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Posts posted by Gamble.4580

  1. I get the random bot maybe 2/10 but my problem is I placed silver lol so I struggle keeping t2 plat as game just wants me back. I climb, then games like wait u was placed lower and boom whole team vs good players. Idk I enjoy it tho makes game more juicy

  2. > @"Temper.2190" said:

    > Reaper all the way. Check out the quickness reaper build on meta battle. Why?


    > 1. Simple role- seek out team fights and blow people up with your burst

    > 2. Easy burst. Go practice on the golems. Build up life force and then go into shroud for the burst.

    > 3. It can teach some great pvp skills if you find you love the game mode. You will learn not to die. You can swing so many team fights as a reaper, but only if you are alive to win them. You will learn rotation. You aren't too mobile, so you have to learn to anticipate how others will move. You will learn about matchups. Ranged snipers will beat you, unless you can kite them or account then. You don't need any of this at the start. Just go blow up team fights. But I found reaper to be very effective and instructive up to around gold 2. The skill floor is low, but there is plenty of room to grow if you want to.

    > 4. You can run almost an identical build in open world pve, so it is easy to build up some muscle memory while farming


    I agree reaper is a great class as it’s simple to understand but like easy to play classes more people understand how to kill one and where the weak spots are and that’s why reapers mainly stay in gold and low plat. Some leave low plat but that’s because they play the real necro meta as metabattles builds are not what u should be playing in plat. Gold u can play gs but plat ur main weapon is staff as it’s just that good! Unless your team has no cleave then I might take gs it also depends on the map.

    Also fear cuticle is a must! It’s just that good if u ripping stab with ds, makes a great peal or burst combo also it’s great for rez


    > > Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"

    > Sindrener played DE himself on the stream. Faeleth never stoped to play DE. Top2 EU is DE (now, and he was falling back and forth in positions)... Sure DE is cant be played in ranked /s

    > The last season reaper player finished as top3 with 800 games nonstop playing, not just sitting it out as many does.

    > Even core guardian CAN be played in ranked as last season top14 is a core guard main, point is... what cant be played in ranked ?


    The problem is with playing none op meta builds in pvp is different if u Eu to Na. Most plat Eu players will be gold in Na fact. As vallun said it’s nothing to do with skill level it’s population, 50% of your games Na will be a smack together group vs the lucky matched well to level group. So to play non meta is supper risky Na As non metas can’t carry as much as needed no matter who u are on Na. On Eu I was leg most seasons with ex on Na I struggle plat2.



  4. Reaper is like the teams guard dog u see the red and set the dog loose and it goes mental and attacks and chases everyone down. It gets u by the balls and kills u or u put it down before it does.

    But one thing is clear it helps the team because moment you show your face the whole red team have their tails up and you take their focus and that helps your team even if it’s for a little bit.u support your team by being very aggressive, focus smart and mobile! U get in a thf /rev mindset and run around like the lone stray attacking everyone. Reaper is bae

  5. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > And you thought the official PvP forum was the best place to get that help?

    > I'd suggest try opening a ticket at customer support.

    How if he can’t log on tho?



  6. > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > I think reaper is in nearly an ok spot to be honest. Rather it is in a ok spot but i could always see improvements on a few minor things. Although the power role you hold is not in your own hands if that makes any sense.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In 5v5 matches the power role is held in the hands of your teammates and or the other teams coordination.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If the other team leaves you alive you deal tons of damage and completely change the corse of a fight. Reaper on almost any build can ruin 2-5 people with a single well placed soul spiral or few auto swings. Reaper in itself its fairly strong even when lacking a defensive trait line like most professions run in pvp.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That said if the other team knows how to focus fire you every time you show up as a reaper no matter how well you try to surprise play it you will feel very weak and very under powered because you pretty much wont get to play your part in a fight. You don't hold the power role to make plays.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Necromancer has never had the power to full control its own potential in a team fight. It always felt based on the other teams coordination or your teams coordination to keep you alive in my opinion. I always know when decent people are queue together in matches because those 2 or 3 people will always be the ones who focus me no matter what point im attempting to play a part in and no matter how i play it. I can show up as late as i want to in a fight and no matter what they are doing their focus instantly switches to me. Most of the time how well i do is not based on my own skill completely but also based on the skill of those im matched against or those on my team.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That said Necromancer still has issues (no good defensive line (death magic )) but reaper itself is in a solid spot and i dont think it needs many changes just a few. Particularly on shouts, and on 2 of its grand masters but i wont go into details on that here.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > TLDR:

