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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

    > that chef can make his own damned soup. had enough of that one and gave up.


    I actually find that mastery fun :smiley: . Took a couple of tries tho. I got fustrated at first, untill I saw the "pattern". I started the event but I took my time to look around the kitchen instead. Pastries are up front, broth at mid, vege at the back, and raw meats way behind etc. Turn on "Highlight all targetable object" under options help. Just gotta know the kitchen well enough, it's similar to those memory game.

  2. > @"Taras.4783" said:

    > I youtubed ranger class set up and thats what i am using as of now for pve. If possible good pve ranger set up would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    Missed this part out but general rundown:

    **Ranger** : Can burst depending on build but overall dmg is constant and average at best. Other classes can do the same if not better plus providing boons(buffs) at the same time.


    **Druid** : Ranger's specialization and usually optimize towards supportive role (*since ranger's dmg is not great to begin with*). To provide healing (band aids) and offensive boons.


    **Soulbeast** : Competative/good dmg output but highly dependable on gear (viper's stat) which can be costly. Depending on build but mainly for dmg and to provide even better offensive boons to the party.


    There are sites such as Metabattle which provide info on efficient builds for different contents/situations.



    You can refer to, or use as a reference for a build of your own. Be warned, it can be comprehensive. :smile:

  3. If you put in 4 greens, you get something of the same value or better(rare). *4 rares = rare/exotic value. 4 exotics = exotic value.*


    Take note that it's possible to get lv75+ exotics even though the 4 exotics you placed is lv80s.*(the generated item only gurantees the value not the level.)*


    Placing 4 identical item will give you the same item. *(Eg 4 exotics sword = exotic sword. While X exotic swords* + *Y exotic = random exotic.)*

  4. From my experience of PuG'ing for t4, Nightmare and Shattered Observatory will take longer compared to a fully organized group with possible 0-3 wipes tops. Almost have no problem with Thauma tho?(heat room?)


    But I do find it hard to pug randoms for Mai Tirin but still trying to work a way around it. I do agree it's much more easier with a healer present. And for Oasis ; mostly due to wipes at Balthazar. It's usually the Vindicators causing a domino effect there.

  5. > @"Taras.4783" said:

    > Thank you for reply. I got two expansions and will try to play some lvl 80 maps and focus on buying inventory slots. Having lots of fun :).


    Try out the personal stories. First is tad long and draggy at times, HoT is quite good and PoF is so far my fav. Try not to splurge all your gems.There are sales discount from time to time. Ask for pointers if you're interested and having a hard time tk get into content (eg. running dungeon, raids training etc)

  6. > @"Samug.6512" said:

    > If two people are "dueling" and a third person manages to stumble upon them by accident, they are dueling in a wrong place.


    Try telling that to the duo dueling outside of south bay, constantly getting the wp contested. In my defence, I didn't know they were dueling at first ; not untill one made a huge fuss over map chat.

  7. From Tier 1 - Tier 4, Level 1 to Level 100.... I think its fair for something close to the end 90+ to be challenging... It is a ladder after all. Tho I do notice the new fractals is slightly closer to a dungeon (or a story that leads to a final boss).


    > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

    > Ironically, I feel that people struggle with TO precisely BECAUSE people insist on skipping the mobs. There's always somebody (often multiple somebodies) who gets hit, gets overrun because of Hamstrung, goes down, and now the group has Vindicators to deal with as well. If you have a healer/boon bot, you can deal with this, but it's not guaranteed in a random PUG. Conversely, if people take the time to clear mobs before tackling the Sandbinders/bosses, it's often smooth sailing.


    :+1: Can be pulled through especially if the group is organized, but with PuGs it's best to work out a clear plan.

    Unless one is telepathic, and the other is a mind reader. :smiley:



  8. > .... way more important - was not part of my conclusions. He/they (Ben/Anet) change/s it so there must be a valid reason (for him/them) to do it although I don't agree to that change. Even if it's only 1 group failing the average failure time would be 45 minutes.


    Agree, alas. 45mins...included time to look for replacement for players etc.? The new fractals S.O and T.O is actually pretty fun. I think more players would've accepted the content if it's a seperate entity challenge like a "dungeon". Could be wrong, but from my understanding of dev point of view; an outlier for fractal because of time constraint(?)

  9. The historical days of GuildWarriors2? Definately, it was at that time my warrior(2nd alt) was born. My poor necro was discriminated and shunned, ele have it better since they can provide icebows. Zerker stat dominance & Level 80 requirement for a lv30+ dungeon or kicked. Some of the dungeon path was never touched because it was long and "difficult"?

