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Posts posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. > @"shiri.4257" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > Perhaps we should first define pin snipe because there's a difference between dropping damage on the train and dropping the pin and corrupting the pins boons and then chain pulling him into Africa.


    > Majority of the pin snipe rage is more due to a poorly positioned commander or just the fact the head of a squad is fundamentally the bomb spot for simplistic engagements. LIke the GS 5 SB commander, JI or GS-5 FB leaps into Zimbabwe.


    In this scenario, that's a poor play. The player made a poor judgement and reckless. The opponent merely responded with their setup. I'm more interested in how one could differentiate who's the enemy's commander (can't see their tag or can we?).

  2. > @"Kong.3280" said:

    > > @"Zushada.6108" said:

    > > I was actually wondering if it was Pristine Relics OP was looking at rather than Fractal Relics. May be the source of as I have done this myself only to realise I mixed the two at glance


    > Nah, was the regular relics. Trying to save up all I can for Fractal Protigy (now Champion) and was losing relics faster then earning. Still unsure what was happening, but seems to be fine now. :)


    If the amount missing is 300 consistently, makes me think of purchasing 2 clovers daily(which is a good deal nowadays).

  3. The ways and means meant little. The aim is to eliminate the target, be it a *cute fluffy little asuran at the back line freely dropping meteors* or the commander.


    Edit: As long as it's nothing major like game exploitation and hacks which in this case ain't.

  4. It's a tactic and tactics can be underhanded (pin snipe is pale in comparison to some I've seen before). But are there any fair tactics? Aside from bothside using the same basis/method. Spies and such is acceptable cause it's common? It's okay to target the backline squishies or only if you target the frontline. But not okay if it's the commander(immunity?). On what basis to draw the line?

  5. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

    > > > > Siax? phased before he can shoot the splitting poison field that you usually have to kite outside, depending on instabilities you might even be able to ignore the CC phase and just burst him to the next split between 66% and 33%.

    > > >

    > > > That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can't insta cc in last phase.

    > > >

    > >

    > > The safe zone(inside the hitbox), without social awkwardness and toxic trail.


    > You dont have to use that when he doesn't even use his ability because he phases before that. Thats what i meant. You shouldn't see the charge attack during 2nd phase or you can add up to 20s to kill time at least.

    > If he meant ignoring the cc bar 1st phase. Why would you not take the 50% modifier? Thats what skyrockets dps to crazy levels and lets you phase in seconds in the first place.


    :confounded: I'm confused here, Ensolyss or Siax? Thought Grogba.6204 was trying to squeeze in another few seconds of dps by holding the CC's after the 4 Echos.


    Haven't played my necro ever since I shelved the class months ago. So I'm just "judging" reaper based on those I personally encountered in **non-meta** PuG groups for Fractals. Overall, they are decent; viable but nothing particularly noteworthy cept their survival as I have yet seen any first to fall dead no matter how bad the group is :lol:. Damage wise, can be decent. To be fair, any low dps will drag the combat longer and it's not restricted to Reaper. Depending on what the player is trying to achieve, Reaper gives me the impression of a safe bet to complete the run.



  6. There are indication and warning zone aoe (orange/red marked area). Some form of pattern that allows players to know whats coming. It will take time to build some experience. My rule of the thumb: The bigger and darker red the marked aoe is, the more lethal it is. Be prepared to dodge after noticing any glow or charging glow. Some the attack's indicator comes together with sound effects. Repeatative cycle etc. To put it bluntly; quirks to learn :tongue:.


    Don't need to feel bad or afraid of dying while attempting something in game. Every player died at least once and/to learn something from it(part of the process :lol:). For group contents, you might want to do it together with people that are willing to teach(understanding and with patience while you're in the process of learning). Last and not least, ask in chat for advices if you're having a hard time :smile:.


  7. > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

    > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

    > > Siax? phased before he can shoot the splitting poison field that you usually have to kite outside, depending on instabilities you might even be able to ignore the CC phase and just burst him to the next split between 66% and 33%.


    > That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can't insta cc in last phase.



    The safe zone(inside the hitbox), without social awkwardness and toxic trail.

  8. > @"Skada.1362" said:

    > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > > > @"Skada.1362" said:

    > > > > @"coro.3176" said:

    > > > > Nah, that's exaggeration. Highest I've seen is 8.5-9k. Still, that's getting pretty ridiculous for an autoattack.

    > > >

    > > > its not an exaggeration just because you haven't seen it. www.twitch.tv/videos/273285878

    > > > i've hit similar numbers using the same build he does.. 12-15k longbow autos. self buffed ezpz

    > >

    > > :sweat_smile: Glass cannon with full buff + x Borderlands Bloodlust, is it really that surprising? I mean....certainly there are many other class can perform or even better meeting the prerequisite. Plus, the fight would've ended differently if he's not above the wall. Provide the same boons and such to spellbreaker, mirage, deadeyes etc and that druid will end up the same or running with his tail between his legs.


