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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > Thankfully this won't effect me, I see zero reason to make a legendary rune, absolute waste of gold.


    Same, feature wise I find it pointless(?) :open_mouth:. Runes price are slowly getting lower with a steady inflow if symbols(materials unified). Introducing a swappable rune now will only plunge the price. Don't know the materials needed to craft the legendary yet but will it be worth the value and trouble to replace them with "dirt cheap" runes, with no effects? This plus legendary armor allow players to swap runes freely.


    For the Ui, not sure if its possible or better to have it work like the wiki? Eg. By choosing the primary stat will filter the possible combinations etc. Pro; will help to filter/streamline the choices, Cons; imagine swapping 6 runes everytime :confounded: time consuming.


    Not a programmer, but from my understanding....runes are not stats. Names are given to to specific stats combination. While runes have names, stats and sets. It should be possible to make the Ui for it but will it create a complex spaghetti code? (Genuine question out of curiosity).

  2. Imo the large difficulty jump is when instabilities are added into fractals. Back then, players just need to focus on the mechanics to get things done. Healer is not a requirement even for CM Nightmare PuGs (the only CM at that time).


    Most fractal mechanics have no presence in T1 & T2. Only begins at T3 & mostly T4, where players need to learn what to avoid and keep watch. For players that have been following fractals, instabilities is an addition to that basis. While newer players see it as whole (fractal mechanics + instability), which can be overwhelming to learn especially with the instability changing everyday. T4 will prove to be a challenge with more instabilities combination interacting with the mechanics.

  3. > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

    > I just want to get everyone’s opinion on something - Reaper 5% healing in shroud is “too much survivability” but Scrapper 15% barrier per hit (which i find fun) isn’t? Like - for engineer you dont need to be in range 300-360(i forget which), you “heal” for more and engineer already has stuff like automatic elixir S.


    Impact Savant? -300 vit for taking that trait. Makes scrapper more squishy losing 3k max hp but "barrier" more on the long run.

  4. > This trait no longer heals while shroud life force replaces health.

    Tested it after the patch (with open world stuff) and aside from the change mentioned above, the trait function remains the same as before. Just need to get used to no more healing while in shroud eg.10k++ heal with Soul Spiral :confused:.

  5. > @"Sileeent.5861" said:

    > After further testing, I replaced **Soul Eater** with **Decimate Defenses** and changed my GS from **Assassin** to **Berserker** and the second sigil from **Accuracy** to **Night**. The DPS is generally higher and survivability is almost the same compared to the new Soul Eater. So it looks like Soul Eater is more garbage than I thought...


    A link to the build? A clearer view of traits, gear stats, 2nd sigil and rune used etc.


    What's the DPS with Soul Eater instead of D.D with Berserker GS + new sigil.


  6. > @"Numerian.8092" said:

    > Hi!

    > I am new GW2 player. I'd like to play necromancer but I have noticed tomorrow new game balance patch will hit servers. I have read patch-notes and discussion above but I am not very familiar with game mechanics. Is that all mean necromancer will be nerfed hard?


    There will be changes to core necro's shroud, mostly buffs (eg. Reduced cd etc) so there's no problem there.


    The discussion is mostly about removal of the healing from the trait Soul Eater under Reaper (necro's elite specialization). Necros/Reapers will not receive healing during shroud. However its possible with Soul Eater (Striking foes within 300 range threshold deals increased 10% damage and **heals you for 5%** of the damage dealt). Lots can be said, in short there's no limitation applied to it (internal cd/number of strikes).

  7. @""James.1065"

    Unlikely. Placing a internal cooldown or a numbered limitation instead of % for the healing is more likely, or replace the % damage dealt to heal with a new function than plain removal.


    With boons, Gravedigger crits for 35-40k every 1s aoe(on target below <50% hp) and Soul Spiral aoe hits up to 90k, 200k+ on stunned. Very unlikely to balance skills for a trait.

  8. @"mikhail.3506"

    I'm more worried for WoW Classic players. How long will it survive if it doesn't have expansions? Players will run the same content over and over again till?


    If, a very big "IF" there will be an expansion later on (even they are questioning themselves if they should) will it be retracing the same lore or spin-off? But since the lore is screwed/altered a few times already does it matter?


    Paying the game with monthly subscription for maintenance (without the need of frequent patches/maintenance, does the game really need a sub?) :sweat_smile:.

  9. > @"JpDelano.2580" said:

    > So I guess:

    > 1) do I want to bother buying inventory space with gems?

    > 2) do I buy additional crafting bags with gems? Do I need them with only a few professions?

    > 3) I will likely have an alt, so do I need to buy additional shared space with gems?


