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Posts posted by Gamble.4580

  1. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > This is what staff support ele feels like in pvp. Nice support but 0 effective dps

    > >

    > > No sound for first 6mins for some reason


    > The most perfect way to play staff sup in spvp. I usto play ele staff in spvp but i stopped when i realized that no matter how many times you might resurrect your teammates, they will still lose xd


    > I run exactly the same build as yours except i use magnetic shield over armor of earth. Great gameplay man.



    Thank you! Felt I done all right but game was close and both teams done well. Was streaming yesterday had some great games on this and reaper. Never make videos of games so was nice to post some check the necro part of u interested


  2. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > > - Necro (What can I say? Again, with my limited knowledge, it relies on the team enough. It got slapped with nerfs since scourge was WAY out of hand for too long. Reaper is balanced imo. Core necro is also balanced but the fear chaining..EHHHH, I'm on the fence about it. Big time. I won't say nerf the tests, but keep an eye on their corrupting is all)

    > >

    > > Here is where I disagree. Reaper is not balanced. its chill uptime and its destructive power is way too high. Coupled with quickness and it's just a monster. Reaper needs nerfs, and part of those nerfs lies in Axe 2 on necro and the reaper skills themselves, as well as the AoE ranged skill that can chill and take like half of your health down in one proc. Definitely not balanced at all.


    > Chill uptime from Reaper is actually pretty low. Even more so with all the condi clear in the game. The only class that really should notice issues from reapers chill are other necormancers and elementalist. Everything else is hardly effected. I dont even depend on chill in pvp anymore because its so minimal. A scourges cripplel was far more effective than a reapers chill but if you think it needs nerfs by all means take it... i really dont hinge on it lol i dont think most reapers do anymore.


    > The destructive power is quite high? But on that note every other class hits equally as hard if not harder and faster. Some classses being able to do it with much more mobility at range and hard defenses and better sustain. But if you protest that Reapers power is too high then ill agree its too high so long as we can agree and understand that this means everyone else's destructive power is also too high if not even higher meaning everyone needs to have their power lowered by the same amount if not more.


    > Necromancers axe 2 does quite rather hard if you allow it to scratch you for its full duration that said its the only ranged power weapon if not the only main viable power weapon for necromancer. Considering the great sword is extremely slow and hits modestly hard but certainly not as hard as say a warriors greatsword or a rangers greatsword or has the defensive or mobile utility of either of those yeh... That said if you think the axe 2 is the issue then we must protest that all power weapons in the games need to have their main quick bursting skills reduced down quite a bit. Especially on the power weapons that offer alot more utility along side that damage.


    > In terms of the quickness i agree that needs to go that said base reaper shroud cannot stay as slow as it is at its base. Its pretty rough when you have limited mobility and have to walk into melee range only to not be able to complete even your basic auto attack in time to do damage before you take too much damage or the target retreats away. Thats not acceptable. I honestly believe the quickness was not meant to be a long term solution to fixing power reaper's shroud. The proper adjustment should have just been to sped up the shroud by a fair amount (just not to quickness levels)


    > Lastly.... I want to know what this ranged aoe skill is that applies chill and takes half of your hp in one proc so i can start using it. As some one who plays reaper alot could really use a skill like that till these changes came in.


    > If you are going to point out one of the lower end elites and or professions especially when it comes to terms of power damage and say its too strong when there are much more destructive power builds out there thats saying alot.



    His talking about pealmancer. It plus with staff it’s very strong anti roamer build


  3. Unranked and go invisible cus the tryhards and trolls are there to. Play none stop and use voice comes to share information till u can stand on your own feet. When u start pvp stay with team as they will support u and mark for u and when u get better with understanding rp and match ups u can do your own thing on map to change the tide of the game. And always remember at the start of the game winning the team fight is much more important than the caps. Once u win u want to focus on rotating to defend the caps. And always watch for the bulk fights as w/e wins those can snowball rest of map.

  4. I agree with the above. A necros role if u want to get out of gold is to secure them kills more than getting the kills. I normally get no top starts cus I don’t bunker down in any role. But at same time I am kiteing 2 people/ pealing for a team mate and corrupting and saveing my bursts for the teams tagged target. Your brain is none stop at 100 but I feel like that role is needed and important. Although I would agree a rng does it better and so does a holo and rev. But reaper has what they don’t and that’s more useful pealing skills. I feel like that person that holds the map control together and at same time can be the reason we loosing if I can not kite the focus in a way I am still invold in the fight.


    One of the best changes they could make to necro is a relook at worm. It should be a instant cast or a tele to a point that leaves a worm u can re tele to. If u want a more in face reaper u want to watch someone like mijo as he focuses for on the team fights.

    I hate the role but I probly could make a solid build for u if u /w me in game

  5. You want to start playing the anti roamer role and keep warm and sw as u want to be very mobile and try to be in every fight. And use staff over gs. Gs is awesome for downed Rez cleave but that’s only 15% of a game but staff is very very useful for 75% crap for cleave tho.

  6. Yeah pvp is really fun. Great combat easy to learn conquest and most ques pop under 5 mins. Can level up though it and can also make cash. Also many builds u can use and play also meta builds if u fancy more RP. Pvp is amazing. The matchmaker is not. But don’t worry so much about it. Only the kids do.

  7. #1. me

    #2. Me again cus I am like a angel and play like there is 2 people making game 6v5

    #3. I see some guy once peal for me after I pealed for them and he showed signs of not being a ego warrior but a true team pvper! U have made my list guy who’s name I forgot.

    #4 vallun cus the man never brakes and his stream replaces my Netflix and chill.

    #5. I see a bit once who could not be finished when down or a bug. That guy died on his capped point but held it for long enough due to not being able to cleave and it won us the game. He was the real MVP of that game.

    #6 girlwars cus sees kinda h.. and at same time so is roxas so his best thf

    #7 defo Mohamed Lee

    #8 milk/bread/coffee

    #9 to visit New York at Xmas and dress as Santa takeing hand outs. I think u make allot of money

    #10 anyone who is a hipster by saying pvp is dead and can’t admit it’s not and still is really really fun. We just salty there is no esl as most kids don’t play for fun they play to earn or will move to a game that they can cash cow. The future of gaming is not to enjoy the game for what it is but to earn cash from it and moan for what’s not there. So my number 10 is Defo the guy I see the other day who looked to be enjoying him self. I will never forget that guy.


  8. I would agree to the cd to ds only if they put it in a trait line like blood there for if taken changes your style/role in the game, it would make reapers who take it more of a peal/ support role and less nuke. Core strong but annoying point fighter and would need a 1vX to take it out. But at same time not highly impactful in the other roles to a pvp game. And would be welcomed by scourge.

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