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Posts posted by Sansar.1302

  1. As i see wvw it is a sandbox playground where i can figth other players.


    This is partly the issue as i know it conflicts with how many ppl on my server do things as they do the early morning grps and what not to win the week, and they care almost only abut the objectives and usualy push away the roamers and smal grps on the enemy side ;( playing more like pve then any thing else after a little while on the border.

    so why not remove or simplyfy objectives?

    Maby remove all guards, stat buffs and gates on objectives ?

    then only focus in wvw would be figthing and not pve i think



    whops made it as a question and not a discussion, cant change it ;)

  2. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"Sansar.1302" said:

    > > a easy way to dismount is rly needed, having a hard time geting ANY figths at all now


    > What you are describing isn't really a fight.


    and what would you know about that ? where you there did you see the classes and numbers i tried to figth ?

  3. that would mean sevral ppl attack 1 to dissmount him while maby rest of his grp dont see it, feel they are too few or is too far in front.

    so all this Mount does is actualy promote the bad ganking and hurting the good solo/smale scale roaming

  4. > @"tobin.6754" said:



    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > @"Farout.8207" said:

    > > > Wow, all the snowflakes commenting about the "scary gankers" are making me realize the game mode is truly on its last breath. Do you really believe you should be able to traverse the map, back to your zerg, uncontested? Do you really feel it is unsportsmanlike conduct for another player to kill you in a PVP zone? Maybe they should just allow Teleport to Friend to work in WvW. That way you can always port right back to your blob without ever having to see another player..

    > >

    > > I think you need to be careful here. You assume that there is all the sudden all these people that don't like being ganked ... I can assure you that almost NO ONE likes it, even if you are a noob, a part time WvW dabbler or a hardcore WvW player. I can also assure you that most people would prefer getting back to the action faster than slower and would not consider being one-shotted from stealth a very 'exciting' aspect of WvW. These aren't complaints about sportmanlike conduct, they are complaints about being engaged in the game ... no one is complaining about being killed 1 vs. 1, especially in a fair fight. What we are talking about here is arguably not engaging at all, which is what makes it so unpleasant ... and so unworthy of being preserved as a 'method' of play in WvW.

    > >

    > > If I just saw a lone guy running at me, probably with the intention to kill me, that gives me the ability to make a decision; fight or run. The most egregious part of what we are talking about here is there is no choice given in a gank scenario. You just die, pretty much instant. Anet might as well just place random, multiple instadeath traps around WvW for EVERYONE if the argument is that some randomness of taking out a player here or there has some real, significant impact on WvW results.


    > hardcore wvw players don't die instantly, only people that do are squishy "gankers" and full zerker pvers.


    This ^^ so true

    I mainly solo roam on core ranger, butt i play alott in Squad to and have no problem going back to tag and geting kils on my way in full blob gear on my herald (got 2 swords i use when running back intead off hammer)

  5. A ranged dismount option is need, maby a leash you have to maintain 1 to 10 sec .

    You dont blow youre cooldowns on it and is not linked to mounts themself.


    This way zerger could be safer where they have control of map and still keep the possitve changes warbeast is.

    This will keep roming build viable as it will reward their speced mobilety and class traits.


    hope the devs reads this

    sorry 4 bad english

  6. As a solo roamer on eu it is geting so unfunn, when these havocs keep killing soloers and putting in big effort to harras soloers.

    Ok i understand we flipp some camps but winning in wvw means nothing.

    The 1v1, 5v5 and blob vs blob is nice fun fights.

    Only thing this game mode have is good fights why sabbotage that?

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