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Posts posted by Sampson.2403

  1. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > Point of this thread has nothing to do with whether or not warrior is OP. It's about whether or not passive safety mechanics should exist in the game. Endure pain is just an example.


    > Then don't title and start the thread in the way that you did. You said *nothing* in your original post about this being about whether or not passive safety mechanics should exist in the game, you directly asked why Defy Pain is still there when they removed Elixir S passive. Its also ironic that a Mirage is the one making this thread, or questioning it, to begin with.


    In my original post i say (and any other similar trait).

  2. > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > *polishes his nails*



    > *Looks at OPs AV icon*

    > *Files nails silently*


    > That's a wonderful idea, having to slot things to gain access to mechanics. We should implement it for everyone.



    I'm going to assume that you're talking about mirage cloak? Well, whether or not it's busted is an entirely different topic, but at least I have to push a key to activate mirage cloak.

  3. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > > because warrior is a melee class.

    > > > Give warrior 1200 range in great sword auto attacks (like revenant hammer throw) and then you can take endure pain out of the game.

    > > > Give high mobility on range weapons for warrior and then we will not need endure pain.

    > > > Give us teleports and stealth then we will not need endure pain.

    > >

    > > You can have 50 endure pains for all i care so long as they require you to push a key to activate them. Passive safetys are the issue here.


    > You do understand that being a melee class you are susceptible to the first burst in damage right?

    > For example: warrior vs ranger who hits first? The ranger. Now if you block with shield, then ranger can use unblockables to counter it, so either way warrior is going to hit first and hit hard. If you remove endure pain from auto casting, then by the time you reach the ranger, your health will be below 50% .


    > Every range class has the initial DPS burst advantage on warrior; that is why warrior needs auto casting endure pain.

    > Like I said, remove auto endure pain but give us

    > * GS melee 1200 range (like revenant hammer)

    > * Teleports and high mobility on range weapons

    > * Give all our melee weapons 900 + range


    > Then we will be able to do damage at the start of the fight and we will not need auto endure pain cast.

    > Now, in WvW that is a different thing. Endure pain is a must and auto casting will never be removed from that mode or else's warrior will become useless.


    I still don't see how any of this justifies a passive safety.


    EDIT - Why is the "auto-cast" necessary. In your example, if a ranger is bursting down a warrior from a distance, why does the warrior need an auto-casting endure pain versus actively pushing it? It feels funny asking this question given the fact that the warrior actually does have several things that he can actively do to mitigate the rangers damage but that's besides the point.

  4. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > because warrior is a melee class.

    > Give warrior 1200 range in great sword auto attacks (like revenant hammer throw) and then you can take endure pain out of the game.

    > Give high mobility on range weapons for warrior and then we will not need endure pain.

    > Give us teleports and stealth then we will not need endure pain.


    You can have 50 endure pains for all i care so long as they require you to push a key to activate them. Passive safetys are the issue here.

  5. Condi mirage is just okay now. Without portal or mainhand sword their mobility sucks. The sage condi mesmer is the popular build and its a 1v1 / small fight side node build which the boonbeast is better at. Plus boonbeast has way better mobility.


    When i see a axe/torch n staff condi mesmer on the other team i switch to a sword mainhand build and outplay them with mobility by decapping everything they cap and being quicker. Can't 1v1 them but i can dance around the map and plus one much better.


    Tldr - axe/torch + staff mesmer team impact got nerfed hard because of portal. They're slow as hell around the map, and a boonbeast can do everything that they can much better.

  6. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > To say it that clear: Portal nerf is only a nerf for skilled mesmer not for all the noobs finally can run mesmer with 3 duel utilities, brainless run far and win everything they meet. Mes got weaker in rotation but thats not a playstyle any noob is good at anyway. Mesmer got noobfriendlier a lot with portal nerf. Hf faceing mesmers carried by illusionary ambush everywhere. Torch+signet of midnight+axe 3+ illu ambush, you will not be able to target the mes like 80% of the fight + the time you need to get him back in target even when you immediately see the right one = unbeatable. Even mesmer running arcane thievery instead will still be annoyingly often out of target.


    Lol its funny because in a way you're kind of right. There are several games that i can look back on and would have taken illus ambush over portal. Thing is that i have won games because of portal too. So it's always been a debate in my own head whether to run it or not with uncooridnated 5 man teams.


    But now it's a no brainer, unless you're coordinating with people through pre made duo or tournament teams...speaking of coordination what about this new push to talk button feature? Can we talk in pvp games now?

  7. The duration of time that the Mesmer has to place portal exeunt reduced by 50% is pretty nutty. How much value has portal lost in sPvP games where 5-man team coordination doesn't exist? Can I slot illusionary ambush instead now? :astonished:

  8. > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > > > > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > > > > Funny how many people think mirage is busted, then they go try n play it themselves and they suck at it. What's the common variable there? Not understanding how to play around the mechanics of mirage.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Like others have mentioned, just watch the buff bar on the mirage for the cloak boon & super speed. Then also on your own buff bar for confusion/torment and stow your weapons/stop moving accordingly.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Stop nerfing mirage. I've had to switch to playing condi mirage since power mirage (which i think is way more fun) isn't very viable anymore.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Power mirage is as viable as it can be. Its just not god mode now and needs high level of skill. Try playing other classes and go back to condi mirage to feel the difference between god and peasants. Obviously you will feel it if you are skilled. A pleb wont understand the difference.

