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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. Agree with HazyDaisy.4107 and as for,


    > As a roamer these changes give me different thoughts what will happen. Played from start on same server, roaming and scouting, siege up stuff ... so options looks like i need to join guild and play in zerg or leave wvw.


    I don't know how people come to this conclusion but I think there will still be roamers under the new system. Am one, not just for the sake of daily but it's how I play (take camps, takedown other roamers/ loose players etc) solo or with a guildie or two. My concern is more on how the system tracks solo player and place them into an alliance accordingly instead of randomly placing you in one for not being in a WvW guild.


    Put it this way, if you have multiple roamers, small tactical groups splitting to cap stuff in WvW. The enemy will need to do the same to respond or fall behind. In fact I'm more than happy to keep an entire enemy mob entertained by chasing me around, knowing my team is doing damage elsewhere.




    > You would still get a world so you would correctly be assigned a color. If all you played was EofM you'd still be registered with the match maker and still get put on a world though your adjusted play hours would not really affect the population value of the world you were assigned.


    Hmm match maker.

  2. Last boss for new T4, S.O - Arkk? He's easy once you know the fight.


    > We talking about normal mode?

    > If normal mode yes I agree dev should probably nerf Vindicators.. bcos vindicator > casual players ..

    > I once join a group that's says..Last boss for new map t4. The two guys there basically die every time we res him. They hv no idea how to dodge no idea how to benefit from group and buff.. each time they go down.. they spawn best buddy vindicator.. near the end we had a nice troop of vindicators number greater than the players ... I wanna help them .. but after few tries... I'm sorry it's beyond help loooool xP


    They're new probably? It sounds like they're dying too often (to the point vindicators overwhelmed the party). Need to know what's causing to fix/minimize the domino effect. Altho he has some of previous bosses abilities, the pattern is obvious and slow. Things that need to take note during the fight for normal lv100 :


    1. Turn around/look away from Arkk when there's an eye icon/symbol above his head or you will be feared(condition) otherwise.


    2. If you have a skull symbol above your head (Corporeal Reassignment), only the person targetted will receive a message on top of the screen/sound. Don't panic and get into the dome, the special action key will help you to do that almost immediately.


    3. CC (stun,fear, etc) any vindicators spawned to break their fixate on the downed player. They tend to "pause" alot in between when there's no nearby target too.


    PS : Really hope Anet polish the chat bubble & chat box for this encounter. Arkk's chat bubble blocking the eye symbol ! especially at the start where he fires out multiple skills right before the fight. And if possible, add the Corporeal Reassignment's warning into the chat box.

  3. @"Agrippa Oculus.3726"

    I think what you're trying to say is : is it neccessary for the job. Won't go through details since your's only a nuance, but i think this is an easy to solve issue and let's just stop with restricting or limiting freedom to play for players is not a solution.


    I'm not good with words but I'll try put one here. There's a solution to everything. But what makes a solution to a problem hard/complex is most of the time people tend to get the result in their favor in addition to the solution. And it goes both ways.

  4. > And what TexZero.7910 said:


    >> You do you, they do them. What's the difference between them and you again outside of you calling them elitist ?


    > Everyone is capable of self thinking. You have your thoughts and perspective on how to do things, others have theirs. If both side find it hard to compromise, find others that do ; same effort.


    Newton's third law.

  5. > 3. ...Twilight Oasis, seems to also be a struggle for a large majority of the population.

    Seems to be improving, did 3 different runs previously with pugs (G1 w druid sp-1shot , G2 w rev sp-2 wipes, G3 no healer-1 wipe) all 3 groups had deaths, but the group handled the vindicators well and pushed Amala to phase for revivals.


    > 5. & 6. Just because you have a good team comp, does not mean that the players know how to play it. Class and encounter knowledge is the best indicator for smooth runs.

    Sums it.


