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Posts posted by Sansar.1302

  1. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > When solos come in here to complain about gankers they get told to bring a friend, now they bring friends wanna tell them to come solo?

    > > Besides people want easy bags.


    > I think this is probably the best answer. Groups like the ones described by the op are usually -- though ofc not always -- made up of players who are unable to run alone or in smaller numbers so they bring help. I don't see it as a problem, I feel like if they have enough success with 5v1 they might one day try 4v1, etc and eventually become more capable that way . . .


    Mostly those kind of grps I run into are Gold or Diamond Legends, low ranks dont seam to be that afraid to die or come 3+ to defend a camp from one person.

    Cant see how that behaviour is any good fore a game mode with low population.

  2. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"alain.1659" said:

    > > -Rangers are not the best ranged single target dmg dealers in the game. Deadeye and gunflame warrior can deal way more dmg than a longbow ranger. Gunflame warrior hit me with 18k when I had 2900 armor. Try it, feels fun. Deadeye has the same range and teleport on top of that with the side dish of invisibility.

    > >


    > I think that is something a lot of people don't fully understand about Ranger.


    > From all the years i've used the longbow on Ranger it's been clear to me that it's not supposed to be a single target DPS weapon.

    > It's far more useful as a multi target DPS weapon using piercing arrows.


    > I know a lot of people will say stuff like.. that's situational or that you can't take advantage of that often enough for it to be viable etc.

    > But I'd have to disagree tbh.. I take advantage of piercing arrows all the time, I regularly line up groups and blast them down with a Barrage, Rapid Fire combo.. I love doing it.


    > I call it playing to position, dunno what others call it but when i'm playing a LB Ranger my position in combat is equally as important to me as evading or special action key prompts.

    > Much like a sniper will pick their location then relocate etc I will actively maneuver myself to line up enemies in many encounters to take advantage of the piercing arrows.


    > It's surprising just how fast a LB Ranger can waste a small group of enemies or obliterate some adds just by doing something as simple as moving.



    Yes its a ok weapon in open world pve/ story but anything works there ;)

  3. When I see a fellow ranger with Lb I know I am getting a bag ;) last morning I killed a duo of two soul beast With Lb they could not hit me at all with the lb (they reported me as hacker lol) :) think it says all about the skill and knowledge spread among people that play Gw2

  4. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Here is the super secret truth of class balance that everybody knows but no one will admit:


    > **Any class can bring any other class down at least 50% hp** which means that **2 vs 1 is always a winnable scenario and the core of what drives WvW as a game mode - if you cant beat them, bring a friend.**


    > *If you fail at any part of this scenario, you got outplayed.*


    This thing about bringing a friend is the one thing I struggle with in Gw2 WvW , leading to me getting way to salty :(

    Been solo roaming many years now and the mentality some have with no they dont get one friend when you beat them they often get a whole gank squad.

    If you outnumber the enemy in this mode I personally feel like a cheater. ( not 45 vs 50 more like 1 vs 2, 25 vs 50 etc)

    I belive it is caused by too many different motivations to play the mode.


    Would removing gift of battle from WvW and all other rewards make the mode more about fighting ? (could it also make WvW draw in more income as more gold would be neede from gemstore to not run low if you dont PvE )

  5. > @"Loboling.5293" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > Nice job Anet.

    > > All of our melee weapons are basically trash now.


    > Well it is called a Range-r. Maybe after 7 years, they realized what that meant...


    > Sorry, please do go on. ;P




    > @"Loboling.5293" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > Nice job Anet.

    > > All of our melee weapons are basically trash now.


    > Well it is called a Range-r. Maybe after 7 years, they realized what that meant...


    > Sorry, please do go on. ;P




    Ranger Regiment, Special Operations Command unit specializing in anti-guerrilla jungle warfare, raids, ambushes, close quarters combat, urban warfare and sabotage


    Why do People think Ranger = Ranged ok similar words but there ends the similarity.

  6. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"azzardome.9184" said:

    > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > > @"azzardome.9184" said:

    > > > > nerfing base thief and daredevil while deadeye is left untouched. same goes for condi drd. some real big brain balance here

    > > >

    > > > How did you figure that the changes are a nerf to core and DD? Genuine question, the patch doesn't seem to nerf anything but is mostly QoL stuff, and swipe got a cooldown buff.

    > >

    > > Improvisation getting a huge nerf? have you ever played thief before? condi drd didnt get touched while core sd is getting a huge nerf. same with dp daredevil. you dont see how that is a problem. the two builds left on thief that require some lvl of base skill getting even more nerfed.


    > Yeah, I've played thief for 6k+ hours. I see the improv change as a good thing actually, given the reduction in swipe cooldown it makes the trait a lot more reliable.


    > Also, painting the Devs making an RnG trait more predictable as a nerf to skillful builds is an interesting stance to take. If the build's success is based on skill, then less RnG is a good thing, right?


    How is it rng ? it is always the third attack in the chain. The thing is you can use quickness to alter the speed of the chain to get the evade when you need it, in my mind that is active play and not rng ;)

  7. They said a dismount skill where coming, continued to play as I where thinking this unbalanced s.... where going away.

    only play a bit sPvP now.

    Only care about solo roaming in WvW and I know it is not the main point of the mode, but many people liked it liked it and now it is gone due to one change they refuse to balance.

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