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Posts posted by Wolfb.7025

  1. There are A LOT of social guilds that don't mind you're not rep them, the ones that do are normally serious guilds that wants recruits and dedicated people.


    Representing a guild only shows that you really like being with them, people gets more comfortable with guildmates that are (basically) focusing on that one guild you're on, I tell this from my own experience, its easier to go and greet people representing the same guild as mine, while others that are not I dont even recognize them because they do not show in the minimap, or maybe they are just standby players that happen to be on the guild but they do not care about it (like me, I am in 5 guilds but I'm pretty much completely inactive in 2, its just that I dont want to leave them).


    So basically representing a guild is a way to show you like that guild and youre willing to be active with them. Not many guilds ask for rep but if you were complaining that one guild ask you to rep them then just leave them since its more likely you dont like that guild in the first place.

  2. > @"corwin.3495" said:

    > > @"Wolfb.7025"

    > Tried that just now, still the problem persists (https://prnt.sc/kvi23e)

    > @"RoseofGilead.8907"

    > Well I made a ticket yesterday, I wanted to talk to ANET team before I do that... still waiting for their response. If they don't reply until the end of the week I will try repair.


    The gold dye looks the same from your previous screenshot for me (not counting the brown dyes, you changed them didn't you?)

  3. > @"alchemist.6851" said:

    > I will check those out to see what they look like.


    > In my opinion, I think you see your character 99% of the time so it’s better that you choose colors that please your eyes and anyone else. In fact I am personally quite open to fashion attempts and fails.


    > Having said that if you have a theme or culture which you want to follow, I’ll be happy to help..


    Why not appealing both you and everyone? Fashion Wars is about showing off your character's fashion choices, it is very subjective indeed but you should aim for something that actually looks good in general standars. I mean i've seen characters with a flamboyant choice of style and even if that person likes that style that annoys the heck out of me and I bet its the same for most of the playerbase. But sure the most important thing is that you can pick whatever style you want, but there is nothing more satisfying that being complemented from a random player lol


    Im sorry for saying all that, its jut my opinion and all of you can disregard it, its the way I see fashion wars and I just wanted to express it with the quoted author.

  4. Daily fractals can be done in less than 30 min and they net you with a high amount of gold, just avoid long fractals like Shattered Observatory or Deepstone, or dangerous fractals to pug with like Thaumanova Reactor and Twilight Oasis (unless you happen to get a cool PUG).


    This is not passively as you requested tho, but its the biggest source of gold and you can get it done with the amount of time you get to play daily, given that you're geared and know how to T4 properly, if not, then disregard my post, or work towards getting there (doing so it becomes worth in the long term).

  5. It looks like you changed your graphical configuration. I had the same problem with a metallic shoulder armor: I wanted to pick a dye with the highest graphical settings and then when I switched to the "best performance" option It totally looked different and hideous.


    Try to play with **Shaders on high, Shadows on at least medium**, and everything else on low (totally put post processing on None), this will greatly improve your armor textures and dyes without overloading your game with processes. And you should always pick dyes with this graphical configuration.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

    > > The only concern I have about this topic is, why do us, the new players, have to pay for the living world chapters just to play them. It feels like it is a punishment for not playing the game before we actually joined.


    > Active players get a 100% discount on a DLC episode if they log in once between when it’s released and when the next DLC or expansion is released. I don’t know many games where DLC’s are just given away for free. It’s not a punishment.


    Yeah its pretty nice for them to do that, I only said that as I joined recently, besides paying for HoT and PoF, I had to pay with another 2k of gems to play the rest of the story, as I didn't get the opportunity to "log in and get them for free" because I wasnt playing at that given moment.


    Dont get me wrong, I love this game, I already got all the story content.

  7. I'm not one that likes to go around complaining, but this is something I really wanted to get off my chest. Two weeks ago something happened that just greatly discouraged me to keep playing sPvP and, although I love team based PVP modes, I find it hard to improve myself as a player if either most of the matches I get a team that its stomping, or, me and my team get pushed back and camped on our own respawn.

    My guildies were playing sPvP in a premade team just to get the guild mission, so i just felt like playing some sPvP too just to pass the time. It happens that I, a Wolf lv 37 player, got matched against all of them, a full premade team of Dragon tier with at least lv 200 with years of experience on this game, and none of my teammates seemed like they werent even partnered with nobody, in conclusion, we just got beaten into oblivion.

    My question is, for the sake of having low matching queue times, why do you make players get bitter and awful experiences like this one? why the heck did I end up beign matched against a full premade team of entirely expert players? I honestly prefer to have 20 min long queues until I get a decent match than just pressing the "Join" button and only expecting to have a noose ready for me at the very start of the game, its just not fair, and I do wonder how many times i've been thinking "what did I do wrong" or "how do I improve" when I just have been matched in unfair games like these.


    Again, I dont like to complain, but this is just daunting and completely ruined my expectations of PvP.

  8. Wut?

    First I thought this was a little whinny rant post about people ignoring you, but I see now that they really implemented that guy Zommoros on Raids like you suggested (but im not really sure if they did take your suggestion or if it was just coincidental).


    Gratz, I guess?

  9. I'm wondering why nobody has mentioned the Pact Supply Network Agent as a way to convert Karma to Gold. I did that for a short while, but I decided to better keep Karma as I didn't really need Gold at that time.


    The most profit as for today is 23g 53s by map bonuses on Frostgorge Sound on Week 2 (next week) for each 210,000 Karma spent on Pact Scout's Mapping Materials. The only drawback of this is that you can only buy 6 of these per day, and spending about15s average on waypoints (on a lv80 character).