    1) Not necessary, it will help but it's more important to get bigger bags (eg. 20 slots bag/box) for gold over values reason imo. Do take note that "bag slot expansion" upgrade is character bound, the upgrade can and will be deleted along with the character (if you decide to one day). "Bank slot expansion" is account wide, again not necessary but it will help.


    2) Can't purchase bags with gems from trading post (unless converted to gold), and as mentioned above.


    3) Bag slot expansion; Yes. Bank expansion is account wide and shared by all characters; No.


    Personally, I bought character expansion and equipped my alts with 20 slot bags acting as portable "Banks". Its a cheaper method to solve bag and bank slots issues, getting an alt to play with as bonus :wink:.

  10. I could be wrong but think "anduriell.6280" listed the nerfs saying its a good change(?).


    Will need verification and test but from my first impression:

    > - Long Range Shot: This skill now scales damage dynamically based on distance rather than using distance thresholds.

    Nothing changed aside from dynamic scaling to damage/range, unless theres a stealth nerf to the damage/range.


    > - Point Blank Shot: This skill now scales knockback distance dynamically between a range of 100 and 600 based on distance from the target.

    Same as above, nothing changed aside from dynamic knockback scaling.


    > - Barrage: Reduced recharge from 30 second to 20 seconds. Lowered cripple duration from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Increased damage by 25%. Damage floaters for this skill now show total damage instead of damage per hit.

    Interesting change, more frequent use to clear sieges in WvW but no improvement to longbow for end game PvE.


    > - Sublime Conversion: This skill now grants 5 seconds of regeneration to allies who pass through the wall.

    Does this still retain the previous anti projectile feature?


    > - Ancestral Grace: This skill no longer evades attacks. Increased recharge from 18 seconds to 20 seconds. If at least 1 ally other than yourself is healed, the recharge is reduced by 5 seconds.

    More frequent healing, trade off with evade. Lost an evade time frame but with cd reduction, easier to outrun.


    > - Call of the Wild: The unblockable boon provided by this skill now lasts for the next 3 attacks within 5 seconds instead of all attacks within the next 4 seconds.

    > - Clarion Bond: The unblockable boon provided by this skill now lasts for the next 2 attacks within 5 seconds instead of all attacks within the next 3 seconds.

    Nerf, with high chance multiple target hits consumes all the charges (bouncing/penetrating projectiles)


    > - Frost Trap: Increased the number of pulses from 4 to 5. Decreased chill duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. Increased damage by 100% in PvE only. Fixed a bug that prevented this skill's ice field from lasting the full duration.

    Trap pulse longer with condi duration shorten.


    > - "Sic 'Em!": Reduced the bonus damage applied to a merged soulbeast from 40% to 25% in PvP and WvW only. Damage bonus for pets remains unchanged. Fixed a bug that caused this skill to not grant the listed movement-speed bonus.

    Nerf for PvP/WvW.


    > - One Wolf Pack: Fixed a bug that could cause the second strike from this skill to fail if the player jumps.

    > - Verdant Etching: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to not function with Glyph of the Stars.

    Bug fixed.


    > - Light on Your Feet: This trait now also grants its damage bonus when dodging using Quick Shot.

    > - Twice as Vicious: Increased the duration of the damage effect granted by this trait from 4 seconds to 10 seconds.



    > - Second Skin: Reduced condition damage protection from 33% to 20% in PvP only.

    Nerf for PvP. Questionable for WvW.


    > - Unstoppable Union: This trait no longer grants an unblockable boon. Instead, it removes movement-impairing conditions in addition to its previous effect of stunbreaking when activating beastmode.



    Overall, a minor buff for condi soulbeast. Nerf to power builds in PvP/WvW.



  11. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > this whole topic is about 1 ill guy, arguing with rest of forum, lol


    This :astonished:.


    >> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

    >> Yeah, those builds had issues getting into raids before meters because people were assuming what the best builds were and weren't able to test them accurately. Since then Anet has put a DPS meter in game on the training golem. So even without Arc we would be able to benchmark build dps on the golem and practice rotations so that argument is no longer valid. As I've stated before, I use Arc for my personal dps monitoring. The issue isn't with this part of the tool. It's the ability to view other player's dps that is causing the toxic behavior we've been seeing in PUGs. A more valid monitor for player skill in raids isn't are they hitting benchmark level dps, it should be are they doing mechanics, are the reviving people, are they going down constantly or are they staying alive. DPS meters in some cases can cause people to focus more on dps numbers than anything else and they'll have high dps numbers but don't res and sometimes even die because they're trying to squeak out that little extra bit of rotation.


    >> With the existence of the training golem to test the viability of builds that is no longer a valid argument for the need of Arc. As I've stated multiple times before I'm not anti DPS meter, I'm anti it being used as a tool to be toxic to other players. If the meter wasn't able to see other player dps it would actually be a lot healthier for the game.


