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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > > > > > > Hi guys, I've been watching and observing and lately I've been making some observations that are really concerning. What is most concerning is that these observations do not apply only to pugs, but very much to some experienced raid statics as well.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > 1. Healer only players.

    > > > > > > 2. Banner Slave Warriors doing terrible DPS.

    > > > > > > 3. Double Healing Druid Comps in wings 1-4.

    > > > > > > 4. Non-tanking chronos using minstrels.

    > > > > > > 5. Druids using minstrels.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This isn't applicable to raids only though, in fractals I observe:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > 1. Minstrel Chronomancers

    > > > > > > 2. Healing Tempests

    > > > > > > 3. Shaman's Scourges (ok this sort of thing has always been a problem with necros)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Guys are we really ok with this? Am I the only one seeing this more now than ever, or am I crazy?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What concerns me is that you are somehow able to see PUGs gear.

    > > > >

    > > > > I wouldn't jump to conclusions about how he received his information. It's very possible he just asked people to ping their gear.

    > > >

    > > > How hard do you have to try to pay no attention to not be able to tell the difference between healing druids and Viper druids or DPS weavers and healing tempests. Not to mention DPS meters and the fact that people tell you what they prefer to play.

    > >

    > > I think you quoted wrong person.


    > No he knew what he was saying. Like what is a the difference between a Druid with a SB and torch, a Druid with axe/wh and staff and a Druid with a main hand sword. Like I would even say it's probably unlikely that you will ever see a healing druid doing 10k dps. :tongue:


    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > > > > > Hi guys, I've been watching and observing and lately I've been making some observations that are really concerning. What is most concerning is that these observations do not apply only to pugs, but very much to some experienced raid statics as well.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 1. Healer only players.

    > > > > > 2. Banner Slave Warriors doing terrible DPS.

    > > > > > 3. Double Healing Druid Comps in wings 1-4.

    > > > > > 4. Non-tanking chronos using minstrels.

    > > > > > 5. Druids using minstrels.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This isn't applicable to raids only though, in fractals I observe:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 1. Minstrel Chronomancers

    > > > > > 2. Healing Tempests

    > > > > > 3. Shaman's Scourges (ok this sort of thing has always been a problem with necros)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Guys are we really ok with this? Am I the only one seeing this more now than ever, or am I crazy?

    > > > >

    > > > > Wait a minute! Are you saying there are OTHER ways to do content that AREN'T the accepted meta? Oh noes!!! People playing how they want? Finding other solutions for PVE content? Sounds like we need some action FAST!

    > > >

    > > > I think you misread because what you're saying doesn't make any sense. I very much notice myself that minstrels is becoming or has already become the meta.

    > > >

    > > > Then I pose a question, are you ok with minstrels becoming the meta?

    > >

    > > No I did understand because either way, it's about people 'being OK' with how others play the game. What I find ironic is that meta people thinking there might be something wrong with the meta changing ... like it's never done that before? It changes all the time.

    > >

    > > I can imagine the conversation:

    > >

    > > "Are you playing the old meta or the new meta?"

    > > "What do you mean, meta is meta right?"

    > > "Oh no, the new meta sucks ... they do this and that; it's the FALSE meta. We worship the true meta gods"

    > > "I don't get it, the new meta god is better than your old meta god. Watch how fast we can clear Dhuum"

    > > "You worship a false meta god!!!! BURN HERETIC!!!"

    > >

    > > I guess that irony is lost on anyone whose drank too much meta-aid. Carry on.

    > >


    > Youre not ok, clearly you're not ok. Obviously your meta is a lie because it's not helping you be ok.


    > Lol also you're saying it's ok to waste hours of others time wiping on a boss at enrage because you want to "be ok." I don't mean offence by this I'm just wondering.


    If Damage is the issue, usually the first thing I look into is 25 might stacks distribution and uptime efficiency.


    Also depending on how far behind the squad is from hitting the enrage timer. SP minstrel chrono > Semi commander/zerker chrono might not have the dps difference you hoped for/ need. Need more info on the squad composition setup to know more tbh.

  2. Technically, concentration is prioritized for all support builds for optimization. How the player wants to further improve (damage/ heal/ toughness etc) after achieving 100% boon duration is up to individual/ group setup needs.


    Tho I'm not sure what build you had in mind but Chaos variation is taken because of Chaotic persistence(3% boon durab. for each boon active) which let the player to achieve 100% boon durab. easily and allows them to fit in other stats such as zerkers. Chaos traitline also offers more boons (regen, protection, stability) compared to other variations.


    There are a few existing meta builds if you look around, each with it's own specifics, pros and cons

  3. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > Haven't noticed any instability at 100CM yesterday, 99 was almost the same. In fact the change is an "improvement of the fractal experience for dedicated players." -.-


    Same here. Started off with S.O, so I did glanced through it's instabilities (hamstrung but there's the special action key? And with the max of 70% m.speed reduction with 10% hp remaining made me laughed). Died 1x but it was in one of the Recs caused by social awkwardness (deserve the walk of shame there) for totally forgotten there's such a thing called instabilities.