    Each Pact Scout's Mapping Materials gives you 200 points on map bonus, and the map bonuses gives you items based on a reward track each 200 points up to 8000 points where the reward track resets.


    Here are the links of interest:




  10. > @"EpicName.4523" said:

    > I had the same dilemma months ago. People told me that boosting is bad, that "you need to learn your class" and so on...Complete rubbish.


    > I wanted to have all professions and because of this decided to boost the one with the most horrible leveling experience - Mesmer. No regrets. My only real regret is that I did not use the second boost on engineer instead of necro.


    > And you know why? Because once you unlock your elite spec you are very, very, very unlikely to use the core profession ever. EVER! This means that you don't miss on learning something which you won't use anyway. Gear you can buy from TP so that's non-issue if you do your daily quests and sell every gathered crafting material.





    most people suggest that you dont use your Lv80 Boost on your first character, that way you'll learn to play not only your first class, but **the game** through the -most?- relaxing and easiest way, and once you are accostumed with the game basics then you can Lv80 boost whatever new characters you want and go practice builds and skills on high level maps because moving, evading, targeting, and such stuff shouldn't be a problem anymore.

  11. Dungeons story path is essential on understanding Destiny's Edge current state AND other important things you will see on the next LWS. For instance, you should have done them the moment you unlocked them because its story runs paralel to your personal story.


    Not gonna spoil Destiny's Edge interactions (because Dungeons are all about them), i'll just give away a brief of what's important on each dungeon:

    **Ascalonian Catacombs** makes you understand the current state of Ascalon and its problem with the ghosts. Also its where Eir went after the little Destiny's Edge "reunion" on Lion's Arch.

    **Caudecus Manor** its about a treaty celebration, you get to meet Caudecus Beetle~~juice~~stone, who is an important character on LWS3.

    In **Twilight Arbor** you meet Faolan, who its important at the latter end of LWS2, and a little more about the Nightmare Court shenanigans.

    **Sorrow's Embrace** is where you finally learn about what happened to Destiny's Edge, this part is VERY interesting, also it has some Inquest Shenanigans against the Dredge, and you get to meet a crazy inquest asura misusing Snaff legacy.

    **Citadel of Flame** its about knowing how re tarded is Flame Legion.

    **Honor of the Waves** you get to help the Koda on a mission against the Icebrood, i'm not sure how is this relevant later on the story (as i'm currently on LWS3). BUT there is a very moving moment with Eir. Totally worth it.

    **Crucible of Eternity** its about Zojja's final confrontation against the misuse of Snaff's legacy by the Inquest, tbf I dont remember what what great about this dungeon storywise, but please do it.

    And finally **The Ruined City of Arah**, you might have already done this because its the last step on your personal story. Its where all Destiny's Edge make peace with each other and decide to finally work together again to put an end to Zaithan.





    About Living Stoties, if youre into the story, its totally worth it to play them. and yes, they are necessary to understand the expansion. (It might even be a spoiler if you play the expansions before the living stories).

  12. > @"Lizdeath.5143" said:

    > So the Charm/Dignity/Intimidate feature of the character creation is pretty meaningless...


    > Can we get more ambient voice lines for every sex/race, and have it so that Charm/Dignity/Intimidation give a character distinct ambient voice lines in addition to the current shared voice lines, giving our characters more personality?


    > And that's my fundamental problem, three of five races' ambient voice lines feel like they are living stereotypes.


    For me, most Charr enviromental lines, and the general voice acting through the story sounds a lot like the personality choice I decided; Dignity/Diplomatic. I'm with you in that we need more lines depending on personality choices, geez I'd even die if we had different general voice options for our characters, it is absolutely weird joining a Charr partner in their story and that his voice sounds exactly like mine. (I honestly couldn't imagine his charr having my voice in the first place, but another tone of voice by just looking at his appearance).


    I'm always positivie on having more diversity options. It sums up to your character uniqueness.

  13. _Switch between range and melee?_ sure it can, bomb kit and photon forge are good melee choices, grenade kit is a good ranged option: rifle is between both of them as you can poke skill1 in long range, or you can enter melee range with skill5 and then skill3

    _Switch between support, healing, dps and control?_ zerker engi can provide a lot of dps and hard cc, if youre talking about switching builds ooc then yes, scrapper is a good healer, engi is a good condi damager, and holosmith can be either condi and power damage.

    _using them all as needed by the party and the fight?_ not sure what do you mean with this, but if youre refering to use all them at once then not quite, sure you can build healing power and damage, but its not efficient in any apect, youre either a healer, or a dps.



    Also, Engineer is known for having one of the most difficult DPS rotations out there because you literally need to switch between 4 kits (including rifle) in between. If you dont want to play CM Fracs and Raids, then you can pretty much only use Photom forge everytime you can and abuse skill4, skill3 and autos since theyre the mayor source of damage from holosith, then just spam everything else once you get photom forge again, you'll achieve high dps, but you will be short compared to one holosmith that does his rotation the right and proper way. but yeah dont stress yourself over rotations if youre only intending to play pve up to fractals T4, just dont expect to join CMs because theyre a lot harder to deal with if you dont go for the fast kill/optimal DPS.

  14. Plsease, please allow everyone outside of USA to get the outfit, KFT already got a lot of advertising by all of this that I, even if i'm not living on USA, know already that they do sell Bubble Tea and I would go there if I get the chance just to buy one out of pure curiosity.


    So its already a win for them, even if its just hate, is good advertising. No point of limiting the outfit just for US residents.

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