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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. Will need a nerf on Toxic Trail too. Honestly, I it the hardest, followed by Social Awkwardness. It's the reason why I avoid playing T3 and anything lower than lv80+ for T4. I can deal with Social Awkwardness(an inexperienced group will probably end up messy but do-able), vindicators, hamstrung, flux bombs etc is okay (even if the group made mistakes its can be dealt with). **Toxic Trail** however, I can't grasp the NPCs as they target and move at random. Some NPCs with smaller hitbox, forces melee players to take dmg in order to get in range. If the NPC decides to run pass a player and causes the player to drop(downed) on the trail, no one will save him/her. And overlapping Toxic Trail stacks :astonished:

  2. Adding new channels won't help imo. Just like how players like to post daily recs fractals in T4 channel instead of the daily recs tier(T3 or lower). Players can put LFG for static raids in raid channels just like raid sellers...but instead players chosed to rely on 3rd party LFG on discords or other platforms for training groups/guilds to get into static group (which can be more productive in a way).

  3. The idea won't work? It shares the same fundamental flaws on coverage? Just say if server A have a lower population/coverage for certain time zones, it's a disadvantage for them in the game mode you're introducing since they barely can defend nor attack.


    > @"Diku.2546" said:

    > Hmmm...Instead of doing this complex World Restructuring...


    > Why not just make 5 simple changes to our current WvW?


    > 1. Assign 1 Map to each Server.

    Creating more worlds(maps/server) will just create more fluctuation. Not all world will function at 100% which is the current problem.


    > 2. Re-purpose the 3 Spawn Points on these assigned Maps. Allow Players to enter any map through their (Player has only 1 Red-Home Spawn), OR enter All Other Server's (Green/Blue-Enemy Spawn Points). Players can visit both NA & EU servers, but should expect slow performance if they're geographically distant.

    > 3. Re-purpose the existing Server Guesting mechanism & tailor it to keep track of a Player's fight choices. Then...Let players visit other Servers using these Re-purposed Spawn Points with Weekly Limits on How Many & Which Servers that they can fight on.

    You can track players behaviour but you can never control. Just because server A kept attacking server B, it doesn't mean they won't shift their attention to server G on the following week. What purpose was the tracking for? When "limiting & monitoring" intervention was mentioned here, you know the system is flawed, *subconciously.*


    > 4. Adjust Player Rewards based on their Home Server Rank & the Rank of the Server that they attack. Reward More if the Enemy Server is Ranked Higher. Reward Less if Lower.

    Rewarding hardwork with low/no rewards... :worried:


    > 5. Re-purpose the WvW Panel to Show Top 3 Servers in a random order that is attacking a Player's Home Server.

    Top tier server A is attacking bottom tier server Z...how will that info help? Retaliate against a force that overwhelms?

    > Set up a Map Max Cap to Reserve Seating for Players & ANet


    > Home – 45%

    > Enemy – 45%

    > Dev Team – 10%

    :sweat_smile: I don't think any gaming company will hire staffs to play the game, just to fulfill the numbers of each server to solve population imbalanced.

  4. Play other class professions and you will see their flaws. Ele does high dmg (assuming best = dmg?) But in open pve you don't see them much? Because they drop so often.


    Never underestimate necro minnions swarming a champion to tank (it's way more effective than a ranger's pet). Argueable, they do kill stuff slower because necro does not have the burst, but the dmg is there. If it's burst you're seeking for, a warrior 100blades or FB will be more to your ideal class profession.

  5. > 5. When sharing Boons or Conditions among players which players stats get used? ....


    Assuming you're asking something along the line - If you share a Boon with a friend, whose concentration will be accounted for (person sharing/receiving)? I don't think it will matter since it copies/follow the remaining duration.


    > 5. .... . A how do they stack if the target already has said Boon/Condi?


    How boon/condi stacks? Assuming you noticed some have numbers stacking (**Bleeding**) is accumulative. While some like **Cripple** which doesn't but extends the duration when reapplied.

  6. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > A lot of veterans are bored of fractals.

    > I also have not touched them in weeks. Difficulty level is mostly boring, rewards are boring (you get all the unique stuff pretty fast) and generic stuff that bores me to death just looking at it. Pugs are also wasting too much time if you dont play at daily reset.


    Everything is boring if done repeatitively. Just like how Twilight Oasis quickly became my fav because it's new. Used to main mesmer for fractals. Still like and leaning in my mindset "it's more important to have a mesmer over druid", just not using it anymore for fracs (can't stand it anymore, doing the same thing on mesmer everytime). Playing other profession classes & groupings by not being meta static. Group can be very random, but that's what making it fun for me. Don't particular mind when there are mistakes made. However, still get this unsettling feeling whenever I see a temporal curtain placed on not optimal spot (Trying my best not to be a micromanaging boss! :persevere: )

  7. > @"Adenin.5973" said:

    > Yeah, I love my necro but I won't join any meta grp with it. Meta grps need burst dmg. They pull trash mobs on top of each other and quickly finish them.

