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Posts posted by Gamble.4580

  1. U 100% should be useing staff on reaper not gs ffs... I am sure people do not know when to push on reaper and when not to and what it’s role is and when to be that role... makes no sense to have gs over staff at all for reaper. Staff is for kitting and team play and your ds is for your combo burst.. gs is for what?!? face tank dps ??? Them days are done. U need to be kite spikeing then timeing when to point bomb or single target combo burst . Don’t play gs play staff if u don’t like it it’s because u are not playing necro right and getting the most out of your class for your team. When u get better at spvp on necro and a better player u will very quickly relize how good a/W - staff on reaper is and only play it for solo and duo que.

  2. Guys stop careing about leaderboards and placements.. you know why the top have 100wins and say 6 losses?? Well let me tell u.

    First duo with friend, friend plays his alt account u take in turns 1 hr of games on main account. If it’s a loss alt friend d/c u loss nothing. That’s how they stay high and that’s what u do sadly to keep high. As for the 6 losses meh I don’t get that it’s impossible u can be amazing and carry but there’s so many players as good as them so it comes down to when u que and playing the least games I.e loss a game stop right there as u fucked for rest of day.

  3. This list is void at mo. Cus on the bug on rankings it’s said since plancements I am 1510 100/100 games and has not changed I am actually 1730 with 112 games total even tho reported once a week it’s still not fixed and I know one other with this bug so means there is many more with it... was ranked 7 for a few days 2 on na but would not show on score board just said 100/100 1510 and it don’t look like it’s going to be fixed any time soon as been over a month.. if I get points for a rank one spot can not wait to screen shot it to burst some bubbles

  4. Lots of boards about nerf this or nerf that because of cc chains.. but maybe change stunbrake if u brake stun u are immune for 1 second or some shit so it adds skill to the combo I.e get stunned by war u instant stunbrake and in your immune u can dodge... the window should be short but it’s better than say being instant killed with a cc chain because u had no stunbrake a left but full hp.. idk it’s just a thought.. for me it will make combos a higher skill bar stop crying cus u have short window to counter cc chains if u learn how

  5. Hello I have just moved to na servers and have dicided to make a guild [òò]

    Let me tell you about myself, I am British and live in UK. Due to working time I play late so moved to na for more active game play. I only spvp and have only been doing pvp only for a few years and don’t plan to do pve.

    I do not want to make a big guild but a small guild with up to 20members, and it would be better if they was like minded and focused pvp.

    Don’t want a guild with members who don’t rep as makes guild look unimportant so please only message and join if u are like me and are on own and want very like minded guild. Have voice coms ready.

    Only me in guild so far so won’t /m recruit as noone wants to join a new or empty guild. Happy to take eu Alts as was on on na myself why I trial the server. Want pve exp players but if noob to pvp happy to take you if it’s your ur clear focus fOr future

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