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Posts posted by necromaniac.7629

  1. _Sanity is but a mirage!_ Ghastly Breach inflicts the enemy with torment by "breaching into the realm of torment" and the definition of torment is "severe physical or mental suffering" and a mirage is "an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air." Hence sanity; "the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health" is a "mere mirage" in the realm of torment. So imo, they kinda misused "mirage" cause sanity cant be a mirage, it could be though, Sanity is but an illusion! Illusion-"anything that seems to be something that it is not"(which would it make sound if more "mesmery" or not necrotic), but i guess since in PoF, the specs are so tied with the environment, (as someone stated previously) and the environment in PoF is mostly desert and mirages happen a lot in deserts, the word mirage would most likely fit. In my opinion also, there's alot of things in gw2 that the wording seems to "fit" more, a specific class,but I don't think words have to be subjective to specific classes. As someone said though, this might not be the key thing to analyse, but I just like analyzing stuff and I think i did well :smiley:

  2. > @"Eros.6801" said:

    > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

    > > Hey all! Returning player here, looking for some advice as to what to play/main as GW2 is right now.

    > > A few things to help those who wish to help out.

    > > 1. Farming: I like to farm events, do things such as Silverwastes, Istan Farm, Leather Farm, ect. So tag ability along with staying up with the group is important.

    > - Thief with Daredevil - Shortbow with sigil of stamina hands down the fastest farmer or you could play Flamethrower scrapper for easy dps threshold and the best mob tagging ability.

    > > 2. WvW: I mostly enjoy small group or roaming playstyles, I was never a fan of being in a Zerg and spamming #1 on my keyboard, unless it suited my needs. (Taking a Keep for WP.)

    > - Thief with Daredevil or Deadeye for sniping is great, Holosmith is also great but if it happens you run into a large scale fight, Holo/Scrapper is better.

    > > 3. sPvP: I like playing Stronghold, it feels much more purpose driven to me, and faster paced in some regards.

    > - I don't play PvP but the answer probably the same as above.

    > > 4. Raiding: I would like to actually get into Raids, they seem interesting to me, so being a Viable spec for most of the content would be good.

    > - Both Thief and Engi are viable in raid, Thief is easier to play with and still be able to pull off high dps while as an engi you will have to master very complex rotations but fun.

    > > 5. Fractals: I enjoy these too, I mostly just do the dailies though.

    > - Same as #4.

    > > 6. Aesthetics: I like looking like a badkitten and my attacks looking cool, so since a big part of GW2 is "Fashion Wars", I would like a spec/race that pulls off a sense of style, and nice looking animations.

    > - In term of Fashion i would say Holosmith hands down the best, it has gorgeous vfx, animations and there are many High-Tec looking armor pieces out there and during my playtime, not many players running around with futuristic theme. As for Thief, their animation kinda simple but you can make yourself legendaries.

    > >

    > > I don't mind learning a hard to master spec, challenge is part of any game, and I would like to test myself.

    > - Both are using the same armor type and surprisingly using 3 or 4 weapons aswell, so it you can't pick why not just be both ?

    > > Thanks in advance to those people who share their thoughts and advice!

    > >

    > > Have a GREAT Day!!!

    > - You too !! Welcome back and Have Fun



    Saying Holosmith "hands down the best" for fashion is honestly triggering me lol no offense, but i guess its your opinion.

  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"necromaniac.7629" said:

    > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > Is that not what metagaming is?

    > >

    > > Yes is it and its not good cause it really affects my playstyle if they keep nerfing traits that i use.


    > If you were only able to chose 1 default build how do you know anet would decide that the build your running atm would be the default one?

    > If you can chose builds then it will be the same as now.


    > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"necromaniac.7629" said:

    > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > Is that not what metagaming is?

    > >

    > > Yes is it and its not good cause it really affects my playstyle if they keep nerfing traits that i use.


    > If you were only able to chose 1 default build how do you know anet would decide that the build your running atm would be the default one?

    > If you can chose builds then it will be the same as now.


    I don't understand what you're trying to say honestly.

  4. This is what's happening...metabattle and those people/sites that make builds and stuff for pvp are not doing the game any good, they are putting good builds out there but the major downside is that people then complain about it being "OP/broken" for eg the nerf to CI in pvp and Ci has been there for sooooooo long it ONLY caused an issue where people put the build out there and EVERYBODY starts using it. The option to select default builds is enough for pvp.

  5. > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > Honestly? Absolutely not needed. Just re-create your PvE build in HotM, go smack those golems there and you will know if you like the build or not. The skills arent that different between pvp and pve balance. The rest of the "void" is filled atm by SC hosting a benchmark overview.

    > So, really not needed.


    no no no you cant "recreate" just any build in Hotm if so much runes,sigils and stat combinations etc are not available there

  6. > @"Heartpains.7312" said:

    > So, anyone is using this after the patch? =p


    > I personally don't think the changes they made to it have any effect, since it won't be picked (still not worth picking)


    > Share your experience if you have used it please, and how it went =p


    Yes its still a dead trait, i actually like it better before the patch though, they should just set it back to the previous state and find a way to move it to the master trait line instead of grandmaster. I think 20% extra condi duration to bleeding foes is really good but obviously infinite horizon is better and instead of moving it to master they changed is completely to where its even less usable. They definitely didn't design dune cloak well.

  7. > @"alexscr.4269" said:

    > My mirage :)

    > http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=14714

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/KLCGmts.png "")

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/o2HxUzy.png "")

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/23b5WkO.png "")

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/S88d1Mw.png "")

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/lWuNvKz.png "")

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/eakEcDF.png "")

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/x4oKxbU.png "")



    damnnn thus is the best one ive seen here, i see the theme and everything, idk, im getting a cleopatra vibe from it. what staff is that?

  8. > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > Functions like shadowstep so requires pathing unlike Mesmer portal and it only has a 5 player limit unlike Mesmer portal so yeah it's a cool new skill but definitely not a replacement for Mes Portal :)


    > It doesn't suffer the line of sight issue that plagued Shadow trap though. You can teleport through walls. It also doesn't have the pathing limitation


    > But I do like that theif's portal has a few clear advantages over mes and necro. For one, the thief can have it up very quickly. Which makes it a very convient escape utility if you get into a fight and need to GTFO.


    > The second is that until the second part is activated, the portal is undetectable.


    > So far... one of my favorite uses in PvP for it is... to get into a fight to tip the tides and quickly leave to go across the map.


    > Or... when I am leaving a point that I've decapped, I can actually feel a little more useful as a team mate by dropping a portal near a team mate who's going in that direction to rush them to get it capped or to go fight a dude together.


    > I do wish they put a radial circle on these portals in the minimap though. It's kinda hard to tell how far 5000 units is.


    yeah i agree100% with everything you said but one more thing is that i wish there was an icon or something(that only you can see) to so you can track the countown of placing the portal entrance.

  9. > @"necromaniac.7629" said:

    > I don't like the fact that enemies can know if you have portal entrance up, due to the little icon below your name, i just don't like it because i think portals are suppose to be somewhat sneaky, i guess the new thief portal is going to have an icon to identify that you have a portal entrance up too.


    I think it would be also nice if there was a max range indicator or something on the portal so you know if you've gone too far to place the exit, or idk if i'm asking for too much.

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