (even if they're not in a full meta squad) but new raiders find it difficult to do so in some PuG. Ever thought why? Raid have problems, but I don't think easy mode is the solution or related to it.

  4. @"Tyson.5160"

    > Quick question if there was an alternate way to get the armor and not step foot in the Raids, is that a possibility?


    > Been brainstorming some ideas.


    Nope. It's actually the main reason to this OP discussion tbh. Most if not all the reasoning made is to support the idea of creating an alternate way to farm/ accessing the shinnies.


    E.g. Why only higher tier fractals have chance on ascended armors and none for lower tiers. Suggest maybe lower % drop chance in lower fracs etc. for progression reasons etc. Or Ascended armor access with dungeon tokens(easier content), cost a sum of tokens, slowly but surely method for asc armors outside of fractals.

  5. Haven't watch the whole length of the recording but got the impression (based on everyone's replies) that MnF played well till the end. Imo all the participants seems to have done research to make things work (despite the deaths). It's a speed clear competition and there's always risk. A fun, exciting and informative video nevertheless. Always fun seeing/learning something new on how other people do stuff differently. Kinda.....refreshing? :smiley:

  6. @"Tyson.5160"

    If it's just 5 Li, just try to create a squad/raid platforms to snipe down the easy bosses (Vg, Gorse, Escort, Mursaat etc) could probably earn you more/quicker than clearing all 5 raids for it. Slowly accumulate the shards and get the boss kill to unlock the skins (to be redeemable). But it might open to another concern later on. You can't use easy modes as reference to normal mode to learn and players might use these Li to get into elite groups. Like how fractals lower tier mechanics are skipped or made weaker, T4 will be new as the bosses lives longer thus gets to perform all their skills. Then there are also other problems like how skill balancing will effect both mode in the future etc aside from shinnies.



    You made your point by now. But keep an open mind to accept the opinions of others (just like how you're thinking others are dimissing your idea, you've been dismissing theirs? Imo)

  7. I'll go through this slowly.

    > @"Zero.3871" said:

    > ...a mesmer: invul invul invul invul invul invul ....one shot you

    Mirage is at the top of the food chain in roaming right now. Expect nothing more than a draw in a 1v1.

    > ...a warrior: invul invul invul invul invul invul ..... hit you with 10k+ dmg every hit.

    Would say 50-50 chance against one, it can be tough if the opponent is good but not impossible to drive him away. (You must be running 0 armor for one to hit you 10k+)

    > ...a ranger: invul invul invul invul invul invul ....

    I beg to differ? Signet of Stone is just 3 seconds. But I do understand if you're having trouble against range as reaper (full glass at that).

    > it is so annoying. but the most annoying Thing is to know that in the next Balance patch i see 1000000% the patchnotes:


    > warrior xy buff 50% dmg

    > ranger weapon xy buff 50 %

    > mesmer get completely reworked that he now can cast 20 illusions at the same time

    Let's not jump to conclusions. Lots believed the mesmer reworked was a nerf too back then :lol: .

    > i would really enjoy a fight where BOTH sides can take dmg. its just laughable how much invul uptime some classes still have and anet still do nothing...


    > pof release was before 6 month?! and game is trash since that. the "MOVING TARGET" anet everytime talking about, they cant reach it if they everytime make just BABYSTEPS in the right direction. we dont Need kitten minor nerfs to OP classes.


    > the most enjoying fights atm are between holosmith, DH, reaper...

    I'm sure everyone enjoys to fight in situations they're good/strong in :smile:. Have yet to see any, using a necro skill that I see potential for roaming. It's a class not many roams with thus less research was done.

  8. Tldr; I skipped some post but what Rampage.7145 said is true. The META shifted and roamers/players need to make adjustment accordingly. Imo if the SB is able to burst you down, it means both of you is running glass dps. Which in this case, whoever started the first strike have the upper hand.


    Sharing my exp as a solo roamer (SB in this case). Not only limited to patch updates, I am required to tweak my roaming classes constantly depending on the server match-up, popular classes encountered etc and for class professions that priortize range, it really doesn't help with the heavy anti projectiles skills in game. In certain blob fights, its almost impossible to utilize range (hence the Scourge plague META, as most of their range skills are uneffected by this).

  9. > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

    > > Vindicators in cm99 were/are much worse on ensyloss during the capture phases tbh.


    > Vindicators are going to be disabled for the capture point phase only. The point of that phase is that one person can carry a whole team of 5 through if they are good enough. Vindicators make that nearly impossible if the other four go down quickly.


    Yay! ?

  10. While this been going for weeks. A guildie in one of the guild I'm in told us he did raid for the first time yesterday. How excited he was, got 5 bosses down and guildmates(including me) that were online congratulated him :smile: . The brave lad ventured alone with PuGs (strangers :scream:) after enquiring about raids sometime ago. He made the first step :bawling: so proud of him.


