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Posts posted by Sampson.2403

  1. Human resources chaotically interrupted my day today while i was running around in a bumblee bee suit trying to sit on all of the women in the office. They told me that's sexual harrassmentment which is a lie because i was just trying to sting them.

  2. People always say "find the real mesmer". Should add to this , "spam aoe to kill the clones while finding the real mesmer".


    When i play Rev, i love fighting this new CI mesmer build. I just LoS and spam all my aoe damages to melt their clones and dodge the obvious pistol bursts and chaos storm.


    If you see the clones running at you then its an incoming shatter. If you see an ambush attack coming from all the clones and the mesmer then they just burnt a dodge. There are plenty of windows to counter their damage and land damage yourself.


    U really just have to know how to play mirage, once u learn the cooldowns, its not too bad of a fight. The hardest part IMO is predicting their mantra interrupt because that's just an instant cast.


    Mesmer is just one of those classes where if you don't know the class, you get punished for it way more than you do for not knowing other classes.

  3. I've always thought this discussion (which pops up on the forums pretty often) is always over analyzed. It's pretty common sense when you should and should not go for the beast and in unorganized ranked games its probably a good idea to kill it more often than what people are saying in this thread.

  4. @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


    Fyi, in hope that this may help. So i got this bug around noon today and so i took a break from my computer for a few mins then i came back and my screen had the message "you have been removed from que" followed by another error message that disconnected me into the log in screen. I went back in on the same toon and the que worked. It was like these errors happened intentionally to fix the problem for me.

  5. > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > Yeah, we can talk about this:


    > It's a basic, fundamental of rule of conquest spvp since the _beginning_. ( "Hold on to your points! Seize theirs!")


    > --discussion over--


    Ooof i came to post something else but when i a man is right a man is right

  6. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"bladezero.9470" said:

    > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > Isn't the best strategy to adapt to your groups playstyle if yours at the time is not being applied.

    > > >

    > > > Everyone on the team needs to tug the rope in the same direction.

    > >

    > > Not really.

    > >

    > > There are better strategies than others. Point first mentality is actually never the best way to go in a team fight, whether white, capped or in the enemies possession.

    > >

    > > I would literally rather see my team mates afk at home than smash their faces onto node at mid.


    > My way or the highway with you?


    > A five finger death punch is better than a 4 finger death punch with a thumb up the kitten.


    Unless you like the thumb up the kitten hehe

  7. I think that it would be nice to have visual effects for specific boons like Stability (maybe some others too). Having to click on different opponents just to see if they have key boons up or not is kinda annoying and restrictive.


    I'd like to make hard swaps to specific targets when key boons drop off but you never know what boons they have unless they're your current target.

  8. @"Vieux P.1238"

    > Oh, that would be good but problem is that 2 season ago i made sure to lose every matches so i could be place at the bottom of the list.


    Hehe, so are you admitting to match manipulation by throwing all your ranked games ? xD GUARDS, TAKE THIS MAN AWAY!



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