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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > > Agreed, that was a bad design decision for GW2, given how very pug-oriented this game is.


    > Well to be perfectly honest they even said that they didn't *expect* their players to beat Raids (at least the hardest encounters) in pugs.

    > Everything mentioned in the OP, Elitism, Training, and Save Points do not apply to static groups (if they do, please leave your static group immediately)

    > One way to help is by making the game pug-friendly. However, another approach is to first try to make finding said static groups easier. I can think of a few solutions towards that goal:


    > A) An in-game guild browser: obviously not only something for Raids, but would help the entire game, but it would certainly help Raids too

    > B ) Guild rewards for running Raids as guilds. Not raiding guilds that gather players from all over, but the other "normal" guilds getting rewarded for running Raids together. Something like guild missions but in Raids. I know you can get trophies to make decorations but that's hardly enough (you get those if you run with pugs).

    > C) In game guild tools like Calendars and Event sign up forms, so guilds can organize themselves without using external programs. Like the browser, this would help every guild, but more so guilds that need to organize their in-game activities better, including running Raids as a guild.

    > D) A way to share your entire build with others. Build templates is great, sharing them is even better. That way you can tell what others are running and give advice on what they should change (talking about guilds here, the effect on pugs is irrelevant, it could be from within the guild panel so as not to affect pugs at all)


    > Just 4 things that can improve guild activities and guild content, all of them can make Raids more accessible without adding a single new line of content.


    The calender is a good idea (since it's a method I'm familiar with and currently using). Problem is you can provide the tools but in the end, it depends on the user to utilize it. Take method (B), can easily be criticised as exclusive just like legendary armors instead of incentive. (D) is similar to what qt, metabattle, snowcrows etc are doing, sharing info or knowledge(even welcome and open for feedbacks since it's in the open) yet...you know the rest of the story. There is no perfect system or none that I known of, as it requires a perfect human to make and utilize one.


    Everyone raids for a reason, any incentive and additional rewards like legendary will be a motivation bonus thus welcomed. If one doesn't like raid feature, then the content just ain't them. (If you don't like the job, it's pointless to find excuses e.g. salary to force/try to convince yourself (not going to last even if you got the offer). One may like and plays football but dislike or clueless to 'ping pong' although both is sports; and yet they find it fine(?).

  2. @"Deaths.9165" the Li system is unreliable from the start and won't last anyway even if there's no way to fake X numbers of Li. Players will eventually get the artificial gating from farming easy encounters. Further raising the Li requirement according to time(?) will just make players trying to start raids, harder to get into the content. New players will have difficulties or unable to join the ranks of veteran players as the requirement kept increasing.


    > Cause if the run fails it is the fault of the commander and not of the pug group. And ppl call the commander noob.


    Most of the time its just self-guilt from responsibility but I won't deny some players(PuGs especially) have that train of thoughts when the squad they joined fails an encounter.

  3. Player's individual preference honestly. Any class profession works in solo pve. That said, try not to decide just based 1 mode; solo pve as the game offers more than that which you might eventually touch or go for later on.


    The grass is always greener on the other side. Every profession have its pros on cons. Work on what it can offers best, instead of comparing it with what other class are best at. Eg. Comparing a scourge boons with a chrono, why not compare with a ranger? Or comparing raw damage with burst classes in pve, why not compare it in pvp/wvw? (Work based on what it's good/efficient at).

  4. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"zaw.6741" said:

    > > t4: 15-30 minutes? really? with solid, molten and cliffside and some rubbish instabilities you can reliably do them under 30 minutes?


    > Yup.


    Second this. If everyone in the group is familiar and performs everything correctly (unwritten standard protocol) :lol: . But with pugs, it will always be a gamble. Any competative class will be able to achieve or close to the time frame be it power/condi.

    Edit: for T4s. I have yet to clear below 45mins when there's CM100 but within an hour.


    Agree with Henry about the presence of a chrono in group. Stopped playing chrono to move away from the class, but the feeling to have one never left me. (I'm fine replacing a druid with fb *or rev*, but a feeling akin to disappointment without a proper chrono).

  5. A very long read on your thoughts about fractal :). Tad long to the point & is the OP a question?

    >Just some idea from the top of my heads.


    > • There could be some leaderboard of some sort, with each speed clear being season based. Like the PvP season. Possible rewards/title could be given out at the end of the season.

    > • An upscaling difficulty mode, which could be completed with a different level of difficulty at the end like what we see in Diablo 3 mostly.

    > • Some special rewards obtainable through achieving special clear times only. (Even though given that people already know the fractals it might be too easy)


    Edit :

    > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > @"Takoyakii.2146" said:

    > > This thread kinda all over the place or am I just getting sleepy? Anyway.

    > > In the end. I don't really see current class balance as a Fotm problem.


    > Okay, but wouldnt you want to be able to play any other support class than druid?


    > But maybe my title is wrong as well.


