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Posts posted by Sampson.2403

  1. I've always wondered about this, now is a good time to ask:


    If a skill has multiple hits to it, like shackling wave, will blind make the entire skill miss or just the first hit of that skill miss?


    Bonus, semi, but not really related, curiosity question: If I cast phase traversal and follow up with shackling wave on a warrior whose channeling their shied block, will all 6 hits of the shackling wave hit or just the first 2?

  2. Probably because whenever most of the team wipes at mid, the Thief is the only one who is able to disengage and stay alive. Most players don't look at the mini-map until after they are dead and create irrational conclusions based on what they see as they are re-spawning, which in this case, is a thief running in between nodes, which would appear, at that very moment, to be useless.


    In other words, because most players tunnel vision and have terrible map awareness - myself included, I aint pointing fingers here (but I never blame the thief :D ).

  3. I often hear that, for Rev to truly shine, it must be played with Support. I am assuming, at least in this meta, that means a Rev should play with a Firebrand?


    Whenever a scourge pairs with a firebrand, they sit on a node, glued to each other. How should a Rev play with a Firebrand? Because when I play Rev, which for the most part I believe to be correct, I'm constantly hitting and running away, porting/rolling all over the place which doesn't seem like it would synergize well with a Firebrand. The only way I can see this duo doing well together is if both players are on COMS and try-harding the coordination of cleanses/peels/heals.

  4. > @"Geiir.7603" said:

    > Deadeye? It is close to useless in the current meta. Stealth on dodge is annoying, but far from gamebreaking as it is pretty easy to both dodge his burst and find him even though he's in stealth :D


    Yeah tell Astange (aka | Clown | ) that dead eye is useless - hes been in the top 10 playing deadeye for a while now. His playstyle is super effective and extremely annoying.


    People gotta remember, solo/duoQ with no coms is not the same thing as organized, tournament team play.


    95% of the sPvP games played in a given season are ranked solo/duoQ, so balance should probably be built around those conditions, not so much tournament play which hardly anyone does.

  5. > @"pah.4931" said:

    > > @"zinkz.7045" said:

    > > > @"pah.4931" said:

    > > > This is why the DESPERATELY need to add PIPs to unranked. I usually play with my two brothers and if we want to play together then we get "penalized" for it. This is a major sin in an MMO.

    > >

    > > The only "sin" is that it is in the game at all. In a real MMORPG you would not have 5 man team instanced PvP in the first place as it is firstly not 'massively multiplayer' and secondly is instanced off outside off the persistent world in its own little minigame.

    > >


    > Hmm. Interesting perspective. I don't agree with it entirely, but I respect the idea behind it.


    > For example, I would say REAL LIFE is fairly open world and also massively multiplayer. And yet, we have things like Hockey and Basketball, which are 5v5 minigames outside of the persistent world.


    > Boxing or MMA fighting... is that instanced content? ;)


    That's some next level thinking right there sir.

  6. Mirage is opressive to the above average and below skill level. This skill range is atleast 80% ot the playerbase, probably more. So the question is, is it okay that only 20% of the playerbase can beat a certain class?


    You can argue it both ways, no one is really right. It comes down to perspective: should a game be balanced around top tier competition or casual play.

  7. Power Shiro Rev is one of the most fun and effective builds that I've played in sPvP. You want to roam around and look for +1 opportunities. You're also useful in team fights where you can lay down some AOE damage and then look for burst opportunities to finish people off.


    Just make sure that you read and understand all of your traits and skills. There are a lot of ways to ramp up movement speed during combat, damage modifiers etc.


    The learning curve is a little steeper on Rev, but IMO, it's not as bad as most people make it out to be.

  8. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > Revenant - seriously the most engaging and entertaining spec I've played so far besides maybe elementalist.


    > I hate Revenant. Like a lot. Even the things I like about Revenant I hate because they feel shoe-horned into a class when they would fit better elsewhere.


    > I hate the class thematically, it feels completely lacking in theme. Rather than actually filling in a niche that Guild Wars 2's classes lacked, namely an Anti-Paladin, it's basically trying to be everything at once and just feels like a mess. Necromancers feel like necromancers. Thieves feel like thiefs. Warriors feel like warriors. Rangers feel like rangers. Revenants feel like some hideous hybrid of thief and warrior in terms of execution. "Enter the mists" skills like Phase Traversal, Death Strike, Unrelenting Assault just ripping off thief shadowsteps.


    > Even the fun stuff about the revenants, like a variety of individual skills that are fun to use, just feel like thief or warrior skills. Like Sword skills 3,4 and 5 would feel more exciting and fitting skills for an offhand sword thief Elite specialization.


    > It's always bummed me out that rather than give us a real class they basically threw all the leftovers from the fridge into a blender and made a smoothie out of it. And I'm not exactly interested in a salami, kiwi, apple, sour cream, sriracha sauce, yogurt, loaf of bread, onion and carrot smoothie.


    If you add some In-N-Out special sauce to that smoothie, it might actually taste pretty good but only if you drink it through a straw to help even out the chunks of salami.

  9. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > San Diego, California here. I pay extra for a good internet connection.

    > >

    > > I tried playing on an EU Server just the other day with terrible latency.


    > love san diego, but kitten internet. Lived in PB for several years with all the services at the time (com, attt)....slow pingy dingy


    That sucks. I've always had pretty good internet in the mira mesa area. PB is a nice place for other reasons tho :-)

  10. OP I am the rank number 98 guy that you're talking about. It sucks that you got the same rating as me but placed outside the top 100. You can blame Trevor for taking your spot more than me though ;).


    I actually stopped playing ranked games 48 hours before the season ended and at that time i was rank 60ish. By Sunday night i was ranked 78th.


    I was really surprised to see how much the top 100 spots shifted in the last few hours as well considering it was a Monday. Maybe a lot of the top 100 players were on winter break from school or something.


    You'll get it next season.

  11. I always find it interesting in these discussions how everyone assumes that if you duoQ you're automatically at an advantage. Unless you and your partner are top players, this just simply isn't true. The random teammates that are assigned by the match maker could easily be better than the person that you are quing with.


    Also, i find it interesting how people automatically think that they're going to perform better just because they have a friend on the same team as them in a discord voice channel. If i que with you, what advantage are we getting by both being in discord? What information can you possibly give me that i dont already have through the UI?


    Personally, someone talking to me about the game while I'm playing the game is super distracting and annoying. Effective ingame coordination takes practice and effort. Very few players are doing this, and the ones that are got there from playing together in tournaments etc and are at the top of the ladder.


    Ill bet ya that Ben has the data to back up everything that I am saying.


    Even though i always solo q ranked, i believe that the option should be there to que with as many players as you want simply for the social aspect of it. Also, for those that want to tryhard and develop effective communication with a group of players, they should have the option to do so. Playing with other people really is a core theme of any MMO.

  12. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

    > > Some of these have been really good! Nice contribution @"Ario.8964". @"Trevor Boyer.6524" perhaps you change the title and make this a more general thread?


    > Fixed. Probably should have just done that to begin with ^^


    > @"Sampson.2403" Looks like 1650 was indeed just _barely_ enough to maintain top 100 this season.


    I almost stopped at 1647. Glad i played a few more games lol.

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