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Just a flesh wound.3589

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Posts posted by Just a flesh wound.3589

  1. Are you asking to have servers with no wardrobe, characters have their own money, no dailies, no mounts, no access to items on the trading post from after launch, such as cosmetic backpacks. No fractals, no ascended gear, no new Legendaries, and have to do map completion of WvW to get original legendaries? (Plus more changes in the years since launch). Because if that’s it there’s no way they’re going to do all the work necessary to make that work for existing accounts.

  2. Here’s something that Mike O’Brien said on a reddit post about gemstore prices and generating sufficient revenue to keep the game going.


    >[Mike O'Brien's Response to the 2,000 Gem Store Mount Skin Prices](


    >....... Mount skins are style items, and style items have some unique challenges. They’re subject to individual taste, so except for the very flashiest items, individual style items will have limited sales. Also, GW2 isn’t setup to support an enjoyable experience of browsing through a large catalog of style items, so players tend not to do that. What our data shows is that higher-priced flashy individual items can work, and lower-average-price-per-item bundles can work, but lower-priced individual items generally don’t generate meaningful revenue to support the game. And the whole point of these items is to support the game.


    >GW2 is a content-rich online world with no monthly fee, so it’s a great overall value, with microtransactions doing the heavy lifting of funding continued development of the game. It shouldn’t also be our goal to have the lowest-priced microtransactions. In that case, the only logical outcome would be that we could afford to make less content than other developers, and I think that’s not what any of us are looking for. ....

  3. This map badly needs better scaling for small groups.


    It is very long which is one problem but a bigger problem imo is you can’t easily get a new map going unless you already have a large number of players also trying. I’ve tried to start a new map with a couple others and the events (taking the fortified areas) fail. The mobs respawn so fast, they are so hard to kill, the events last several minutes (too long imo) and then players start dying and they waypoint out and give up. The way it is now you’ll appear at a completely red map and everyone is standing at the home base checking the LFG and not even trying to start on the map they’re on. It needs way better scaling that allows a few people to start the map going which encourages the others on the home base to join in when they see that this map has a chance.

  4. I didn’t buy it either and I buy most of the exclusive skins. My problem with it is the same as mentioned above by others, it is too vanilla for the price. It looks too closely like a regular raptor with a different head and some big spikes added. I agree that it looks like a raptor that belongs in a value pack with other mounts. For 2000-1600 gems I want a mount that’s different enough to stand out a bit.

  5. World of Warcraft has something very similar that was added relatively recently. They have PvE only maps and they added opt in maps with PvP where people can enter or leave a PvP map when they are in a city.


    So what happened with this system. Well last I heard, it failed. People who are PvE didn’t join go to the PvP maps. People who like PvP stopped going if their faction was outnumbered. What they ended up with was PvP maps that were PvP in name only as they were only populated by players of one faction.


    If the maps in gw2 are 2 factions (WvW and PvE) then the same thing would happen. PvE players would either not opt in because they’re not interested or they would stop opting in because they are outnumbered and being outnumbered isn’t fun. Either way the same result. After an initial trial period the game ends up with maps that are PvP in name only, and a waste of Dev time and money to add to the game.

  6. No, because that’s not a deciding factor for buying an outfit as I frequently go helmless on my chars. At most it would let me use an outfit on the few chars where the helm is important, such as my Norn necro with the [facial tattoo helm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Demon_Masque_Norn.jpg ) from character creation.


    However if it was available it would be a big improvement for outfits and I would certainly use it.

  7. I don’t know about other people but I can’t actively play the game and type at the same time. If I say (type) anything in map chat I have to completely stop what I’m doing and I need to be in a spot where I’m not going to agro mobs. This means I’m not likely to say anything unless I’m on a city map or I’m sitting around waiting for an event to start.

  8. I found the story interesting enough but the masteries are not worth the bother. I’m doing them but just as something to do and to see my mastery numbers go up. /shrug.


    As said above, the masteries take too long to charge up and then after they’re charged they pop up randomly and there’s no guarantee that they can be used on the mob you’re fighting. In addition they replace the Waystation special action. Which means they can replace something useful with something useless. Very poor design. They should take less time to charge up and you should be able to choose which one appears on your special action bar and when.

  9. > @"WolfHeart.1256" said:

    > I'm not gonna say they are not, because I don't know...but they are definitely not defined as mounts in the game. They fall under novelties and there is a separate drop-down for them **under** the Mounts list. Moreso, you can't move while sat in a chair.


    > But chairs aside... if they fix the transformations I'd still be happy, so I wouldn't have to keep creating tonics when I can just use my novelty transformation.


    1) You can move around (slowly) with the [inquest Overseer Chair](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Inquest_Overseer_Chair)


    2) The game’s engine sees mounts as “non stationary chairs”

    [Game Update Notes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2018-03-27) : “riding mounts (referred to in the engine code as "nonstationary chairs")“

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