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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. Aetherblade Fractal - Instability: Birds.

    Constantly being attacked during *trap puzzles/ shutting down the terminals*. Movement restricted by traps and wouldn't help either way since the birds will still attack with nothing to transfer.


    Slippery Slope - S.O 100cm. Can't be worse for a fractal that needs to constant move for position or avoiding telegraph attacks. 1 *slip up* severely punishes the player/party :tongue:.


    Bad enough to effect regulars players performance, totally unpleasant attempting with PuG.

  2. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > A lot of people are speculating about the instability being present in fractals in which it is not. Slippery slope is only enabled for:

    > >

    > > Mai Trin

    > > Chaos Isles (With Exclusions)

    > > Shattered Observatory

    > > Deepstone (One exclusion)

    > > Molten Furnace

    > > Molten Boss

    > > Snowblind

    > > Urban Battlegrounds

    > >

    > > Through testing we determined that for some fractals it simply did not work so we disabled it for those. As I said before, Cliffside and Underground Facility were intended to be excluded, but were not due to a bug.


    > "ONLY" enabled for those.

    > Can you tell me how to survive the add phases of Mai Trin and Molten Boss T4 with slippery slope and 2 more of those """"friendly""""" insts (outflanked, birds, we bleed fire...)????????


    > An insts that you cannot avoid whatever you do must be removed.


    Tbh, I see most of the instability easy; buff if used correctly or can be managed. But going to have to try out more to find out if there's any nasty combination out there (its only day 1 after all). The only difference I can tell is (1) a healer role seems to be mandate or required most of the time. (2) Power base got stronger than Condi with the new instabilities.

  3. First impression. "Ahoy land ho!" The enviroment is beautiful and awesome with the dinos (tad disappointed when we obliterated them with ease, was T1 :smile:).


    For the final boss, no idea what's happening or even how it looks like :lol:. The boss went invisible after the first phase. Saw a large amount of enemy health bar at shore but cannons wasn't hitting anything. *Speculated* that those mobs went invisible as well and has moved up onboard the ship, right next to us (those HP bar is just a misconception).


    Took a fair amount of time for the middle section due to everyone being new, triggering and cleared every encounter. Need to run it a few more times for practice, but with the amount of mobs... scaled to T4, not very optimistic for it to be a short cash-out daily.




  4. Not practical with the AR imo. It will require new players to have ascended get go from start for fractals if AR is required according to the levels.


    Wasn't aware there will be repeated levels.

    >Number 1 (#1) would stay as is. #2 would become either #2 or #3. There would be a hole at the other of #2 or #3. #3 would become #4. #4 would become either #5 or #6, with a hole in the other number's slot. And so on.

    You probably saw the flaw when you mentioned this. New fractals are closing the level seams in fractals from having repeats atm.


    Ps: With repeats and how fractal dailies are randomized, we're almost having *Deepstone daily* :lol:.



  5. > Difficulties in each fractal would remain the same as now unless the fractal changes relative position. They would just get new numbers.


    Pretty much sums it(?). There are still slots available for every fractals tier, for now. Based on how often we get a new fractal added, there's plenty of time for things to change/happen before set in stone. Imo, no need to rush and implement something that may get players confuse (in this case, the blank levels).

  6. > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > @"TokenG.7863" said:

    > > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > > @"TokenG.7863" said:

    > > > > How is the guild working out so far ? Have you been able to get into the training runs?

    > > >

    > > > The schedule for this week is pretty low on activity... I'm assuming people are still busy returning from holidays. We had to pug people for a W3 and ended up never getting past KC due the constant need to replace a pug that rage quit after 1 wipe consuming a lot of our time.

    > > >

    > > > We also killed the Amalgamated thingy on W6 (Conjured Amalgamated I think? I never did that before) as a full guild group. Which ended up flowing much better than the aforementioned W3 due not needing to stop at every wipe for many minutes.

    > >

    > > Nice. I haven't gotten into raids much either. Killed VG and did an escort but nothing outside of that. Have always been curious about doing them though.


    > Tbh, it feels the hardest part of raiding is getting a group. W1-W4 are relatively easy. Mechanically speaking, after watching the fight a few times one should already be aware of what will happen at certain moments. There are some few exceptions tho, like Sabetha, where you may have players that won't understand all the fight mechanics by just watching the fight simply because they aren't assigned to deal with them (cannons).

    Exactly :smile:, just need a crew to set sail and its just following the winds after. Understanding mechanics and the fight; experience will come slowly (just like there's almost no fail in fractals Amala anymore, that's what I believe). Like "thrag.9740" said above; networking, get in contact with raiders you're okay with or training group discords. If there is such a "wall" some spoke off, you've already passed it with your effort.

    > But if you stop for long periods every few minutes, you break the fluidity of the group and end up failing on somenthing you should have succeeded after a few tries.

    and when such group needs a replacement, tends to LFG. Low morale after a fail, losing a member and wasting time in LFG looking for replacement (more than 1 time) will stress the players especially for those with time constraint. Inevitably, there will be expectations for the PUG that joins in :frown:.

