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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. Not sure how it will help tbh :frown:. Automated/ match making role call LFG? Automated but not so different from an odinary LFG function.


    - Squad will still kick an inadequate player joined using the match making LFG; what then?

    - What if a player have multiple class alts, does the system have role call limitation? Disadvantage if the player can't list down all the roles s/he can fill.

    - Squad can't look for specific roles if its an open match making, can't avoid the wait time even if its made possible.

  2. Fb & druid looks promising and above the rest atm. Chrono still sorting it out and have yet to met any warhorn tempest to make a comparison.


    Just things to note for this build. Soulbeast stance can't be extended aside from Leader of the Pack trait. If a party already consist of a boon healer/chrono, having a 2nd/3rd support is undesirable. A dps SB provides dps with stance share. Hence, might face difficulties going with self survival with stance share.

  3. > @"Stajan.4581" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > Is this for PvE or WvW; Objective in mind when you're making the build? (Eg. Power or Condi?)

    > > As for the question why there's no dmg - the setup is too spread out. You're using weapons which favors power but you're leaning more to survival and condi's trait and gears. Will need more direction/info before going futher (traits and gears). Try getting Vipers instead of Plague Docs stats if youre planning to go condi damage.

    > > (i) easier and cheaper alternative.

    > > (ii) more impact on damage compared to W.Doc (healing is a low priority for SB)



    > The main this for this build is boon supplying and stance sharing, This is for all types as I do not switch out gear for WvW or PvP, I use it in high level fractals. I know about vipers and I find vipers is to squishy it goes along with zerkers assassins, and anything that is meta. Meta is nothing more than ppl looking for the highest numbers possible and not caring about anything else like survivability.


    > PlaqueDocs will give me the HP, and the concentration to keep protection up 100% this will allow for me to have reduced damage from condis and physical damage. the condi damage will be the burst type and not sustained like I would have it on a necro. it will also give me the healing that I can switch over to bear stance or healing spring to blast heal with warhorn and cleansing bolts with whirling defence


    > here is the idea once I have PD gear and weapons


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBMhd+0JjKQHvYDvgtgALvYhSwyzt92irzjryd5aCANuc2J2eJtA-jRxOQBEV5HQ1PIU1fKqSQAs/AA-e


    Just some ideas. Weapon wise its best to go shortbow/axe+warhorn for PD's condi as power weapon's damage will be negligible. Shortbow for cripple and stun, axe over sword(practically obsolete here) to go with warhorn. Consider using Iboga as pet for un/merged, pulling foes and dropping confusion puddles etc.


    Dropping Nature's Vengeance seems right, since won't be utilizing spirits. Consider dropping Wilderness Survival for Skirmishing(for Spotter and Light on Your Feet). Taste of Danger is not practical for this; firstly, already overstacking vit which will probably amount to 7% ish worth of expertise(0.5second of condi if you're lucky) and the rest are just 'meh', as you discovered already the build doesn't contribute much to damage.


    As oOStaticOo.9467 said above. A druid or other classes will and can do better with boon's sharing. Stance share is unique but not worth investing with fixed duration and allies only benefit a small portion of it.

  4. Is this for PvE or WvW; Objective in mind when you're making the build? (Eg. Power or Condi?)

    As for the question why there's no dmg - the setup is too spread out. You're using weapons which favors power but you're leaning more to survival and condi's trait and gears. Will need more direction/info before going futher (traits and gears). Try getting Vipers instead of Plague Docs stats if youre planning to go condi damage.

    (i) easier and cheaper alternative.

    (ii) more impact on damage compared to W.Doc (healing is a low priority for SB)

  5. Just words I heard circling among my guilds and friends. Stuttering in crowded areas especially Divinity Reach, entering combat, freezes and game crashes in fractals etc.


    Symtoms seem to fit and removing arc seems to fixed the problem(probably needs an update). If removing arc doesn't help, then its another underlying problem for this case.

  6. > @"Scar.1793" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > its tiring.

    > > the mes forum is the worst lol. what annoys me about chrono nerfs+qq is that chrono was obviously op.

    > They’ve been op since forever tbh last expacs and especially PoF was the worst with mirage



    With Sigil of Inspiration now not effected by concentration, Mirage can support by extending existing boons. Talking about 20k+ dps semi-support, 1 button swap and not messing up rotation (dodge :lol:).


    > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > Merciless hammer was just trash. Now its mediocre and still gets outshined by the other 2 options. In what build did you need an obvious power weapon that applied confusion?

    > Even on straight Zerk gear, extra damage is extra damage. They should have just kept the confusion. What was it, 4 stacks for 900 that can be reapplied over and over?

    > Do I even need to mention the hard-ons pure Condi Bowserkers ought to be getting?


    > Personally, I just like the feedback of generating pink clouds.


    > > Hybrid warrior? Dont make me laugh

    > Grieving might want a word with you.




    The new trait is a straight up buff. More burst/damage for hammer, can't find a reason not to like it even if warrior is not my core main.


    - Hammer skills now inflict increased damage on any disabled target, not just those who are dazed, knocked down, launched, or stunned. This trait now grants adrenaline when the warrior disables a foe, regardless of the weapon the warrior wields.


    **+20% dmg** and it works with soft cc (crippled,chilled etc imo) in addition to that, the trait works outside of hammer(multipurpose). :kiss:

  7. Need more clarifications:


    1) Spirit weapon treatment as in dissapear after a single cast with charges?


    2) Keep 'buffs' as in boons and current passives(eg. Frost spirit +5% dmg inc) and adding a new active?


    3) Boons are not unique; makes Option 3 a straight nerf, so no thanks.

  8. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > I guess sarcastic no one with the right mind would say that otherwise . They obliterated the meta in wvw and pve with a single patch with no replacement

    > >

    > > A meta exists because one build is better than another. So if they obliterated the meta in WvW and PvE with no replacement then logically that means that no build is better than any other build and they’ve reached perfect parity on all builds.


    > Wich is what they wanted


    Uh....at worse, another meta will take its place.

  9. > Storm Spirit: This spirit now grants fury for 1 second instead of swiftness for 3 seconds on each pulse while this trait is equipped.

    Buff. :smile:

    > Frost Spirit: This spirit now grants might for 5 seconds for 1 stack instead of 3 seconds for 3 stacks while this trait is equipped.

    Since most Might is from Grace of the Land. :neutral:

    > Spirit of Nature Renewal: Fixed a bug in which the stability granted by the spirit of nature hit fewer targets than intended.

    Buff. :smile:

    > Water Spirit: The regeneration duration that this spirit grants has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds while this trait is equipped.

    No difference since Regen with the longest duration overwrites shorter ones all the time. :neutral:


    Nerf on Sun Spirit (Vigor) and Stone Spirit (Protection) :anguished: :anguished:

  10. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > A long time ago.

    > What happens when you nerf chrono, what will end up taking it's place. Will the meta be better, or will raiding ( and fractals) end up in a worse spot?

    Comparing with?

    > Now Chrono got the proverbial Axe execution style.

    Chrono? Or Mirage?

    > Does this make raiding more diverse.

    > Will this make casual T4 CM better?

    Any specifics? Its kinda a choice?

    > Does the meta comp become more inclusive?

    > Discuss!!

    Too early to tell, but depends on group's setup and how heavily reliant on chrono for boon upkeep.


    What caught my attention atm is the change on Signet of Inspiration. Its impact on Aegis and is the duration effected by concentration(Rip?).

  11. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > type "-sell" in the filter for a quick fix.

    > > > but yeah, would harm/hurt anyone i guess. wouldn´t be my top priority though.

    > >

    > > This.

    > > -sell

    > > It filters all selling lfm out


    > sadly it dont always work sellers want to be seen and use ë or é or or the wierd number presses to make it look like a e so you still see them.


    :lol: Then they're aftering the wrong target market or fail to comprehend players that type '-sell' knows what it is and shows no interest for it.

  12. Mirage is top in solo roaming. Expect nothing less from the duelist king :smiley:.


    Followed by Spellbreakers, Soulbeast, Deadeye and Guardian.


    **Spellbreakers** - The changes in sigils revived a vanilla GS build. Difficult to be pinned down with endure pain, resistance to mobility cc and access dashes. Don't see them often, yet :smiley:.