    > > > > > If you want to hold the power role in your hands more often in a match necromancer is not the best class to look for that experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Spot on Dragon. If you're continually matched with those who know what's up it's a rough night.

    > > >

    > > > I disagree I think reaper is in a great spot at moment. But no1 but few know how to use them properly.

    > > >

    > >

    > > And i disagree with your statement. I think plenty of people know how to use reaper properly. Note no one you replied to above this said Reaper was in a bad spot.

    > >

    > > Infact im pretty sure i said reaper itself is in a good spot.. a great spot? no but a good spot yes.

    > > Great spots are limited to very few specs right now

    > > I consider pwoer chrono and mirage or mesmer in general , scrapper, holosmith, firebrand, hearld rev, and spellbreaker great spots. These classes run pvp right now.

    > > Weaver is possibly sitting borderline between good and great though its kind of a one trick pony and that personally bothers me.

    > > Scourge is sitting some where between good and great also.

    > > Reaper is good but not great its traits are fairly solid and its shroud and weapon skills are fine. Only a few traits need touching up at this point and maybe a few touch ups on shouts as well and reaper would be solid as far as that elite spec by itself goes.

    > >

    > > However the reason i will never consider reaper great is simply because that its weaknesses and issues will stem from core necromancers faults. Until core necro gets a proper touch up on those faults they will be there in every elite spec built on top of it. This is something thats been said time and time again.

    > >

    > > Does reaper need big heavy buffs? No probably not at this point

    > > But CORE! D:

    > >

    > >


    > Oh hahaha idk what this convo is I was probably to baked



    This is some good points tho. Does reaper need buff no I agree it’s fun to play and can hold its own enough to be useful. Butttt would love to see worm a instant cast for quicker kitting. but I reckon on core it could do with some buffs in ds maybe but don’t play it at all for years so can not tell u what ability’s but just watched valluns core nec video and seems good for low plat

  7. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > I think reaper is in nearly an ok spot to be honest. Rather it is in a ok spot but i could always see improvements on a few minor things. Although the power role you hold is not in your own hands if that makes any sense.

    > > > >

    > > > > In 5v5 matches the power role is held in the hands of your teammates and or the other teams coordination.

    > > > >

    > > > > If the other team leaves you alive you deal tons of damage and completely change the corse of a fight. Reaper on almost any build can ruin 2-5 people with a single well placed soul spiral or few auto swings. Reaper in itself its fairly strong even when lacking a defensive trait line like most professions run in pvp.

    > > > >

    > > > > That said if the other team knows how to focus fire you every time you show up as a reaper no matter how well you try to surprise play it you will feel very weak and very under powered because you pretty much wont get to play your part in a fight. You don't hold the power role to make plays.

    > > > >

    > > > > Necromancer has never had the power to full control its own potential in a team fight. It always felt based on the other teams coordination or your teams coordination to keep you alive in my opinion. I always know when decent people are queue together in matches because those 2 or 3 people will always be the ones who focus me no matter what point im attempting to play a part in and no matter how i play it. I can show up as late as i want to in a fight and no matter what they are doing their focus instantly switches to me. Most of the time how well i do is not based on my own skill completely but also based on the skill of those im matched against or those on my team.

