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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. Not necessary to be legendary armor. Would be happy if its just some intricated Golden Armor Skins crafted using golden fractal relics (I need a sink for these :tongue:). With the same concept as crafting Requiem skins.


    No harm having more rewards for any content imo :smiley:. What could possibly happen? Aside from rants about Locking exclusive rewards behind T4 fractals wall... :bleep_bloop:

  2. Just make sure there's sufficient condi cleanse (whenever there's afflicted + TT) and the problem won't be severe even with LL.


    The tornadoes played a major role and complement with the instabilities. Starts by drawing in player(s) and applies Aff every second. The trapped player will then be dragged along into poison puddles involuntarily. Initial contact with the puddles applies poison and triggers another Aff. Stacking up condi at an alarming rate if left alone. Unlike normal npc mobs, the tornadoes is constantly moving; dropping TT and can't be killed.


    That said, I do understand OP's concern about the difficulty for TO with this set of instabilities. Requires good dps - to not drag the fight, optimization and probably best with a healer(possible without but...harsh).

  3. > I remember a couple guys mentioning "Afflicted/Toxic Trail/Last Laugh" but I didn't really notice it because it was a strong group and the mistlock instabilities were slightly inconvenient at worst.

    :lol: Tend to do the same thing, link out instabilities combos that I think its dangerous (for heads-up). Yeaterday was memorable for me as well, linked out all 3 :lol:. Semi PuG, the healer had it rough but did well.


    Astralporing.1957 is spot on. Afflicted is the main culprit (especially for T.O and Mai's pistol whip). Multiple mobs pulled aside, mainly it's **tornadoes; will continuously apply condi and drop toxic trails*.


    L.L is not a threat, plenty of time to walk out/dodge (cept for Subject 6; those :bleep_bloop: slimes not only heals it but triggers L.L as well) Avoid standing on the poison puddles for Toxic Trail. Just need to be calm and collected.


    *PS: Think this combo happened once waaay back in Snowblind. Was fun :smiley:*.

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, you're suggesting to duplicate/provide the unique buffs to another class in your example.


    It will shorten the time to form a party with the required buffs (since player's no longer need to look for a specific class) to a certain extent, depending on how many classes have access to the buffs.


    There will be a powercreep for sure when something is added into the equation. Eg. Engi will be replacing druid, turrets will be surperior than spirits with the function to attack, providing dps. Same goes for signets, the buff is an addition to what it has.


    Players welcome buffs, but for the purpose of "balancing", an equalvalent needs to be taken out of the equation. Nerf :frown: ?. Eg. Turrets deal lower damage or unable to attack? It will kill turret builds completely. Same for the signets. That's why balancing is difficult, it can streamline and remove a class if not done carefully.

  5. Mainstreaming longbow, but reason for leaving the game is lack of diversity? I see what you did there :smile:.


    The change on Read, to the current Lead the Wind confused me as well. The 10% was not that great to begin with; hardly noticeable in DPS. Debatably it's for PvP but let's be real, it won't miraculously let you gain an extra attack. Most of the damage done was from Rapid Fire (could probably count the numbers of AA done in between CDs). As for the change, why swiftness? Which requires the ranger to **hit with a projectile combo**? How... and the trouble for(again :lol: ) swiftness?


    Prefer to have ranger's longbow skills to be revamped instead (eg. staff skills for guardians) because its pointless reverting the current(useless) to previous(unimpressive).

  6. There will always be "risk" (can't foresee, usually :tongue:) with PuGs.


    > I've had people say they didn't change the message because when they searched for only one fractal no one joined, so they changed back to T4 dailies.


    Just an example or pick any scenario mentioned above. Be it a reason or an excuse, the intention is clear.


    LFG is just a tool. Doing what it's supposed to do, nothing more and nothing less. We can only hope players to be prudent with it.

    (Eg. Edit/updating LFG @last boss, question if its a fresh run, inform the party if you're new etc.)

