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Posts posted by Gamble.4580

  1. I have seen reapers carry games in high plat. Its a class that has a high skill floor on counter awareness map position etc but it's op when in right hands. I would say one of the most useful classes in 5/5. But the issue is poeple notice how bad it can be in the wrong hands. But I can say that about any class. As for the 1v1 reaper when played well counters eng ele war, some mes builds and core grd. It don't counter thf, the thf just apairs dead next to you.

  2. > @"brunoam.7391" said:

    > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > This is how meta changes lol, a person will remake a build do well set a role and poeple will copy. I welcome this as long as the build has a role and is needed with the comp u have.


    > But the point is that these builds are not meta!!! Renegade is now meta in pvp? Scrapper too? On what planet is this?


    No its not meta, but I have seen holo switch to scrapper and it was game changing. You use what u feel is needed.

  3. > @"Rukia.4802" said:

    > It's relatively easy to balance pvp , we've had balance before. The 2 main problems in an MMO: meta/roles get stagnant, you can have a balanced but boring game, and new specs/classes. MMO devs will ruin things for no reason other than to mix things up. Learn to go with the current instead of fighting against it, I mean if you're even still raging at this games pvp in 2018 idk what to say I thought we all accepted it was trash for competitive and just enjoy it for what it is. Good combat mechanics compared to most other games without endless grind to hop in and play. It's probably the most cancerous pvp in the genre as far as class design goes , I admit this game has raged me more than any other, I even went back to WoW arena many times cuz of it. But I just learned to accept it's garbage and I started having more fun.


    We have never had balance lmao, and if u say the pure hot days you was not there lmao. Pvp was more simple back then and easer to understand but the classes was not balanced. After hot, nope still no balance revs, grds, chill necro. After pof hmm u tell me.

  4. > @"brunoam.7391" said:

    > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > This is how meta changes lol, a person will remake a build do well set a role and poeple will copy. I welcome this as long as the build has a role and is needed with the comp u have.


    > But the point is that these builds are not meta!!! Renegade is now meta in pvp? Scrapper too? On what planet is this?


    Who do you think makes the meta builds? Poeple laughed at core grd then once dieing all season all grds switched to it. Poeple laughed at condi thf start of last season then by end every thf switch to it. You are just a sheep mate. I will carry on makeing new meta builds as I have made two for thf last 3 seasons and grd and necro and u laugh some more but by end off season follow like a sheep. Poeple play what you like in pvp enjoy the game and keep thinking up new builds as meta changes none stop.

  5. Yeah it's a good rez but not op. It's just right. It's not our fault rngs don't want to use their rez no more! Not our fault eng don't want gyro that is also most op finish and rez, not our fault fb don't relize how strong they can be rezzing. Blood is only rez called strong because we only ones who care to rez now days. Won't bother us if u nurf as we can stick with blood but go selfish with the traits and be stronger.

  6. Just moved to na to proove this wrong so I can reset my games. I won 7/3 and placed gold t3 won the next 20 games I am close to leg already. Once I hit 60 games if I keep playing well I will 100% still be leg, only problem now is I am getting 0-3 for wins and looseing 40 lmao

  7. Had a mesmer troll me in pvp yesterday had a 5 min 1v1 on my close on my reaper took me that long to kill him due to all the defensive abiltys then he trolled me for playing a keyboard bash class. I am like brooooo, first 4half mins I could not kill u and it took me that long to be able to lock u down and this is o ly because u got over confidence on how op u are. Hate mesmer. Played for a day one every game with guessing how to play it and yeah it's boring just click thinks and seem to all have great effects.

  8. Bugger it then I am going to roll staff ele and play for fun this next 2 weeks lol. Played last night won 4/5 plat t2 EU need to sort their focus out guys lmao all games left a zerker staff ele bomb them for to long.

  9. Would not mind it but leave 10days before end and don't come back untill after season ends, but already done 400 games I don't tip toe the top leader boards like most of the afk top 10 who play 1 game every 2 days

  10. Will be going away for last week. Anet if I crack it up to 1k games can u not decay me as surely I have earned my spot where I get to as always t3 plat at end and good chance of holding but the decay will t1 gold or bronze me hahaha can't show my face again with that. I know pvp is a joke now and No1 cares but I do as I am 100% pvp and play for titles and top spots

  11. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > Mesmer

    > > Then necromancer

    > > Then thief

    > > Then warrior

    > > Then engineer

    > > Then guardian

    > > Then ranger

    > > Then revenant

    > > Then elementalist.

    > >

    > > Balance.

    > >


    > Then mesmer again because that first one was a clone.



  12. > @"Elesmira.3782" said:

    > buff reaper to a murder machine once more. its time.


    I feel reapers in a good place right now. Its on the correct level of balance. War's rampage needs looking at and mes def abiltys need rework apart from that I would be happy. Oh and posien on thf needs a tad of a nerf.

  13. To add to your great example of how strong they are and in what ways. I think with the right set up they are very strong and can be the winning factor of a team fight.. But because the high mobility that they don't have I would say a team who plays with a scourge and uses it properly they can be to strong. For a 1v1 I would say they are only to strong vs noobs.

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