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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > > > What OP proposes is the only way to get a varied and balanced meta.

    > > No, the meta would become even more restrictive. The restrictions would be different for each boss, but that would only make them worse.

    > >

    > >


    > Not not necessarily. If all the classes have bosses which excell at it would be better than i is now.


    Big hit box vs small hit box. Power vs condi situations. AoE access etc. What's being put on the table is what we have right now. It's not introducing variety. Merely tuning up the current restriction to a new height. Eg. For KC, mass ele. For barrier spam mechanics as mentioned, mass scourge. Play by the rules, step out of line for a variety or something new; suffer.

  2. Players will start swapping characters profession based on encounters. Disadvantage to players with limited characters. Creating a barrier for new players and nothing gained for both new and veteran players :frown:.


    > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > Feel bad. No, that's and understatement, such a level of enforcement would feel awful.


    > Is any level of enforcement bad here or specifically that its raid wide? Ie. If the same restrictions only applies to 1 add or 1 mechanic would it still feel bad? Let's say that sabetha cannon had the chill effect or the cleave effect. We see sort of an attempt to do this at blue guardian on vg, but conveniently enough chrono has boon strip on auto so most people dont even think about this mechanic.


  3. Nothing out of the ordinary for me, or could've gotten numb to it :lol: who knows. Consider it as part of random PuG'ing feature, can never be sure of the players you're going to get. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones, most of my T4 experiences with PuGs excluding CMs are decent (eg. rarely experienced any fail T.O after the first two weeks from it's released, for months everything is 1 shot). The time for clearing all T4s + recs however varies, from 30mins to an hour. Yesterday's T4s + recs took 40mins tops, with 4 dps 1 druid healer with no chrono.


    Edit : 4 manned Nightmare midway because a dps dc'd and did not return.

  4. > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

    > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

    > > The fix to Epi feels more like a bandaid than an thoughtful act of balancing though. It was probably much easier to just cut the duration in half but it could have been done differently and in a way that doesn't neuter Necromancer but oh well.


    > They could have buffed some condi necro skills to compensate for the well deserved epi nerf. That would have made sure that necro would be still good.


    Couldn't agree more. Epi is the only reliable source of doing aoe damage for condi necro and it's specializations. The nerf is meant to curb the exploitation but it effected the whole class profession :anguished:.

  5. Every class profession can "tank" as said. A light armor class doing so kinda proves it. But when it comes to which class does it best, no comment. Closes alternative I could offer atm is having a banner slave tanking, while the indispensable chrono(s) taking the role of dmg dealers.

  6. Stealth was never okay from day one, unless the class profession you're using have access and is actively using it :lol:. Stealth trap as a solution? Supplies needed aside, you need to lure the invisible enemy in. What if the user's intention is to persue a running target from going stealth to escape or resetting? And channeling 4 seconds to setup the trap while the enemy is lurking? :lol:. Not to mention there are ways to remove or survive "revealed". ahem*

  7. Don't have the chance to play yet after the balancing patch but imo :


    Power warriors; Spellbreaker's dps should drop with the nerf on Peak Performance. Berseker(condi) will not be effected much.


    Firebrand - 20k+ - 30k. A more noticeable dps with Grieving > Viper in fractal.


    Vouching for mesmer(chrono) for OP. Utilities & boon sharing, the nerf is on aegis duration which I think won't effect the overall performance.


    Scourge...with the nerf on epi...(silence)


    From my understanding after reading the patch note, power is still above condi in fotm. For casuals as long as your dmg dealing class profession does 8k+ dps, you will be fine. PS : in fractals.

  8. Finally completed the story yesterday. Waited for all the bugs to be fixed to avoid hiccups.


    **Pros I could think off** :

    1. Finally a 3d CG ending instead of 2d narrated drawings :smiley: nice touch on how your character appears as it should be in it.

    2. New mount with ways for on how it's to be utilized. Having fun using it after learning how to make sharp turns drifting(back button) and rolling downhill for jump start.