    When problem occurs and the squad leader needs data to analyse. Without a proper tool to monitor, unable to view others will only create problems. It could be as simple as provided with wrong data(eg. 15k dmg over 3 seconds is 15k dps, it's not) to falsifying data. While players with no intention to hide will give the data as measured which makes no difference (give transparency some faith). As long as the tool is accurate and working as intended. Now as for OP's concern, its not the tool but the user *example taken & as mentioned below*.


    >> @"Condutas.3580" said:

    >> I never used arcdps...But the fun thing is, I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, after a kill, ask if someone have arcdps and ask them to whisper me my dps / boons uptime if I am in my chrono.


    >> I ask for this information to be send to me via whisper for two reasons:


    >> 1° I dont want people to put a in party chat things like "you did 12k and you were the best" or "You did 7k you were 7th you suck". That happened a lot in full pug raids and I decided to cut it off. You whisper me, you can even insult me if you want, but the one thing I hate is people using the squad chat with other 9 players to humiliate each other. The internet is not a black hole for you to vent...


    >> 2° By asking for more information of my own performance via whisper... plus playing the raid always while representing RTI... plus having on my char a title related to raids (something like the title you get for doing w1 wihout deaths) already proofs to the other players that *I am willing to improve and take my time to do the best I can*


    In scenario 1°, if uncomfortable with it, try voicing/whisper to the player/squad leader to kindly put those feedback in whispers. Most of the time, they're just doing it for convinience to talk in a general channel than to address & reply individually to each and everyone. I'm sure in scenario 2° there are others with Arcdps able to monitor your dps aside from the person you whispered to as well.


    Just an example; scenario 1° is being toxic while 2° isn't. Both scenario 1° and 2° uses the same tool. It's the user, not the tool.


    P.s : Unrelated but what op's looking for is https://christyrutherford.blog/2015/12/31/leadership-meme-bosses-depend-on-authority-leaders-depend-on-goodwill/

  12. Can it be blocked by aegis (guardian while mounted) & will it put them into combat so that they can't remount.


    > @"Lishtenbird.2814" said:

    > WvW with Warclaw was fun for new players for a nanosecond before everything was nerfed back to how the Only True Gamemode Veterans vocally want it to stay (and die) as.


    Was fun for a nano second while it damaged WvW permanently. Hardly any que ever since, if there's any.


    Not looking forward to this addition tbh. It still require players to own the mount, unable to use the skill while contesting (can't be mounted) and the need to chase up to opponents mount (faster in their own territory).

  13. > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > I doubt it, since it would prevent using two archetypes.

    > I'd go with the same approach as they had with revenant: give Core ranger a new ability that is lost when specialized as Druid and Soulbeast.


    > For example a combination of 1 or more of these changes:


    > * Core ranger base pet swap recharge gets a bit shorter. Druid and Soulbeast get a longer pet swap recharge.

    > * Core ranger pet recovery and pet swap cooldown on pet defeat is reduced, and/or the pet recovery time and swap cooldown penalty are increased.

    > * Core ranger gets an F5 skill does a 'tag combo' swap.

    > * This is often seen in tag-team fighting games like Capcom vs Marvel. F5 would summon the other pet and both pets would do their F2 attacks together, then swap.

    > * This F5 skill would have a recharge of 30s, and put pet swap on recharge for 20s like when swapping pets.

    > * This F5 skill would also be disabled if the second pet was defeated, getting the same 60s recharge as the pet swap skill.

    > * Pet skill recharges could be shorter (or even ignored) when their skills are called with F5.

    > * Core ranger gets and F5 skill that gives more control over the pet:

    > * Press F5 and your skills change a bit:

    > * F1 becomes ground targeted, allowing you to precisely determine where the pet moves. After use it will attack the enemy closest to the center of the groun-targeted area.

    > * F2 becomes channeled. Allowing you to hold the button and charge it for up to 3s before releasing to give the pet's attack a stronger effect.

    > * F3 makes the pet shadowstep to you instead runing to you.

    > * Your utility skills (7, 8, 9) are covered by the pet's 3 skills. since they will be covered, not replaced, this would not kill summoned nature spirits or disable passive effects from signets.

    > * F5 will only have a 1s recharge like kits. Letting you use the pet's skills like a kit.

    > * Core ranger could summon both pets for a short time. Pressing F5 will summon both pets for 20s. The skill would go on recharge for 60s, but it won't put pet swap on recharge.

    > * Core ranger could get an 'emergency pet' F5 skill. It will summon a one of your pets from your list of tamed pets for 20s, and go on recharge for 60s.

    > * The pet summoned could be random, or preselected, or a duplicate of one of your selected pets.


    The problem is E-spec is build on core. Any buff on core the foundation will indirectly buff or give new possibilities for their e-specs.


    As for the trade off statement, it depends on far it covers when it was said.


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