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Posts posted by Gamble.4580

  1. Because of the meta players are not going to choose team cleansing as much so condis will be noticed more. Players need to be aware of meta and play around it or even change class with knowing that support is not going to be there. Fb others the best team cleaning but the fb will be shadowing the main dps so u will have to be watching him for his tomes and comeing to him. Until support ele is back in meta

  2. If u split to solo que to duo que it will make there allot less games and worse match makeing. U can duo or u can’t but to split

    Will hit pvp hard and most good pvp players will que if solo in duo as it’s allot smarter to play with duo with better games than to play 5 solo vs 5 solo

  3. I think allot has gone way of track to point we talking about moon landings.!

    Do some people match fix? Yes but very rare and random. Do allot of top players know each other? Yes and over 4 years of pvp building relationships ofc voice coms are going to be shared and that’s smart game play! But you have to remember most people at top do t actually like each other so it’s 50/50 and I think hopping on voice coms is a great thing and what should happen in pvp. Do think think some people play many different tactics to get number one spot? Yes I think there is better times to play and how many games u play as well as haveing a amazing duo who is good on many different classes aswell as playing only broken classes will get you in top 5. But that’s open to everyone..

    And for the 10g never seen it apart from trolling and as for the fake d!c only see a d/c one every 10 games and I put most down to d/c as I d/c sometimes and I get mail trolling for me fake d/c when in fact I just d/c lmao

    I think being in top ten there is many problems you face but if u make top ten u need to slow down and play smart to keep that spot

  4. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > @"mortrialus.3062"

    > @"praqtos.9035"


    > I've learned not to engage in longer discussions with people I can't reason/have a constructive conversation with. So, I didn't read your last posts.


    > Instead, here's [a clip from the Naru's stream](

    ) (the necro for Team USA). Watch from the timestamp for the next two minutes until the 2 hr 30 min mark.


    > Since Naru has won nearly every single monthly on NA, it's obvious that he has a well-informed opinion on class balance, game knowledge, and mechanics for PvP. You can also read his chat to see his viewers weigh in on the topic.


    > If an established necro main (the class ranger counters the hardest) has no issue dealing with sic em longbow soulbeast... that says a lot about the people (mesmer players in particular) that have been crying for nerfs.


    Thnx for narus link there it helped me out allot. I have never learnt rng or their combos but do fight them allot and always save my burst for the bear lol the revel as a sign will help me out allot as never put that with the burst incoming xx

  5. > @"zoopop.5630" said:

    > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

    > > > Not a kitten class but going to aim for P3 on Necro with Blood Or curses.

    > > >

    > > > IMO playing curses necro gonna be a pretty challenging thing for me because NA is full of kitten players that just rage quit lol.

    > >

    > > Yummy! My BOO Reaper going to eat well next season.

    > >


    > what you mean, I see you as a free kill :)


    Lol defo! Core necro so broke it broke out of S tier! Lol to be fair if u get t3 with leaderboard raiting on NA, I will forever bow to you on passing!

  6. > @"zoopop.5630" said:

    > Not a kitten class but going to aim for P3 on Necro with Blood Or curses.


    > IMO playing curses necro gonna be a pretty challenging thing for me because NA is full of kitten players that just rage quit lol.


    Yummy! My BOO Reaper going to eat well next season.


  7. > @"mijitoboy.4208" said:

    > imo reaper is in a good spot now and dont really need even more dmg or sustain, that could make it broken and unfun to play. with next season/patch revenant might be nerfed after all complains on forum and twitch, which will make reaper even better just like after nerfs to mirage


    The king has spoken. Thread over.



  8. Reaper is op for solo que in ranked or unranked. You don’t have a main role apart from be in every fight and never main focus. It’s hard to explain but u need to Master your kitting with good keybinds.

    Then once’s you have trolled for a month kitting around learning all jumps, you then need to learn your counter match ups on both sides aswell as other class metas so u know tells for baiting ability’s.


    Once u have done this u then need to master your TEAM map awareness, be always watching map and how each fights that are happening on map.

    U will always be kitting as u will always have someone on u.

    Why u are kitting u are watching the fights and timeing when to go in and out and where u are needed the most. “Rez, kill, intrupt”

    Reaper is op in solo que if u spend time on it, but at moment it is awful vs 5 man premade “AT” as u will be taken out game as soon as u step out as u do nothing to them when focused cc so u are a easy kill to let’s say something else as if u scourge even if cc focused stunned or w/e u still do dps on feet around u so it’s more risky and there for a scourge is a timed kill but reaper is a kill on sight as if left alone a reaper can change tide of fight very quickly and it’s a evil +1. But a easy focus for a premade so stupid not to be first kill.

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