    > > > >

    > > > > That said Necromancer still has issues (no good defensive line (death magic )) but reaper itself is in a solid spot and i dont think it needs many changes just a few. Particularly on shouts, and on 2 of its grand masters but i wont go into details on that here.

    > > > >

    > > > > TLDR:

    > > > > If you want to hold the power role in your hands more often in a match necromancer is not the best class to look for that experience.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Spot on Dragon. If you're continually matched with those who know what's up it's a rough night.

    > >

    > > I disagree I think reaper is in a great spot at moment. But no1 but few know how to use them properly.

    > >


    > And i disagree with your statement. I think plenty of people know how to use reaper properly. Note no one you replied to above this said Reaper was in a bad spot.


    > Infact im pretty sure i said reaper itself is in a good spot.. a great spot? no but a good spot yes.

    > Great spots are limited to very few specs right now

    > I consider pwoer chrono and mirage or mesmer in general , scrapper, holosmith, firebrand, hearld rev, and spellbreaker great spots. These classes run pvp right now.

    > Weaver is possibly sitting borderline between good and great though its kind of a one trick pony and that personally bothers me.

    > Scourge is sitting some where between good and great also.

    > Reaper is good but not great its traits are fairly solid and its shroud and weapon skills are fine. Only a few traits need touching up at this point and maybe a few touch ups on shouts as well and reaper would be solid as far as that elite spec by itself goes.


    > However the reason i will never consider reaper great is simply because that its weaknesses and issues will stem from core necromancers faults. Until core necro gets a proper touch up on those faults they will be there in every elite spec built on top of it. This is something thats been said time and time again.


    > Does reaper need big heavy buffs? No probably not at this point

    > But CORE! D:




    Oh hahaha idk what this convo is I was probably to baked


  8. > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > I think reaper is in nearly an ok spot to be honest. Rather it is in a ok spot but i could always see improvements on a few minor things. Although the power role you hold is not in your own hands if that makes any sense.

    > >

    > > In 5v5 matches the power role is held in the hands of your teammates and or the other teams coordination.

    > >

    > > If the other team leaves you alive you deal tons of damage and completely change the corse of a fight. Reaper on almost any build can ruin 2-5 people with a single well placed soul spiral or few auto swings. Reaper in itself its fairly strong even when lacking a defensive trait line like most professions run in pvp.

    > >

    > > That said if the other team knows how to focus fire you every time you show up as a reaper no matter how well you try to surprise play it you will feel very weak and very under powered because you pretty much wont get to play your part in a fight. You don't hold the power role to make plays.

    > >

    > > Necromancer has never had the power to full control its own potential in a team fight. It always felt based on the other teams coordination or your teams coordination to keep you alive in my opinion. I always know when decent people are queue together in matches because those 2 or 3 people will always be the ones who focus me no matter what point im attempting to play a part in and no matter how i play it. I can show up as late as i want to in a fight and no matter what they are doing their focus instantly switches to me. Most of the time how well i do is not based on my own skill completely but also based on the skill of those im matched against or those on my team.

    > >

    > > That said Necromancer still has issues (no good defensive line (death magic )) but reaper itself is in a solid spot and i dont think it needs many changes just a few. Particularly on shouts, and on 2 of its grand masters but i wont go into details on that here.

    > >

    > > TLDR:

    > > If you want to hold the power role in your hands more often in a match necromancer is not the best class to look for that experience.

    > >


    > Spot on Dragon. If you're continually matched with those who know what's up it's a rough night.


    I disagree I think reaper is in a great spot at moment. But no1 but few know how to use them properly.


  9. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > death match is definitely the best way to save pvp. 5v5 and 10v10. have ppl vote on how many ppl they want to vs just like map vote. make unranked death match and ranked conquest. gg ezpz.


    > Would love to see a 10v10 death match in a new map that was not Courtyard. Maybe something more akin to Obsidian Sanctum.

    CY was awesome defo my favourite map


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