  7. Among the stuff I could think of that needs polishing for PvE atm:

    • Revamp the current Longbow skills to be more interactive, unlike the current. (As a staple weapon for ranger class, I think this deserve such attention like changes made to guardian's staff)

    • Lower after cast time for sword skills. (For smoother gameplay and less clunky animation. Just me or Sword's auto attack feels like bashing the enemy using a club :lol:)

    • More reliable hit-on-target for sword#2 recast and GS#5. (Need a miracle for this 2 skill to hit moving targets atm)

    • More responsive pet, mainly movement skills and aftercast. (More of a PvP thing but still...)


    > @"Bramymond.7689"

    > Still thinking for improvement as well :smile: lemme know or send me an ingame mail of any good setups you come across. You can use WvW infusions if it's just for raids. Did test out Lich myself but turned it down. I wasn't able to pull a better dps with it(might be just me, since I was using a different set of sigils compared to SC and I don't trust minnions/pets).


    **Edit** : • Invisible wall obstructions in WvW.

  8. Agree with "HnRkLnXqZ.1870".



    Personal experience here. Everyone started with something and try something else that looks/sounds interesting later. I started as a mesmer coincidentally, was my first and longest main character. Got tired of the same routine one day. Went through lots of class and sticking on ranger atm (after noticing I swapped back and forth to this class the most). Still love my mesmer and having the presence of one in group, just a different feeling when I'm required to play the class.



    Imo play what you like, it's personal oppinion for sure as you can see every class profession have players defending it. Surely some class can out perform yours but instead of comparing what your current class is weak at, try to improve, amplify and focus on what it's good at. Try to make it work; with the help of another class if necessary.

  9. > • Poison Master and its pet swap component is completely useless for soulbeast, not being able to swap pets without suffering major drawbacks. Here again many ideas: make it poison duration, make soulbeasts able to swap pet while merged, make the merge bonus linger


    It does increases poison damage. Not sure how the pet swap function will work while pet merged(won't it indirectly effect swapping merged beast abilities and new key for swap?). Giving the trait a way to proc while merged sounds promising(there are few traits that requires pet swap to proc aside Poison Master).



    Sorry for derailing but mind sharing/send me your setup? Curently, I'm using:


    **Edit** : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAofVnE8Cl8i1sAerAs8iFDBLv62dDvMBgRXDopDEsqalI1jA-jBSFQB+6JAAgDBwIVC2rTAQ703sh9Haoyv+p+z6AEgxWsF7YDM2xO2xO2x2AE7YH7YH7YH7YH7YLFAMrBA-e

  10. Keep a distance away from each other (around 240 yards?); not let the red circle splashing get in contact with another player(s) when your character is attacking. Minimize movement and try not to intrude into other players zone and you will be fine; not having a thief jumping around with their skill helps :lol: . It is possible to heal through SA if you're stacking in low tier fractals (less dmg taken all around, lower and slower building up S.A). I personally don't recommend trying it above Frac Lv.90. The mobs hit harder and S.A is much more painful plus stacks up to 90% healing reduction which can be fatal.

  11. The events in the Jahai's map is satisfying and good but few might require tweaking to scale properly. Eg. Find food in the garrison for hungry Awakened before they eat the wurms event. (impossible to be done with a handful of players, added multiple pre-meta events going at the same time.)


    On another note, the event **Hunt the Hunter** - Collect and deliver lost supplies to Second Spear Koja (to lure out the Hydra) might need some attention. The event will spawn branded monsters continuously at few fixed areas where the event will take place which is fine for the event itself. Problem arise when it clashes with the pre-meta event - escort the DERVs to Almorra's Stand where the Shatterer event will take place. The escort DERV will stop and turn hostile to any mobs they encounter. When this two event clashes, the DERVs escort will be put into a halt battling an endless stream of minions generated from Hunt the Hunter event and ultimately failing the pre-meta event due to time limit.