    Will be a good week for PuGs =)

  4. > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > Yesterday cms t4 & rec were smooooooth ?? \o/ it was new mistlocks too ^.^

    > *. pugway


    =) Agree. There was a massive surge in LFG for 100cm too which got me wondering at first. Think I :smirk: when I ran through of the instabilities.


    > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > I guess those were originally intended to be design goals. Again why have 100 levels divided into 4 tiers if even the highest tier is easy mode? It is just that fractals get watered down again and again with almost every update.


    :+1: +1

  5. > @"dontlook.1823" said:

    > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > > @"Tarasicodissa.7084" said:

    > > > Not clicking on your skills with mouse would probably help too.

    > > >

    > > > Ben, I sincerely hope you will design high-level fractals around skilled players, not being so easily leeched by skillclickers.

    > >

    > > :P my style hard to change and i am average player, not highly skilled player which represent most of the payer base in the game :)


    > I'm pretty sure clicking your skills has nothing to do with your skill level. Get it!


    A friend once said this quote to me. Which I kinda liked ; "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."


    Need to do the extreme, to be recognised :tongue: Clicker is fine imo, but I must admit it's much more interesting say if Talindra.4958 plays the game using her feet like a DDR!


    On another note, even a small *fix* on Last Laugh making it harder to break stability or making stability more effective will be helpful. Helps in making stability viable on the PvE content table just like reflects.

  6. Was a random pick-up PuG for T4 (mes, dh, sb, druid and berserker). Went with the same strat :smile: moved clockwise slowly during minions phase (not sure if it was intended but it's a good thing the mobs was routed/came from 1 direction).


    The mesmer in the video went (dodged?) anti-clock, got seperated from your group and unable to reunite afterwards cause of toxic trails :skull: RIP.


  7. > The combat was nearly impossible for me to defeat even enemies 3 levels below my level. I never had that in the main game were I could defeat enemies 5 levels above my level.

    Will need more info on this in order to help. What class profession & equipments you're using? What NPC(s) were you up against or attempting? etc. The more detail, the better understanding on what went wrong/ to improve on.

  8. Have to agree with all the idea will not help anything, some will even backfires. No tower or keep is impenetrable, it's only the matter of time depending on how well it's sieged & number of sieges inside. Is this from the mid/lower tiers matchup? Cause it sounded as if there's imbalance/lack of forces to siege in as a invader against the defenders. Or no disrespect, lack of strategy.

  9. > @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

    > Last laugh+toxic trail+Amala grenth phase (minions)=hardest boss in the game.


    There's always the special action key in T.O. so I'm not that worried there. Plus, Last laugh was never an issue for me. Been playing on my Soulbeast for fracs recently and using Moa Stance + Dolyak Stance vs Last Laugh helps. Looking forward to see if Toxic Trail will repeatedly trigger Afflicted tho :sweat_smile:


    :love: the videos, think it was yesterday's swamp daily? Had no idea it was the lower tier T4 which had T.Trail + L.Laugh (was a pug group and they made the pick). It went well, but had one party member died at the final phase burn. Mainly I think it's because the **boss's stomp (giant dark orange circle) overlap and covered all of L.Laugh indicators (lighter red circles)**. The player probably got knocked down right before the stomp and due to that couldn't dodge.

    ...*that and no one tried to pick him up...probably* :tongue:

  10. > @"squallaus.8321" said:

    > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457"

    > can you please consider making random instabilities random on a daily basis and not just reset once a week? once a week is too long i think


    I suggest for the moment, let's stick with weekly. Constant changing seems to be a bad idea especially for random pug groups. Changes, no matter big or small (e.g. balancing/changes in meta or shifting) and in this case instabilities require some time to settle down and get adjusted to them. I can't imagine how it will be if the randomization happens daily. Had been experiencing some erratic pugs groups this week.


    As for the bosses difficulties, the new fractals T.O and S.O bosses are adequate and good. As for the rest, it's very much straight forward and can be dumbed down to HP punchbags by having support classes. As for CM nightmare, i find the first two bosses exciting while Ensolyss is just a giant punchbag with obvious dodge signs. Last laugh just made the final phase more annoying *(difficult to see last laugh aoe circles in that enviroment, making dodges felt like RnG while evading the charging minnions)*.

  11. > @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > At this rate, we might end up with everything nerfed and fractals will be linear/stale than ever before (when its a breeze no matter what instability is randomized) :sweat:. Starting to feel the previous system is more enjoyable "balanced".

    > And why is this bad? Factals weren’t meant to be raids for five people. Especially since dungeons aren’t supported anymore, factals are the new dungeons with complex but also easy mechanics.


    I don't know what's being compared to with raid in the context (*difficulty?*). But what I'm trying to say is it's preferable to have contents that's fun by having substance to it. If the result of the change make fractals in this case to be linear/ stale straight out, then there is no different from removing instabilities altogether. Back to the mindless brute force speed-clear for the rewards (not sure how long that will last) no matter what instabilities being active as it doesn't effects/ play any role in the game-play.

