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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. It's safe to activate without seperating. What will happen is one of the scroll (pass key) will get seperated automatically into another slot, becoming an unique with additional text labelled (activated/ duration remaining).


    Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey (2 Weeks) x3


    - once activated -



    Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey (2 Weeks) ×2

    Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey (2 Weeks) (Y days remaining)


    Make sure to read the text before using/double clicking the scrolls while using or risk activating an unused pass key (it will look identical).

  2. Supply and demand imo. There was a time(during HoT) the price for condi(food) is higher than power. When condi was the meta dps and the supply for toxin crystal is low (newly introduced & mats: toxic spore is costly). Events such as Halloween also greatly contributed.


    Butternut squash

    Supply : 7378

    Demand : 2738


    Koi cake

    Supply : 340821

    Demand : 7518


    Rough estimation 1 : 16. Give and take ?.

  3. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > > > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

    > > > > If anything, splitting skills for PVP and WVW is good for PVE, because now the competitive gametypes won't be screwing up the cooperative gametypes. Balance for each is different, and the more splits they do, the more things will work better for all of us.

    > > >

    > > > Any buff that they make in PvP is, by right, a PvE buff. There is no reason to segregate something like a cooldown reduction or damage buff to "PvP-only" when the enemies in PvE have gorillions of HP. It's utterly stupid. The NPCs aren't going to care that Flaming Flurry now does literally double the damage it used to (what a meme buff by the way).

    > >

    > > That would make, it's a buff on those skills that didn't get nerfed by the patch in theory :).


    > You're going to have to proofread your English next time so people can fully understand what you are trying to say.


    > My guess is, though, that you're saying how the PvP-only buffs qualify as nerfs somehow because they don't affect PvE? That's a joke: like I said, there is no reason to introduce a PvP-only *buff* given that the enemies in PvP are far more fragile than those in PvE. If anything, having a PvP-only damage buff or cooldown reduction affect PvE only potentially opens up more PvE options without having any further affect on PvP.


    > There is zero reason for a PvP-only *buff* to exist, yet this is the umpteenth time that anet has done something like this because they don't understand how to make a decent video game. Moreover, most of the cases of PvP-only buffs that anet had introduced in the past, *were* in fact, applied to PvE eventually as well. There is no reason to keep this balance joke going except to fool people like you.


    Sorry, could've phrased it better. What I was trying to say is try looking it from another angle. Skills that got nerfed in PvP but maintained as it is in PvE, can be considered a buff in PvE because it remained superior by not getting nerfed together. The segregation is good, it's the right step for balancing. Eg. Shatter mesmers can burst 30k+ damage in an instant, that might be acceptable in PvE environment but not in PvP (do you think it's a good idea to nerf the damage in PvE for balancing in PvP? Or buffing Scourge in PvE in return to further ensure their dominance in Pvp/WvW? )


    > Any buff that they make in PvP is, by right, a PvE buff. There is no reason to segregate something like a cooldown reduction or damage buff to "PvP-only" when the enemies in PvE have gorillions of HP. It's utterly stupid. The NPCs aren't going to care that Flaming Flurry now does literally double the damage it used to (what a meme buff by the way).


    Buff will always effect PvE. Some mechanics are skipped in PvE because of the power creep in skills as prove. Keep an open mind.

  4. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

    > > If anything, splitting skills for PVP and WVW is good for PVE, because now the competitive gametypes won't be screwing up the cooperative gametypes. Balance for each is different, and the more splits they do, the more things will work better for all of us.


    > Any buff that they make in PvP is, by right, a PvE buff. There is no reason to segregate something like a cooldown reduction or damage buff to "PvP-only" when the enemies in PvE have gorillions of HP. It's utterly stupid. The NPCs aren't going to care that Flaming Flurry now does literally double the damage it used to (what a meme buff by the way).


    That would make, it's a buff on those skills that didn't get nerfed by the patch in theory :).

  5. It's a fair price if you do the math. Marketing perspective, this time it make sense.

    15 skins (3 for each mount type). 400gem for RNG or 1200gems to pick to avoid getting repeats/unneeded skins especially to those already with a skin they like (eg. Those with premium skins probably won't want any other skins for that particular mount type).