  10. It's expected for S.O and T.O takes more time than other fractals...more like a dungeon run than a fractal blitz.


    > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

    > Do you know for a fact it's the end-boss? Imo the trash mobs are the biggest annoyance in the fractal. Not their knock-down or anything, but their aggro range and leash range. It's unnatural and they follow you everywhere, forcing you to kill them if you don't stealth-skip.


    T.O lv87 is extremely long especially for inexperienced group (really wish the players will inform that they're new to something when they join). Pulling mobs to bosses (I usually don't mind but prefer not to w mistlock vindicators), players left behind because of mistlock hamstrung, and the roof navigation (those inexperienced usually will not be able to find their way back if they fall off and the streets is crawling with sunspears).


    > Mai Trin lvl 50 was definitely harder than Mai Trin t4 now.


    :smiley: Same goes for Snowblind 86(toxic trail) vs 93(vindicators).



  11. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > How the heck did you get the idea that encounters will be removed from the fight? You always have to do all phases of the fight, there will just be a checkpoint after the first two, so **if** your group wipes, you will not have to do those first two encounters again. The auto-ressing after each phase is good, but doesn't help when your group wipes.

    Yup, I get that part and what you're trying to say. But to me at least, the flavor just won't be the same. I don't mind if there's nerf or balancing done to help out, just prefer if the fight is completed whole instead of parts missing during retries. Was finding for the right word and just came to me :smiley: the 'satisfaction' just isn't there for the kill after a wipe.



  12. > @"Faaris.8013" said:


    > I actually said that you cannot even res the dead in raids (in contrary to fractals) to point out that raids are more punishing by design. I think you don't have to explain people in this thread that you can resurrect dead players in fractals, that's just a weird thing to do in this discussion. Everybody here knows.


    My bad for phrasing it badly. Was trying to point out there are already 4 mini-checkpoints in the fight where the players will be revived once again to continue the fight. Not particularly happy with how the incoming nerf on Amala going to be, by removing 2 encounters out from the fight. *It's as if I'm getting a discounted double-cheese burger, but with some of the ingredients removed.* :frown:


    I'm actually happy with the new fractals like Oasis, it felt more like a dungeon than just a recap of an encounter. But indeed the change is huge especially for players accustomed to the old dungeon system. Charge in and blindly beat everything up.


  13. > @"Faaris.8013" said:


    > It's not a raid or cm encounter, why should it work alike? In raids, you cannot even resurrect dead people, it's simply more punishing. I don't think a fractal needs to meet those standards. Checkpoints are a thing in games since the beginning of gaming, even Nintendo made use of them extensively. You won't tell me that this made Nintendo games easy, right?


    Just to point out. You can ress the dead in fractal. In this case for Twlight Oasis, the group gets a soft reset(all dead players will automatically be revived with 100% HP) everytime the Boss Amala changes phase (4 times in total for the entire fight). It is possible for the remaining surviving player(s) to push through to the next phase to revive everyone. (Vindicators is what standing in between that)



  14. I don't mind if something new is adding value into the game but I get confused at times. When the content is too hard, nerf is requested. When the content is too easy, a call is made to be challenging? On the scale of difficulty 1 to infinity, what is *just right*...?


    Not going to speak on behalf of others. But in my case it's not about the quality, I've already unlock every possible skin from the current dungeons (been playing for more than a year). I will play it once for experience if its overhauled, but it's going to take more to make me going back to the old dungeons. Doubt there will be, but 2 possible outcome if its possible to get Asc from dungeons :


    1 - All the previous exotic drop table will be scrapped, and the price for ectos & exotics in TP will crash rock bottom. Will the non-expansion players be able to play as well?


    2 - Effects other contents loot table such as Raid, WvW, Fractals....


    Which brings back to,

    > First I need to be sure what's the difference between fractal and dungeon? Aside agony.

    How is it different from adding a new fractal?

  15. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > I know right? How dare people complete content, not use the meta, have fun, record it with no DPS meter AND post it! I mean, who DOESN'T use a DPS meter to do raids? :/ How selfish!


    Gather up mens! Let us hunt and drag these heretics in the video out to be judged. Let us all call for nerf on necros and all it's like.


    Meanwhile, in reality "DIY Manned Rocket Launch Aims to Prove Earth is Flat". True story.



  16. @"ReaverKane.7598"

    Agree w Lyssa, but the fight always go messy especially for inexperienced groups. But despite that, its rare for a group to fail since she's the first encounter.


    Scourge's skill "Trail of Anguish" work wonders here. I'm confident it's possible to solo the whole fight with scourge too.


    > @"zealex.9410"

    > No its not as hard when you can just /gg right after u hit dwana and restart it woth all the skilks back off cd.


    I'm not aware such method is possible.

