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Posts posted by Gamble.4580

  1. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > We already had this situation before.. Solo+DuoQ and everybody was whining about DuoQ being broken, Anet then removed duoQ and everybody was like "bRiNg BaCk dUoQ!1! Q_Q" and now we have it again and everybody's again "dUoQ Is BrOkEn"...

    > get the kitten over it and play duo yourself if you think it's soooooo busted..

    > Unless we get a full team only queue or a good equivalent (like maybe on demand AT or something) the game mode will always be a clown and coinflip meme fiesta anyway.


    > Also.. who cares if the current top players were not top players 2 years ago.. they are undeniably now so I don't see the point flaming them.. Especially since they had a lot of time to improve since ESL while the former top players who quit don't have a clue about current GW2 sPvP so arguably the current top players would still be top players even if former top players would return. At least for a while (if those former top players would reach their skill level again at all).



    It’s the same with the mid level players now. Some will stick to pvp and get better and be the next top players next year. People watch top players stream, take on board the exp from that and their own games and improve with each season. I was shite last year, okish this year and probably better next.


  2. > @"Gainsby.4609" said:

    > I have been playing guild wars 2 for 2 years now (probably more) I only have one character. A Reaper. I've only really done ranked PVP and unranked led during off seasons, and only recently have jumped into story content and wvw. But this is about Ranked PVP as a Reaper.


    > I have tried absolutely everything, every build imaginable, every combination of weapons. I got lucky once into platinum tier during placement, but I always usually end the season in silver 3 - Gold 2 and am no stranger to 10+ losing streaks. There are 3 main problems. Movement, survivability, and stability. With a 4th problem of no counter to invisibility. Blocking projectiles with noxious poison cloud does help, but the skill itself doesnt do much else taking up a spot for probably better skills just to stay alive against rangers and deadeyes who like to attack from a distance.


    > My build, along with noxious poison cloud is Spectral grasp for pull, well of power for might, stunbreak, and a measly second of stability, and chilled to the bone for 10s of stability which can be stripped anyways. Death magic, soul reaping. And reaper. Vitality and movement, and stun break 3s stability while in shroud. There are matches where I still get tossed around like a ragdoll. And changing or removing any of these makes the eing tossing around even worse.


    > It's so frustrating playing this games ranked pvp as a reaper. Because I often rack my brain thinking it's my fault for losing, start going through different build ideas, only to lose more and eventually realize that it's the Reaper itself and the team I am randomly stuck with. Ultimately losing hope in trying to get to platinum or ever reaching diamond is just never even a thought. Do it for the gold and have fun... well at least theres the gold. I will say that if we're going to be stuck with random teams, if 1 or 2 is afk and 1 or 2 more are new and randomly running around, at least let us survive a battle solo against 5. If I see 3, 4, or 5 opposing team members coming at me and none of my team is around I know I am dead but I still try and feel like an idiot for even doing so. Can this ever be changed? Reaper would be too OP then right? Can any class solo beat 5 enemy players? I dont want to change Reaper, I want to love it and it's a really awesome class and I want to enjoy it. But I also want a fighting chance in ranked pvp. In my first year I was banned once for cursing too much. After learning ing to play nice, I realized that maybe this isnt the game for me and searched for other pvp games, even tried eve online e which wasn't bad but the time another player spends in the game simply gives them the winning advantage and there is no skill WHEN up against so.eone who has played for a year or more and u been at it for a few months.


    > Long story short, Reaper can be fixed. It can be made a little better by giving us some skills and abilities that help us stay alive instead of die and give us at least some hope of making it to the top instead of mo hope and just giving up and playing just for "fun" and the gold coins. I feel forced to play a new class, find a different game, or pve storyline which I am trying to make that last as long as possible because that's at least fun and new.


    > Remember, the problems are Stability. Survivability. And movement. U may think the shroud gives us more survivability but I can assure you, it doesn't. Some are full of fear of the Reaper but don't be. Playing as a reaper, I only see people afraid of Scourges. Which I feel forced to play also. Thank you for hearing my rant. Hopefully some changes can be made with this class.


    Hey I have watched your videos for ast 2 months as I always check YouTube out see if anyone finds new tricks or w/e with reaper.

    Firstly you seem to by your videos want a team on point fighting role instead of anti roamer.

    That’s fine but you have the wrong build for it.

    I main reaper to, I do ok on it but I only play gw2 when I am stoned so sometimes I can play plat level other time gold lol but it’s defo a plat class for ranked. AT not really but ranked defo.

    If u ever want to duo or play some unranked I defo happy to play with u buddy as u seem like a fun guy to chat to lol.

    I am on Na but play eu time as I am from and live in UK. Hit me up anytime bro!!

