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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Cjam.8634" said:

    > Hey all,


    > I just wanted to ask a few questions regarding condition DPS

    > 1) why do you (if you play condi) choose condi over power?

    Condi is required or more effective in specific encounters (monsters with absurd amount of armours for example etc). Could be simple reasons such as personal preference/choice.

    > 2) why vipers over sinister gear?

    > 3) are there numbers anywhere to put vipers over sinister?

    In term of damage (condi) - Expertise (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition_Duration) is the top priority stat (but again, damage wise; overall and provided the condi ran the full duration).

    > Some stuff ive been thinking about, right now I mainly play guardian (power DH) but I know that guardian has a pretty good condi spec in FB and I would like to be versatile in my class. I have dabbled in condi fb recently but using mainly sinister gear...honestly I didn't give it too much dedication to get an honest opinion on whether I like condi or not. but I went with sinister because to me seeing higher condi damage is almost like "bursting" but with condi damage instead.

    Probably get it by now any class profession going for full condi will cater into expertise (vipers/grieving) to fully maximize damage. If I'm not wrong grieving is slightly above vipers for FB (around 8%, give or take)


  2. > @"Amineo.8951" said:

    > Heal Druid is worse than Firebrand and Revenant now and they nerfed the might stacking (just a little though), it still has a spot because of Spirits however.


    I dont think the nerf on might is not that bad imo. Slower might ramping by reducing 1 stack yes, but extending the duration benefits boon duration(concentration) thus more stable might upkeep.

  3. > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > What if you had a group of 5 players and they take turns casting things like aegis that affect 5 players? If you rotate the casting the first guy might have his cooldown finished or nearly so to start a new cycle. Would that work? I have to imagine it would at least be a pain for opponents.


    Depends on what you're trying to achieve tbh. But to have 5 players collaborating for aegis as good as it sounds, is only effective when the group is outnumbering the opponent. In an equal 5v5 situation, it will need more than 5 players rotating aegis to block when all 5 of the enemies is focusing on one of your ally. 5 mirage is more fun compared to 5 aegis guards :lol:

  4. > @"pakuras.7652" said:

    > thanks, just finished second boss in spirit vale. But it took us maybe more than 90 minutes to get it done :D We started as group of randoms, but it turned out things go smooth if we just act according to the plan. Nice to finally see PVE contet of this kind in gw2. I avoided raids and then forget about them, because no one wanted a beginner in his team


    Nice :smile:. Everyone is a beginner at one point (at least once) :tongue:. Feeling insecure doing something new and the pressure of playing together with experienced players. Just need to beat it once for the confidence, the next time it's just business as usual.


    > @"blambidy.3216" said:

    > Wing 4 is mostly staying alive and then putting as much dps as you can while killin the boss. The only team work is maybe Sam. And getting cc right and lock and key together.


    > Wing 4 is very simple compared to wing 1. Wing 1 to start, you have to have a tank to know what he/she is doing. In wing 4 you just worry about damage mostly. And moving out of bad spots.


    Imo the more experience you have, the more easier it is or feels that way. I did plenty of W1 compared to the others, although I do agree some bosses are easier but I'm more comfortable with W1. Felt the bosses skill tiers are more clearer. VG gains a new skill after every phase, Gorse after each World's Ender and Sabetha after each lackey. When it comes to W2, eg. Slothazor mechanic; fixated move to the front, poisoned move and drops it at the back. "Shake" aoe gets me all the time if it's not called out :flushed: till recently, *after so long* to find out it's not random! The ability starts after 50% and every 45secs after. /facepalm.

  5. It's a mini game puzzle :smile: with the following rules :

    > **1)** The red portal(exit)will always spawn opposite of the blue portal(entrance)

    > **2)** The red controller at the **point of origin** will only spawn red opposite of blue.

    > **3)** The blue controller at the **point of origin** will only reset blue position/spawn the blue portal to it.

    > **4)** There are functioning blue controllers (undamaged) at other points.


    First, place the red portal to the opposite using rule (1) and enter the portal for the objective.

    Now use the controller (4) and create a blue portal with rule (1) in mind.

