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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. What Mourningcry.9428 said.

    Agony is meant to gate players at start to progress together, not to add in difficulty. The players ahead will be slowed down to stack up AR giving chance for casuals to catch up. To prevent large skipping of levels to adapt to the difficulty as you climb.


    That's the designed function, but right now agony is a moot, since majority has already reached the summit(creating a gap in between maxed out and lower AR players). Agony is still functioning as it is, but for those who were left behind, new comers or alts for fractal felt the surpression is no longer neccessary(ps : T4 dailies is still possible if the 4 others are willing to carry while you're dead) But right now, Agony and Asc is too deeply integrated into fractal to be removed (only acting as a gold sink for players to buy AR to speed it up).


    @"Vinceman.4572" said. Yes. There's a gap in how players take PvE challenges and even WvW/spvp between the 2 servers.

  2. > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

    > My question is genuinely about the motives behind raids and class diversity, and is therefore mostly directed to ArenaNet itself, but I'm also interested in what the players think.


    > Is it really THAT complex to make raids the most optimal to encounter for team compositions consisting out of all 9 professions (and 1 dynamic as a bonus)? OR has this never been a motive for ArenaNet in the first place?


    I think it's impossible or close to if not; to implement what you desire. Not everyone is into the idea of meta and this is similar to implementing one. With hundreds or thousands of possible builds and classes combination, to achieve "the perfect balance meta" requires the trouble of overhaul everything and fixed(force) builds. Not my idea of fun there. And for players with limited characters....eg. Play and main as druid, "Sorry, we already got a ranger" response is saddening. To put it simple, tho what you're trying to promote is "diversity", at the same time its "limiting" the play.(see the irony?:smile: )

  3. @"DoctorSleep.9517"


    Given this a little thought :smile: Maybe put a post up suggesting to Anet dev; place a short timer (eg.3mins) for the the kick(off combat) to initiate after the vote. Will give time for the player to get looting etc done. The player can be briefed on why he deserved the kick for the duration before the timer expires instead of a rude abrupt removal.(or be prepared for 3mins of raging :frown: )

  4. Given hints a few times they don't have resources or 'manpower' to spare sadly. Higher end fractals does have a story tied to it and length similar to a dungeon. But there are always some which felt its unnecessary and a waste of time. Can never please the crowd and don't have the resources to cover or expand every content. At least that's how I see it atm, only can hope they can offer more.

  5. > @"Mysticjedi.6053" said:

    > Agony flavor wise feels justifiable, but is it really necessary? It kind of feels like an unnecessary gate to content.


    > Is there another way to make the content difficult without agony?


    Think it was mentioned before, fractal is a tool to teach players (to get used to mechanics etc) by gradually adding the difficulties of the encounters. (Eg. Bosses deals more dmg, more abilities, changes when HP reached certain threshold etc) Tho this process feels draggy for experienced players, its just a way Anet implement for players(new or intends) climbing the ladder. View fractal levels as a training program, meant for players to slowly progress and the 'timegate' is a byproduct. Famous "Working as intended" quote here.


    It won't effect experienced players, but it is necessary. Can imagine the screams, when players are exposed to full brunt of 'Shattered Observatory Fractal' instead of the simplified versions while climbing. Plus there's always the +AR potion if needed.


  6. > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > I would support if arena net make a dungeon precursor ring collection :)

    > Arena net should consider this ... One way to find out if this expand and encourage players of all type come back together again to play together. Atm we are separating .. the gab is greater on each update.. I don't think this is healthy for mmo pve

    > One ring (via dungeon collection) rule them all


    I personally think this will just make the game as a MMO go worse tbh. Being casual is fine, but it was around the time collection was introduced in Gw2 the game had drastically changed. Yes, some achievements is rewarding even easy to be done alone. But the result? Players get disconnected from one another, there's so little interraction between players in game as it goes to be a MMO. There's nothing to encourage players to do so and unite the players. (Ask yourself : Will you intro gw2 to your friends to play with you? When a friend did it for you : What did you do together to keep him playing or introduce him ingame to keep him interested?)


    Back to topic, too early to give judgement and overeact as I don't see why its wrong to put 1 ring in raid (the collection is done open world after the boss kill) and can assume another will be in WvW. Just like legendary armor & backpack, open world and collection version legendary weapon). Its hard for me to imagine you're such a completionist to get legendary Aurora,backpack etc and not trying raid.