    I prob not best person to ask but I can give u some builds if u like.

    Never switch builds myself as found one I like and went yeah this isnthe play style for me. but don’t do that... I really don’t care about the rating and that’s the first step to improve bro.

    Reaper is a great and fun class to play and stick to it but u first need to find a play style u like on it then make a build for that and just practice and play.

    /w me my reapers name is Gambal. Me be a fan so invite me lol always wanted to duo reaper but other reapers don’t like me and never accept a duo. :(



  3. > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > Staff tempest is good for gold


    > Vallun runs Staff INSTA-ZDJZBDJZNZ-REZ Geyzer support in Plat.

    Vallun is a plat if not tagged but legend player so yes anything he plays will be plat level. Gold level and plat level means where is it op/ strong. Staff ele is op gold as gold level will allow it to be played to a high effective level the same with reaper.

    They have a place in plat and high plat but it will come down to the player as staff ele is ez to kill and to many windows to kill it (unlike support fb) Ofc if u master it and know other builds u can take it anywhere. And val does not main staff ele nore is it a ele build he plays most when he plays he rp ele.

    But I am interested to see where it can land next season so I might main troll it as support and see if it can get high plat or be soo understood that he get hard counter out of plat. Just look at Rez all plat players already understand ele Rez is effective so they are Rdy for it and apart from the effective aoe cc and healing the Rez was what make it good. If they nurf just that to the water staff support will be bye bye.


    > @"CallousEye.5018" said:

    > I was trying something pretty close to : https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Staff_Support


    > I found I was very fragile to power damage, is there any solution for this?


    Staff ele support is played different to fb support.

    Fb u want to be in the fights toe to toe. Staff support is like a DE u are not noticed at the back out of rng as u are placements. U stand in no tele spots to lay down your support.

    Also as a ele support u are the peal. Fb will focus on the think fights on points you are the romer / anti romer support u are the guy like a rev / dh trying to be in every fight. It’s your job to support the side noder and you roam support never sitting steal. As a fb will be picky in where they are and will always want to be in the thinker fights

    Support ele never wants to sit still and be involved everywhere on the map. Pop far give your 1v1 a 5 sec attention full heal peal leave go mid for the 3v3 Rez heal place some cc leave go close make that 1v1 a quick 2v1 cc heal get them off node leave go where ever u can be effective not noticed but annoying. U may not get to stats but you should mostly be getting top healing and top Rez.


  4. I never got that! pvp is by far gw2 best game mode and they do soo little. It’s like they are not aware how good their combat system is.

    Omg this game could be sooo good! When they shut shop I would love to buy rights to their pvp and just build a game really around it.

    Would have no pve no loot drops or cold. Many different pvp modes and many different LB for different things. All teams for looks can only be gained from TP and u can buy gems with real money and u get gems as a reward for pvp

  5. Ele.

    Cus I high all time the fights feel like matrix.. I be like u dead boy then boom hp go up full then they say to me now u dead boy! Boom I am dead oh idk.. idk how ele works.. I should stop fighting them.

    I like fighting holos cus same u dead boy then I dead.. then I try again.

    I like fighting mes to cus I wait for them and show my back then they all set up come up to me like a tiger and BOoM I dodge.. and just move to a silly out of line of sight spot but still fighting what I was fighting and mes whistles away for 1min to retry that. And if they condi I just go I will deal with u later why I fight the dps and others then I will play with u maybe.

  6. *Silently reading above and learning*

    Been playing staff support in spvp offseason and it’s really fun as long as 2 cc melee don’t lock on u for to long. Water is really good and the support is amazing butttt no1 stands in my placements so mist heal is bae lol. If I could give out stab like fb I would say it was plat tier but it’s op gold tier if u play it well maybe p1

  7. > @"Kamskill.9457" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > > also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games.

    > >

    > > Matchmaking uses the higher duo's rating when placing them in matches.

    > >

    > > For example, a legend and bronze que together. Matchmaking will use the legend's rating.


    > Is it true tho ? I queued with a low gold friend as a p2 player and the games really felt lower rated.


    Well it would if u a p2 player and have a gold on your team. Has half your team will be gold anyways both sides so u just got a extra one lol

  8. Idk why but I feel Na players get a much higher ping playing on Eu than I do being Eu playing on Na. I know a few on Na from Eu and we all get around 100-120 some less and it’s not always perfect but don’t notice the difference around 99% of the time. But when I was on Eu most Na players I met had ping of 130-200

  9. There will be a third big expansion before they start gw3 and that’s if they do stay making mmos. And gw3 would be set in the far future so they can go all Tec would be awesome in pvp and the tec awakes some old gods and what not. And thfs can have gunblades!!! Wattttt!

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