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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"Odinsfury.8360" said:

    > I saw the discussion about Renegade and Firebrand **possibly being better than Chrono. I'm not looking for what the best composition is.**

    :smile: You can run with anything as long as its viable and always good to have more class options to be ready at all times. Chrono+FB can easily stack boons 1min+ (cept alacrity) etc.


    As phs.6089 said above, start your own LFG and if you're going to be picky, you might need to wait for a while. It's important to know what you joined imo, if it requires a specific(class, food, pot etc) to avoid conflict. In my exp, no setup is fool proof :lol:.


    > Know your class, use pots, use foods and have fun.

    This :+1:.

  2. > @"neven.3785" said:

    > Even though I do enjoy small scale play, I have no sympathy for roamers not getting enjoyment. Scene was ripe longer before it was just thief or Mesmer to win, and they chose to cheese it out and go for builds that kill people before they can press a button. Now people can get more distance between you, so what... Go to eotm for mountless roaming, if your roaming buddies on other servers do so you can make eotm great again


    Mesmer is in a very funny spot in WvW atm. Imo close to pointless running them in zerg. Mirage is overpowered for duels/roaming but they had this problem of stopping enemy's track, even before the Warclaw.


    > Now you can reroll a good class and actually play WORLD vs WORLD.. instead of player vs 1 shot ganker!

    Not that I don't understand the sentiment. But a *good* class... dies to a *bad* class? :sweat:.

  3. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > In the current state Warclaw only promotes PvP avoidance and outnumbered ganking from the 2v1's up to (insert uneven number here) and cheese builds(mostly ranged) will be way more common because people will need more damage to dismount. While melee roamers are rendered useless.


    > what??? clearly you have no idea how easy it is to dismount players from warclaw, i got dismounted so many times within my own territory even when having all masteries


    > once dismounted the player is slapped with a 2sec 'dismount stun'


    :lol: Easy is very subjective, lots of variable like character class etc plays a role. Extremely rare to be dismounted by enemy attacks, least in my own territory. Its easy to dodge soulbeast if you know the terrain. Condi thief is good for it I'll give them that, but easy engage or run after with some of their CDs used. Some of them are all bark, no bite after.

  4. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > @"Gamadorn.2670" said:

    > > Wow...."Roamers" are upset because they have such high skill and honor that they can no longer "gank" people that aren't in a proper spec/build to be able to properly fight back....and its harder to 2v1 and 3v1 pve'ers because they can get away....sounds like skill to me. If you want to fight skilled people 1v1 you still can, its just going to be harder to gank the people that don't want to be involved...


    > Warclaw made it much easier to outnumber ganking.

    > With more players, 1 player keep the target in combat while his allies chase with mount.

    > The only thing warclaw does is to promotes outnumbered ganking and PvP avoidance.

    > People now only choose fights they know they will win.


    > Which is exactly the currently bandwagon meta and the reason why WvW is so bad right now.


    Just had a player stalled a camp from getting capped for minutes from a group of 3. Making use of the terrain, LoS angles, leaps and CC immunity. :+1:

    From my experience, played a game of cat and mouse on mounts (1v3) around the middle ruins for 15mins. Tips : Use the leap to dodge attacks, NOT for the sake to create distance. The mount speed is fast enough to outrun them when they dismount to get you out of combat to regen (Leap = dodge, do not burn dodge unnecessarily).


  5. It's almost impossible to find a player in WvW without a mount now. Ever wondered where all those players without PoF expansion went?


    Let's face it, the mount is offering advantages if players have been following on how it can be used. It's more apparent in small scale which also means it exist in big scales fight altogether (not sure why players are trying single out the issues into roaming etc).

  6. > Not really, roaming is a small minority in a minority game mode, barely anyone does it, in the grand scheme of things no one cares what "PvP'ers" who think "fighting" some guy on a minstrels support build is worthwhile PvP want.

    For servers with low population for WvW, the "minority" is the majority. Grand scheme of things, whose? :hushed:

  7. > @"flyro.6083" said:

    > > @"Helicity.3416" said:

    > > it _may_ be a little strong...

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/O2zzyHw.gif "")

    > >


    > Remove zerg gameplay and #fixed!


    Red was given 1-2 seconds to deal 10.9k damage; to dismount Green's leaping stampede. Ooh, tried.


    Edit : Be it for roaming or blob fight (more apparent on small scale fights), unmounted players need to initiate with 10.9k damage on a **disposable mount** is at such disadvantage.


    >The "finish downed players with the pounce" has encouraged many people to keep sitting on their mount and waiting for a downed opponent instead of joining a fight. This is especially annoying in small fights with a few people.

    Another popular way to use this is during a blob fight, run to the back line when low (get out of combat to reset HP), mount up and charge back in to pounce on downed players to finish them off.

  8. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > Thats all that needs to be done to have a vibrant PvE map.


    > Everything else is in place already, players don't want to fight each other anyway..


    > If you roam or kill anyone, you're a bad person and should feel bad is the general mentality now days.


    > The coffin is built, the lid is on and the nail is in place, hammer that nail in and be done with it.