  12. At this rate, we might end up with everything nerfed and fractals will be linear/stale than ever before (when its a breeze no matter what instability is randomized) :sweat:. Starting to feel the previous system is more enjoyable "balanced".


    How 99cm last boss used to start "Can't this guy die any faster?" and ends at 15% "We got this bagged boys and girls, stack close and mash your buttons especially you; healer :wink:"

  13. > @"Sister Saxifrage.7361" said:

    > So, for recs I just did T3 Amala with Flux Bomb and Last Laugh. Honestly, it was harder than most of the T4 TO runs I've done. Especially the Grenth minions and the adds around the Balthazar priestess. There was just nowhere safe at all. Throw SA or Vindicators into the mix and this will be an unpuggable combination at T4.


    Flux bomb is nerfed I think? It doesn't tick as hard & stays behind only for like 5seconds? (It couldn't kill a player downed inside it)

    And what Vinceman.4572 said about special action key to remove it. With sufficient Dps; Grenth phase ends before she summons the minnions, or use the special action key to break free from getting chained knockback into the Spectral Walls.


    (*Ps: Try not to drop flux bombs up on the balcony*)

  14. > @"FogAlien.9875" said:

    > GW2 is my first MMORPG and My first and unique Character was an Elementalist , I did everything to make him strong . ascended , legendary ...AR ..sigil , runes ......

    > lately I started to notice that he is not wanted , in Fractals , in Raids and they are right he is so slow with attacks , **and dies like any other environmental NPC animals .**

    > So I created my first second character , a Ranger !! and I was surprised about the difference : health , weapons options , attacks and their speed , weapon swap .... may be other things i didn't discover yet .. .My only question why making professions weaker than other ?!!


    Ele/weaver is not a good starter class profession tbh. To pull out the desired numbers in damage, their rotation can be complex(require fillers at times) and as you mentioned can be extremely fragile.


    Seems like you found a class profession you're comfortable with, which I think its the most important of all. As for the question, I don't think Ele is weaker than Ranger especially in damage. (Encounters that requires burst e.g. Keep Construct makes Eles shine; like a sun :lol:)

  15. > @"Grogba.6204" said:

    > Did they change Last Laugh in CM100? Not one of Artsariiv's illusions exploded upon death (or at least not the small ones) which pretty much turns this instability into a joke on CM100. Not that I mind that but outside of the anomalies at Skorvald and the two splits at Arkk the fractals has no proper fights to speak of where Last Laugh can trigger.


    Noticed that too. Made CM100 Artsariiv's fight less annoying. Honestly nothing was buffed making fractals hard, all Anet did was changing a manual overwrite system to an automated program. Thing's that **really changed** in fractals after this system is :


    Nerf in : Amala, Hamstrung, Vindicator, Flux Bomb (last 2 is a joke now).

    Incoming nerf : Toxic Trail, etc


    The direction some players are offering sounds to me as if instead of giving players challenge by adding in instabilities, just nerf everything to ground and back to the old more HP & dmg on NPCs route for "challenge".

  16. > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

    > Out of curiosity, has anyone done Bloomhunger with Last Laugh today? If yes, was it as painful as I imagine? 89 with Toxic Trails was quite demanding as a healer (though the pugs weren't particularly bright), but I really don't want to imagine what the 77 mid phases would have looked like. Not sure whether these instabilities are a good thing in fractals where you just get swarmed.


    Yes, one person in the PuG group (5 dps) made the call for Last Laugh instead of Toxic Trail and we went with it since there's no objection. Everyone adapted mid fight, as I noticed everyone was back-paddling while killing the minions after a while (Not perfectly synchronized, just not getting in the way of the others). I would say he/she made the right call after considering our group setup with no support in it.

  17. > @"Geisterlicht.6083" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > > @"squallaus.8321" said:

    > > > Change instabilities to change everyday please.

    > >

    > > I don't think it matters? Since the odds of players playing the same fractal level on the following day is slim, even with the dailies *(unless it's the same daily on the next day)*.

    > >

    > >


    > It matters for CMs


    Woops, my bad. TLDR on the quotes :tongue:

    Will indeed help in changing CMs flavours.

  18. > @"squallaus.8321" said:

    > > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > The idea of /gg reseting just your cooldowns and not needing a full party /gg seems like an easy change that could augment other changes in making this feel better in general.


    > while you're at it, can you make /gg so that it doesn't reset sigil stacks if the person /gg-ing isn't in combat and have 100% hp?

    > Either this or make stack sigils more useful in fractals and raids in general.


    I think that's a different issue. If everything goes well, /gg won't be needed in the first place which causes the sigil to reset. The problem is more on the sigil itself. It probably will have a better value if instead of gaining/losing stacks, the sigil builds up stacks over time by staying in combat. (Maybe a stack every 10sec and dropping/downed state reset the stacks).

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