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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Tabootrinket.2631" said:

    > Is there a reason why we have a cooldown on our weapon swap ? I mean, our initiative pool remains the same so I have no idea how getting rid of the weapon swap cooldown would make the thief unbalanced.


    > edit : urrrrh this should've been in the thief subsection. Fail (can I even delete the thread ? I didn't even know we could post directly in the profession section -_- )


    If there's no reason to, you won't be asking this. :wink:

  2. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > > > > The idea of /gg reseting just your cooldowns and not needing a full party /gg seems like an easy change that could augment other changes in making this feel better in general.

    > > > > I thought the point of /gg was to admit defeat so your party can wipe faster when the situation is not salvageable anymore, so that you can restart the fight faster (in raids). Not to make cooldowns meaningless. Long cooldowns are useless if a fight takes 1-2min but you can just reset them immediatly after the fight with no punishment

    > > >

    > > > People already do that though. That's sort of what this whole discussion is about.

    > >

    > > Exactly, time to make that unintended behavior impossible


    > Why do you care so much about what speedrunners do when you don't play with them in the first place? Like i said earlier, this wouldnt even change much. Just make a few fractals slightly more annoying because of small changes like chrono having to play with blink at cliffside endboss or no chrono stealth after underground console part. Except for TO, which would be super annoying and tedious.


    Agree with changes nothing but just to make fractals tedious. (E.g. waiting on the players failing the JP etc) Am one and lived long enough to learned if it's 2 things that humans are good at is; looking for problems and creating one. Question is what to do with it after finding, while trying to avoid the latter.

  3. @"Spike rr.7125"

    The change is just on making the system automated (was surprised to learn mistlock instabilities are manually rotated/coded all these time tbh). The problem with Toxic Trail wasn't prevalent because it was sitting in T3 and never made it above level 86 (high end T4). I always leave any T4 dailies group that attempts to take lower level T4 with Toxic Trail thinking it would be "easier".



  4. Making things more paper won't help tbh. It will just backfires encouraging zerg/blob to form for k-train instead of splitting them. And yes, agree with HazyDaisy.4107 to see if the restructuring is going to happen. At the moment it sounds to me OP have a coverage issue ,outnumbered and supplies problem to siege.

  5. Deadeye in WvW roaming - stay stealthed to stalk your target, wait for the right moment they turn their back. If you fail to kill the player, simply disengage and continue stalking.

    So yeah, had this marker on me for a full minute and they deadeye just kept following me from a good distance(stealth) entire time. Feel like flipping camps or picking fights with a rifle aiming at you?


    Mirage - annoying condi dmg and invuls. Using range is basically useless on these guys. Whats worse? Chronomancers; yes they're back and more deadly with phantasms.

  6. There was a safeguard system long ago? I recall something like I'm required to wait/ unable to use LFG for a period of time where everything is greyed out after joining & leaving 'X number of LFG party in a short time. Was giving me problem back then as it restricts me in a way from trying to join another mega server map looking for one that isn't full.

    Edit : The function was removed/ "bug" was fixed due to the reason stated.

  7. > @"Kundry.1249" said:

    > WoW borrowed heavily from GW2 Fractals for their Mythic+ system (scaling, affixes), and it was a big success. It's GW2's turn to borrow their system: make fractals (effectively) infinitely scalable. T5, T6, T7, etc. With GW2's mechanics and how Fractals are designed, a straightforward scaling of mob hp and damage might not work the way it does in WoW, but I think this would be worth the effort of trying to figure out how to make it work out.


    It's the one thing I hope not to see it happen. For fractals, Mistlock instabilities is working fine as it is for giving challenge (instead of the bland more hp & dmg to make it "harder").

  8. There was a time, exploring WvW maps is part of the requirement for Gift of Explorer. Give and take, it is not part of the requirement for map completion now, and Gift of Battle was subbed in.

    Edit: The moment you realised the vista/poi needed is inside enemy's Garrison/Keep :anguished:

  9. > @"Derenek.8931" said:

    > Oh yeah, being able to inspect other player; gear and builds will make the game so much more pleasant....


    > Not!


    > Now at least they wait for you to respond before kicking you. With the inspect option, all players will be forced to use the meta build in order to play the game at all. Why bother leveling up and making a character? Just have one mailed to you by whatever jerk is in charge of the "must be meta or be kicked" groups. (which is most of them these day)


    Changes nothing imo. Unless your're suggesting to lie in order not to get kicked? Idm having a way to inspect other players equipment skins or what build/stats they running.(am going to ask the player anyway if such caught my interest)

  10. @"zoomborg.9462"

    > The part of the playerbase thats gonna suffer (including myself) are the lone players who might be either casual or hardcore but not willing to commit to a single guild or play very sporadically.