    > 7. I had surprisingly few people who disregarded LFG. On days where LFG listings were broken, it was due to missing the requirements posted towards the end of the LFG post that's cut off unless you mouse over. Everyone left willingly when it was pointed out that they didn't follow LFG requirements.

    Had this incident recently. Joined a party "T4 dalies" with 2 members in it. The 4th joined in, and changed the LFG description w requirements. No one including the party starter made any comment.


    > 8. 99CM is way more chill than 100CM in both difficulty and players.

    Give it time, S.O is still considered new imo (plus players rarely get to practice unless it's the daily).


    LFG seems to have stabilized recently but a change is coming for mesmers. Not sure of the impact on fractals tho, just a heads up.

  6. @"ankortwat.4926" said:

    > exotic isn't competitive, no serious WvW guild would accept you with exotic gear, furthermore the difference is far more than the 10% if you add up infusions and additional buff-food effects. Fully buffed up it's something about 25%.


    6-7% with infusions, excluding food and utility since both party is allowed to use it. If both player is glass with food and utility. Its still posible for exotic/semi asc to burst down a full asc.


  7. > @"Nikon.3921" said:

    > My only concern is this, what if all the zerg/blob guilds have an alliance, paring them up in one world. Leaving the other worlds full of roaming guilds only.


    There's still the map que. From how I view, the system works as a free transfer for coverage (plans for getting guilds for dead timezones). A smaller scale guild merging(alliance) to strengthen numbers and coverage, instead of mounting an entire server.

  8. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > Here's a counterpoint. I'd love to do more WvW with my guild but since not everyone in my guild is on my server (my server was closed for ages, though it's opened now), and since I don't like leaving people out, we don't WvW as a guild. When this goes into effect, I can start running WvW events with MY community. The way WvW is structured right now actively prevents me from enjoying it. I either have to join a WvW guild and play when they want, how they want, or I can take my own guild in, and leave a third of the people out of events. Neither option appeals to me.


    > The new system allows plenty of ways to keep playing with people you like. And you know, a different community is not the same as not having a community. It's an MMO and stuff changes. To me, it's more important to support new and returning players than the few players that have stuck there since the beginning and experience server pride the way the OP does.


    > I lost server pride going up against Blackgate and their blobs every week for months at a time anyway. My server went from like tier 1 to like tier 4 or 5, because the way it was was unsustainable. Server pride affects less people than I think the OP thinks.


    Friends and guildies transfered out to bandwagons servers. Server pride? The one defending on the losing end? Or the one winning with a 3:1 ratio?

  9. > @"Manpag.6421" said:

    > Thanks guys, guess I have to choose between skin+different death animations, or a skin I prefer but regular death animations.


    I feel you....been there myself, legendary footprints / TP skins / death animation..... Still sticking with my legendary, mainly because so much was spent on it (sad reason). There are better weapon skins out there :anguished:

  10. > @"Alypsis.3425" said:

    > Question. So if the season starts and you have not ticked a guild as your WvW guild for whatever reason, new player, returning, have been inactive, have not read the changes etc, etc.. and you want to play WvW can you play? Where will you end up, on any non full world? What is the criteria used for where you will be assigned?


    I'll assume the new system will prompt you with options when you intend to join WvW (new UI for alliance/ world etc).

    I'm more interested in how the system will sort roamers or mini-party guilds. Eg. There's only 3 of my guildies that runs WvW in a 25-30 active member PvE guild. Do I need to join a WvW Guild and have it tagged as my WvW guild to join up with that specific guild's alliance? What if a player have all 5 guilds maxed out and non of it is a WvW guild? (Banks, friendly inactive guilds, personal guild hall guild etc) Will they be directed to a random alliance or will they be given a list to fill an alliance? Will there be a BETA/ test for the players to experience this new system? (a separate world like Eotm)


    Will guilds/players from the same server given priority for an alliance? Will players be able to manipulate the alliance? (Fill an alliance population cap with free accounts)

  11. Will take some time to get used to the map. There are small indicators on the mini-map to show above/below x distance. The map is divided into half; On the West will be the airship & the camps below on the ground, to the East will be the crater (mini floating islands & a deep tunnel going down) which at the very end of it will be a "underground passage" going all the way West of the map where the Unbound Guardian spawns.

