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Posts posted by Sampson.2403

  1. Just because two players are in a discord chat together doesn't automatically make them perform 10x better. For the average players who duo que together, we're looking at a very small performance boost here.


    Where you're really going to see an impact is when two top players que together and coordinate. But is it really that bad if two top players que together and make big plays? Maybe it is, but i think you should receive an advantage for wanting to meet other players and team up. It's natural.

  2. > @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

    > > @"Nova.3817" said:



    > I agree that THEORETICALLY it would be nice for people to be able to play with their "friends", but this was NOT the primary motivation by those complaining. It was just their whiny spin. The REAL motivation is that high level people wanted the former rigged system they could use to steamroll people. Want proof? Watch in the this upcoming season and see if ANY high level player ques with "friends" IRL that AREN'T good at the game. They will ONLY duo que with other elite players to exploit the matchmaking algorithm just like they did before....GUARANTEED.


    How is choosing to partner up with other good players to win more games in a ranked mode exploiting anything? You're basically calling common sense a crime.

  3. You can like or dislike the titles all you want, but your individual perspective doesn't change the fact that this change caught everyone by surprise, pissed a lot of players off, and now season 13 has no competitive prize pool.


    The correct way to deploy this change would have been to let the community know at the beginning of season 12 that this would be the last season to get a title, and then have the replacement prize for titles ready at the time of removal.


    Also, regardless of your taste for titles, the fact that Anet is choosing to remove titles instead of punishing the wintraders really points to their commitment & investment to this game mode (or lack there of). It's a lazy and cheap attempt to fix a problem, n that's just a nondebatable fact.

  4. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


    > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


    > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


    I disagree with the decision to remove titles but i can understand and respect your reason for doing it.


    But wouldn't it be better to wait on removing the titles until you have something to replace it with? It seems like that would be the better middle ground since it's quite apparent that a lot of players are upset about it.


    Also, waiting to remove the titles will give the players who still want one a chance to get one before they're removed. You kind of caught us off guard by broadcasting this decison at the end of the last season where titles were being offered versus the beginning. There was no warning.


    I am lucky that i got my title this last season but i feel bad for the others who didn't.

  5. It's all about the presentation. By making us wait two weeks between seasons, it makes the season feel more like a season.


    Netflix does the same thing with releasing new seasons of shows even though they've been completed way long ago.


    Timing, anticipation etc. Never give it to them all at once. Making them suffer is the best way to add flavor.

  6. Lol @ these engis trying to spin the perception on the passive elixer s trait by making themselves look like the victims of it instead of the person trying to kill them.


    99% of the time an engi passive elixer s goes off against me or any other player on a burst spec, they're getting saved from down state for doing nothing - a total crutch for slow reactions/lack of awareness. Same thing with passive endure pain etc. Whether or not you get cc'd n spiked into downstate as soon as you unshrink or saved by an ally or whatever else happens is irrelevant. Passive traits like these are aids.


    Y'all can bash elusive mind all you want, and rightfully so, but i still have to be proactive and activate EM myself to avoid getting into the downed state from a well executed power spike.

  7. A lot of mirage play style also revolves around landing multi clone shatters. Whether i am mirror blade -> jaunting -> into 3 mind wracks or axe 3 collecting and centering clones on you into cry of fustrationing, the more you sit still the more you are helping me land each shatter.


    So when a mirage starts doing their condi or power dance its wise to use kiting skills to mitigate the burst.


    Also, mirage is one of those classes where the less you understand their cooldowns, the more you suffer simply because trying to interpret their animations while fighting against them etc. Is very hard....better to just play the class for a few days to understand them

  8. Brilliant decisions being made at A-Net. This kind of logic can be applied to anything and can solve so many problems!


    1. People robbin banks? Well lets just stop putting our money in the banks, problem solved!

    2. Hackers? Pfff! Lets just all stop using the internet and computers! Problem is tEh solved.

    3. People are cheating to win prizes?? Bah! Lets just remove the prizes! P r o b l e m SOLVED! PWNED

  9. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Give the top players some gold or gems, but nothing that people will be willing to pay real world money for. Maybe XX00 gold and a precursor or or something. The leaderboard will still be there, and people can see you on the top spots.


    > Maybe a top 250 wide title and the above mentioned rewards.


    > But anything that is unique, will have the same game as always. Wintraders and end season throwers on alts padding their spots.


    > Who knows what is coming down the pipe that could replace this ranked debacle. Maybe Anet hasn't leaked everything and they have a surprise. Cause there were no surprises with PoF lol


    A-net deciding to remove titles or other unique rewards to discourage win trading is like the Olympic committee deciding to stop handing out medals at the Olympics in an effort to prevent the people competing in the games from using steroids.


    People pay real world money for gold and gems too btw.


    I don't care about people seeing my spot on the leaderboard, I care about having something for myself (like a trophy) to take home after the season has ended and moved on.