    Same boat here :smile: tho I'm not particularly worried as a solo roamer, the system will just randomly place us into a world. I do rally with tagged commanders sometimes, without paying attention to their guild tags. My point is, even if the new system gets implemented, I probably will continue my solo play style and rally with whoever tagged from time to time. Tho I will consider to get into alliance to play with few of my friends/guildies, but we will probably discuss on that together only if the new system is announced a sure go.


    *Another issue I hope Anet will look into aside coverage is the reward(or some form of benefit/fame) for WvW. For a competative game, there will be a victor and loser. It's very important to distinguish the two. I understand the game is trying to be fair to all. But if the winner and loser is getting the same reward/benefits there's no point in trying or motivation to win. Hence PPT is ignored, why rank up to struggle when we can get the same/better rewards by not to. WvW will probably function better if the coverage is mended, but imo it's not fulfilling its true function as a competitive mode.*

  11. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > > > Yes. make t4 fractals even more boring and casual, what could go wrong

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That's okay. For top notch players there are CMs and raids every week :)

    > > > >

    > > > > Only 2 cms. And no not every "Top notch player" runs raids, for one reason or another.

    > > >

    > > > Too bad. Raids are made for top notch players. If they are unhappy, maybe they should find another game. Fractals are not supposed to be on level of raids.

    > >

    > > And these changes wont get them anywhere near raid dificulty.


    > Nerfing them also causes no harm.


    If all of fractals is nerfed to T1 & T2 level, there will be players playing it for the reward. Maybe a minority, just like how the majority will skip fractal recs dailies finding it boring and not rewarding enough. It will just be another dungeon like content. Will be totally ignored if it's not rewarding. Players will play it for the reward if its extremely good, but don't be expect them to enjoy the content. Hence, it's easier if Anet just hand us the reward and be done with it.


    Edit :

    PS : Do you seriously think the request to Nerf will just end there?

  12. > @"Shiren.9532" said:

    > I think it will be hard to encourage players to respond their builds and team comps to instabilities the way they are currently designed, especially if they become more random and you can't plan ahead for them. Currently most players just run a solid build that works relatively well under any circumstances.


    > If you guys really want to encourage players to alter their builds when running fractals maybe consider adding buffs with instabilities instead of punishments. I think incentives are a much more powerful tool for affecting player build and weapon choices rather than disincentives. I'm likely to just attempt to power through Social Awkwardness or the poison trails without ever changing my build, but if there was a week where I did 25% more damage against targets 900 range or greater from me, or reduced damage on me by 25% when near an ally, or gave out bonus boons to allies every time I used a support skill, I think that would do a lot for players to build around and maybe make some less popular strategies stronger for the week those effects are in place.


    > So often GW2 group content design focuses on debuffing players to encourage them to play differently or just to increase challenge, there is a whole wealth of options to impact how we play and experience the game by buffing us in group environments. Social Awkwardness makes me dislike other people in my party, Social Butterfly (damage increased by 20% and damage received reduced by 20% when nearby an ally) would make me enjoy spending time with them more.


    > If you're rethinking the way fractals and instabilities keep the fractals environment fresh and engaging for players, maybe it's worth considering they might be more responsive to positive instabilities instead of just negative ones.


    Umm, or Anet could simply hand us the fractal's rewards daily, spare us the work. Win win :tongue:

  13. > @"ShionKreth.1542" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > > @"ShionKreth.1542" said:

    > > > What I'd like to get confirmation on is is this a sure thing that's going to happen, or just something the dev team is considering?

    > >

    > > It's like 90% a sure thing. As much work they are putting into it.. no doubt it will be active soon.


    > I think if that was the case it would be front and center, but after not posting on this thread for a bit I had to dig to even find this announcement. I can't believe no one in charge has realized what a disastrous change this stands to be; carrying a big risk of losing players and deterring future players... for little potential reward(and frankly I think the problems it may cause stand to outweigh the benefits even if it works exactly as they're hoping, which with MMOs is seldom how it goes).


    > If I could get a response from a more official source over whether this change is certain to come to pass or not would be appreciated, as it will influence whether I'll be playing this over another MMO that has their priorities straight.


    When T1 &T2 start showing symtoms, indicates it's time for a change. Mid tiers are on life support, while the bottom tiers are "expected". All this new system offer is just gathering up the numbers to fill up as much worlds as possible. For better or worse, a change is needed because the old system is "dying".

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