    I also recalled "Fractal is progressive, to prepare/train players in game by introducing more mechanics as they go higher levels. And if the players want more challenging contents, they have raids." Or something along those lines :sweat_smile:.


    Will open a can of worms when players start requesting alternate ways to get shinnies out from WvW, SPvP etc. And ultimately, I don't want to deny those who made effort.

  11. > @"lozza.2958" said:

    > That's about it really, when you get a fluxbomb and have literally nowhere to drop it safely during bullet hell phase its kinda difficult


    Drop it outside of the circle or infront if possible.(The bullet orbs are less congested at the back. Sometimes *if my hp allows it*, I do a quick dip into the red pool to avoid the circling red aoe)


    *Ps: I'm more concern about hamstrung* :smiley:

  12. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > There are a few chests, mostly in Vabbi which look like Skritt chests, but are in fact not. I forget whether they are decoys or have another purpose, but I remember a whole train following these around after launch and mistakenly calling out skritt chests.

    > >

    > > Are there? I know Vabbi has a bunch of "Chest" but they use a different model from the skritt chest.

    > >

    > > Also open world chests have been something that is in the game since launch.


    > It might well be the open world ones, since they have a newer model to the HoT/core ones. I know I have experienced what the OP has seen a few times before and it confused me as well, I just can't 100% remember if they were the open world chests or not (prob were). I'm pretty certain it wasn't a bug though


    Vabbi's open world chest got me a few times too :lol:

  13. Stack up, heal and dps. Ignore all mechanics, just like vg, gorse, etc. The current ignore the mechanics method (instead of dropping to 10%hp when the players screw up, you will have a healthy % hp remaining). The only thing to practice is rotations :lol: . Prefer not to nerf the rewards if that's to happen, would like to get the remaining items in raid and be done with it.


    As of now, players still get rewarded for failing to kill the bosses :sweat_smile: . It's just that players that are not interested in raid, just don't. Just like WvW, there's karma train, afk stations, etc for easy shinnies yet it's not getting the players interest as it should be. There might be a surge of players if there's an easier mode made but it will die out, dragging the current mode players with it.


    I just accept the fact some things is not for everyone. Not because I don't care, but it's because they don't.

  14. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > Easy Mode, definitely not, don't go down the path of WoW

    > > Hard Mode, not too sure, there is only a very small portion of the Raid communicate find raid too easy, anet will need to find enough financial justifications to work on it; the problem is certain builds are way too OP for PvE

    > >

    > > I see the current GW2 raid environment like vanilla WoW's Upper Blackrock Spire, good groups can breeze through it, average groups can only progress up to a certain point, bad groups get destroyed


    > Honestly, Wow’s raiding have several different tiers of difficulty much like fractals, however you are rewarded for the efforts and the top tier difficulty take months to complete if at all.


    > I kinda feel like the reason Raids we’re added was because of Wow.


    Possible I guess? Not sure if that changes anything since WoW is different game(like Gw1). There, different raid tier give different tier of rewards/gear threadmill. While here, Gw2 is more into fashion than tier rewards :lol: . Imo, WoW made a mistake that can't be undone. I'll just stop here since that's about another game.


    I'm just glad there is a group content like raid. No longer need to split into 2 groups while playing together with friends & guildmates to complete dungeons/fractals. Open world can be fun during leveling, but as a content it's too random to be a group/organized play. Same goes for mapping world completion (faster by soloing).


    Not sure if I mentioned this before; TLDR but raid's difficulty is adequate (w1-4 at least, haven't tried the new one). If damage is further reduced while some are already being ignored, it will just be another punchbag, stack and heal gameplay. Lowering bosses HP will result mechanics to be skipped with sufficient dps.

  15. Think there was another similar post on this? (Vaguely familiar)




    >Chrono Tank - Must have sometimes two are required

    >Druid Healer- Must have sometimes two are required

    >BURN Slave Warrior - You used to be able to use Phalenx Strength but that got nerfed so this is a buffer and a DPS Required for every boss

    >Elementalist DPS- Top Tier DPS, if you could fill a team with this you would be solid

    >DD and Condi Thief - Can be used in every boss but Duhuum

    >Engineer- Tough class to play and can be used for nearly anything unfortunately most people do not have the finger dextarity to play this

    >Necro/Guardian/Revinant- Only can be used on certain bosses due to a certain ability that is subject to getting nerfed in future.


    :sweat_smile: Doesn't that mean all class are viable?

  16. > @"Bugabuga.9721" said:


    > That's why I'd prefer regular vanilla T1-T4 fractals for normal PUGs, CM + Instability modes (with bonus rewards) for those who want it. If fractals are "that stale" and everyone's clamoring for instability, you'd see parties for T4 Full Instab CM mode all over and everyone would be happy :)


    > And I'd find normal parties able to complete T4 fractals at 2 AM. Hopefully.


    I see what you did there ?.

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