  12. A battleground can hold up to 60? Possible more on EBG. And a rough figure cap given for an alliance is 500-1000, could be more. I don't think you need to worry unless the server overpopulates. Possible for a server to fit into the a cap even if every player rotates out every 2hours. The community is the guilds in the server, *assuming* we can form an alliance with ALL the guilds in the server, you can pretty much call the alliance (insert servers name here.)


    As for the technical part, its an update. We know what it's designed to do, but we can't troubleshoot untill we know better on how it operates.

  13. Will need more info before that. Questions like will it still be a three sided war? Do we need to join the guild/just declare associated with the particular guild/server? Rewards that is good enough make players raise their blades against same server/friendly guilds but under different alliance? Will the alliance continue every matchup? Will the enemy alliance be drafted randomly or matched? Etc. So many more questions.


    Without a proper layout of the plan, there's very little to work on. Eg. I'm briefed about what seems to be an atempt to build a floating castle/city in the sky. I will need more info before I start suggesting to stack the clouds or theories risk of clouds crumbling crushing earth. Untill a layout (say a space station) is handed, there's really nothing to work, only speculations.

  14. Need a clearer picture imo. Will it still be a three sided war? Do we need to join the guild/just declare associated with the particular guild/server? **Rewards** that is good enough make players raise their blades against same server/friendly guilds but under different alliance? Will the alliance continue every matchup? Will the enemy alliance be drafted randomly or matched? Etc. So many more questions

  15. I know what WvW guild(s) is running during my playtime. I'm not part of their guild but I do roam and jump into the fray from time to time. Had it planned roughly since I **know** which guild/community to associates with to suit my playtime. That said, its still unclear if we need be part of the guild for the alliance? Or its sufficient to just select the guild/server I want to be linked with to be part if the alliance.


    Question for the players disagreeing to the idea of coverage are WvW players? Or WvW dailies runner? For those who plays WvW, I don't see the reason why reject the idea of getting "free transfer players" to form an alliance to strenghten numbers and better coverage for a competative gameplay. WvW is going to be World War.


    Spare me server etc. especially those who transfered, my condolences. As long as the reward for winning is worthwhile, no matter what server or difference is in the alliance, everyone will fight to the bitter last. Example but don't need to be, say a legendary part and trophy parts for a guild monument to the victor, even friends will be foe if they're part of the enemy's alliance.


    And untill the system is up and ready, everything will just be speculations and more speculations trying to reach a conjecture. Wasn't announced or given an estimation date which could me months for it to be ready.

  16. I know what WvW guild(s) is running during my playtime. I'm not part of their guild but I do roam and jump into the fray from time to time. Had it planned roughly since I **know** which guild/community to associates with to suit my playtime. That said, its still unclear if we need be part of the guild for the alliance? Or its sufficient to just select the guild/server I want to be linked with to be part if the alliance.


    Question for the players disagreeing to the idea of coverage are WvW players? Or WvW dailies runner? For those who plays WvW, I don't see the reason why reject the idea of getting "free transfer players" to form an alliance to strenghten numbers and better coverage for a competative gameplay. WvW is going to be World War.


    Spare me server etc. especially those who transfered, my condolences. As long as the reward for winning is worthwhile, no matter what server or difference is in the alliance, everyone will fight to the bitter last. Example but don't need to be, say a legendary part and trophy parts for a guild monument to the victor, even friends can be foe if they're part of the enemy's alliance.


    And untill the system is up and ready, **everything will just be speculations and more speculations trying to reach a conjecture**. Wasn't announced or given an estimation date which could me months for it to be ready.