    Let's us all mount up and capture objectives anti clockwise! You and me, side by side! For the new Alliance, to **Silverwaste**! :lol:

  9. > could use a breakbar that dismounts the rider when broken

    Not disagreeing but hoping for a better alternative than burning a cd (cc at that before the fight).

    > and the battle maul attack should also dismount one enemy it hits in addition to its current effects.

    The problem with this is it first require players to owned a mount, out-run the chase(with more leap and speed otherwise its a cat and mouse gimmick both running at the same speed),and pounce, hoping it would hit because this will dismount you regardless.

  10. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > Yeah it's only for the users own benefit to see the spread of enemies and where they can escape to, and it does not reveal stealthed players(just had to re-remind people about this). Basically you drop a kind of "beacon" which is marked on the map by a green dot that "pings" outwards and shows location of present enemies in the radius (most of the time, since it seems buggy for some).


    Thank you for the confirmation; it does not reveal stealthed players! It never did! :smile:

  11. Its best to play wvw to see how mount is being used and effecting it. Effecting roaming, small scale fights and even blobs. Its not about ganking or players not fighting, more on how the health, engaging skills etc being used, creating unfair advantages making it a mandate tool locked behind PoF. Something that should be avoided especially for competitive game mode (not PvE).



  12. Players and mount share the same HP pool. Damaging a set amount (eg. 50%) dismounts the player. **Prevent players from using mounts as cannon fodder**. To allow all players to have the same capability dismount enemy even without the expansion. Currently, ranging a mounted player charging in is a waste of effort as it does not punish the player. And for blob fights, team A using warclaw's maul will get dismounted to deal damage to team B's mount. While team B using warclaw's maul slightly latter will damage team A's dismounted players.


    > Make Engage skill dismount players on hit

    Prefer to avoid this if possible, using warclaw's #1 dismounts and unreliable to hit a fast moving targets. Not forgetting both mount running the same speed or only works in own territory :sweat_smile:


    Territory speed is fine if Anet wants it to remain. Promotes rushing for objective defence, little to rushing attacking objective (alerting sentries and enemy territory will limit blitz capping to a certain extend) while providing more fights to defend objectives. But would prefer a more heavy nerf on leap distance from being used as speed dashes (like other dash skills, used to create distance while in combat).


    > @"Drefster.8609" said:

    > I feel like being mounted should disable point capture.

    +1 on this.


    Most of the changes suggested above is mainly to prevent combat advantages/balance using the warclaw.

  13. Was neutral before to see how it will go, tilting more to negative as time goes by.


    The mount is a newly added "tool" to WvW and effected it as whole (zerg blobing or roaming). This tool gives advantages to players owning it (not going deeper but its a game changer), and a privilege; PoF exclusive. This addition is likely set in stone and won't be removed, not adapt but accept. Not a good addition to WvW, at least not in its current form.

  14. > @"Archeia.8905" said:

    > > @"Farout.8207" said:

    > >

    > > Nobody asked for it and it is killing my preferred game mode.


    > Plenty of people asked for it lol. Overall wvw is more active than I've seen it in awhile so idk how the mount is killing the game mode. Does it have issues? sure. They can be fixed tho. QQ'ing about it isn't going to change anything since it's here to stay.



    There was plenty of players around for beetle race too.


    > Add more game-specific counterplay to mounts. Ballista #3 skill dismounting was a very good choice, but I think we could have more. Perhaps a layable trap or even a new piece of siege (a canon that eats 5 supply from you and fires a net and all it does is dismount players).


    Detection trap and skill for stealth has always been a joke. The last thing we need is to build a trap or siege to stop a mounted player. One of the two scenarios, the mounted player will be long gone by then or already engaged you :lol:. Last but not least, supplies (starter players can't carry alot of supplies.)

  15. > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > With Soulbeast + Longbow you will dismount every player if he is in a range of 1500. Rapid fire + 2 Auto or with quickness and he will be down in 3 sec


    Many tried :smiley: didn't go very well, especially to them after skills on cd. 3 leaps with 4th leap 1-2 seconds after the 3rd, use the terrain to LoS. Re-enter friendly territory to drop pursue.


    Tried dismounting players with warrior, mirage, deadeye and soulbeast, all unreliable.

    > 100% success rate assuming they don't dodge the attack


    OP dismounted a player, but what was the distance when the mount dies? Did OP secure the kill with cds down? (OP just burned a strong opening just to dismount the opponent).



  16. > So, you simply HAVE to use a mount to play WvW now. It's basically mandatory because you can't just forfeit a mobility and stability advantage like that. And, as usual, it was virtually an irreversible change to the game.

    Damage is done.


    There's reasons why the mounts(raptors, jackal etc) are not allowed in WvW when PoF was out. Because they give combat advantages; health, can't be cc'd, engage capabilities etc. Mobility is a problem but this is beyond that. This addition into WvW has such a big oversight.


    It's as if releasing a skin that actually gives advantages for having it in game. :disappointed:



  17. The Warclaw really tilted the balance in WvW. Gliding have it advantages BUT it didn't give the player abilities that can interfere with combat, damage and such. *Eg. The result of having a fully mounted blob squad vs a blob squad without mount is very clear.*

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