    > I just stated the FACT that soulbeasts can be built to deliver 12-15k longbow auto attacks. OBVIOUSLY you'd have to be a glass cannon to achieve this i mean.. how is that not obvious guys come on..

    > Using that build you simply press 3 buttons voila you now have 25 stacks of might, and stacking 25 bloodlust stacks isnt that hard now is it?

    :smile: Agree with your fact. Just not that surprising to me, probably some players got curious after going against some soulbeast they encountered or stumbled across a discussion made in Ranger's Forum couple months back(April?) and they saw a possibility for it to be put in use. The recent nerf on Scourge might have also made some players to look for alternatives class to play. Question is; Why now? the build or any build close to it that is able to deliver the damage is something common for ages at least in my WvW match-ups. Was used for PvE but it wasn't as popular because it isn't a META build.


    Let's talk about the potential nerf. Longbow for rangers was never popular or liked in WvW (hardly have a role). I don't know how other servers play but your Rangers should know Longbow hardly hurts a zerg blob. The only viable option for Longbow Ranger to be made viable in WvW is to risk it and go full glass trade-off for full damage (that's how the rangers in my tier plays) to pick off runners and enemies loose from their blob with their long range. As for roaming, Soulbeast is at a good spot. Nerfing the damage (be it modifiers or skills) will risk pushing Longbow Ranger off the cliff, streamlining Rangers to support *cough Ele... cough Scourge... wheeze*.


    > "hurr murr that build iz bad because other classes would kill it ez" listen, the damage output available to soulbeasts using all kinds of damage modifiers is kinda nuts. And no, spellbreakers and mirages can't auto attack people for that amount of damage from 1800 + range. /brain

    A small miscommunication, my bad. Was trying to point out any class with those same boons and buff is a potential threat, not their AA. Spell breakers have good gap close and mesmers could shatter but that's another topic.


  9. > @"Skada.1362" said:

    > > @"coro.3176" said:

    > > Nah, that's exaggeration. Highest I've seen is 8.5-9k. Still, that's getting pretty ridiculous for an autoattack.


    > its not an exaggeration just because you haven't seen it. www.twitch.tv/videos/273285878

    > i've hit similar numbers using the same build he does.. 12-15k longbow autos. self buffed ezpz


    :sweat_smile: Glass cannon with full buff + x Borderlands Bloodlust, is it really that surprising? I mean....certainly there are many other class can perform or even better meeting the prerequisite. Plus, the fight would've ended differently if he's not above the wall. Provide the same boons and such to spellbreaker, mirage, deadeyes etc and that druid will end up the same or running with his tail between his legs.

  10. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > I think Shattered Observatory (non CM) need a big rework. It currently feels like a story instance because so much time is wasted waiting for NPCs to finish talking. Most people seem to skip this fractal when it is amongst the recommended ones since it is such a chore


    I'm fine with fractals being or having a story. Do enjoy the recent fractals stories for S.O(tied with Nightmare and Chaos), T.O and Deepstone. Unlike Swamp and Solid Ocean, feels kinda random with no background explanation and not to mention boring (if that's the goal to explain fractals, it kinda did the job). For the length, I do agree with having a means to skip or cut short some delays in S.O. which might save a few of minutes(?)


    1) Allowing players to touch the orb to start Skorvald to skip the starting dialog and option to skip the blinding cut scene after.

    2) Able to interact with Viirastra to skip her starting dialog.

    3) To be able to open the portal to Arkk after interacting with the console. No longer need to wait for Yokko.

    4) An optional button/orb to KILL Yokko! (By accident) to start the combat, skipping the interaction between Arkk and Yokko.

  11. > @"jportell.2197" said:

    > > @"Turin.6921" said:

    > > PUG have usually very specific demands. That is why even in the wiki it says that Pugging is not he best place to learn raids unless you know exactly what you are getting into.

    > > DO NOT PUG as a noob unless you are thick skinned. This is true for most games when it comes to the tougher content. Use the alternatives. Guilds and discord communities. Plus you will get more fun out of it. The best feeling on a raid first kill is succeeding after trying with the same ppl over and over again. In random pugs you never get the same comradery even in a good reasonable group. You do not even know how ppl sound like.


    > I knew what pugging was going into this. I've played Gw2 since launch with some breaks here and there. My point was people are so thin skinned they leave after one wipe on a boss that was at less than 15% health left. This wasn't a prime time when a bunch of groups were looking either. I joined the only LFG that wasn't a seller and our group was the only one advertising when we were up.