    3. Fairly challenging fight for an end boss. (For me at least. Way better than zhaitan & mordrem)

    4. The villain dies in the end instead of dragging it on.

    5. The whole journey is accompanied with voice acting.


    **The cons** :

    1. Felt the villain(Joko) kinda short-lived. Barely know the guy, as if we just killed the true villain Balthazar and we just conveniently remove his sidekick Joko shortly after; different from how I imagined him or how he's portrayed.

    2. Kourna is beautiful to explore, same goes for all LS4 new maps but lacks content to return. The recent Meta events are mindless rally and bash our way through such as Paladawan & Kourna's Lab event.

    3. Story getting too attached to human race/culture. Can't help feeling other races such as Norn, Charr, etc cultures are left out as the story progress.


    **What I hope to be improved or find lacking in game** :

    1. A true villain nurtured solely for GW2. Never had one, was hoping Joko to be the one, but alas.

    2. Choices in story dialog effects how the story or encounter progress instead of just different dialogs to listen to. Giving players different experience (buff, monsters, npc etc) replay-bility for alts. Eg. Joko have different abilities when another dialogue is triggered etc. Something to talk about and discuss with friends in game about the different choices made.

    3. Meta events with more depth and mini bosses with mechanics. Eg. Verdant Brink, Silverwaste etc are fun imo and some incentives if it's done exceptionally well.

  9. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > > > *PS : Would really love Anet to look into some specializations and make them more viable for instanced PvE. (Especially range users. Rifle, longbows etc)*

    > > >

    > > > Mate, you're asking for the devs to create a balance that compensates for people not caring what is expected of them or how their build works. Sadly, it is not possible.

    > >

    > > I guess :sweat_smile: . First time seeing a Deadeye in Fractals and I honestly pity their current state in PvE as of now.


    > To be fair, I've seen Deadeyes perform quite well on Deimos and a particular Daredevil who did really high dps in fractals. People are just fixating too much on golem benchmarks. In the dps department, you can make literally any class work well enough for pretty much anything.


    That's good to hear :smiley:. Fingers crossed for the next Deadeye I'll bump into performs better.

  10. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > *PS : Would really love Anet to look into some specializations and make them more viable for instanced PvE. (Especially range users. Rifle, longbows etc)*


    > Mate, you're asking for the devs to create a balance that compensates for people not caring what is expected of them or how their build works. Sadly, it is not possible.


    I guess :sweat_smile: . First time seeing a Deadeye in Fractals and I honestly pity their current state in PvE as of now.

  11. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > Am still only in T3 fractals, but I have exactly 0 intention of 'pugging' T4, based on the few times I've tried to pug T3.

    > >

    > > Thing is, I don't understand why people pug T4 and then complain about randoms running random specs? In other MMO's that I've played, there was accessible group content where just about anything goes (think T1-T2), but after that, you didn't form random groups for hardmode stuff, you joined a guild, built a friend list, etc.

    > >

    > >

    > T4 is still puggable mate t3 less so since people dont have much experience yet there usualy.



    Have to agree to this sadly :pensive: . Pug'ed T3 + recs for 2 weeks with a friend working on asc armors. Took 2hours on average to complete T3, dropped recs twice due to time constraint. From my observations and comparing it to T4 players, experience plays a major role.


    1) Low dps aside, continuously attacking subject 6 shield form, countless failure trying to open Swamp etc :anguished:. Most of the challenges completed after a few tries or showing them the ropes (while some showed gratitude, a minor few gave up/reacted negatively).


    2) Unwillingness to invest on food & fractal pots (Dmg, movement speed and 25% dmg reduction!). Really no reason not to use pots if they have the mastery imo.


    3) Profession classes and understanding. From rifle Deadeye staying at max range dying to randoms to Berserker warrior telling "I can't use banners because I'm dps". :astonished:


    *PS : Would really love Anet to look into some specializations and make them more viable for instanced PvE. (Especially range users. Rifle, longbows etc)*

  12. > @"Crispy.7048" said:

    > Hi,

    > I made my fresh druid character and I am looking for some cheap (I have around 10g), exotic based build for him.