    No point in baseless speculation on %player (there's nothing to back your claims, just like you not believing anet). My say, there are players and a fair amount to make Anet to look at raid.(Definitely more than %players doing dungeons right now and highly possible pve players moved on to raid are from dungeons). Sorry for those who had bad exp encountering elitist but there are friendly raiders too. I thought all Choya(s) are bad at first, untill I found a full village of friendly Choyas and I love it.(tho according to lore, its their action which cause the outside Choyas to be aggresive). And sorry if I was being rude, had no intention of such.

  7. A subjective question which in the end, it is you to decide. A matter of preference tbh, do you enjoy the class & how its played according to its build. Sorry for the vague answer. My advice is play around, use the boost to try out different classes (trait power/condi) as long as its not consumed permanently (the item will ask for your confirmation don't worry).


    Heavy armor classes helps alittle in survival but nothing is foolproof (The highest law in game : Your character dies when its health drops to 0, unless stated otherwise). Firebrand(guardian) and renegade(rev) is viable if you have PoF and I do find playing Soulbeast enjoyable. I'll leave thieves and holosmith out for others to comment.(I rarely play these two classes since they act as my bank lol)

  8. I'm confused @TwilightSoul.9048.

    The idea of the change is reasonable because the previous Mistlock:Avenger is practicaly non existence. Lets face the fact, every class have and can interrupt it during downed state to make it dissapear. It would be a problem if it remains and continue to perform finisher after interrupting which makes replacing them w Vindicator attacks make sense. The Vindicators can be interrupted but still remains after to try and finish you off while giving a fair chance for allies to rally you. This makes the previous Avenger more boring to me.


    Not sure how you're justifying meta here (assuming full dmg) but the vindicators are introducing survival stats(and classes) is a change to me, condi is still ahead in higher lvls but might stacks is what I really look at. For a premade sound like "non meta", you seem to be doing well and what makes you think "meta" ain't suffering. They do take higher dmg being hit by vindicators for being glass. And heck no in forcing more effort asking players to get another set (healing) just for fractal level.

  9. Understanding the class you're playing(tweak it if needed for different encounters) and try to perform the task without dying(or not early during the encounter), Stat choice, use of food & utilities nourishment in raid is more important imo.


    What narcx.3570 said, do be aware about the mentality of most PuG groups. Which makes training groups or guild runs a better choice to start raid. @Cynjnja: Ascended trinket is easy provided they have the living story unlocked and not in a hurry (time gated gatherings).

  10. Can't judge here as said by Zlater since we don't really know what happened. Lodging a report is all you could've done. But to take it as a scenario in general based on what you said, they practically 9 manned the boss without you. Whether the players who kicked you without a word knew the result will null your reward or not doesn't make the action taken right either way imo. Lots or not all MMOs have this problem under loot distribution based on my exp (quests/dungeons/raids you named it). Do hope some one come up with an idea to fail-safe this in GW2.


    If such scenario is to happen on me. First, I will get the players name and try resolve this issue. If the person is reasonable that is, before lodging a report followed by contacting with the persons guild master/officers to get them informed on what happened.


    There's always a risk in everything, just happens. Just take it as a lesson, don't let it get to you and continue what you're doing (Imagine : Fear the possible of bad encounter, stops raiding = Fear the possible of drowning, stops drinking water.) To mitigate risk, do it with friends/guildies/reputable players you know etc. If you find the person is some one who is reasonable and comfortable to work with again, getting in contact will help you and him to minus the wait time setting up a raid in the future. Build and expand a network of friends.

  11. Won't stop them if they do add new dungeons tho since it does add more value to the game. But I do hope to see improvements in it, clearer instructions on puzzles and what to do, monsters that actually give challenges(not just stand still sentries in numbers) and bosses that leaves an impression(not just more hp for difficulties).Will need to suggest an idea on how to attract players too or it will just die down fast(aetherblade lasted...3weeks?)

    But not sure if Anet hv the resources to spare without interrupting LS, raid, bugs( WvW invisible walls omg pls) etc.