    Imo, it's one of the reason encouraging players to set a barrier of requirements in LFG. Either the group have a smooth sailing or it doesn't sail at all. PuGs are free to join and leave anytime(for various reasons), and that effects players with intention/expectation to continue. Time consuming to find replacement(s), tiring and demoralizes the group, especially for those with time constraints.

  12. If a light amor character can tank in the game, I believe any heavy amor character can do the same. If the heavy amor character is having difficulties tanking, it would be another underlying cause. As for why a chrono is preferred, cause it's the META. The "tank" duty in GW2 is just to position the boss and in order to do so; to survive. By that, any class profession can "tank".


    As for the rest, can be answered together with "Why must a warrior/guardian or any heavy amor class be the main tank?". The fixation idea of other games?


  13. > @"Barnabus Stinson.1409" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > No. The Guardian is intentionally given a smaller health pool because their beefiness is meant to come from healing and active defenses.

    > >

    > > In contrast to, let’s say, the Warrior who has a huge health pool but nowhere near the same ability to refill it.


    > It was kinda a joke thread, but....It would benefit both classes. Also warrior has a few good tricks to refill it/ can just not take damage from most of the hits anyway.


    Necro's Life Force is relatively linked to their health pool.



  14. Did both the achievement with Deadeye Dunwell using longbow Soulbeast. Merged with Siamoth pet for Unflinching Fortitude and knockdown(if needed). Open immediately with Strenth of the Pack! + Vulture Stance + Sick'em + Stone Signet. Interrupt his snipe with Point-Blank shot or simply time your dodge **if the duration for Stone Signet/Unflinching Fortitude's is over**. The battle should end within 10 seconds regardless of the result :lol:.

  15. The only reason I'm using the beetle is "Speed". After the recent "upgrade" patch for beetle, I find myself using it more than raptor nowadays. It's tricky to use(a learning curve) and if the beetle's speed is not your thing or finding it hard to be controlled, there's are other friendly alternatives.

    And finally, each mount have it's own distinctive feature. The beetle mount is not to make any mount(s) obsolete. Just like how some players are hoping griffin can fly freely, which will render other mounts (skimmers etc) useless.

  16. Vouching for mirage/chrono as well. Events(scales), champions(any class), dungeons(skips and bosses), fractals challenge modes etc and as the difficulties goes on further...mesmer will be your best bet with invuls at disposal.

  17. > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > That's a balance point that I'm afraid we're not informed enough to be able to determine so I'll speculate and highlight some assumption points. Yes what you've outlined out here is a downside and if taken to the extreme forces serious raiders to need to have a Plaguedoctor Shoutheal warrior for encounter Z. A few posts back I mentioned that designers can use this as a slider to find a good balancing point depending on how restrictive or lax they want this particular mechanic to be. Part of that design decision factors in the intended availability of the special snowflake build.


    > In the chill example, the game designer can choose to make the requirement 2 seconds which would simply require a dps class to equip a sigil of ice. or 10 seconds which would exclude everyone except reaper. This creates a choice for team comps where someone could accomplish the mechanic with their class of choice but will have to take significant drawbacks to compensate or swap to a class better equiped to handle it. The same could in theory be done with retaliation example where 5 seconds of retal would include soulbeast, engi, mesmer and guardian whereas 20+ seconds would only include guardian. It's all about finding the right balance on this slider.


    > In my opinion trait, utility skills and weapon swaps are in the realm of reasonable for your average raider. Demand anymore out of someone (ie. where the **only** option is to role a new class, make new armor, get a new set of jewelry specifically for one boss and never touch it again) and you'll likely frustrate players too much to make it worth it.


    Examples given by Trevor Boyer.6524 and such will just be treated as another mechanics similar to the current situation for players to overcome (there's nothing to hate). It won't changes anything, merely setting META class for specific encounters. An encounter that requires chill will merely encourage a necro to be taken in just for that specific fight and to be swapped/replaced after. A more viable option would be bringing backup weapons equipped with Sigil of Hydromancy to be swapped in for the encounter which ultimately changes nothing. Such as how Sloth encourage reflects (there are many classes with reflects, chrono is META because they can provide more than just that) and Eles performance for KC (They still shine for that encounter, but I don't think they felt anything special outside of it). What I'm trying to say is, placing such mechanics will just be treated like any other but if it gets too restrictive, it will just create a META class for that specific encounter. Ultimately, it won't help to achieve any balancing through this .


  18. > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > > There are alternatives in my sabetha chill example. The others need more thought put into them so focus on this example for now.

    > > That's not "introducing alternatives", that's _limiting_ choices. Without your mechanic, any dps class would be okay for cannons. With it, the number of viable classes/builds drops considerably. How can you call that increasing options, i have no idea.