  7. FB - for boons. (SP for aegis :smile: , or DPS) and BS - banners and vulnerability stacks. (static)


    + 2-3 DPS

    Chrono/ Rev for wells/ alacrity. (Chrono > Rev, since I have yet to met a decent Rev in Fracs or having 2 SP (with FB) is a waste.)

    Soulbeast Stance share: Bear, OWP - optional or as alternative for BS (BS is much more reliable for vulnerability.)



  8. > stone cold.8609 said:

    > I'm starting to see more support FBs in T4 fractals as well. The constant stability the FB brings is so very useful. Only issue I've seen when playing with one is learning to stay in the cone shaped area of their boons.


    Until another or new specialization that can share Aegis pops-up, till then FB will stick.


  9. Kinda a long shot but try asking the groups(semi PuG) you ran with if they Raid regularly. Able to play with them previously means you're able to fit into the time zone. Save time for the group if they're PuG'ing regularly by having a fix member. Better for progression too.


    Else, try raiding platforms like RiT (for NA) https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17306/raiders-in-training-na-new-discord-community-now-open-to-the-public

  10. > @"Nomad.4301" said:

    > There's already been a leak as to what all the new ones are on Reddit, most of them look like they now offer some sort of positive trade-off in addition to the negative effects for example "**Frailty**: Players are smaller and have 30% less health, but move 25% faster." It is a leak so take it with a grain of salt, but they seem legit.


    > In my opinion quite a few of the new ones appear even **more** annoying then they used to be. :/


    > I won't link the leak pic since i'm not sure about the forum rules on that sort of thing but it's on the front page of the gw2 reddit so it's not hard to find.




    Penalty for boons(ouch!) and the one further nerf on condi :lol:. Combat will go alot slower...

  11. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > @"Setz.9675" said:

    > > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > > > > @"Setz.9675" said:

    > > > > > Chrono, FB, BS, Guard, ele is pretty kitten smooth tbh.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > But why have chrono then ren is superior in every way to chrono

    > > >

    > > > for chrono utility like portals, pulls, skipping etc

    > >

    > > But then do you have a problem with the up keep of might ? I mean rev can keep it up I think easier then fb


    > People cant let chrono die why cant they just accept chrono +druid is over and fb+ren meta is here to stay. Like uttility and portal is not really a reason. Its obvius that anet wanted a meta comp change. Until they balance fb and ren too XD. For honestly if 1 tactic is good anet will nerf it.


    Chrono is still viable in frac. Combat is short and mistlock refreshing SoI etc along the way helps. Rene does lower dmg while supporting compared to chrono. Chrono just have too much tools in their kit (pulls, portal, reliable cc etc) to give up on for Rene. Druid is still a good choice(beginners friendly) if the group have problem sustaining *basic* boons(might, fury, regen etc) especially when combat stretches too long for boons upkeep.


    More of tuning down chrono which is essential for all meta. A class that requires multiple boon sharing class to replace. Easier to work around it in raids but tricky in fractals due to slots availability.

  12. > @"Miellyn.6847" said:


    > Regeneration got changed a while back. The highest healing is the active buff, not the longest.


    This is good info :smiley:.


    > Nerfs to Fresh Reinforcement would have been better than nerfs to base ranger boon duration.


    Sadly the patch was about boon sharing. Fresh Reinforcement being elite soulbeast exclusive and self boon not in the category.

  13. Boons has always been vital. The patch toned down chrono's boon sharing capabilities. What OP and players are experiencing is the absence of constant boons.


    Chrono was upholding all boons previously making the class overturned. To change that, traits and SoI was toned down. Which resulted; Mimic was brought in, and one needed to go.


    > The playerbase has been giving constructive suggestions along the road the entire time. To now pretend that all Mesmers do is whine is a kitten move. Especially since the majority of whining came from a lot of other players about balance, something which Mesmer players also had no influence on.


    Some chrono defence are contradicting their own words in their same post is giving bad vibes. (Eg. Playing the weak victim card, but justifying they should remain strong. So are they weak or strong? :lol:)


    > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > I don't see a reason they need to ... it's not like there are so few comps that can complete content where raids need to be toned down to those comps. Maybe if people didn't try to just play how some website tells them, they would realize there ARE solutions to complete content outside of their narrow ideas of what they have been told is optimal.


    > See, this is the problem with pushing meta ... hardly any players know how to figure out how to play for themselves anymore. The can't figure out what to do when something changes.


    The problem lies in the boons quantity & uptime. Many players are trying to fix chrono than fixing the real problem :smile:.


    From the look, FB will be essential with the only class capable of sharing aegis and quickness reliably.



  14. > @"NuhDah.9812" said:

    > I guess this is more dependant on what profession you play and role you go for. I doubt the endurance food is as usefull in zerging as it is for for roaming and roaming professions. Also it's prbably less exciting to bulds that have tones of passive defenses and unlimited vigor uptime compared to builds that need dodges to stay alive.


    Agree. Mirage Cloak for instance, the invuls and damage is not without a reason.

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