  12. > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

    > Half the new players I've talked to wanted to try raids before they found out that it was basically impossible. Most players I've met wanted to try raids, but they could never find an entry point into the raid community.


    Might need to elaborate on that, but try to help and guide them till the end if you're really up to it. Don't take this in a bad way; Guide them on how to register for discord and how to use it get into raids. I do know a handful a friends of mine that's not bothered to look up on how to setup for a raid training/ new player's raid. (They got confused and give up trying on how to join using discord). While a new player just started 2 months ago (a random player I met while teaching fractal, in-game friend now) is having 4 pieces of legendary armor from training runs. And nope, never helped him with any raids. He joined the raid training group on his own after he found out about it. If your friend is having a problem finding the entry point, the approach might be wrong.


    If the player is interested, they won't just give up (imo). Patience is required, as you know there are roles-requirement to be filled in raids and this requires some organizing/setting up. Can't just gather 10 random and hope for a success, therefore new players will have problem gathering players to start an own group. Which is a problem for new players, you need to be experienced to lead and *X* amount of players.


    > The reason why most players don't talk about raids is because they have given up on the raid community.


    True to a certain extend, unlikely someone will mention something they've let go. But honestly, there's nothing to talk about unless they're really involved. "I killed *Boss*" is no different from "I killed Bounty", pointless to share it out. Usually what happened in a raid, is experienced and stays among the members in the raid. I fought with Balthazar, no one will understand except for the person doing the story achievement with me. There will be limited talks between a raider and a non-raider, and there will be some talks between raiders to raiders (mostly screw ups or funny things that happened during raid).

  13. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > Just a though hit me. The nerfs runes took were on /duration/ boons, condi, they been nerfed by 50 each and every one(this way or other). Adding to it nerf to sigils.

    > e.g Sigil of bursting from 6% - now 5%

    Doesn't add up imo. although I'm not sure which sigil you're referring to that got nerfed, it doesn't explain the ones that were doing okay and got buffed with an additional

    6th set. As for sigil of bursting, it's a big change. Instead of +6% to total **condi damage stat**, it is currently +5% condi damage :smile: .

  14. > (6): Every 3 seconds, you gain a barrier with health equal to 20% of all healing you received within the past 3 seconds.


    Not sure about this one. Players will gain a bigger chunk of shield every 3 seconds. This will require the opponent to break through the barrier before the next possible tick (refreshing a new barrier) 3 seconds later. Atm you can still hurt through the barrier if the attack is strong enough, a chance for a decisive final blow.


    > We’re aware of the current possibility to trigger Abrasive Grit’s ICD from someone else, but that should be fixed a bit later on.


    Not sure if it's referring to Scourge stacking/blobbing. Popcorn ready for the fix.

  15. Which exist longer doesn't decide anything in this case. The conflict "now" is when X and Y interacts together, it's create an unwanted scenario. Who is to blame(?) dev for not predicting this or players exploiting it is not the point. The one thing which is clear to all is one of it (X or Y) have to be tweaked.


    Personally and I believe many others dislike this exploit. One of the two needed to be tuned down and if you're defending X over Y, a solid reason needs to be brought out. The rune is currently functioning "as intended" providing barriers converted from heals to the users regardless of class. There is also possibility of the rune become worthless for all classes and even for necros after placing an internal cd. A strong reason reflecting the mentioned or similar to it needs to be raised for it to be considered.

  16. As Illconceived Was Na.9781 said.

    The market and supplies are not there yet since it's still new. Most of the runes and sigils are not even worth the price of their crafting mats. Give it time and see how things goes over time. The patch just open up a way to obtain the upgrades through standardizing some of the materials, not lowering the cost of expensive runes/sigils by salvaging cheap runes/sigils purchased, which will crash the economy.


    But I do think the price of upgrades will go down. As materials flood into TP from players salvaging items, legendaries no longer destroy upgrades etc. Plus drop rates can be altered. (Hoping for salvage rate for symbols/charms from items will be increased later on :wink:)

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