    > ...

    > Necro condi scourge is absolutely more than fine to run t4 fratals. But is has really not much use in a meta grp composition.

    Should be fine if players read the LFG for any specifics mentioned before joining. Condi dps is fine for fractals, just the dmg gets surpressed in a heavy burst composition group. Been in groups with Scourge where Mesmer+Fb pulls the mobs and clears them out in seconds. In such group, you can forget about rotation & epi, barely have enough time to drop 3 sand shades immediately to pulse.


    As for the OP, imo it's experience. There are times despite having a "meta" or not, the group falls behind compared to previous/certain groups, even if it's the same composition.

  8. > @"Blood.5607" said:

    > > @"reikken.4961" said:

    > > > @"Blood.5607" said:

    > > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > > > > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

    > > > > > Why no necros, we're dps too you know....

    > > > >

    > > > > That was a good one.

    > > >

    > > > +1 to this. In fractals? No you aren't. Sorry.

    > >

    > > sadly.

    > > necros condis are all like 20 seconds long. not so good for clearing adds

    > > and power builds are all weak

    > >

    > > If dagger auto is going to keep the target limit of 2 that other class's daggers have, it needs the dps that the other classes have. And skill 2 or 3 needs to be replaced with something that's a dps increase over autoing.

    > > also increase pve shade power damage by like 50%. and idk what for reaper, but more group pve buffs


    > Power builds arent weak? O.o I play weaver in t4s and i pull way above-average dps with the right comp.


    I think what reikken.4961was referring to is necro's power build(reaper) in his context.


    Condi will show significant lower dmg on thrash mobs in a full burst setup group in fractals. Necro for instance will barely have time to stack up condi for epidermic (to add; almost all necro's skills & attacks have awfully long aftercast). The class is still viable, high survival and useful for some encounters but that's about it.

  9. Second everyone with create your own group with your own rules and problem solved. Do what you need to get the job done. Best to have friends or guild mates to start out. LFG can take a while finding specific class professions, leaving less time to raid after to work things out etc (explaining & assuming there will be wipes). Will be similar to a "training run" ran by you tbh. Get in contact with the participants and try to make it a regular. :smile:

    Long story short; to joing others, follow their requirements. Your squad, your rules.

  10. > @"EpicName.4523" said:

    > First, GW2 lacks the holy trinity, I get it.

    You don't need to worry about this outside of raids. In raid the "tank" role is mainly to move/position the boss instead of letting it run rampage to allow coordinated plays. There's no agro like in WoW, any class profession can be tank with toughness. Players just prefer the tank to have other use aside *moving the boss* to behave the way they wanted. Hence the mesmer tank for utility or class profession that could heal others etc.

    > @"EpicName.4523" said:

    > However, it has the longbow from its elite spec and I've read longbows are inferior to scepters for dps. Should I switch to exotic scepter+torch to make myself useful?

    Since scepter skill #2 can hit multiple times.(extremely effective on target with large hit box)

    Melee usually deals more damage compared to being range. You will get the hang of it after a while on how to dodge.


    As for fractal, will probably be walk in the park in T1 & T2 (dumbed down bosses). There will be a gear gap requirement somewhere in T3 (the need for ascended armor crafted/lucky drops for agony infusions). T4 is slightly similar to T3, just different mistlocks instability and higher damage scale.

  11. > @"reikken.4961" said:

    > the encounters themselves are extremely newbie friendly, and you'll experience that yourself if you find the right people

    > but half of the community is extremely newbie unfriendly


    Agree. To enjoy a group content/ event, it really depends on who your're doing it with. Different players have different ways and oppinions, it depends whether the player joining can mingle in. While might find some groups "negative"(they do get players that can fit in), just not one suitable for you doesn't make them bad. If one is constant PuG'ing, you will meet both groups. Often only the negative exp is worth mentioned.

  12. Yes. The one shot is actually a combo of damage happening at the same time. The damage spike/ combined can happen instantaneously, bypassing threshold killing the player before immunity skill triggers. The recent patch changes made mesmer lose out constant dps, unintentionally increased the burst instead(phantasm). This put mesmers & mirage top tier in WvW roaming. Try not to be over defensive, when I was just trying to explain the one-shot.


    > If you are dueling the mesmer and you know what to look for (and you use your evades correctly) it is actually really easy to counter.

    Yes, failing will pay a hefty price. There are many ways to start the "one shot". Usually with stealth, surprising the enemy & giving no target the enemy is unable to take action which will amplifies the dmg taken(trait).


    One of the memorable recent combat. A mirage was distorting/evading my projectile and went stealth. Baited my dodge with a duelist, magic bullet stun and shattered. The combat went into his favor after.

    Ps : The first shatter could've probably one shot glass, and duelist can deal up to 8k crit.