    To priortize clear speed, you need damage; which leads us to might stacks and other boons. Mesmer + druid setup covered that part extremely well atm. Any competative DPS not necessarily tempest with the duo setup(mes + dr) will be able to clear it within your given time frame. Group wipe is the biggest downtime.

  6. > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

    > I think instabilities didn't evolve at the same pace the game did with new fractals, new party comps with new and different elites and so on. They feel disgustingly ancient , looking at SA mainly here, I hate that instability even if it becomes a minor annoyance with a good group.


    > They have more control on how they design encounters so most of the instabilities we have now feel like a forced gimmick. Something I saw in reddit a while ago was to significantly increase the instability pool (they should have done that gradually tbh) and to add upsides to their downsides, IE:


    > * Fractal bombs now also hurt/make a boss weaker, where do you drop them?

    > * Last Laugh mobs CC you BUT if you dodge a exploding mob you gain stab

    > * No Pain no Gain still gives boons to mobs but they also take additional damage from boon removal


    > There were a ton more instab ideas with this sort of thinking but I am too lazy to find the post. I think it is an overall mistake in design to entirely focus on new content and not polish current content, specially if current content is repeatable like fractals. I hope they don't make this mistake.



    Altho it does sound interesting but I don't think that's the intention of instabilities. Narrow things down to be class specifics to speed things. Mesmers won't be effected much since they have all the tools. Plus we know what it will leads to.


    Social Awkwardness is a pain for groups with inexperienced players, those lack in understanding or doesn't care with mechanics. No Pain; No Gain slows down speed clears for power meta groups, no harm aside that. Other instabilities doesn't do much. Flux bomb is weak, annoying when badly placed not because of the damage, its because the field blinds! :lol:.

  7. > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > The biggest problem is that Anet really doesn't give us many 'problems' to solve in this game. When everything is a nail, the optimal solution is always a hammer. Everything in this game is about solving DPS, with a sprinkle of dodge here, don't stand in red circle there, so the primary strategy is to DPS the hell out of everything, with a few back up heals and support buffs. Unfortunately that IS a consequence of removing the holy trinity and simplifying the game to appeal to a wider audience. It's just a trade off ... when you don't have roles, you don't need balance because you don't need people to play specific classes to have a successful solution to the problems presented to you ingame.


    > The whole "just DPS and learn to dodge" thing would've easily worked.


    > But then they decided to add actual raids [that require actual healing] and actual healers like Druid. They added part of the trinity in a game 100% designed to not have it.


    Try it from another angle, why introducing a supportive role? Proven possible to clear some raids without a healer.

  8. > @"Frostmane.9734" said:

    > At the dawn of GW2 you could always use any weapon available to your class regardless of whether you invested in the associated trait line. With the introduction of e-specs you could only use the new weapons if you invested in the e-spec trait line. Why are they tied together?


    As you said which is correct -"could always use any weapon available to your class". Elite Specialization allow players to go beyond that. The weapon is open/given to the specialization, not given to the class.

  9. @"ZeroXell.5172"

    Not on my ranger account atm and unfamiliar with the stats. But are you in full zerker asc with full +5 power infusions? The opponent's crit was fluctuating 11-14k (indicates the presence of might stacks)

  10. > @"ZeroXell.5172" said:

    > Hi there,


    > I'm a guildmate helping Urdriel with the tests using my Soulbeast. So far I've managed to hit the ~9,3k crit mark (3,3k normal hit) on him with the following:


    > - MM 2,2,2 BM 2,2,2 SB 1,2,3

    > - 3596 Power, 1513 Ferocity (250% Crit Dmg). - (Signet of the Wild Included)

    > Self Buffs: 25 Might, Fury, 21 Stacks of Vulnerability on the target


    > Active modifiers: Sigil of Force, Remorseless (Opening Strike), Twice as Vicious, Sic'Em, Loud Whistle, Furious Strength, Oppresive Superiority, Far sighted


    > IMHO:

    > This setup is still unrealistic because Twice as Vicious can't be active for so many hits, and it is difficult to keep up procc'ing Remorseless for this number of different attacks (you could have a herald buffing you with Fury but it takes some time between procs)


    > If anybody has any additional ideas let me know. Off the top of my head, right now I know I'm missing full runes of the scholar (100 power, 10% damage), Sigil of the Night (5% extra) and 25 stacks of bloodlust. Can't have Vicious Quarry because would lose the modifiers from either BM or MM.


    Food plus Utility will give another boosts (rough estimate 3k dmg?) Will need more details from the fight Urdriel had. Was it a duel, group, or zerg fight (what classes are the teammates if there was)? What was the the speed of your opponent's projectile fast or slow? Any signet proc'd? Urdiel got downed & when? Downed state have amor penalty & won't be mentioned in combat log. A full zerk have 17k+ hp at best (while log showed Urdiel took way more than that).