  12. Kinda off topic but,

    Do agree with TexZero.7910. Think I mentioned it before somewhere, the rough part is for players to get started or know how to. I wouldn't blame the in game LFG tho but Anet could make a more better/attractive one than the current. Altho its working, it does look slightly "sketchy" or "excel sheet like" design thus not widely accepted.


    Altho it can be managed (eg.Daily: Kill any boss in w2) I don't think there will be a raid daily because it will limit non-expansion players.


    From neutral stand point. There's very little Anet or anyone in general can do with the toxic community. Being too strict will only leads to complain on dictatorship, pointless banning etc. Rejects instead of correcting when taught(not providing reason in defence) etc.

  13. You don't need to join a raid guild to raid but it will help you "secure a consistant raiding spot" which will help if you're going for a long run. Long story short, what you're facing is you wanted something in the content but you finally discovered the limits of solo playing.


    Increasing the reward will not stop the raid selling. As long as there are buyers, there will always be sellers and rewarding the sellers along the process will not stop it. They are doing it for "profit" and that's it; there's no compromise maybe discounts? For practice groups, its best to look elsewhere. (A person who is trying to learn fishing, will not gain it by going to the wetmarket to buy fish.)


    There's always a need for new players to join raid as raiders do stop or go inactive after a getting what they wanted. But remember, the process goes both ways, new players need to actively seek for groups and not depending on groups actively seek for PuG (To add, once the PuG decides to settle w the group, another door just closed up on you).

  14. I think raid is similar to a dungeon (a bigger version tho). It does require more time to complete but luckily we can continue from checkpoints. Dungeon is dead as of now as its not rewarding to go back like you said. Exotic level reward quality & simple less intricate weapon/armor designs for cosmetic.

  15. Veterans in game pretty much have gotten everything they wanted from dungeon tokens if not all and as of now its purely for cosmetic honestly. Exotics are cheap cept for a few types, takes multiple dungeon runs and couple of days to get enough tokens to trade and most dungeon item cosmetic value is outdated. The designs on most item is simple and less intricated making it a less attractive reward for players to go back. New players probably never tasted dungeon since its difficult to get into one(lack of guidance too) and even if they do, will find it not rewarding for the time spent.


    Being proactive helps sometimes, but my advice personally, don't fully rely on in game LFG; advertise on the map and try to get it running with players leveling there which levels should fall on the dungeons recomended level. And yes, you can run one without needing a full party provided you're well geared & the dungeon does not have x number of players requirement to complete (eg. Cof needs 4 person to get the gate open).Can easily 2man TA etc @ lv80.


    Used to have dungeon as daily tho, but i think its removed? Probably its not efficient as it takes up a daily(task) and some players can't get it done if level requirement is not met.

  16. Grinding was for unlocking previous LS.Did a few dungeons for cosmetic purpose, slight WvW,ran a couple world bosses but drop that after a while(wait time kinda a letdown in party) same goes for PvP. Fractal and cherry picking easy raids w1 and escorts etc. Was the plan till wintersday patch.

  17. Fine to place standard for LFG to a certain extend(no blue/greens) but I dont think everyone need to be fully asc for most bosses (depending on the squad capabilities) and raising the standard to secure a kill will only backfires in the long run by building a wall between veteran and new players intend to start raid. When the inner circle gets smaller as veterans/regulars lose interest or stop after they got what they wanted, while possible replacements is scarce as they given up trying raid cause having a hard time joining groups.


    Be understanding when wipes happen if a regular is replaced. I dont think its fair to point fingers by putting standard and expectations of a regular on the replacement, especially if its a PuG. Was in a PuG group doing Gorse long ago the tank was doing updraft, while half the squad was not because it wasn't made clear before it started thus wiped. Still makes me giggle thinking back the panic in discord, wouldn't be now if the squad leader is someone who kicked the tank for "screwing up". Just need to get into the right group and mentality to enjoy stuff tbh.

  18. Imo you knocked on the wrong door on your first encounter, not your fault just bad luck, move on and try another. Its a learning curve for players wanting to start raid to know where to look, try forming your own with friends etc if that's not possible look for guilds that does raid training(does not requires you to join the guild but probably will be their selling point to you and its possible to get kills in training groups)


    Was helping a friend started during PoF. Got me dumbstrucked he was rejected for not being fully asc geared for Spirit Vale in LFG. Clearly impossible for a fresh account to be decked out asc. Not enough gold, leveling crafting, time gated materials and locked living stories! It was then I realized how grindish and boring the game can be and not exactly how I intended to introduced the game.(non stop Ist*cough cough*stan for weeks)



  19. This is a selfish and pointless post im sorry to say. Firstly, it leads to no purpose, only to endless bickering in a circle of different individual oppinions having different interest and like you mentioned; all 3 modes(pvp, wvw & pve) have their supporters in the game making as a whole of GW2 players.

