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Posts posted by Gamble.4580

  1. All you need to do is do what I do.

    Get high.

    When u baked pvp is next level fun. Fights feel like the matrix. U never salty on a loss. And u more open to chat and have a laugh. Makes u allot of friends. Also makes u more dareing and with it with map awareness and team awareness.

    + I just /w top players and ask for them to carry me and 9times out of ten if u seem like a nice guy they accept lmao.

  2. I am normally plat some times t1mostly t3 leg 3 times plat 3 but dropped to p2. I started this season silver. Lost 7/10 in placements but still got placed in games that where plat. So it’s possible to have a silver as I was and took a week to climb back into plat 1 was p2 yesterday then 10 loss back to top end of gold. With this in hand I thought if silver I would face people at a close rank but without the pop being in question I think game kinda knows your skill level with allot more factors that badge.

  3. > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

    > I can't believe people are still complaining about mesmers. Mes have been the most nerfed class of them all. Some specs are not even viable in sPvP any more. Power chrono is a joke compared to other elites. The devs have even nerfed several core traits to uselessness which has affected all builds. Mirage literally revolves around two skills now, that's it! I seen core burn guards, warr, thieves and hold there own against elite specs, where core mes is a liability in PvP only fit for open world PvE. Seriously I think the problem some people have with Mes is they just can't distinguish the player from clones, which is what the whole base core mechanic of the class is about since the start of gw2. So what I think some people are really saying is that they won't be happy until the whole class is deleted.


    You hit the nail on its head with this comment.

    I feel mes is fine don’t bother me on any class as op but I can understand how new players would react to them. Maybe delete all clones and make mes have just auto attack? But some may still get kills vs new players so maybe nurf it’s dps by 50% also and see how it goes from there.



  4. > @"yanniell.1236" said:

    > > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

    > > > @"phalaris.5134" said:

    > > > I never commented in sPvP topics as I can see barely anything will change but I have to agree here and kindly ask how we get grouped against top ranks? I am low gold and faced in last match Naru and Xtrverz and we got badly owned as expected and to be honest I knew the minute we started and seen the names. I don't want to blame solely the low population but that was beyond laughable.

    > >

    > > If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.

    > > The duoQ makes things even worst.


    > Without the duoQ, Naru wouldnt even be trying. If he cannot abuse the system by duo + playing off hours, he won't even try.


    That’s abit salty. The guys playing with the chips delt. If you want that title this is how you play... u duo and u find the best time. Although I see Naru in games ranked and Unranked and his defo top S player so maybe getting rank one fits?



  5. Here’s an idea but probably won’t work due to it being more to luck match makeing.

    They do a AT but u can only solo que it and it matches u same as ranked. With lesser rewards but plush ones.

    Because who ever I get matched with we can choose to

    Go on coms and try to win. This idea but better detailed lol

    For anyone who remembers old pvp ranked this kind of style would be cool.


  6. Gw2 forums be like we need safe spaces!!

    It’s come down to them drilling at people now for times they play?? Hahaha

    U guys are getting desperate now lmao.

    people can play at what ever time they like and I think people forget it might be Na but worlds bIg with many different time zones.

    And if it’s for more easy games and leaderboard reasons then let them do them if that’s the pvp they like to play. Love how everyone likes to judge others now and get involved. Acting like gw2 is life boys..

    Gw2 is bae not life.

  7. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > It's not a video but here you go. I regret not recording this one. You should have seen what I had to do for this to happen, lol.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/hLL2RRY.jpg "")


    Always happy to see u in a game Barbie on your Druid!! U used to play thf to right same time I played thf around a year + ago?? My thf was uzumi but I retire it as I got to peak and was abit op for me?? Might be fun the get this out again as they ain’t as op but a good thf can be even more impactful now.




    > @"Grimjack.8130" said:

    > Was duoing with Roy and I got this gem, was pretty good. If it doesn't look impressive, its not that hard to do, but watch the animation of the stomp, it was really close to going through. https://clips.twitch.tv/ToughWealthyMushroomSmoocherZ


    > https://clips.twitch.tv/MoralElegantSalamanderVoteNay 1v3 too I guess, we still lost this game too, rough.


    Love getting grim on my team cus I can leave him be on what ever outerpoint his on and use his 1v++ to gain map control else where. But I always jump on right away if I see on my reaper and give no time to breave because of play like them videos lol


  8. Forums are a drip and salty at mo as it’s new season..

    Anyone got any SHORT clips of carried plays?

    (Plays like a bait kill with decap or a 1v3, or even at a loss then your rotation gives u snowball map control.)

    Maybe people can rate them from S tier carry to D.

    I have none I don’t record.

    *Gets popcorn ready

  9. It’s always been shit. And people will come and try to explain things and how it works and the math behind it and we be looking at the screen on -20 from. 500-0 game and be like “Fcuk this shiz bro”... the points makes no sense....

    Just once you think u are understanding it u get smacked with decays that make no sense but a push out

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