  10. > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

    > Well that kind of sucks, I always thought I would have time later for getting a top 250 title. Guess it's my fault for procrastinating, but still, I feel like we're removing a fun aspect of ranked PvP without actually addressing the problem.


    It more than kinda sucks, it was literally the only competitive reward incentive that the ranked game mode had, and it was popular, n one of the only reasons that the game mode was even competitive.


    Did you see how much movement was on the leader board this last weekend? I locked in my rating n stopped playing ranked games this past Saturday afternoon and went from rank 170 to 248 by Monday afternoon, so obviously a lot of players were tryharding for leaderboard positions and titles at the end of the season.


    Next season we can duo Q with our friends, which means that theoritcally the top 250 is going to become a lot more competitive, but they decide to strip away the competitive titles? That doesn't make any sense, if anything, they should enhance the prize pool now to encourage more competition.


    I still haven't seen an official explanation for removing the titles, but it sounds like people are saying that they're being removed because it encourages wintrading? So because a small group of losers want to cheat to win, we're just going to remove winning to try and solve it?


    And will this even solve anything? I doubt it. All this does it make it so we're no longer competing for titles we're just competitng for end of season leaderboard positions, which is essentially a watered down version of exactly the same thing. What makes you think that the same group of wintraders aren't going to want to wintrade for these top leaderboard positions just the same as they did for titles?? Lulzzzz.


    This changes nothing of the so called "problem", all it does is dilute it. Trust me, if people are willing to wintrade for titles, they'll wintrade for leaderboard spots just the same. All you're doing is making the top prize pool SLIGHTLY less appealing and expecting prideless greed to vanish.


    This is such an own goal move Anet. Just give us duo q and leave the titles alone. Hell, I'd prefer it if you just left the titles untouched and kept it solo Q, at least there'd be a prize pool to compete for.


    You know what, lets not stop here, lets call up the world olympic comittee and tell them that they should stop handing out olympic medals in an effort to end steroid use and other performance enhancement drugs.

  11. Well considering this is the last season you can get an spvp leaderboard title and i was able to squeeze one out ill give it a 10. Balance was good too.


    Moving forward, what pvp reward do we play ranked for? Pips and pve reward chests/gold that true pvpers never even open/use?


    Wtf do we need chests, skins etc. for when everyone who really pvps to pvp plays with standard character models on.


    I mean ill still play the game cuz its fun, and ranked mode still offers rankings, but wtf is the point of removing titles? Its almost like they thought that they had to dilute the good news of bringing duo q back cuz us being too happy can be potentially dangerous for "the machine"

  12. > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > What is the thought process behind removing titles? Isn't that stripping the only competitive reward incentive out of the ranked mode?


    > That's also my point to be honest. The system benefits to maybe 200 players in both regions. However, for people below, match quality will probably decrease since there will be more reward farmers and less tryharding.




    Yeah, this is a bust. The incentive for me to improve my rank is to collect the PvP titles. I don't open the reward chests or use the gold at all.


    That's great that I'll be able to play with a buddy now at 1600+, but you're removing the reason to want to be 1600+ by removing the titles. So, before, I had to solo grind for my goal, now I can play with a friend for no goal - which I could already do in unranked mode.


    This thread seems to be well received by most though, so clearly I'm missing something. Are win traders really that prevalent? I only saw like 1 dude removed from the leaderboard this season, which would lead me to believe that they can't be that widespread.

  13. The cut off for the leaderboard this season was around 1595 and the previous season it was 1583. So that's slight boost in the active spvp population.


    @"Xarimath.4518" , you forgot to mention that they addes the new FFA arena pretty recently. That was a pretty big add on to pvp, and a pretty fun one. I personally spend a lot of time there and enjoy it alot.

  14. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > EU #1 is mesmer. :trollface:


    > Okayokay, that's not so surprising. But still, there are several others. No idea how anyone got the idea they'd be underrepresented - I agree though, they are far less dominant and while strong in the meta, they can definitely be dealt with!


    Do you know which mesmer build he/she/it runs?

  15. Y> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > What a nerve racking experience trying to lock in a rank for a title, n what a relief to finally land it.


    > Don't count on it. The last few days of the season have historically seen the cutoff for rank titles go up quite a bit as some people comeback to shake off decay while others push to hit a decent win streak to end on.


    Yeah definitely. That got me last season. This season ive accounted for that and its very unlikely ill get bumped out.

  16. People yelling at each other in video games is equivalent to road rage. It's a heat of the moment, knee jerk reaction. He doesn't know you, its not a personal insult, he's just upset at the situation and needs an outlet, and you were the best choice.


    You really ought to approach the gaming environment with a thicker skin and laid back / sarcastic / generallu forgiving attitude, cuz relatively speaking,that's really a rated G comment that you received lol.


    You might not understand this now, but you posting this thread and saying you reported him actually makes you look more unattractive than him. You're essentially being a tattle teller who can't take a competitive rage jab. Lighten up.


    I get these types of comments directed at me all the time. I love it. Im a connoisseur of tEh rage. Welcome to the internet.

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