    There's no clear standard value to aesthethic imo. Eg. You can compare a slice of pizza with a loaf of bread. Do you judge which is better base on weight, texture, taste or filling? In the end it's a choice of preference or whether if it's worth it. Just like how some players chosed 1600 for the Branded Mounts Pack(5), they might not like all the skins but still bought it cause it's a good deal. It's a fair price in this business, but just not what some players hoped for which is cheaper = better (need to wait for a sale for that :) if there's any in the future). Personally, I've already gotten the skins I wanted from the previous set, going to skip this one since there's none that interest me.

  6. > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

    > Today's T4 Underground was hilarious due to LL. My pug had a chrono, two warriors, a guardian (all classes who can literally fart stability and other counters to the explosion) and my elite spirit. And yet, when a mob came to the people on switches, they were certain to become bouncing balls. Not that mobs went there often, but still. It really feels as if one of the main issues with the new random instabilities is simply people's stupidity.


    Or simply don't kill the dredges if they're close to the panels. There are many ways to do the panels for Underground Facility. Like how aegis can prevent the knockback when the door closes if the panel is lifted and the player will still be channeling to open the gate. ? *Not sure if it's intended* to be freed from panels to help defend. Woops ? Ben might read this~?


    I play fractals during non-peak hours, and I find the players are more adaptive and creative in handling situations. Always fun to learn new ways to do stuff. This could be because of it takes time to find a party, the players have a different mentality and tolerance.

  7. If the instabilities need to be nerfed to the ground or to have no effect in fractals, imo just remove it. No point having an extra piece of mechanic that have no function aside slowing things down.


    Just a personal oppinion but I don't think there's a problem with skipping T4. Players can still pick T3 dailies and get the daily rewards, minus the T4 daily bonus box.

  8. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"SidewayS.3789" said:

    > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > > > @"TarkaTarquol.4856" said:

    > > > > This harkens back to the days when Fractals were completely random for three tiers then a boss fractal. Players would enter and leave, constantly re-rolling what fractal they got until they at least hit Swampland first, because back then it was an extremely quick and easy to do fractal. I feel if this was implemented somehow, players would do the same, simply re-rolling the first boss until the easiest one appeared, making the potential random boss completely moot.

    > > >

    > > > Oh I remember those days lol omg moss man house and that tree next to his house lol

    > >

    > > We all stayed on the house,while we dps'ed him, with some exception,when he feared us. There were nice,those days lol.


    > And when they fixed that we stayed in the tree killing him, after that in the water and then back to tree.


    Good times :)

  9. Now that L.L is settled, lets move on to the next instability to put on the nerf table :lol: voting for Social Awkwardness!

    > @"cloudsareyum.8120" said:

    > I can't tell what I hate more, vindicators or the exploding enemies or both XD


    > happily it feels like the vindicators recently are slightly more controllable, i remember right after one of the patches where it was just like death and dying everywhere for everybody


    The new vindicators is a joke now (they don't attack/ have a long pause between attacks and often *freeze*) :tongue: certain class is able to solo it during downed state to get rallied.

  10. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > Only place where last laugh is unfair is 99cm endboss last phase but good groups skip that one anyways.

    > > Rest is ok and way less annoying if you have some stability. Chaos chrono, Druiden Elite spirit help a lot.


    > Well Twilight Oasis grenth phase can be pretty brutal with last laugh aswell.


    Go with a standard healer support setup and if that doesn't work, try going with 5 DPS next time. Works for Amala by pushing the phase change faster to revive the dead & downed players (possible with 2-3 players alive). In my PuG'ing experience, 5 DPS for T.O(even with L.L) works better and I have my reasons for it.


    For Underground with L.L, use stability and reflect during Panel Switch :smile: . Try avoid killing any melee Dredges while you're on the panel without stability, they don't do much dmg (unless there's more than 3 on you,try to take out the Dredge's with rifles).


    I ran fractals several times a day (helping out friends and for fun). Base on my experience in PuG groups, understanding the mechanics and how things work plays a HUGE role. Not going to go through all the details but just an example to match with the OP ; a recent T4 group consist of Holo (Flame thrower full time), Soulbeast (Axe/Sword + dagger), Reaper, Staff Weaver (Fire Attunement AA & Lava Font only) :anguished: and nothing surprises me anymore.