    Jump down to the starting platform. Use the damaged red controller to create the **red opposite of blue** (2) then use the blue damaged controller to **reset the blue portal** (3) to you. Rinse and repeat.


  6. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

    > > I posted an idea on how to do that on page 2 or 3. There's also a link to it up on this page some where. I'm on my dumbphone atm so I can't repost it :/


    > Found this:

    > >Another thought: what if we buffed the pre event, but added a scaing fa tor to it?


    > and this:

    > > This maaay be a bit far off, but what if, and bear me out, instead of reworking vg, we rework the pre event that leads to it? Currently I find that the preevent, which is supposed to teach the mechanic, ends far too soon. Additionally, it is usually done while waiting for the lfg to fill even in training runs (I've done this myself). What if instead of 3 guardians lined up, we have to walk to the arena and see the pylons powering the barrier. As we try to disable the pylon, unstable energy is released and attacks us in the form of the guardian with a colour matching the pylon. If the group only deactivates 1 pylon, the 1/3 lava floor will be active. 2/3 if 2 were deactivated, and add the bullet hell if all 3 were deactivated at once. We could also relocate the respawn point to be under glenna, or right before the arena. Move the ley rift there or 1 of the pact members and give it an option to reset the pylons as long as vg hasn't heen summoned or killed. Thoughts on this?


    > Buffing the pre-event so they don't die as fast is a bad idea that will punish other players for no reason and second not actually help because there will still be enough time to kill them before the team is full.

    > The second rework doesn't look like it stops the killing of the pre-events, only removes them completely and adds another way to scale the event.


    Agree with maddoctor.2738. Buffing the pre event will also extend the clear time (effect players with tight schedules) which is bad.

  7. > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > Please guys I'm desperate now, how do you handle it with 270+ping? Is it actually possible to do it with so much lag?


    I feel you :bawling: with avg 300+ ping here. Possible to do it occasionally by spamming Nova Launch but will require help especially for the final jump (sometimes the Orb explode 0.5 seconds before I land :anguished: ) . No choice but to have another player to handle the role to be sure.

  8. No idea why my post got removed, but there is already an "Easy mode" VG example in Bloodfen with the same mechanics for reference :


    • Non teleporting blue circles.

    • Incentive buff to encourage players to seek out and stand in green circles

    • Watered down damage.

    • No electrified ground sections.

    • Extended timer.


    Tho I'm not sure; what is the purpose of this OP to collect players feedback for an Easy VG?

    > The purpose of this is to give a simplified version of vg to serve as a means to practice mechanics, to get your feet wet so to speak, as others have asked before. Any ideas are welcomed, just please separate yourselves from your ideas, and criticize the idea not the person. We will not discuss rewards here at this time. Once the final draft of how an easy mode vg plays, then we can discuss rewards.

    Won't this be similar to setting up an easy mode? (A simplified version of raid without the reward part, since we haven't got to the part yet.)

  9. > @"barobins.9458" said:

    > To piggyback on this thread, what about weapons/gear stats? Less focus on cond dmg and more on?? Power? Toughness? Also, super new to this game. Level 44 on first toon.


    If you're going for power & dmg, berserker's stats (power, precision, ferocity). Weapons that cater power will be axe and dagger(mainhand) from the nature of the weapon's attack.


    My advice, don't limit yourself trying new stuff and play around the class for understanding. As long as the build is reasonable (eg. Avoid using scepter for power builds, due to the nature of the weapon's attack is focusing on inflicting condi etc).

  10. I prefer this kind of discussion with a specific on the table. Back to topic, I don't think any adjustment should be made for the "training mode". A more informative indicator/ warning for the bosses ability serves the purpose better. *E.g. An announcement indicator for Green with X number of players currently standing in it. A raid announcement calling for interrupt 1.5 second before it happens etc integrated into the mode, avoid third party programs.*


    Mechanics and damage should retain the way it is. This is because any alteration to the mechanics and damage will deviates it from the raid. Creating different methods and meta to perfect that mode which might not work for the real thing. Like learning to ride a bike, if the player does not prefer the method of having another person teaching/holding the bicycle up while learning, another alternative is to provide "addons" wheels. Not making alterations, transforming the bicycle into a tricycle (learns nothing aside paddling).