    **Soulbeast** - Strong burst, extremely versatile and one of the few with access to unblockable. Only a handful can bring out its full potential(un/merging). Mainly popular for their 1 trick pony burst, failure to down their target after usually leads to their demise :lol:.


    **Deadeye** - A predator without a shadow! Extremely patience and persistent by nature, perma stealthing waiting in camps for the right prey. Listed under endangered, due to having difficulties in securing *tanky* build as prey and the emergence of Soulbeast :tongue:.


    **Guardians/Holo** - High burst with blocks and invul. One of the least played in roaming but be cautious around them :smile:.

  13. Would be funny if the Soulbeast holding the dragon banner is the first to die, for being glass in a zerg :lol:.


    Seen good, bad and terrible roamers out there. It's more important to know the class than relying on a build.


    Zerg fight is different compared to roaming/duel. Killing 1-2 is enough to win in roaming/duel. But it takes more than that to collapse a zerg. What works in roaming, might not for zerg fights. Boons eg. Protection and such.

  14. OP could organise a party and not allow(or limits) anyone in it to use boons. *Personally tried it and letme tell you its not pleasant.*


    Can easily come up with reasons against OP's idea eg. Limits diversity by hindering some classes viabilty. Much more difficult to find reasons to support it :frown:.


  15. Invisible with deceptive positions :lol: Arkk's name plate at one corner on the platform(nearby a pillar) while he's invisible in the middle. Extremely confusing, since it's incoherent with the blue beam to face away or get feared. Deepstone :lol:, can be extremely messy, hilarious at the same time.


    *Silent Killers * dropping Flux Bombs or Corporeal Reassignment because their avantars are invisible (the indicators on them invisible as well). *Sigh*


    Only had this issue for Arkk once in a while, but notice its getting more frequent(4 days in a row) and branching out.

  16. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > Also no, dont tie it to fractal god, no armor deserves year+ of fractals when the raid armor took 7 months or w/e.


    Not to have it heavily gated. Eg. WvW's Sublime Mistforged requires 2k WvW rank! :astonished: a skin surpass Legendary. Thus, hope not costly for players just aftering the skins for those with no plans on getting Legendary armors. Uses existing material sink (enough with new currency and trash drops *cough * Legendary Spike.)


    *Then there's X months for a full set of envoy depending on raid progress. Raid resets once a week vs fractals which can be done daily.*


  17. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > Let’s all be honest here that people are only wanting legendary armor to be obtainable in fractals because they know they can’t get an easy mode in raids so this is the next best thing.

    > >

    > > I will complete my second legendary Armor from Raids this week (light, already got heavy), and am close to getting the medium one from WvW.

    > > So I'm set.


    > Not getting Medium Armor set from Raids?



    Raid Legendary Armors might be attractive and bragging rights; a year ago, but nowadays it's just meh... just too common now(as if it's standard uniform). More for convenience like some has said. Player's will not salvage them due to the stat and runes swap function. Transmuting the Legendary Armors is as low it will get unlike Ascended which most probably end up being salvaged.


    A nice skin that last(for a long period) will suffice for me. Not against the idea of adding more legendary armors outside of PvE Raid, WvW and PvP, just hope it will be less costly :smile: for players just aftering for the skins like me. Truth to be told, inches away from transmuting Legendary Weapons into "better"/matching skins countless time by now.

  18. Player's a avantar(s) too. The effected player won't be able to see warning indicators e.g. Corporeal Reassignment etc. which leads to unnecessary wipes(in CM). Restarting the game client in attempt to fix the problem and hope the problem won't reoccur after login is tiring. Fustrating because there seems to be no end to this problem as it's still reoccuring and there's no news for a fix from dev. Really appreciate if we can get a reply regarding this issue :smile:.

  19. Here we go, again :expressionless:.


    > Gaile Gray.6029 said:

    > ...

    > ... In summary, the buying and selling of runs is acceptable, **but ArenaNet does not officially support buyers or sellers**. Buying or selling of runs is done at your own risk.


    **Source** https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28073/buying-and-selling-runs/p1


    There's a difference between "buying and selling" with "donations". There are plenty of incidents with donations in real-life and in-game. (Eg. Players got banned for receiving gold donations). Not a pleasant experience for sure, and sorry for bringing it up.


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