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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > Depends on the game mode. But necromancer has the worst balance problems bar none. And relevant isn't a finished class.

    > >

    > > I feel scourge & reaper (Necros) leans more to wvw & pvp. In pve(dmg wise) they are average. Scourge are basically necros with sand shades instead of shroud but punishment skills is wrecking players(cc and torment), less effective on npcs. Reaper is extremely sticky to get rid, with high sustain w shroud & chill.


    > Lol. You vote ranger and say that reaper can be sticky? Sorry, but that tells me that you either have no clue bout pvp matchups, or you are a pretty bad player, or you only play pve, where ranger has 2 viable builds (if you count consi druid its even 3), while necro only has one.


    Don't do PvP, but do WvW. Regardless PvE will still have scourge and druids. Bit skeptical to find any group accepting rangers in WvW. Packed with scourges tho.

  2. > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > Depends on the game mode. But necromancer has the worst balance problems bar none. And relevant isn't a finished class.


    I feel scourge & reaper (Necros) leans more to wvw & pvp. In pve(dmg wise) they are average. Scourge are basically necros with sand shades instead of shroud but punishment skills is wrecking players(cc and torment), less effective on npcs. Reaper is extremely sticky to get rid, with high sustain w shroud & chill.

  3. > @"Philexan.8475" said:

    > Howdy, I tried to find the information on the wiki, but had trouble deciphering the complexities of crafting and was still confused on living world seasons. Thanks for the help.


    > 1.) Do the ascended unique accessories, rings & amulets you buy from the Laurel merchant, if stat changed, can they be used in legendary crafting or are they not included in legendary recipes?

    Ascended accessories, rings & amulets bought from Laurel merchants usually have fixed stats. There are some in living world which is bought with tokens which allows the players to select stats (some even possible to reset the item's stat with a price). Ascended are equivalent to legendary in stat value, therefore no ascended items are used as precursors/crafting materials for any legendary.


    > 2.) If you stat change, Wings of Ascension, the ascended pvp back wings, can they still be used in legendary crafting of "The Ascension"?

    Assuming you meant selected a stat. Yes, it is still possible to be used as the precursor. Items that goes through transformation usually will allow/require the players to reselect a new stat for the newly produced item.


    > 3.) I have purchased both expansions, are the living world seasons included with the expansions, or do I need to buy them separately from the gem store?

    As what Cragga the Eighty Third.6015 said.

    Any previous living story missed out need to be purchased with gems. Players need to start/play the living story when it is available in order to unlock it.(permanent & free)

  4. > @"Sephollos.4829" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > What is the condi duration shown when you hover the mouse above expertise stat in equipment page?


    > My expertise stat is 443, and my condition duration is +36% (+70% for burning/bleeding).


    It's just a rough estimation from me but with full vipers, you will probably just have a 20%+ increase for the previous readings.

  5. > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > - Change the enemy attack circles (Seekers, Teleports, etc) to the darker circles that Necros were given for PvP. This will help players with poorer eyesight.

    > - Allow us to lessen ally effects so we can see better

    > - Darken and/or increase the size of the boss arrow to make it easier to see.




    > Feel free to add things to that list. Please only make suggestions and don't insist someone else has a bad idea.


    Agree! Tone down the ally effects. Some skills are so flashy till its blinding. I used to have this problem with illusions/clones crowding VG. (2 chronos, both with giant wings backpack :astonished:)

  6. First the condi duration. Vulne should be 25 stacks with so many players. Consistent full boons especially 25 might stacks (maybe moved too far from boon distribution?). The golem doesn't move unlike a raid boss that is possible to move out from condi war's ground aoe. Depending on the encounter.


    Ps : Don't rely too much on those golem benchmark. I see the numbers as just a possibility, but hardly possible to produce the numbers on a *live target*.

  7. From my understanding, when I read the announcement mentioned **not encouraged to**, it literally means not giving any support, service or endorsement to it.


    There is no need for a form of punishment to be enforced to be told it's not allowed (don't ignore the nuance). And no, last thing I need is another tab to check on incase some player misplaced/ think it's better to place their LFG.

  8. It will give players easy access to some of the raid stuff, skins etc. making it farm-able but it will defeat the purpose as a squad event. With some of the bosses avail to be killed with lower numbers, the training mode will be solo able. Having 10 players for a content that is toned down to dungeon/fractal difficulty is overkill. Its fine making things as simple as possible, but not to lose its meaning by making it simpler.


    Raid is as simple as it is. The struggle is mainly on getting 10 players for most players (**players with the same mindset**).


    Players in Gw2 can be polite, kind and helpful, but I can't help to notice there's lack of content in game that can create interactions or teamwork to bond the players. Played lots of MMO (some even in languages I don't understand, don't ask :lol: ) but even if there's a language barrier or a typical grinding MMO I've played, there's a bond. Eg. even Grinding MMOs gives you the feeling of player bonds by having a group of players doing the same thing or gathered in the area grinding, leaving an impression on the players next to you. Guilds plays a role in most MMOs. Here however, I sometimes question why I have these other guilds when I just have time for one (others just sitting there). Just among the things I felt Gw2 greatly lacks, making it difficult for players to form a proper bond for raids.

  9. I think scourge is still preferred or viable. Reaper is ok, not the best in dmg but still fun and good for certain situation and gameplays. If its core class profession, its hard to find ranger and necros. But it is possible to find necros in PvE contents once in a while, but never a ranger based on my exp. You will find druids and maybe some soulbeast, just like scourge and reaper.