    As for the rewards, there shouldn't be any (achievements or any skin loots related to raids). The point of the training is a preparation for he real thing and **not another alternative/cheap way to obtain something out from raids without participating.**

  11. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > Last T4 SWAMPLAND fractal with TOXIC TRAIL+ LAST LAUGH. Worst experience in years. It was ridiculous. What will be next? Adding HAMSTRUNG to those 2? Please, set some limits to avoid things like this.


    The combination is fine imo (especially after the nerf on those two). Not sure what was the issue, but what was the class combination for the group? Having too many condi/support class thus not killing the minnions fast enough and got overwhelmed?

  12. There are 18 infusion slots in total (with backpacks and rings attuned and infused).

    16 infusion slots if you exclude the weapons.


    I went with the latter, 10 _+9 Agony Resist_ (armors & accessories) and 6 _+10 Agony Resist_ . (rings). Slightly more costly, but allowing me to swap weapons in and out without effecting my AR.


    Edit : 16 +9 Agony Resist infusions now since I'm over-capping 150 AR with Augmentations.




  13. > @"Almondjoy.8964" said:

    > Hi everyone,


    > I just have some questions regarding raiding in the barriers to entry as well as rewards.


    > Rewards are my primary concern I suppose. After some searching the main lore (for me) to do the raid is the fact that it drops ascended gear. Im the type of player that loves PvE content and gearing up to the best but I enjoy getting them from drops and not really crafting but ill craft if I have to. So my concern comes from people saying you need ascended gear to raid, and if thats true what is the point of doing it if you already have the best gear that the game offers (stats wise)? Even past gearing up full id still like to enjoy the experience and the rewards but im having trouble understanding what exactly I can do with rewards other than the gear.


    > Also Im just getting my feet wet with game and only have PoF. I understand the main raiding experience is with the HoT expansion which I will purchase but does anyone do the Hall of Chains Raid at all? Are there unique rewards for doing Hall of Chains over Spirit vale and the other prongs of the other raid?



    Having ascended for raid is a plus, but exotics will be fine to get things done esp nowadays. GW2 has no gearing threadmill because of the easy accesss to end game stats/ equipments. Thus, the rewards is to have unique skins (value weight on fashion/ rarity) :sunglasses: . The *enjoying experience* revolve around who you're doing it with, goal; to obtain skins etc. for the grind. (Since the desire to grind repeatedly for story doesn't sound plausible to me :lol:)


    There are players doing Hall of Chains (latest raid). The difference between the raid rewards are mostly skins and infusions (look up ghostly infusion; effects).


    When players turn to LFG, they will have expectations for the players they're getting (hence the Kp, Li). Such group ain't suitable for players that are new to the raid. Tho occasionally, some will click.


    Like others said before me; consider Raiders Inn (If you're from NA). Training or w/e people calls, it's a LFG platform/commmunity with the mentality to enter raids. With experienced players showing the ropes.

  14. > @"scoop.9613" said:

    > Well crap. Didn't realize I was going to have to spend another $40 to get the season 2 and 3 missions. Would I be missing out on too much if I just skipped the seasons?


    Another option will be using in game gold to purchase the gems for it.

  15. > @"MarkoTheCheeky.4739" said:

    > I was so annoyed at the time I wasn't even thinking about it... I will submit it today. Is there any way they can help me without screenshots? Or is it hopeless and they'll think I'm trying to scamm them. I am 100% positive I used the right inscription because it's my first time doing it and it's the only recipe for inscriptions I have and I bought it at the merchant in verdant brink who only sells viper insignia and inscription recipes.


    They should have a ingame record of what you did if you can provide a time range of when and what to look for. To trace scammers, transactions, and bugs etc. So no worries for them suspecting you of scamming, just might take some time for their reply.

  16. > @"PMoneyMobileRobot.4630" said:

    > So I boosted my level 50ish Warrior to 80 so I could start doing the Path of Fire stuff to unlock mounts because they look cool and I want one. The problem I have is I keep dying to the first boss person. If I do manage to beat her I get to a point where my guy leaves everybody else and I get jumped by a bunch of mobs and I get overwhelmed and die. Can people join me to help me do it? I've tried to ask people in Lions Arch but they just made fun of me. I'm starting to lose interest in playing which I don't want to because I just bought the expansion but I just keep dying. People on my server just keep making fun of me. What am I doing wrong?


