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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Mechanix.9315" said:

    > > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

    > > 1. every 1k rank u get 1 extra dodge

    > > 2. every 1k rank u gain extra % speed

    > > 3. every 1k rank u can maul 1 extra person


    > that dosent make sense, i think already 3 dodge is currently broken, with your logic at my rank ill have 5-6 dodges.


    > Dodges should be 1 and 2 if mastery point spent.


    The mount's endurance bar is kind of broken atm. After getting the 3rd mastery for an extra stamina bar, the mount could literally leap every 2-3 seconds.

  2. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Neftex.7594" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > @"Neftex.7594" said:

    > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > > that'd require some time to test.

    > > > > > did you already forget my first post?

    > > > >

    > > > > ye i read it, but i expected you to recognize mechanics that arent counterable... you cant counter dodge while also having CC immunity, you cant counter extra speed without even more speed...

    > > >

    > > > a massive target with 12k health with barely(?) any toughness isn't a massive exploitable weakness to you

    > >

    > > because its not. it requires you to waste 12k damage JUST to stop them from running, effectively giving them barrier of 12k. you need to catch them first (gl, they got extra speed)


    > how horrible, ganking some rando who's not interested in fighting you might require actual effort, oh the humanity


    I think they're interested to fight(I do). But prefer to wait for the right time eg. Cd's down or while they're occupied. :grimace:

  3. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > > This nerf was needed but now it's time to buff skill 3, 126 ability points to unlock it and all it does is wasting 1 supply for a crappy 2k dmg, really it's only worth using for the new related achi.

    > >

    > > You have failed to see the reasoning behind chain pull


    > Enlighten me.


    Crappy but can be used efficiently. In general the mount pull is not suppose to replace sieges or render siege completely useless. It's still more efficient using the supplies to build battering rams. Killing an opponents delivery yak nearby will give some supplies as well (not enough to build a ram but can be used for pull). It's also possible to move back and forth to resupply from camp with the mount, tho its not advisable or worth doing it most of the time. In short, the ability is just an improved version of PvD.

  4. > @"Joshewwah.2956" said:

    > You can easily get dismounted by a ranger with their longbow combo. You can probably outrun other classes and disincentivise them from chasing you while you are mounted, but rangers only need to use 2 skills and some auto attacks to knock you off


    If a ranger managed to burst and dismounted you. Take my word, grab this opportunity and go all in for the ranger while all the cds are down.

  5. > @"PaladinVII.1647" said:

    > I have a mixed opinion on the Warclaw, more play time is needed. One thing is clear: there needs to be a way to dismount riders. Riding alongside mounted enemies is ridiculous. All we do is look at each other with the unspoken truth that the first person to dismount will be at a disadvantage. Your pounce is likely to be evaded (3 dodges) and you are unlikely to be able to do enough damage to the enemy before they are a mile away. Or worse, you miss and try to dismount them and they try to engage you, forcing you to enter the fight without one of your dodges or at lower health. This should be addressed.


    Not to mention, players can't cc mounted players, making melee completely useless against them. Range isn't any better, mounted players can easily disengage (the mount doesn't seem to slow down during combat. Needs more test, could be the leaps).

  6. As long as there's new content, its fine. The more and faster for them to be delivered the better of course. Expansion is just content shipping in bulks.


    As for revenue, that's more of Anet's side. How much can they get from an expansion and quality one at that, I'll leave that to them. But as a consumer, PoF value will definately be higher for having more content.

  7. Expansion is just contents in bulk (imo). As long as the game continue to release new contents (like living story etc) it will be fine. On the bright side, good to know the story with Kralk won't be rushed to an end (Mordre*cough*). But if possible, a little request; would like to see new npc/monsters models added together with every new maps added.


    Best motivation and reason(at least for me) to explore and venture. Eg. The feeling of wanting to move forward while leveling and playing expansions (HoT & PoF) is to see new enviroment & new monsters. Eg. HoT maps is fun. Same for PoF , encountering Hydras for the first time etc, but it gets boring when same models is reused frequently or altered slightly(branded/ awakened) :frown:. LS4 is good, maps such as Jahai etc. is beautiful but would feel better with new monster models. (Love the rifts linking to different enviroments idea, was actually hoping one would linked me to a new world with monsters not seen before, teaser or some sort). Hope LS5 will offer new npc models.

  8. Unlikely it will be linked to WvW ranks, except the masteries. If it could be used in PvE, it might even be a mount for core game players but that's just more speculations. No official news on the new mount on how it works, will there be channelling time to mount or is the mount upgrade-able etc. I'm more worried on, is WvW ready for a big influx of players with the servers connection being unstable lately.

  9. Not a fan of limitation. Not saying stuff in WvW is balanced right now, would prefer to have things tuned appropriately, bugs quenched, skills behaviour and triggers working as intended to prevent exploits etc. than limiting the gameplay (Anything to the direction of giving everyone a stick and sets everyone to the same health and character for balance).


    WvW and PvP is 2 different gameplay altogether. Rules, winning conditions, gearing system etc. WvW have a bigger pool of arsenals(food, gear stats, runes and sigils etc) available. Having more options means more variables to balance *if not overlooked*.


    Assuming OP is suggesting to convert WvW to PvP system. Unlikely things will work out as imagined because even with the limitation, PvP has its problems.



  10. > While I am still very much hoping everything works out well for each employee, this could be a refocusing on the core GW2 branch.

    Hoping for this as well. Who knows, some of the employees might be directly or indirectly contributed to GW2. I know its too good to be true for them to retain the employees. Relocate/focus them to Gw2 (hopefully) or whatever that's making profit. Anyway going to drop this here, always sad to hear such topic happening. Just hoping the number won't be big and all the best for everyone.

  11. > @"squallaus.8321" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > The only things that bother me; the width of the ship, making dodge suicidal, and the size of the boss/hitbox, it could be a bit larger to improve sight and "re-targeting".

    > >

    > > Otherwise, it's just obviousness. Too much mobs ? Focus them /Cleave. Projectiles ? Anti-proj ... Not all have both, nor one, but come on, we have 5 people in group ... chrono, DH, ren, FB, Tempest, scourge, even thief and engi have anti-projectile, is it hard to change skills ? Is it hard to launch aoes and cc on mobs ?


    > think they fixed the retargetting. last night i didn't need to retarget the boss every time she teleported.


    Didn't happen for me and it's more than just a teleport, condi on her resets too. Could it be auto targeting? I play with mine "off". The maze gauntlet took longer and more of a challenge than the final encounter for me and my group. But can see why the final fight can be hard. It challenges the party as whole, everyone needs be experienced with the fight and how it works. Imo it's either the group made it through with no casualties, or won't make it at all.

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