    Altho I'm not sure why engi is not used in less challenging content, it is versatile and very much viable.

  10. Dungeons can be lower levels content tho. Fractals is after all 80s content and there are tiers. Can't compare a T4 with ascalon, TA or any lower dungeons to have the same reward....I believe T2-T3 fractal offers the same amt as dungeon tho. Considering the reward base on fractal itself (excluding the T4 dailies is argueable). Plus need to be easily accessible for low level core game only players (without specialization with incomplete limited skill).


    Try or imagine core game lvling characters with blue and greens, incomplete traits trying to kill ascalon Champion Troll is painful enough. The game has far evolved to for the core game to have the same mechanics implemented.

  11. Thief deadeye deals way more dmg. Longbow ranger is just sad in comparison. Rapid fire has 2sec channel with 8sec cd(traited), while deadeye three round shot has no cd with nearly the same output. Plus deadeye can provide boons, rangers lacks in that aspect but they do have spirits.

  12. Ever tried longbow ranger/soulbeast? Lack or almost no boon generation, rapid fire does high numbers after 2.5sec? Divide it per sec and you get an equivalent close to an normal attack. Don't get me wrong soulbeast is a different class all together as condi. But longbow is just bad for ranger as whole.

  13. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Hey folks!


    > As you know, the World Restructuring plan we've been discussing is a fairly long term project. While we work on that, we might have a bit of bandwidth here and there to do some minor QoL stuff.


    > We'd love your input on what you'd like to see. If we see an idea here we like, we'll get it on the backlog. No guarantee we get to it in a timely manner (or at all, for that matter), but I'd like us to have a nice list of community requests to pull from, should we find the time.


    1. Something done for stealth in WvW. Being abused in WvW since there's lack of ways to counter the mechanic. Skills that are implemented currently is not helping, not to mention you need to target them in order to work?( :sweat: they are stealthed....).


    2. Invisible walls obstructing projectiles in camps bug.


    3. Some proper dmg scaling? With the new patch there are some classes that can deal 13-15k dmg in 1-2sec with just a button. Eg. Mesmers pistol duelist can deal 10k followed with shatters while stealthed. Mirage have constant reflects and instant burst skill. Deadeye overly buffed "double tap/ three round burst" spam without cd that total up to 9-12k dmg each click(snipe deals 17k but its no longer needed). Revenant spammable hammer skill #2. I'll stop here before I bores everyone. It's just that some burst had **no counterplay** and in WvW, to add theres no restrain to players which allow players to run to reset the cd.

  14. There are class professions that are "easier". It also depends on what the player is after, it is possible to skim some skills out to make it more easier but it will mean lowering its efficiency and potential. From your context, I'll take it you have PoF expansion. I won't recommend scourge tbh because the traits and skills usually needs the player to set a series of rotation or skills to trigger some effect. Sand shade F1 and desert shroud F5 or extra keybinds is essential. It also comes down to if the player is comfortable with range/melee but do take note, being range does comes with a price and not always makes it the best/safest choice.


    Aside from the classes mentioned. I find zerker sword Holosmith can be "easy" after skimming off some skills. Rotation - mashing buttons 1-3, activate F1 to activate photon forge when its ready. Use 2 & 4 when its up, spam auto attack during cd.


    But as said, alot of the utility is not used therefore it might not be the best dps but it will make it decent. Or you could pick a class profession, stick and practice till you're better.

  15. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > well as roamer im gonna miss my server i guess well not the server but my servers community/teamspeak.

    > im not gonna end up in ally cus no1 cares about roamers at the end the blob does the big things i (we roamers) do the little things that no1 notice.

    > so ye im just gonna be pushed even harder into solo play if u ask me.


    Yes, shares the same concern to be recruited with "I'm a roamer". Worse come to worse to be thrown into a random world with match making. If the new community suits me, I'll probably ask for an invite if it's possible.

  16. It is an interesting idea. But it's hard for me imagine how new players/core game (free account players) will be able to survive tho. If the dungeons are tuned to HoT or PoF mechanics, some core classes might not be able to handle. I do agree some of the dungeons can be polished, but I don't think there will be much change, to me at least. The core game mechanics are too different to create any challenging content aside adding more hp/ dmg.

  17. I thought it was just me, since no one posted anything.....Been getting this bug twice in two different runs now. First was last week.


    Someone failed to destroyed all the pillars/ person targeted by the spark died? Arkk will keep repeating the charging event with the pillars restored. One of the pillars will be immuned & all the *new* sparks won't work on it.


    Didn't managed to solve the bug but had everyone stacked together for scourge barrier, was in normal mode afterall. Made it easier tbh... since he will keep repeating the phase *over and over again* :smile:. Just keep everyone protected everytime he explodes.

  18. > @"Dabrixmgp.4758" said:

    > so if dungeons are tuned just fine then why does no one do them anymore? Im all for a challenge but this is ridiculous. Actually they are leveling dungeons because they do scale you down. If I want a challenge I will do T4 fractals or raids. This is a dungeon meant for level 55 players so why is it this ridiculous?


    You can kill the flowers with 1 attack or two with range weapon. Back in the days, guardians is the preferred class for staff #1 mows down all the flowers infront. The dungeon is level 40-45 but I do encounter players 45+ with lv35 ish equipments and if I recall, we don't get much accessories equipment below 80. Most party will try to skip as much as possible, which can be hard for new players. (They kinda expect others are experienced)

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