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't think condi mirage is god mode but it is very easy to play.

    > > >

    > > > I dont agree with you. Mirage IS god mode in this game. Sheer amount of sustain is sickening. And relentless condi bombs that tick 1/4 of your hp every second. Oof.

    > >

    > > A mirage Condi bomb ticking 25% of your hp every second means that you are failing to stow weapons and stop moving when you have confusion/torment stacked on you.

    > >

    > > That is 100% a l2p issue and does not make condi mirage OP. I mean, the counter play is LITERALLY to just go AFK my good friend :-)


    > Keep pretending that being afk will not get you killed in under 3secs.


    Explain to me how confusion and torment will kill me under 3 seconds if i don't move or use any skills.

  9. > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > > Funny how many people think mirage is busted, then they go try n play it themselves and they suck at it. What's the common variable there? Not understanding how to play around the mechanics of mirage.

    > > > >

    > > > > Like others have mentioned, just watch the buff bar on the mirage for the cloak boon & super speed. Then also on your own buff bar for confusion/torment and stow your weapons/stop moving accordingly.

    > > > >

    > > > > Stop nerfing mirage. I've had to switch to playing condi mirage since power mirage (which i think is way more fun) isn't very viable anymore.

    > > >

    > > > Power mirage is as viable as it can be. Its just not god mode now and needs high level of skill. Try playing other classes and go back to condi mirage to feel the difference between god and peasants. Obviously you will feel it if you are skilled. A pleb wont understand the difference.

    > >

    > > I don't think condi mirage is god mode but it is very easy to play.


    > I dont agree with you. Mirage IS god mode in this game. Sheer amount of sustain is sickening. And relentless condi bombs that tick 1/4 of your hp every second. Oof.


    A mirage Condi bomb ticking 25% of your hp every second means that you are failing to stow weapons and stop moving when you have confusion/torment stacked on you.


    That is 100% a l2p issue and does not make condi mirage OP. I mean, the counter play is LITERALLY to just go AFK my good friend :-)

  10. > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > Funny how many people think mirage is busted, then they go try n play it themselves and they suck at it. What's the common variable there? Not understanding how to play around the mechanics of mirage.

    > >

    > > Like others have mentioned, just watch the buff bar on the mirage for the cloak boon & super speed. Then also on your own buff bar for confusion/torment and stow your weapons/stop moving accordingly.

    > >

    > > Stop nerfing mirage. I've had to switch to playing condi mirage since power mirage (which i think is way more fun) isn't very viable anymore.


    > Power mirage is as viable as it can be. Its just not god mode now and needs high level of skill. Try playing other classes and go back to condi mirage to feel the difference between god and peasants. Obviously you will feel it if you are skilled. A pleb wont understand the difference.


    I don't think condi mirage is god mode but it is very easy to play.

  11. While some of the things that the OP and others have said may be true....


    ...There's also the theory that if you spend hours on hours, every day, doing the same thing over and over, you'll eventually get bored. I think Einstein came up with this theory btw (or it might just be common sense).


    Unless you're making an E-name for yourself or some cash by streaming or you are really into the competitive scene (if one even exists for this game) and have goals/strategies to place meaningful rank, then you may want to reevaluate how you spend your free time.


    More often than not, the game doesn't need changing, bored fustrated players just need to play less and gtfo outside and away from their monitors.


    GW2 is not a bad game. I challenge you to go play other MMO pvp modes and discover how good GW2 really is.

  12. Funny how many people think mirage is busted, then they go try n play it themselves and they suck at it. What's the common variable there? Not understanding how to play around the mechanics of mirage.


    Like others have mentioned, just watch the buff bar on the mirage for the cloak boon & super speed. Then also on your own buff bar for confusion/torment and stow your weapons/stop moving accordingly.


    Stop nerfing mirage. I've had to switch to playing condi mirage since power mirage (which i think is way more fun) isn't very viable anymore.

  13. Everyones focusing on a single element of the mirage kit and getting way too caught up in the mechanics of mirage cloak.


    You need to look at the entire kit of each spec not just one trait. The synergy that full counter has with the rest of a spellbreakers kit or the insanity of a holos kit, or the boon beast kit are all easily on par with that of the mirage kit.


    A slippery class that uses clones, stealth and spams confusion/torment for damage requires an investment in l2p against time which most people are just too lazy to do.

  14. I find it funny how everyone thinks that duo Qing is an automatic boon. All duo Qing does is present you with an opportunity to utilize effective communication and teamwork. Most players don't know how to do this properly and are actually distracting each other more than anything else.


    The automatic exception to this might be the default advantage that a duo pair gets by quing up as firebrand / scourge and barfing boons on each other in middle node. Pretty hard to screw that up.

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