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Posts posted by Gamble.4580

  1. Hi I am from UK and currently playing on NA. I only play pvp don’t touch wvw or pve and probably never will so always stops me from joining most guilds.

    Looking for a pvp guild or guild that is small in number but does pvp. Don’t want to be the only Eu member as I pref Eu banter.

    Char name I main is Gambal if I don’t reply on her please feel free to message me

  2. > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > if scourge gets nerfed then reaper will benefit from it, no need for buffs (although im not opposed to mobility changes, definitely no damage buffs pls).

    > other classes will and should probably get toned down first though.


    I agree but also hope they don’t nurf scourge. It’s in a good place and keeps fb in the game.



  3. > @"mijitoboy.4208" said:

    > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > >

    > > He only played reaper? I bet gold he switched to scourge. On many games. And to be fare if I switched classes I could do it. And ofc I know that’s what u should be doing as it’s a team game with class counter. But this op is about changes for a class to be legendary and not best way to reach legendary > @"youle.5824" said:

    > > > Legend on reaper can be done, mijo reached it this season.

    > >

    > >


    > I reached legend with scourge mid season then threw back to plat 2.


    > After that I played only reaper and got legend with it.


    > Dont think about changes, try to adapt to the game as it is. A lot of necro mains keep complaining here like it would change anything.


    I watch you play so I know u a better necro player and player so glad to hear u reached leg on it as I am struggling myself with plat 2. It mainly comes down to solo and match makeing but on other classes I have always fight myself out of it.

    What did u think about worm instant cast tho as feel I waste half game presetting up and not needing or Intrupt on cast is triggering lol if they just made it instant cast. It would change soo many tides I have had where the play would of turned game around


    He only played reaper? I bet gold he switched to scourge. On many games. And to be fare if I switched classes I could do it. And ofc I know that’s what u should be doing as it’s a team game with class counter. But this op is about changes for a class to be legendary and not best way to reach legendary > @"youle.5824" said:

    > Legend on reaper can be done, mijo reached it this season.



  5. I main reaper and I am probably at the best I am going to get.

    I have been leg many times before, on thf war eng. But reaper can only get me so far. I mainly solo que and always will, but always have been and have got leg more times than not but I played thf war eng on these times so the classes got me there, with my skill ofc.


    Changes I feel would get me from a t2 reaper to a t3 reapers are

    Staff 1 dps up 25% and worm instant cast.

    This is what I really feel would be game changing. Main reapers will get it.

    And to move from t3 plat to leg I would need the above + a 2 sec heal evade or block, on reapers heal.

    Yes the heal seems op lol but this is changes I feel for the class reaper to be able to put u in leg if u are at a good skill

    Level with the class.


    Anyone feel me on this or have a counter change/ troll or ideas?

  6. > @"VALARMORGHULIS.9173" said:

    > you are literally zoning in on particulars with your evidence. You're talking about specific instances that NO scourge puts themselves in at the highest level. You think Reckless or I are just going to run out into the open and blow two dodges and our trail of anguishes willingly? hell no.


    > There was a game today in plat 2 where I was on courses scourge on Capricorn and MY ENTIRE team wiped mid besides myself. I proceeded to go to the jump puzzle at the top ledge by spawn leading out right before to mid and I ran 2 laps around that with a reaper AND a scourge chasing me. I killed BOTH of them 1v2 in the time it took my team to respawn.


    > You can run speed runes but guess what; against a good scg you have 0 swiftness (which speed runes rely on).


    > Power reaper became most viable when air and fire sigils were in the game. Since their removal, power reaper has been subpar to the evolution of actual necro metas.


    > I will gladly take you into an arena tomorrow and 1v1 you. I'll even let you build your life force to full. anything to help the community. It's really a pain to run into a reaper in ranked solo q and gape them in 10s on scourge while im sitting at 1690 rating and then get the reaper on my team next game and then have to try and carry them. The community needs to be purged of these false notions of what is good and what isn't.


    Off topic but asking cus you seem to have a good idea around this seasons meta.

    What would u say is a good duo class build with a reaper? Please don’t say fb as I don’t sit still.

    Asking for a friend >.>

  7. > @"VALARMORGHULIS.9173" said:

    > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:


    > > It is laughably easy to kill scourge with reaper: CC until they trail of anguish, corrupt it, continue to CC and drop them.


    > lmao. What are you gonna cc me with? all of my dmg is ranged.. I can just los and out kyte. You rely on might with reaper and scg runs a hell of a lot more corruptions than reaper does. you will never get a gs 5 pull on me, and if you're running gs over staff on reaper then you my friend have the wrong idea on how to play reaper. I literally dumpster anyone on reaper. Why do you think nobody plays reaper in daily AT or the MaT. They get absolutely trained by scourges and are so hard to sustain. by the time I use trail of anguish, you're already dead.


    > Reaper dies to scourge 10/10 for several reasons.

    > 1. scg is ranged dmg and anyone who understands this will have correct positioning, kyting, and counter pressure capabilities that any reaper cannot deal with. (scg also has a few skills that don't require line of sight aka all the shade skills, torch 5, and staff 1-5.

    > 2. scg has more consistent and hard hitting corrupts since it is condi.

    > 3. scg has more condi clear than reaper. I wouldn't even use ToA, I would just pop spectral walk and run away/juke/clear the chill --btw another reason that comes to mind with this is the more consistent mobility. Especially in regards to scg keeping permanent cripple on a reaper.

    > 4. reaper is dead out of shroud to scg and even more dead when it goes into shroud. you're stability in shroud is literally a hazard against any intelligent scg.

    > 5. shroud 5 is easy to dodge even if you get close enough.

    > 6. chill to the bone elite is easy to dodge.




    I agree with u in if u play gs over staff in pvp then u ain’t uptodate with reapers role in spvp and how it’s best played.

    Scourge can counter reaper in a 1v1 but it’s not reapers hard counter. If I have all my cds and so does scourge at start of the 1v1 I can and at most attempts win the 1v1 but saying that i avoid 1v1s with scourges cus the risk is to high unless it’s needed for the game. Or ofc my ego kicks in

  8. I agree necro has two good tele if used right but they are still underpowered even tho I agree holts is great with them. The work needs to be casted and can be killed I kill them on sight and walk can be seen so I lay shit on starting point in wait.. work should be instant cast or walk invis with line as we have no blocks or evades. But with right comp and time to think necro can be op with placements but holts plays gs over staff just disappoints me as he would be aoooo much stronger with staff :P

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