  17. > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > Got another change coming to help groups that are struggling with the Twilight Oasis boss. We plan to add a checkpoint at the start of Dwayna, so if you are wiping over and over you don't have to keep slogging through the first two phases, which are easy compared to the rest.


    I understand the Boss fight might be too long for a casual content like fractal. But honestly it's okay for a dungeon boss and at a high end (comparing with T4). Maybe instead of placing a checkpoint (which I think will ruin the encounter completely), give the players buff eg. 20% more dmg to the players for the Aspect lyssa/melandru etc. killed? The likelihood failing for the Aspect will drastically be lowered if the phase transition goes faster with dps. Plus dead players will be revived, gets to practice the fight mechanics and no major changes to the encounter.


    Imo its a fun fight. What truely makes the encounter hard for casual is the mistlocks for an encounter where players will be constantly taking damage, which slowly builds up hamtrung leading to vindicators. Inexperienced on how to deal with vindicators mostly.

  18. Lyssa (hard) - She's a Mess! *pun* Stay close to the wall; avoid standing in the middle in range of her stationary clones/portal bombs. Have her marked targetted after each teleport (look for the one with condi ticking). What makes her difficult is occasionally she will mark a single player and causes everyone in the radius will be polymorph moa after *3secs* (which does not cancel your auto attacks *need to verify this*) Take note while you're in Moa form, auto attacks causes you to dash forward potentially into a portal unwillingly.


    Melandru (easy) - Have the person marked away from the group, while everyone else stacked up for Amala, she doesn't do much dmg.


    Dwayna (medium) - Keep moving and hit the special action key when she uses the homing lightning strikes(especially hamstrung/caught in tornado.*indicator aside the crackling sound?*) and occasionally when the entire room is covered with AoE circles.(doesn't kill but any dmg causes hamstrung)


    Grenth (easy) - Punch bag.


    Balthazar (hard) - Avoid the aoe on the ground. The bigger the size of the AoE's circle, the more lethal. Hit the special action key, especially when the giant AoE circle appears, a meteor will land(lethal) followed by a pulse knocking down players. What makes this part difficult is occasionally the Boss will perform this leap strike on a random player that is almost impossible to evade/hit the special action key in time.


    Tips : Priortize killing vindicators if there's any. Ignore fully dead players, they will automatically be revived everytime Amala changes phase. Condi cleanse skill helps alot.

  19. > @"Evellynn Capone.6584" said:

    > How PPL done Fractals before without Healer, Chrono, Scourges ect.?


    Trial and error, learning from experience, practice I guessed? Completed Oasis T4 daily ytd with LFG. Took 7-8 wipes for Amala, considering 2-3 is NEW to 87, imo it went pretty well for a 5 DPS team. Had to find replacements after the 3rd and 5th wipe tho. Forgot the original setup but a Reaper and Holo joined in the end.

  20. For this case, its mainly a communication problem. LFG PuG isn't formed by people you know instead, it's formed up of random people and different people can have different method of doing things.


    And like Takoyakii.2146, I find such group rare nowadays. You just need to communicate with the rest in the group which plan to go with by words or action.(if there's 3 or more people doing it, usually the others will follow provided they know the method being used.)

  21. > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > Okay guys, slightly tongue in cheek post poking fun at these crashes and ANet's love for monetizing things. I get them every couple of days, and have seen complaints from other players in WvW also getting the same crash at the same time. Screen goes black, can still hear in-game music/ambient sounds, cursor still moves, can hit F12 to bring up the logout menu, but nothing actually works. Have to Alt+F4 out and deal with a queue all over again.


    > But no lie, I would actually consider spending money on such a thing if it existed.


    Having the black screen problems too when I tab in out from browsers. Usually 'fix' itself by repeating the same action. Im suspecting its something to do with Radeons GC and Gw2 (was okay till few patches back).


    > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > I have an I7 5930K with a R9 290X. Both are routinely dusted out, and no gnarly OCs on this rig. Drivers are fairly up to date. I'm planning on upgrading my GPU to a GTX 1080 in the near future. I'd been holding out for prices to drop below $500 as I expected them to do after the 1080 Ti launched, but it's like a diamond cartel holding prices artificially high.


    Wrong time for a GPU upgrade no thx to miners. Building a PC is more expensive than buying a pre build PC I think? (PC manufacturers still getting them at retail price imo)


  22. Been reporting this bug in WvW plenty of times. Every supply camp in WvW have this invisible wall bug. And just recently I found out friendly supply dolyaks can "absorb" friendly projectiles to the extend of preventing projectiles from penetrating. Was trying to defend a friendly supply dolyak, but the enemy is kept safe inside its hitbox...as if the ally dolyak shield is working against me.

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