  11. > @"Nikon.3921" said:

    > > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

    > > Well anybody here more proficient at the games math on the fly, what would this come out to:

    > > * Full Ascended Zerk

    > > * Scholar Runes - 10%

    > > * Force Sigil - 5%

    > > * Marksmanship with Farsighted - 15%

    > > * Furious Strength - 7%

    > > * Twice as Vicious - 5%

    > > * Oppressive Superiority - 10%

    > > * Signet of the Wild - 250 Ferocity

    > > * Vicious Quarry - 250 Ferocity

    > > * Sic' Em - 25%

    > > * Ferocious Pet - 200 Power, 100 Ferocity

    > > * 25 might

    > >

    > > Not to say it's going to achieve 14k hits, but a setup like this has to be hitting like a truck.


    > Isn't Sic' Em 40%?


    > Also if they are running Great Sword, they can get another 25% if they buffer with Maul before attacking with Long Bow;however, that's only valid for the next attack, so granted it's not valid for the following Long Ranged Shot.


    > Regarding if they were running Predators Onslaught or not, I tested it a while back, and it never seemed to do more damage. I tested over and over for about 30 minutes with another ranger, and we both came to the conclusion that it was broken. I dunno if they've fixed it or not, but we tested it with Ancient Seeds and a few other conditions that would proc the extra 15%.


    Sick'em is only 25% after merging. 14k is possible with might and much more lower requirements if the soulbeast had Beastmastery trait line (sacrificing survival/skirmishing). With extra stats gained after merging with Pet Alpha, Potent Ally (gain might with crits; 3-4 stacks on avg) and Loud Whistle. All I can say is it's possible to achieve the dmg, but personally I made a variant build that suites me better (roaming purpose) :smiley:.


    Edit : What jcbroe.4329 said and in addition with conditions met. (being full glass cannon both side, range distance, skills triggered etc).

  12. > @"Odinens.5920" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > Players earn 15-20g from dailies fractals T4 (30mins with a good group). Istan is also a good choice for gold. A matter of perspective of how one see it; spend time to farm the item or gold for the item. Usually the one less time consuming triumphs.


    > Unfortunately those are all PvE farms, and you are telling people not to play WvW for something they need IN WvW. Doesn't make much sense, does it.


    I'm telling people there are alternative aside playing WvW for the item. Not enforcing anything, just logically speaking in most cases, the most efficient way (shortest time) to obtain it, is often the preferred choice. :sweat:

    > My game mode of choice is WvW, and that's what all my characters are geared for. That isn't to say I don't do, or like, PvE. But, when I only have 2-3 hours at night, during the week, to play it will 95% of the time be spent in WvW, not farming PvE.


    Nothing wrong by making WvW to be the choice. Just stating that there are 2 choices for players to obtain the item; by playing WvW or purchase them from TP. To play an hour or two PvE to obtain enough gold for a stack(250x memory of battle) from TP; or play two to three hours a day for roughly 2 weeks for a stack. The choice is up to the players.


  13. Players earn 15-20g from dailies fractals T4 (30mins with a good group). Istan is also a good choice for gold. A matter of perspective of how one see it; spend time to farm the item or gold for the item. Usually the one less time consuming triumphs.

  14. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > Putting it another way GW2 is not a game where the gear can carry you through content unlike some other games. Not saying GW2 is unique in that regard but for the price increase going from exotic to ascended the power gained is much less than the than the price increase.


    Depends on how one judge the worth of an item (ascended). A small upgrade is still an upgrade and ascended is practically the best atm. Unless there a specific reasons to get ascended (eg. For infusion purpose), exotic is fine in most casual cases.


    Having alot of gold does help to get stuff easier (non gated items), in a way it does effect 'progress' big or small.

  15. > @"Zalavaaris.5329" said:

    > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > I wonder what the quick "oneshot" was. This story smells fishy.


    > 20ish minutes maybe slightly more


    Was there another support present & made them think your friend's FB is a dmg dealer? It is weird for them to stay for the entire run and waited to express discontent after it ended (100cm ain't a short fractal).

  16. > @"DooM.6028" said:

    > What is so fun about reaper then ? I feel like it's kinda slow (movement wise) and yes the scythe is cool and all but what in particular is supposed to make it so fun ?


    Need to clarify "fun" (yours) before I can suggest. Aim, focus, uniqueness or what you hope to see or achieve with it, helps. Till then, all is fun :smile:.

  17. Imo it depends, if the pugs in squad have experience with doing VG with no players standing on greens. It's a different enviroment for players new to the strategy although it's the same encounter. Priority for green circles shifted to seekers, CC breakbar and blue circles that need to be handled accordingly as said. Practice.



  18. Login get the dailies, WvW or fractals. Chat with some friends and guildies to join or start something otherwise just logout (to other games if there's time.)


    Honestly, there's grinding in every game just a matter of what. It's how you do it imo; casual or hardcore (I'm not sure if login everyday for dailies can be considered casual tho :tongue:). I prefer to play with friends or any group activity (making new in-game friends) and having a goal helps (achievement, something to work on like skins, map completion etc) in any game. *If you're looking for single player games or a game with linear stuff to do, it's another genre and if I may recommend; give PS4 games a go.*

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