    > >

    > > Besides, seriously, if you need some convoluted gimmicks to make some classes useful for some encounters, that's nothing more than admitting that those classes are so bad currently that without said gimmick noone would pick them. And admitting that devs have either no idea or no will to fix them. That's really unhealthy.

    > >

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

    > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > > > Oh, I agree on that. As a matter of fact, they have introduced alternatives, but the meta supports are just too good. Honestly, the first step would be to nerf the chronos. They do way too much, and way too well.

    > > > >

    > > > > Sry but just nerfing chrono, with how most boon application skills work right now, has the risk of making the team comp much more restrictive. We need real alternatives, specs that can give out both alacrity and quickness so that we might see something that can replace chrono.

    > > > >

    > > > > Right now other steps are way more important and I would say that chrono nerf would be one of the last steps.

    > > >

    > > > So basically you're saying "every support should be able to pump out 11 boons by themselves". I guess that's a way to do it, too.

    > > 11? no, not necessarily. 100% alacrity _and_ quickness? Yes, there should be more than one class capable of it. That's the part that's important in chrono. All the other boons are less important (they either can be obtained by different means, or aren't that important themselves, beyond increasing the number of boons on players for some dps-boosting traits). Chronos weren't always able to pump out that many boons, after all, and yet they have been a fixture in raids for almost the whole time we have them.

    > >

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > It would be a step in right direction, but it would still be strictly (and vastly) inferior to the chrono and therefore not wanted/used. Chronos pump boons like there's no tomorrow, have OP CC and can even provide heals.

    > > Sure they can. They also have no dps to speak of in such a setup, while some of the potential alternatives _would_ have that. Or (in case of rev, or possibly tempest if we went there) might compress support slot with a healer one (in a way that minstrel chrono can't).

    > >


    > The goal is not to introduce alternatives as you put it. Its to accentuate class weaknesses and strengths to make players think about tradeoffs when they play a class. Like i said all classes should not be equal in all situations because at that point you have homogenous classes. While that does lead to the ability to drag and drop its also dull and game balance falls to opening up a spreadsheet and adjusting auto attack numbers by 15% to achieve class balance.


    > Youre going to also need to define gimmick better because with the loose usage you have, every mechanic is a gimmick. Hard forcing you to meet a dps check is a gimmick? Hard forcing you to bring reflects is a gimmick? Hard forcing boon strip is a gimmick? What characteristics make a mechanic not a gimmick?

    Now that I see what's you're trying to achieve here we can go deeper. Say for example Raid XYZ, Encounter X is specifically designed to bring forth Reaper's chill. The following Encounter Y is designed for Guardian's retaliation. How will the action: Kicking the Reaper after Encounter X for a Guardian replacement for Encounter Y justified? The Reaper class did loses it's shine after the encounter. Players will be forced to play/have all classes geared and ready for replacement needs? Kinda a hassle, grind and can't main the class you like to play :frown:?

  19. > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

    > Using Fractal potions is useful.

    > In my case I didn't use them on T3 because I was saving them for T4, I spent a hour trying to beat Amala with a group, i was doing decently (I was always one of the two last standing, bad i can't solo balthazar prest) but It helped me to learn how Amala works because T2 isn't challenging enough to slap you in the face and make you realize how important is to learn mechanics, THAT is why PUGs in T3 is hell.


    > Now that I use Fractal Potions there is A LOT of differience in this and other fractals. People just need to know that these potions are crucial for T3 onwards, sad i realized this too late.



    > I feel like T4 is more easy than T3, because there almost all people have knowledge of mechanics and they do use potions....


    Totally agree! The transition from T2 to T3 is huge. Major attacks from NPCs does noticeable increase in damage compared to T2 which shouldn't be ignored. This is a blind spot to most players in T3s. From my experience with PuGs in T3: Most of the PuGs are not bad players in general, the bad plays made are corrected after advising them what mechanics to look/ to avoid. There's little you can do on the spot with the ill-geared and they may reject your idea because it worked well for them; in T2 (eg. Stat wise or GS + LB warrior :sweat_smile:). Potions however, please do.


    T4 is very much similar to T3 in mechanics, aside from having an extra mistlock instability. Fractal potions conversion from 'Tyria's Masteries: Fractral Attunement' will cushion the damage in T4 making it closer to T3. If a player can do T3 with ease, T4 shouldn't be a problem if they take note of the instabilities at play.

  20. Nothing to do with the event, it's working fine :smile:. I think the OP is referring to the scaling instead. Question is, once the problem is identified why not just solve it by spreading out?


    Roughly 7 minutes to kill all bosses simultaneously by splitting into 6 sub groups to tackle each bosses. 7 minutes plus(with the scaling and players afk AA) for killing each bosses; zerging 1 at a time. 7mins to complete the event for better rewards by spreading out or 42mins+ in total to clear for lesser rewards by blobing? Productivity in an hour.

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