    Is this your first character? Double check if your trait line is set after using the lv80 boost. It's a fairly easy event, extremely easy for players with experience. Play it slow if you're new, don't rush into mobs and kill off the enemies 1 by 1 (they probably will spread out once all the npc dies. There's no need to save the villagers etc :sweat_smile: unless there's achievements for it (that you're aftering). Use a range weapon for secondary weapon swap.

  17. Variant to another similar OP. Might or might not be merged.


    > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Neutra.6857" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > Would be nice if we had other options for raids, like auto join or different difficulty levels. It's too hard to connect with people and organize a group. In lieu of that I feel like they should just make raids much more casual, in order to lower player scrutiny so we can actually do them. I love hard content but organizing the group and jumping through the hoops is too much work and it's tedious. Please consider making raids more palatable for everyone.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > "I love hard content, but I don't really want to put any effort so please make it casual instead. Thx".

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I'm willing to put in maximum effort when it comes to player skill and game mechanics. But maximum effort to psychologically impress strangers into working together, and dealing with all of their problems or shortcomings, that's just a ton of unfun work.

    > > > > > > > So if you are unwilling to put in the effort to get people to work together why do you want to raid? Raiding is group content with all that is involved in forming a group. There is also if you are unwilling or unable to join or make a static pug raiding.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Yah I'm trying to find a way to make the grouping process less tedious, painful, and scrutinizing. I don't care if they lower the raid difficulty or not, I'm simply looking for ways to reduce the problems and chunkiness and tedium that is organizing a group. Yes I'd be OK if they nerfed raids into the ground if it made grouping easier.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > don't pug, get a guild

    > > > > > problem solved

    > > > >

    > > > > That's not really problem solved as all the scrutinizing I mentioned above takes place still. Trying to mitigate that.

    > > >

    > > > that's not a problem with raids that's a problem with the ppl you raid with.

    > > > you can change raids all you want ppl will stay jerks.

    > >

    > > Probably true but the effort to find new people is equally tedious, so tedious that I've refused to do content that i excel at, simply because getting in with a good group requires too much time and effort.

    > >

    > > I've talked to other players who echo the same sentiments and wish there was a no hassle way to raid with minimal talking or effort put in to find good players. Also finding good players or getting into a raid group isn't even playing the game. If your doing that you're just standing around, it's boring and feels like work.


    > Since you talked to other players then keep talking to other players and when you found 9 others that think the same as you form a raid squad.

    > Im waiting here eagerly how you did.

    > I mean with 10 people that cant work together only know how to keep them selfs alive as a single player.


    There are ways to enter raid but just like Anet with raids, they are not heavily advertising on it. The only constructive post in forum to look for raid, was a post made to gather players to start on Dhuum sometime ago. Which I think it went well and going progressively by now since that post was not revived.

  18. Lets not forget there will be new players joining raids not solely depending on current numbers (as long as the number is growing, it's healthy). Players old and new will respond to new raids. New content, mechanics (hopefully), and new skins/loots table will attract its crowd. It is true players won't be able to clear everything after x raid wings. But there are also other things factored together (eg. mindset to clear all within a limited time frame; a day or x hours, the rush for Li? :sweat_smile:)


    Bosses are already dying in minutes. Further reducing it will effect the combat, abilities cast/channel time etc. Worse case scenario, creating a solo play enviroment in a MMO.

  19. There's a contradiction in what you're hoping to achieve hindering you from reaching a conclusion imo. Fractal (especially META) builds are mainly for team plays, to synergize for efficiency. Eg. A Ranger (core class) could probably perform better than Druid for solo open world contents. Or it might require some tweaking.


    It's not possible to achieve all (damage/survival/support etc), you will lose one to gain another :smile: . It is possible to make minor adjustment to suit the player. The saying, jack of all trades but master to none.


    With 25 might stack:

    Axe spellbreakers can whirl up to 80k dmg.

    Scepter + Gs DH(maybe guardians too?) Can use scepter skill#2 followed by Gs#2 (whirls around 50k)

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