    > Every build which I saw are focused on Harrier stats but I dont see it on AH.


    > Any ideas, advices?


    > Ty in advance


    Magi will work. Majority of the druid players are just focusing to provide more than just raw healing later on(boons for example from concentration) to optimize the specialization. Harrier is exclusive to PoF expansion(?). Harrier's exotic craftables "Bounty Hunter's" are account bound therefore can't be sold in TP. Try look for Insignia of the Harrier instead if you're still interested in it (to change asc armor stats in the future for agony infusions to proceed further in fractals).

  13. > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

    > > @"ThePolarTitan.4025" said:

    > > So, I don't think I explained things correctly. I wanted to get a discussion over builds. Not just what builds to do, but an ACTUAL explanation of why some people like certain builds over others, why some work, why some don't. Just a general discussion. Anyone can look builds up of course, but very few can actually tell what they like and some tricks they use to make their build a great one.


    > That's really what the forums are for. There isn't one thread discussing this, there are _thousands_. Check out the profession forums and take a look at what people are talking about.


    OP is too generalized. Profession's forum discussions have specifics to work on(eg. Why X trait/build for Y class. Thus players are merely giving feedback on the matter).


    Most of the links given includes explanation such as why X trait is taken, when Y skill is viable, or Z should be replaced, when and why. Feedbacks (although not many) from players experience using the trait etc. How players treat the info; learn, refer or innovate after understanding or debate on accuracy, effectiveness etc varies.


    That said, maybe if you can specify what you're looking for or to achieve? *A customer walking into a computer shop looking for a right computer. It helps if the customer can provide some details such as budget, expectations etc*

  14. > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > @"Aktium.9506" said:

    > > > remove alacrity and quickness as boons

    > > >

    > > > increase fractal mobs and bosses health by 800-1 000% so that condi can do its thing

    > >

    > > Riiigh. Make bosses health sponges so fractals can be tedious. Great design! /s


    > considering the state of bosses like artsariiv and siax, they could both benefit from being somewhere around 10x as long


    > add in another phase or two if it gets tedious


    > bursting phases to skip dealing with mechanics has ever been a cancerous design


    Brute force through the mechanics is bad. But will need another solution than just giving more HP/armor to the bosses. Yes (buffing bosses), will prevent capable groups from skipping mechanics but at the sametime it will negatively effect groups that are not capable of doing so. Their runs will more tedious and having a higher chance for mistakes to happen for extending the encounter. And no, adding more phases won't help in any way, at least for me. Take Arkk for example (CM or not, but he's the worse I could think off atm), he dissapears from the platform or goes invul so many times. When I'm on soulbeast, it's not fun having my 17-22k bleed reseted so often.

  15. Requires more info tbh. All I could say is it's possible. As to how? Was he having vulnerability, enemies projectile speed etc and what are the opponents (there was the squire and the assaulter probably moved in with AA at max range; possible more?). And don't forget in WvW there are monuments buff and keep defender buff if you're close enough.

  16. > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

    > > @"Cifrer.6013" said:

    > > I gotta ask, wouldn't it be easier to just rework the reward tables to make the dungeons more attractive content again? People don't play them because they don't typically get anything worthwhile out of it.


    > 1. they wont rework it because its free to play content

    > 2. people dont play them because they are bored of them

    > 3. people dont play them because they think the rewards are bad and not worth it while that's not true unless you compare them to farming fractals but dung tours aren't rly farms


    Nothing worth spending/ gotten everything with tokens & the lack of challenge doesn't help too. Imo Anet can't remove the content because some of the story is tied to dungeons. It's easy to complete dungeons with minimum player requirements or even solo for capable players.


    Maybe suggest to place NPC helpers to help players? Tho I'm not sure how the A.I will work, backfires (eg. The NPC staying in range of lifesteals/ feeding grubs to Lupi), exploited and full party + A.I helpers will overkill dungeons.

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