  17. I know what WvW guild(s) is running during my playtime. I'm not part of their guild but I do roam and jump into the fray from time to time. Had it planned roughly since I **know** which guild/community to associates with to suit my playtime. That said, its still unclear if we need be part of the guild for the alliance? Or its sufficient to just select the guild/server I want to be linked with to be part if the alliance.


    Question for the players disagreeing to the idea of coverage are WvW players? Or WvW dailies runner? For those who plays WvW, I don't see the reason why reject the idea of getting "free transfer players" to form an alliance to strenghten numbers and better coverage for a competative gameplay. WvW is going to be World War.


    Spare me server etc. especially those who transfered, my condolences. As long as the reward for winning is worthwhile, no matter what server or difference is in the alliance, everyone will fight to the bitter last. Example but don't need to be, say a legendary part and trophy parts for a guild monument to the victor, even friends will be foe if they're part of the enemy's alliance.


    And untill the system is up and ready, **everything will just be speculations and more speculations trying to reach a conjecture**. Wasn't announced or given an estimation date which could me months for it to be ready.

  18. I know what WvW guild(s) is running during my playtime. I'm not part of their guild but I do roam and jump into the fray from time to time. Had it planned roughly since I **know** which guild/community to associates with to suit my playtime. That said, its still unclear if we need be part of the guild for the alliance? Or its sufficient to just select the guild/server I want to be linked with to be part if the alliance.


    Question for the players disagreeing to the idea of coverage are WvW players? Or WvW dailies runner? For those who plays WvW, I don't see the reason why reject the idea of getting "free transfer players" to form an alliance to strenghten numbers and better coverage for a competative gameplay. WvW is going to be World War.


    Spare me server etc. especially those who transfered, my condolences. As long as the reward for winning is worthwhile, no matter what server or difference is in the alliance, everyone will fight to the bitter last. Example but don't need to be, say a legendary part and trophy parts for a guild monument to the victor, friends will be foe if they're part of the enemy's alliance.


    And untill the system is up and ready, everything will just be speculations and more speculations trying to reach a conjecture. Wasn't announced or given an estimation date which could me months for it to be ready.

  19. Hard for some players doesn't neccessary means hard for all players. Thus the ladder system/tier/difficulty scale for progression. It allows players to adjust the difficulty of fractal and rewards the players accordingly.


    *Reward* - A thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.

  20. > @"Fazz Um.1537" said:

    > I don't understand why you make the alliance cap 500-1000.

    > I do not think there are WvW guilds with players that main THAT guild (not counting community guilds) that have the guild cap of 500.

    > Alliances should be of those close guilds that know they fight well together.

    > With a cap a lot lower than 500 - say 250 - they will get the chance to meet new guilds to fights along side with thanks to this new system.


    > 1 BL has a cap of 80 players or something?

    > So, 3 BLs and EB account for ~320 players to be able to be active in WvW simultaneously.

    > An Alliance shouldn't be able to cover all BLs and EB at 1 moment in time.


    > I understand that you want to spread the activity of players over the available 24h, but still... the math doesn't add up for me.


    Cap 500-1000 players in an alliance. Players that plays at different time? Some players doesn't play long thus having shorter WvW playtime (the server/alliance will need more players for coverage) I'm guessing. It's an interesting system tho. Will cover the 4 issues highlighted. Would like to know more on how the system captures the roamers etc. (There's the picture explaning the non guilded players outside the alliance but very little info?)

  21. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > My biggest gripe is that these new school fractal/raid specs reeeeeally lean on the druid play. If they can't pull a druid and just try to fill slot with another DPS or join a different group, these players are just dead constantly, 8/10 PUGs are like that.


    It's the players choice. But if they are that dependant on the setup (trying to get them not to is akin to suicide) there's little you can do as it's a necessity than efficiency for them.

  22. **How everyone started.**


    Master Chef Laraib: Hey, stop right there! Only my sous-chefs can taste that soup.

    Curious child : What does it take to be your sous-chef?

    Master Chef Laraib: Let's see if you have what it takes to be my sous-chef.


    **Let's the game begin!**

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