    I can just as easily throw out numerous problems I faced in all the modes(emphasized "i") but just because its a disadvantage,bad experience,lack of interest or etc for any of the modes mentioned does not mean others felt the same.

    In my opinion, if one thinks either pvp/wvw or pve brings weakness/disadvantage instead of trying to remove it from the game, its better to think of ways to fix/improve it.(why not?same effort.)

  20. The difficulty is okay-ish but yes it is slightly harder than most of the previous bosses as this is one of the few bosses that actually fights back :) but after 1-2 attempt you will be able to grasp its pattern. Do you know, that in some of the previous stories you could actually AFK and let your immortal NPC allies to clear the entire field? Plus fights in POF actually requires effort to suicide if there's Rytlock & Cananch as they constantly tank & rally you. And try to get connected with people; friends; get their help, don't treat an online MMO as a Solo player game. The community in Gw2 is kind, nice and polite compared to many others MMO. But I'm not sure if I can say it's friendly. There's very little interaction between players, you may get to know and adds a player into friend list after but it ends there, never a word after. Most of the guilds are quiet or majority of its members doesn't even remembers one another.


    Back to topic, the final boss is do-able and its a joke fight if you attempt it with a friend(s). If you're having trouble surviving, you must be running 0 toughness which I'm guessing zerkers. Since the boss does go down quicker with condi, and do noticed my zerker classes does lower dmg. (Similar to those Dummy Training Golem: Heavy in The Mist(PvP)). Overall, the boss did covers everything as whole(counters) as some of the bosses in the stories with certain equipment say focusing on healing and toughness, will make one immortal with regen which makes it kinda silly.

  21. Here's another post that is close or related to this post main topic.




    The PuG raid in games LFG can be ruthless as mentioned inside. Most of the raid veterans in game is being ruthless and blinded like I once was if it isnt because of a rl friend of mine. He just got the game PoF 2 weeks ago(not long after it was out) and the plan was to raid together. He was turned down so many times due to various reasons such as equipment. Firstly ascended requirements to join. He just got the game and it doesnt include LS maps to farm for asc accessories locked behind gems and further time gated with no multiple characters to farm. Fractals is locked behind agony, RNG drops thus stucked atm w lack of agony (only exotics armour) to proceed to t4. And with only 2 weeks old account he barely have enough gold to level crafting and whats more crafting asc armors? For 2 weeks all we did together is farming....farming....farming not really my idea when I got him the game.

    The LFG raid is dead not just because of anet imo, the players did a role in killing it by setting the expectations bar too high and not accepting and guiding potential raiders. It would be easier to setup a raid squad if the game have a larger pool of players to raid honestly.

  22. Not trying to be rude here but I don't get why turn the blames.

    Firstly LordOtto, the problem youre facing being kicked because of inexperienced is not the Anets fault. If one is not familiar with the mechanic, kindly inform the PuG leader to get another player w exp to handle the role. If youre still removed after being forced to take it, the fault lies w the PuG leader.

    Second, yes raid did made some big changes to the game but is it really all bad? Raid is the one pve content that is actually making players to reach out and make guilds meant something. I had friends playing and besides raids, its practically SoloWar Farming game hours and hours doing the same meta events to farm gold is a job not a game. Theres so little player interactions in game compared other mmo's(Don't get me wrong the players in gw2 is friendly, kind, helpfull and lesser jerks compared to other mmo but when is the last time anyone talked or bothered try to make friends?)

    Third, METAs. I agree some classes do perform better in certain situations, promoting better success rates with them. But raids is group effort and metas aint dead set. You can play a class the way you want and work together the combination to have it work to have a good success rate. Why try to be others, when you're best at being yourself? If anyone said having a mesmer to tank back before it was popular(even you might have doubted or questioned it during your first time) what changed was you seen it worked and its widely used, this does not mean theres no other class to tank.

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