    *PS : Tried PuG'ing at different time zones for the pass 2 days, let's just say I'll stick to my normal playtime schedule* :wink:

  11. Only can say it's possible to deal such damage. Be it with might stacks etc but really can't comment anything since we don't know what actually happened just from that.


    > @"intox.6347" said:

    > > @"Beowulf.5678" said:

    > >

    > > I use a whole set of PVP armor


    > What exactly is pvp armor in wvw ?


    Miscommunication or some confusion here I think? This happened in PvP or WvW? Posted in the wrong channel if it's PvP cause your're in WvW channel. PvP equipments only stay and works in PvP.


    The ranger(soul beast) outplayed you as he/she landed all the big skills on your class.



  12. **Asc Weapons** - Profession class collections.


    **Asc Armors** - Craftables, WvW (if your personal rank is enough), Fractals daily T3 & T4 and semi craftables (fractal pages + grandmaster tokens), Raids tokens (Form/join the easy ones like escort, mursaat etc) by PuG or Training guilds.


    **Asc Rings, Accessories & Backpack** - Guild commendations, Laurel or WvW Laurel vendors, Story or Living Stories achievements/ collections.


  13. Gear plays only a small part in GW2 especially outside of raid(to make the kill before the timer ends). Players don't need to be BiS to beat the content and with the power creep, there's plenty of time and room for errors to happen. Will need more than instabilities for players to even consider swapping.


    The only thing stopping exotics from entering T4 fractals is AR but as said before, getting a set of Asc is within reasonable. In the end, it depends on the players capability to adapt to the instabilities. There's no major changes in fractal. Given in the old system, players will still take up the challenge if the same set of instabilities is set by the dev during maintenance for fractals. Just that; now we know, dev is able to tune(nerf) things and that's where we are heading :smirk:.


    Without randomization or instabilities, fractal will remain stagnant and as time goes by a meta above the rest will emerge. A more mainstreamed meta and one which sticks.


    *Not sure how WoW & FF got pulled in but it's possible to get 2-3 pieces of gear in LFR per week, which will still be kept regardless for alternate spec.*

  14. Getting a full set of equipment is easy in GW2 imo. To the extend players are salvaging exotics and ascended like thrash because ascended is easily obtainable. Which made exotics look like subpar equipments and ascended as recycleable goods for alts because the players just need a mainstream stat per character. Most of the time, done to free bank/bag slots. You won't see this behaviour/mentality often in other MMOs.


    Plus it's possible with crafting maxed to craft 2-3 ascended per week with just 2hours of gaming daily. Getting skins however, might take time.

  15. Nothing changed aside from instabilities got nerf and randomized per week. Generally fractals got easier :cookie: . Don't have the statistics but altho some fractals are "longer" (with *some exp players already showing signs of skipping mobs*) my average time spent on fractal dailies is ok if not the same.

    > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

    > > Anet is nerfing fractals rewards and players don't even notice.

    > > Random instabilities and fractals getting reworked to last longer, but in the end we get the same gold we would get before.

    > > The move to make molten boss 3 times longer is one of them, at the end of the fractal we do triple the effort and we get the same reward.

    > >

    > > Anet is slowly doing these changes and give the excuse that is to make the fractals more fun, but they are actually nerfing the reward by making the fractals last longer and harder.

    > > Time is money, the more time we spend in fractals the less gold we make somewhere else

    > >


    > it was to easy for high reward before now its more in line with the others


    And finally what Linken said, which is also the reason why most players try not to miss out fractal dailies :tongue: .


    Edit : Woops! Ty for the reminder on voting. And just to be clear, I'm not against the idea of buffing the rewards :yum:

  16. Helped a friend which just got the game with expansions *few months ago* to start on fractals. Took around 2 weeks, to gear his character enough AR for T4 entries (76 ish). Things got really slow mid T3 cause of the need for ascended armors.


    If your gf only have the core game, your options will be; limited. Suggest to climb normally to get to know the mechanics, some achievement points, farm mist essences or other materials along the way for future use etc. You can provide her with a +9 AR daily by completing your T4s & recs. Any infused rings dropped should be used regardless of stat for the extra infusion slot.


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