  13. Imo. Don't think they can or will, it's a form of ingame "service" established by players. Was not listed/against the game's T&C and can be considered a way how players play the game. It's clear where the stand is when "no support" is mentioned. But after knowing no action will be taken, it's best not to push and challenge it :tongue:

  14. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > Any viable ranger build for wvw?


    > It depends on how lame you want to go, you can run minstrel druid with jacaranda and smokescale doing all your damage while you kite, stealth, heal and proc ancient seeds till the cows come home. You'll never die except from boredom but you'll pretty much win or draw every 1v1. Also means you'll do some serious healing to allies if it escalates but all damage is from pet so don't go zergin.


    Very much as you described, was for solo purpose. The result of 1vs1 with a Mirage placed me on the defensive cause lack in dmg to put him down (the pets which holds a fair amount of my dmg will be idle, unable to choose a target between the clones and phantasm). Will win fights if the target(single) and squishy & can outruns a Mirage.


    Tried condi trapper, personally I don't recommend it. Takes forever to stack the condi, Mirage have the upper hand with evades, passive, and reflects. Aside from Mirage, Scourge will be another one of condi trapper concern with their Barrier and boon conversions. Honestly, never actually killed anyone with condi trapper, best I did was to annoy them.


    Power builds, I would say 50-50 in WvW. But chances of winning using it against a Mirage, will make a 1v3 look easier. So if there's any variant ranger build that can give 50% chance of winning against a Mirage, I'm all ears.


    PS : Probably a good time and easier to gear up my Spellbreaker. And don't get me wrong, I said it's possible for Mirage to instant burst to kill, did mention both side will be close to glass and it can be prevented with dodges etc. (I did) But it's a matter of time, to be overwhelmed by clones and phantasm (3 clones + phantasm) with Jaunt, there's where things get sticky on ranger.

  15. > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > @"Corvus.2831" said:

    > > No one should be required to equip a specific ability to not be oneshot. You proven our point.


    > Actually, if you are being "one shotted" you are either running a bad build or playing the build you are running badly. If you are not capable of not being killed by a single button press because of a skill issue, it is perfectly reasonable to utilize a skill, trait, or ability to defend yourself. Remember, your ability to die has as much to do with your skill level and build as it does with your opponents.



    Some class have no or close to none counter plays. When players say one shot, both party will be glass or very close to one. You can be tankie but its just a matter if time with mirage mechanics (Jaunt to gap close or disengage. their passive reflects and blurred frenzy). Mirage will need to time "The Prestige" explosion which grant them stealth beforehand as part of the one shot combo to be effective. This will make the opponent unaware or unable to take action which further amplifies the dmg. They can disengage or continue to press on with GS 5-4-3 mind stab combo immediately/afterwards while waiting for the cd resets.

  16. Escort is free LI and shards, loved it. Volunteering for Warg's duty :tongue:


    > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


    > Actually, there's a lot of better bosses to train people. VG just happens to be B1W1, so people start there. It doesn't make it the easiest to learn in any shape or form. Gorseval is million times easier to teach.


    Being the first boss for first raid also makes it the encounter most players familiarized with thus easiest. Briefed a friend who started recently on VG. (Melee : Stay behind the boss at all times and avoid the blue aoe on the ground, get to the blue marker/pillar when the boss splits.) As simple as ABC once you breakdown the mechanics. (Tank/Melee/Range)

  17. Scourge is the improved version of necro. Base is the same, shroud is replaced with sand shades(totem like sentries that trigger your skills effects). They're very strong in WvW/Pvp enviroment mainly because they are efficient in converting condi to boons(with a low cd) and applying barrier&boons while corrupting nearby enemy boons aoe wide. When it comes to PvE, where DPS is considered, scourge is just not the best since there are other better condi dps atm. (Anet fixed it but scourge were broken before, had a "bug" with the sand shades applying burn with each pulse instead of just once, good times :smile: watching champions melt)


    Edit :


    From another post but here you go. Those red pulse are scourge/sand shades pulsing condi and barrier. Not to mention corrupting boons.

  18. > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > @"zinkz.7045" said:

    > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > Trap roaming rangers is fairly common. They're quite strong but take set up. As are druids which are seen in wvw. Ranges are in a great spot in wvw.

    > >

    > > No rangers are not in a great spot, for the thing most WvW players do - zergs they are still basically unwanted (go see guard, necro, warrior, rev, etc for classes that are meta for zergs), for guild raids they are am optional niche pick and roaming/small group is the only place they are in a good spot.

    > >

    > >


    > So they are a good choice for roaming and as healers. So like I said. Good spot.


    Don't think so, or at least not anymore? The latest patch made it worse in WvW. Still acceptable in small group but will be the weakess, often targeted for being easy to be removed. All the condi variant is not as efficient(bonfire nerf, daggers & sb etc). Power build is not any better. Druids, it might be just me its a lackluster as a WvW sp? If the combat last long enough till celestial avantar is on downtime....spamming staff dmg is...be useful.

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